Don't Go Against My Mommy

C435 Failure

C435 Failure

"I want to know your Chinese name." Cheng Luo smiled. This girl was obviously a foreigner. He really did not know why she disguised herself as a Chinaman.    


Lin Yuelin was now thinking that it was fortunate that he did not interrupt their interaction. Although Cheng Luo's expression and actions made him want to beat him up, he did get a lot of useful information from her.    


If he knew that he was so good at coaxing children, he would not force himself to do it just now. It would be better to let him do it directly.    


Lin Yuelin had been listening to their conversation from the side. He listened attentively and did not miss any useful information. After all, he and Qin Fei also felt that this girl must have had a long time of contact with Mo.    


He thought of the surprise and surprise that flashed across Leo's eyes when he first saw Qin Sheng. She might not have seen Qin Sheng before, but she must have seen someone who looked very similar to Qin Sheng. Moreover, she was very familiar with the person who looked very similar.    


Lia looked at Cheng Luo and felt that since she had already said her English name, her English name had nothing to do with it. "Du Qinglan, Qinglan who has surpassed her master."    


Lia did not have an English name in the past. This English name was given to her after she saw her mother. Her mother hoped that she could be more outstanding than her.    


"Your name is very nice, and the meaning is also good." Cheng Luo nodded and smiled. "Hearing your name is so nice, it feels like it was your mother who gave it to you."    


Cheng Luo asked tentatively. He had learned some psychology before. And it was child psychology. Although she had no problem communicating with him now, he could see the sadness and darkness in her eyes and movements.    


Lia looked at Cheng Luo and did not deny it. It was obvious that she tacitly agreed with Cheng Luo's words.    


"To be able to come up with such a nice name, you can imagine that your mother must be a very cultured person." Cheng Luo did not believe that the child's parents had died, so he continued to use his method to trick her.    


"Can we not talk about this problem?" In Lia's life, familial love was always a taboo topic. Every time she mentioned this, she could think of her painful life.    


"Oh right, you are a mixed-blood child. Is your father from China or is your mother from China?" Cheng Luo would not give up so easily, so he changed the topic, but he was still trying to get more information out of it.    


Lia had already said that she did not want to talk about her mother, but the man continued to ask. He was really shameless to the extreme. However, the smile on his face was still so warm and natural, and there wasn't the slightest bit of malice in it.    


Lia hesitated for a moment and got angry. "Why is your uncle so interested in my family? I told you long ago that I don't have a father or mother. These are all my worries. Why do you always like to expose my scars? These are all my personal matters. I don't want to tell you. "    


Although she had heard from her mother that the people in China were very passionate and would ask about their ancestors, she was still not used to such enthusiasm.    


"Alright, alright. It's all my fault. Let's not talk about these unhappy things. Let's talk about some happy things." Cheng Luo did not feel awkward at all. Instead, he liked this little girl with personality.    


Lia had already felt the intention of this man, but he was investigating her. He thought that she was a three-year-old child and did not know what he wanted to do.    


"I don't want to talk anymore. I am already very tired." Lia felt that no one here was sincere to her, she didn't want to believe any of them.    


Cheng Luo had no other choice now. Lia was very cautious. He couldn't pry open her mouth at all.    


"Du Qinglan, we are not bad people." Lin Yuelin said carefully, "I am not interested in your family. We just feel that you are being controlled by bad people, so we are worried about your safety."    


Lin Yuelin found that this little girl was as smart as his children, so he should not treat her as a child. He should treat her as an equal to them and talk to her.    


Lia was shocked by Lin Yuelin's last sentence. She thought that she had never seen this man before. Why did she know that she was being controlled by bad people?    


However, she wasn't sure whether Lin Yuelin was a good person or a bad person yet, so she couldn't reveal her emotions too much.    


"I know if I'm dangerous or not. I don't need your fake good intentions." Lia felt that her fate should be left to the heavens.    


"What happened to you? Why are you covered in thorns?" Cheng Luo shook his head and said helplessly.    


It was the first time he had seen such a stubborn little girl.    


Lin Yuelin turned around and gave Cheng Luo a cold look. He really liked this little girl. Many talents had to be nurtured since young. It had been many years since he had seen such a good seedling. After he had investigated her background, perhaps he could stay and train her. Then he could use her.    


"I am a gentleman's man, when the old, weak, and young are in danger, I must provide assistance" Lin Yuelin really hoped that this little girl could feel his sincerity as soon as possible.    


"Sorry, I don't believe you." Lia said it very straightforwardly.    


