Don't Go Against My Mommy

C452 We're Just Putting on a Show

C452 We're Just Putting on a Show

The two of them walked side by side in the garden. The garden was full of flowers, the branches were lush, and spring had arrived. There were still many flowers wrapped in flower buds, and it looked like they were about to bloom intensely.    


Soong Ze told Qin Fei about his miraculous encounter as he walked. It was these experiences that had slightly changed Soong Ze's character. In the past, Soong Ze wasn't the real Soong Ze. He was just the Soong Ze who had to restrain himself under the pressure of hatred. He had always lived a serious life. He needed a little bit of an attitude in the world of games.    


Qin Fei listened very seriously to Soong Ze's narration. She felt that the person he met was really an amazing person. She had also told Soong Ze these things before, but it was useless. But this person could change the things that were deeply rooted in his character in a short period of time.    


Qin Fei really envied Soong Ze's experiences. He had already opened up the knot in his heart. What about her? Instead, she fell into another quagmire, making it difficult for her to extricate herself. She felt that her life was a mess, and she often thought about how crazy she was. She looked down on herself.    


Lin Yuelin had been busy with one dinner after another. In the past, nothing mattered as long as he could see Qin Fei. Now that he could not see Qin Fei, he could only rely on this to pass the time and dispel the emptiness and loneliness in his heart.    


At this dinner, Soong Ze did not expect to see Qinghuan.    


At the dinner, the two did not say a word. They just smiled at each other when they clinked glasses. The dinner was over. Lin Yuelin was already a little drunk, so he could not drive, so he asked the driver to pick him up.    


Qinghuan had not seen Lin Yuelin for a long time. Of course, there was still a lot of news about him and Qin Fei.    


"Director Lin, long time no see. How are you?" Qinghuan asked.    


But in Lin Yuelin's ears, it was exceptionally ironic.    


Lin Yuelin lightly called her name, as if he was recalling this person's appearance, "Qinghuan."    


Finally, he remembered this name.    


"Director Lin, I think you are a little drunk. Let me drive you back." Qinghuan did not drink too much because she was a girl. Now that she saw Lin Yuelin waiting for his driver, she thought she could give him a ride.    


Lin Yuelin was very lonely now. He needed someone to accompany him. He did not need to talk. He just needed to quietly stay by his side and not let him feel that he was alone.    


So he did not reject Qinghuan's request.    


Qinghuan was seriously looking at the road situation, but Lin Yuelin was looking at Qinghuan's side and was seriously in a daze. In the past, he always felt that only women would do such a thing. After all, it was such a waste of time, but during this period of time, he was always lost in his own thoughts.    


Lin Yuelin was drunk now. It seemed that everyone was Qin Fei's face.    


"Director Lin, have you been well recently?" She knew that something had happened to the Lin family recently. She had been very worried about him.    


Although Lin Yuelin was heartless to her, she still had this man in her heart.    


Lin Yuelin did not answer her directly. Instead, he said coldly, "Let's go to the bar. I'll treat you to a drink."    


Lin Yuelin was not completely drunk yet, so when he thought of Qin Fei, his heart would still hurt. He wanted to use alcohol to numb himself. As long as he did not think about Qin Fei, he would not be so sad.    


At the dinner, she saw Lin Yuelin drinking his wine all the time. Now he was drunk and still wanted to drink. It seemed that he had not been living well recently.    


"You are drunk now. If you drink again, you will die." Qinghuan still could not watch him ruin her body. This man used to be like this, but now he was still like this. Did Qin Fei not care about him?    


"If you do not accompany me, then stop the car. I know which bar is the best." It was just out of anger. After he was with Qin Fei, he had not been to any bar. Now, he did not even know where the door of the bar was opened.    


"Where do you want to go for a drink?" Qinghuan knew how stubborn this man was. Instead of letting him drink alone, she might as well accompany him and take care of him.    


"Your home." Lin Yuelin felt that the newspaper that he understood might need some explosive news. Otherwise, Qin Fei would not give up.    


Soong Ze said that Qin Fei had been waiting for him to pick her up during this period of time. She had not been willing to leave with him to go to England. If she had seen this news, she would probably have left.    


He did not want to make Qin Fei sad, but he had to.    


When he returned to Qinghuan's apartment, Lin Yuelin started drinking. He mixed all kinds of alcohol together. He was a master of drinking, but now he could not tell what he was drinking.    


Qinghuan could not bear to see Lin Yuelin torture her like this. After all, he was the man she loved deeply. Even if she broke up with him later, she would still think that he was good to her at that time.    


Lin Yuelin's hand slipped and the glass fell to the ground. It broke into pieces with a bang. So he went to find a cigar to smoke. The cigar was originally kept by Qinghuan to look good. But it seemed that this time, it would be ruined by this drunken madman again.    


