Don't Go Against My Mommy

C422 I Don't Want to Go to School

C422 I Don't Want to Go to School

"Fei Fei, did something happen? "Lin Yuelin's heart couldn't take it anymore, so he asked first.    


Lin Yuelin touched Qin Fei's forehead. The temperature was normal.    


Qin Fei's face became even darker. She treated him so well, but not only did he not appreciate it, he even felt that she was sick. It was too much.    


"Yuelin, what are you doing? What can I do? Quickly eat." Qin Fei was suppressing her anger now.    


Soong Yuan, who had been sitting at the dining table for a long time, was so hungry that her chest was pressed against her back. It was the most painful thing in her life to see a table full of delicious food but not be able to eat. She now felt that there was something wrong with her mother's brain.    


Qin Sheng was slightly older than Soong Yuan so she knew more. It was a good thing that her mother insisted on waiting for her father to come back to eat. No matter how hungry she was, she would still cooperate. Furthermore, she was not that hungry anymore.    


"Dad, hurry up. We are starving to death." Qin Sheng looked at Soong Yuan's pitiful look and shouted at Lin Yuelin with resentment.    


Soong Yuan nodded her head at the side. There were crystal clear tears in her eyes.    


"Mom, you don't love babies at all now. Do you like weird uncles?" Soong Yuan realized that Qin Fei had made more and more arrangements with Uncle Lin, but she treated her worse and worse. Not only did she not give candy to eat, she also did not give cookies to him. It was really too much.    


"Alright, alright. Now that he's back, you can all eat." Qin Fei said in relief.    


So in a short while, the table full of food was sucked into the children's windstorm. Qin Fei looked at their starving appearance and was really a bit worried. Was this really the child's appetite? Was this really because he was growing his body?    


Lin Yuelin had not even moved his chopsticks a few times before the dishes in front of him were already in a mess. Without Qin Fei carefully placing the dishes on the table, Qin Fei decided that it was time to teach them the proper table manners. No matter how hungry they were, they couldn't be so rude. The family was still alright. It would not be good if there were guests around.    


Although Lin Yuelin did not eat much, he felt that the taste was really not bad. He asked in surprise, "Fei Fei, are these all made by you alone?"    


"Of course I made them by myself. Cheng Luo wanted to come in to help a few times but was chased out by me." Qin Fei asked proudly, "Is the taste good?"    


"Not bad." Lin Yuelin nodded.    


"I have been working hard for so long, but it's just that it's alright. My heart aches and aches." Qin Fei casually pulled the bowl in front of her with an unhappy expression.    


"It is even better than what Cheng Luo makes." One should know that Lin Yuelin had never praised anyone. One sentence could be considered a very good compliment. If Cheng Luo heard it, he would definitely be happy for a year.    


Lin Yuelin had seen many love tutorials before when he pursued Qin Fei, so now it all depended on his face. Being able to act according to the wind was also very impressive. Now, he realized that Qin Fei had also been tricked. Then things would be much easier.    


The guidebook of love said that women liked to be praised by men as much as they could. Those were still alright, but it was best not to use those that were not bad.    


However, Qin Fei did not enjoy such praise. She recently found that Lin Yuelin and Cheng Luo seemed to be very close. They kept talking about Cheng Luo as if there was something between the two of them.    


Cheng Luo sat at the dining table and was having a good meal. However, he felt a chill on his back.    


Qin Fei's face was even worse. Lin Yuelin did not know what was wrong with her. He just thought that his praise was not strong enough, but his words were perfect. How could he praise her?    


Lin Yuelin forgot the last part of the love guide, which was to not compare a woman with anyone, not even a man.    


After dinner, Lin Yuelin went back to the company to work.    


Qin Fei stayed at home alone and felt that it was like she and Lin Yuelin getting a certificate without a certificate. She felt that there was still something missing. She thought about it and realized that they lacked a harmonious married life. When she thought about it, she could not help but think of Lin Yuelin's strong body. Although she could see the fire of desire in Lin Yuelin's eyes every night, she did not agree to it. He had been restraining himself all the time. For a few nights, she could feel him waking up and taking a cold shower.    


But she couldn't possibly bring this up, right? Lin Yuelin wasn't the one who took the initiative, so did they have to be such a polite couple all the time?    


When it was dinner time, Lin Yuelin called back and said that he had a lot of things to do. He told them not to wait for him to come back for dinner. He would come back very late.    


When Lin Yuelin came back, he thought that everyone had fallen asleep. He did not expect that the lights in the hall were still on. Qin Fei sat on the sofa and waited for him.    


"Yuelin, you only said you came back late, but you did not expect it to be so late." Qin Fei reproached him. His wound was not healed yet. How could he work so hard? She only hoped that he would take good care of his body because of her and the children.    


"I'm already very early today. If I had so much work in the past, I would have directly slept in my office." When Lin Yuelin went home in the past, there had never been a lamp that was lit for him. Now that he had Qin Fei, no matter how late it was, there was still someone waiting for him. This feeling was really good.    