After all, Bon looked like a gentleman before, but in the end, he was still a bad guy. Speaking of which, this man's eyebrows were somewhat similar to Bon's. One look and you could tell that he was a hypocrite.    


"I know that you must have met with danger. Why don't you be more honest? Maybe you can try to trust others and you can really get help?" Lin Yuelin saw that Du Qinglan was a little shaken. So he continued to persuade her.    


Lin Yuelin had always liked stubborn people like Qin Fei and Du Qinglan. The former was deep love, while the latter was appreciation.    


"Do you want to live with strangers like us? Don't you want to go back to where you used to live?" Cheng Luo continued to fan the flames.    


It was obvious that Lia was not from this city. If she was from another place, then as a child, she would want to go back to where she used to live.    


Lia actually didn't have a home. Now, for her, the place where her mother was was the place she wanted to stay the most, and that was where her mother was. So when she came here from America, she never thought of going back to America.    


"I don't want to go back. Anyway, I don't have a father and mother, so living with you guys isn't bad either." Lia simply said.    


"Mom once told me that there are no eternal friends or enemies in this world. Only eternal interests. I think you're willing to help me because you want something from me, right? "Lia has never believed that there are such good people in this world who are willing to help you without any benefits.    


If there was really such a person, perhaps only Angel would be willing to help others. Only an angel like him would be so helpful.    


"You are very smart. I like you very much. I think my daughter will also like you very much. I will bring her to see you tomorrow." It seemed that the child still needed the child to communicate. Lin Yuelin could only place his hopes on Qin Sheng.    


Lia thought of Qin Sheng, the little girl who looked very similar to Angel.    


She did not want to see Qin Sheng. When she saw Qin Sheng, she would think of Angel. In her heart, Angel was the only one. She did not want to see others who looked 80% similar to him.    


The most important thing was that she was afraid of seeing Qin Sheng, so she missed Angel. However, she did not know where he had taken her.    


After coming out of the hospital, Lin Yuelin had a relaxed smile on his face. However, Cheng Luo was not as open-minded as Lin Yuelin. He started to doubt his life. Why were children nowadays so smart? He had already seen Lin Yuelin's two genius daughters, and now he was here to witness the genius Lia. How were these children? They were simply smart devil kings.    


If he had children in the future, they would all be like this. It would be too boring. What kind of children would he have? Wasn't giving birth to children for the sake of cuteness when they were young? Was it fun to have children?    


Cheng Luo and Qin Fei had the same thought. Children should have a normal path of growth. He couldn't reach the sky in one step. But thinking about it carefully, there were many things that could not be blamed on a child. The child lived in such an environment, so she could only force herself to grow up faster in order to protect herself.    


However, Cheng Luo seemed to have forgotten that he was also a genius youth who had reached the sky in a single bound since he was young. If it wasn't for him being ignorant and incompetent... Now, he was already someone who could match up to Lin Yuelin. The reason why Lin Yuelin wanted to keep him by his side was because of his talent.    


Lin Yuelin never left any useless people by his side.    


"President, I think this girl is very difficult to deal with. Are you really sure she knows about Qin Mo?" Cheng Luo felt that this matter was very strange. If she really knew about Qin Mo, then why would the person behind let them catch this little girl?    


According to past experiences, every time Qin Mo was transferred, he would do it without anyone knowing. There was no trace of him at all.    


Why did he make such a big mistake this time?    


"He really wants me to know his real face as soon as possible. He can't wait to fight me face to face. This is a clue for me. He wants me to find him. " This was the first time Lin Yuelin had been played around in the palm of his hand. He was really curious about the person behind this.    


" President, why do you think it is so easy? I'm still very nervous. I keep feeling that the person behind this girl is very powerful. Or this girl has no clue at all." Cheng Luo felt that since the person behind her had been hiding for so long, it was impossible for him to expose himself in such a hurry. After all, the chances of him hiding in the dark would be higher.    


"Didn't you notice that when she looked at Qin Sheng, her gaze was a little special? Furthermore, when I mentioned Qin Sheng just now, her gaze was somewhat afraid. However, there was also some anticipation. In that case, I'm sure that she has seen Qin Mo before. " Lin Yuelin now felt that there was no doubt about it. This Du Qinglan definitely knew the clues.    


Cheng Luo said in a serious manner, "If it is really the same as what the CEO said, then it seems that the other party is already very arrogant and is declaring war on you."    


They did not even know who was behind this, but the other party already dared to shout like this. This showed that they were prepared for this.    


This chapter is over.    


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