"Yuelin, you can't touch this. This is something that I have been keeping for a long time. You don't deserve it." In the past, Qinghuan did not dare to shout at Lin Yuelin, but this time she also drank a little bit with Lin Yuelin. So she became a little more daring.    


Actually, Qinghuan was sick. She was willing to drink with Lin Yuelin when she was sick, so she was willing to sacrifice her life to accompany a gentleman.    


Lin Yuelin basically did not smoke. He did not like it himself, and Qin Fei did not like it either. He was drunk and lying on the sofa, smoking. Tonight, he would let Qinghuan and him mess around together.    


Previously, Lin Yuelin had been with Qinghuan for a period of time, so he naturally knew her character. She was definitely not someone like Shangguan Xue. She would not take advantage of him being drunk and have something happen to him to fight for her position.    


Because Qinghuan had pulled everything in the room, the room was very dark. Only a few rays of light were sprinkled in the room. Qinghuan smelled the smoke and wine and felt that she could not breathe properly.    


It was clearly just a man that she had loved before. Why would she risk her life for such a man? But Qinghuan still had to do it.    


Finally after Lin Yuelin had been fooling around for a while, he was drunk to the point that he was unconscious. He still had a cigar in his mouth and looked at her with misty eyes. It made this woman involuntarily have some kind of desire.    


This man really trusted her. Did he not know how beautiful he was? She really wanted to pounce on him at all costs and give herself to him. But she knew that a man like Lin Yuelin wouldn't stop because of such a thing.    


If she cherished herself a little, Lin Yuelin might think a little higher of her.    


"Yuelin, are you drunk, Yuelin?" When they were dating previously, no matter if it was true feelings or false feelings, she really liked him from the bottom of her heart.    


Lin Yuelin had probably drunk too much wine, and now his entire body was somewhat hot. Regardless of pulling the buttons on his chest, a few of them very quickly flew away. Revealing his thin chest, he had already taken off his suit when he entered the room.    


The originally warm and beautiful boudoir had now turned into a terrible room filled with glass and smoke.    


Qinghuan supported her body to check Lin Yuelin who was on the ground. Next to him was the place where the cup had fallen. Luckily, he did not have broken glass pieces on his body, so Qinghuan was relieved.    


However, after relaxing her nerves, she found that her body was very uncomfortable. Her stomach was churning and there was even some pain. She did not know if she could persist or call an ambulance for herself now.    


"Yuelin, the ground is very cold now. Go to bed and sleep." Qinghuan almost felt that she was a Casanova. She was clearly in pain and was about to die, but she was still worried about his body.    


Lin Yuelin lay on the ground with his eyes open, but his eyes were cloudy. He seemed to be looking at something, but also seemed to be looking at nothing. He saw a slender figure in front of him, and a very gentle female voice lingered in his ears.    


Was this the voice of Qin Fei? Was the figure in front of him Qin Fei?    


Lin Yuelin did not give himself any time to think. He did not have the ability to think with his current appearance. He got up slightly and pulled Qinghuan into his arms. Qinghuan already had no strength left in her body. Lin Yuelin pulled her. She completely fell into his arms.    


Qinghuan was really angered to death by this man. Wouldn't it be good to sleep obediently after getting drunk? He was actually still able to torment her so much.    


"Yuelin, I know you will get through this. No matter if it is business or love, please don't give up." Qinghuan looked at Lin Yuelin with deep affection and firmly said.    


He was the most outstanding man she had ever seen in her life. He had been loved by such a man. Even if it was an act, she could no longer love any man. But Qinghuan had never hated Lin Yuelin, because he had always been the only one who did not treat her as an actress. She respected all the rights of being a woman.    


However, what she should be worried about now was not this. It was that her posture with Lin Yuelin was a little ambiguous.    


"Yuelin, don't be like this. You know, I'm not her. Don't use your longing for her to torture yourself anymore." Qinghuan knew that he treated her as Qin Fei. Her heart ached as she said.    


How could it be torture? Missing Qin Fei was an absolute salvation to him. Only by missing her would he have the courage to face the storm that followed.    


"Fei Fei, I miss you so much." Lin Yuelin rubbed Qinghuan's neck with his head.    


She clearly knew that it would be like this, but she was still poured down by a bucket of cold water. She felt so cold that she wanted to reach out and pinch this guy to death.    


Qinghuan used the last bit of strength left in her body to push away Lin Yuelin's confinement. When she stood up, she was extremely tired. She lightly kicked Lin Yuelin's body a few times. How could she bear to really kick him? This was the man she loved very much.    


[This chapter is over]    


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