"Yuelin, you are almost forty years old. You can have whatever you want. Why are you still fighting so hard?" Qin Fei walked towards Lin Yuelin, took the briefcase from him, and took off his jacket.    


Although she only got the certificate for one day, Qin Fei had completely become a wife.    


"Fei Fei," Lin Yuelin's face darkened. Qin Fei's words were really unpleasant to hear. What did she mean by almost forty years old? Didn't she say last time that she was only thirty-five years old? If anyone else said that in front of him, he would just wait to pack up and get out of here.    


The Qin Fei from before had a tremendous change with the current Qin Fei. For a moment, Lin Yuelin still could not accept it.    


"Fei Fei, your body is already in a bad condition. In the future, if I come back late, you don't have to wait for me." Qin Fei's hand that was holding Qin Fei was already ice-cold. Even though she was waiting for warmth in her heart, she still felt sorry for her.    


"You don't want me to wait. You should come back earlier in the future." This was the legendary plan of making Qin Fei suffer.    


"I also want to come back early, but there are too many miscellaneous things in the company recently. Moreover, the Lin Clan has been expanding its international influence recently, so there are many things that need to be done by him personally. So it's impossible not to come back late. But after being busy for a while, I will have more time to accompany you and the child. " Lin Yuelin did not want Qin Fei to misunderstand him and explained.    


Men cherished their careers very much. Lin Yuelin must have ambitions to be able to have such a business empire. She knew that her persuasion had no effect, so she did not say anything more.    


Qin Fei suddenly felt like laughing. "We just got the certificate. I feel like we are old wives who have been married for decades."    


"We are old wives. If I was not childish before, we would have been old wives. It is not that you are difficult to get close to us, we would have been husband and wife a long time ago. Our children are already eight years old. " Lin Yuelin gently held Qin Fei in his arms.    


They had really missed too many good times between them. Fortunately, it was not too late. They had more time to compensate for their previous regrets.    


For a long time after that, Lin Yuelin was still busy with his work, leaving early and returning late. Every day, Qin Fei would be a housewife peacefully, cooking and taking care of her children. She was very busy.    


Very soon, it was time for Qin Sheng to go to school. Qin Fei felt sorry for Lin Yuelin, who was so busy with work every day and had to spend the energy to send Qin Sheng to school, so she took over the job of sending Qin Sheng to school.    


Therefore, Lin Yuelin almost did not have to worry about his family's matters. Because Qin Fei was worried about his family's matters, he could work peacefully.    


In the past, when Qin Fei was Soong Ze's wife, she would not care about these things. These were all arranged by Soong Ze. So she didn't know that it was actually very difficult to be a housewife. Fortunately, Qin Fei's adaptability was very strong. She was very used to this kind of life now. And she felt that every day was full of hope.    


Winter finally passed and they could already see the footsteps of the beginning of spring. The trees were sprouting and the flowers were fragrant. Qin Fei smiled as she looked at Soong Yuan and Qin Sheng playing by the side.    


Actually Soong Yuan could already go to kindergarten but Qin Fei was not willing to send her to school at all. But now she suddenly wanted to send her to kindergarten. After all, the only people she saw in the villa were her and some servants. This was not good for her growth and what she needed were children of the same age.    




Qin Fei walked over and picked Soong Yuan up from the ground.    


"Little dumpling, did you see that? You have made big sister so tired that her head is full of sweat." Qin Sheng doted on Soong Yuan very much. Many requests were clearly very tiring, but she would still agree to this precious little sister.    


"Then mother, lift me up." Soong Yuan was already addicted to playing and now she began to pester Qin Fei again.    


Qin Fei's face immediately sank, and she firmly refused, "No."    


"I am hungry and want to eat." Soong Yuan's life was really very simple. Every day, she just ate, pulled, and slept.    


He had clearly just eaten lunch. It had only been a short while, but he was actually hungry again.    


"Sheng, you are going to school soon. Hurry up and prepare." Qin Fei did not believe that Soong Yuan was hungry and directly ignored her and said to Qin Sheng.    


"Big sister is going to leave again. I can't see big sister anymore." Because Qin Sheng was going to school, the time the two sisters spent together was getting lesser and lesser. As long as Soong Yuan heard that big sister was going to school, she would be unhappy for a while.    


"Does Soong Yuan want to go to school like older sister?" Although Qin Fei wanted to send Soong Yuan to school, she still had to respect the child's wishes.    


Soong Yuan blinked her big eyes and asked, "Then mom told me that going to school is fun?"    


If it was not fun, she would not go.    


"It is very fun." Qin Fei had not been to kindergarten for many years. How would she know if it was fun or not?    


"Is there a lot of delicious food there?" Soong Yuan asked again.    


"Of course." The children went to aristocratic schools, so the food they ate was not enough to meet the demand and was nutritious, so Qin Fei said almost immediately.    


[This chapter is over]    


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