Don't Go Against My Mommy

C408 Poor Childhood

C408 Poor Childhood

Qin Fei felt a little shy after she finished speaking. She didn't think that she would be the one to bring up the certificate. It turned out that she already wanted to be with Lin Yuelin in her heart.    


"I'm so tired. Don't disturb me." Qin Fei did not want to see Lin Yuelin now, so she could only bury her burning face in Lin Yuelin's arms.    


The soft Qin Fei fell into his arms, which made Lin Yuelin's heart soften. Soon, she would belong to him.    


"Fei Fei." Lin Yuelin called her name passionately.    


"What?" Qin Fei was a little nervous for some reason.    


She did not know what Lin Yuelin wanted to say. He was obviously a very close person, but now he still felt like he was in love. Every word and action of his could make her heart beat faster.    


"It's nothing. I just feel that my name is very nice. I want to call it a few more times."    


Qin Fei had never thought that Lin Yuelin would be so emotional. However, it was true that she did not know him well in the past. Now, she thought that he must have feelings deep in his bones. It was just that he hid his feelings very well. Perhaps only when he was alone or in the darkest night would he reveal his feelings.    


Qin Fei slept in Lin Yuelin's arms meekly and praised, "Yuelin, don't you know that your name is better?"    


In the two years that she left him to England, she could not help but write his name on the paper.    


"No matter how good my name is, as long as Fei Fei doesn't like it, it's not good. But as long as you like it, it's the best." Lin Yuelin didn't know what was going on either. He had never known that his love words were so powerful. There was no need to prepare at all to be able to speak one sentence after another.    


It was true that people in love were all poet.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin were very close. Luckily, there were not many annoying paparazzi on this foreign island. That was why they could be so free.    


"Yuelin, there are a lot of things that I have never had the chance to tell you." Qin Fei suddenly wanted to express her feelings.    


"What is it?" Qin Fei rarely took the initiative to talk to him. It was always him who took the initiative to talk to Qin Fei.    


"Yuelin, thank you for loving me so much. Thank you for never giving up on me." If not for his blind trust and persistence, she might have given up long ago. The two of them wouldn't have had such a day to discuss marriage.    


It must be a gift from the heavens.    


Qin Fei had always felt that she was a gentle person, but when she was with Lin Yuelin, she found that she was unreasonable, unruly, and very harsh to Lin Yuelin. Fortunately, he had always tolerated her with his true love.    


"I have too much to thank you for." Qin Fei suddenly felt tears in her eyes.    


Lin Yuelin's recent actions had touched her.    


"My little fool, I am willing to do all of these. Fortunately, you didn't let me down." Lin Yuelin was already very satisfied as long as he could obtain Qin Fei's forgiveness. He never thought that he would be able to obtain her love. He had already gotten too many things that he didn't even dare to think about before.    


"Fei Fei, I know that even if it's you, you will always insist on our love."    


Love was something that only those who had experienced it would know how beautiful and irreplaceable it was. Other than Qin Fei, he could not fall in love with anyone else.    


"You are saying that because you are too confident in yourself. You also know that all the men around me are excellent men. I cannot fall in love with other people for three years. Maybe I will fall in love with them in six or nine years. " Qin Fei teased.    


"I am confident in my beauty and figure. Although the men beside you are good, but none of them are as good as me. " Lin Yuelin was very confident in this. If Qin Fei was from the Appearance Association... That would be great. He was the publicly acknowledged number one handsome man.    


Qin Fei originally wanted to strike a blow at Lin Yuelin. Unfortunately, even she did not believe such a lie. He was originally the most handsome man.    


She could only compromise and say, "Alright, alright. You are the most handsome man. I still remember the first time I met you on the plane. At that time, you were hit on by a group of stewardesses. I only saw your side profile at that time, and I thought, Oh my God. How could there be such a beautiful man in this world with such proper facial features? His skin was even better than mine. I was so fierce to you that day, purely out of jealousy. "    


Lin Yuelin was so happy that he could hear Qin Fei's angry praise. Although he did not like his father, he still wanted to thank him for giving him such a beautiful face. He had never thought that Lin Yuelin would have to rely on his face to marry a wife.    


"Fei Fei, do you think men are better looking than women when you praise them?" Although she was praising him, Lin Yuelin still felt that something was not right.    


"No, I don't compare a man to a woman when it comes to women. You are an exception. Don't you know that Sheng's face is exactly the same as yours? Look at how beautiful Sheng is. I think if you wear a wig, you will also be very beautiful." As she spoke, Qin Fei was really a little envious of Lin Yuelin.    


"Then do you like my face?" Lin Yuelin suddenly asked very seriously.    


"Of course I like it. Look at your face. It is simply too perfect. You have no pores at all. You are six years older than me. I have a little pores on my face. " Last night, she quietly wiped his face, and found that his face was even more moist than hers. It was obvious that all kinds of health products were useless, but he could still maintain such good skin. Lin Yuelin was really a weirdo.    


Lin Yuelin hated it when others said that he looked like a girl the most, but his father also looked like this. What could he do about it?    


"Yuelin, why is your face so dark? I am praising you." Qin Fei saw that Lin Yuelin seemed to be distracted and did not know what she was thinking.    


"I am thinking about my mother." Lin Yuelin had never mentioned his parents in front of Qin Fei. He did not know why, but today he had a lot of emotions that he wanted to talk to Qin Fei about.    


"Your mother? I think she must be an excellent woman." Qin Fei was very curious about Lin Yuelin's mother.    


What kind of great mother could teach such a perfect son like Lin Yuelin? She should learn from her. That way, she would know how to teach her child.    


"My mother and father have left this world a long time ago. They died in a car accident." They left before he became an adult. Later, his grandfather had a serious illness. He had to shoulder the heavy burden of the family since he was young. But all of this was not the most important thing. What was most important was that he could not let his parents see the day he made a name for himself.    


Qin Fei had never heard him talk about his family. She thought that it was just that his relationship with his family was not very good. But she did not think that it would be such a tragic story.    


"Yuelin, it's alright. I will accompany you." Qin Fei hugged Lin Yuelin tightly, wanting to give him a deeper comfort.    


"Okay, don't worry about me. I am not sad anymore. This matter has been going on for so long. I have already seen through it." Lin Yuelin was very calm now. After all, those things had happened a long, long time ago. If he kept it in his heart, he wouldn't have so much time to be sad.    


Furthermore, Lin Yuelin had never experienced the warmth of a family since he was young. He only had the memories of his parents. They were all quarrels and brains. At that time, he had never understood why he hated them so much. Why were they still together?    


"Yuelin, can you tell me about what happened between them?" Qin Fei could feel that Lin Yuelin had a lot of things on his mind that he wanted to say. She had to give him an opening. Only in this way could he not put all his worries in his heart. After the festering, he would definitely leave something bad in his heart.    


"Actually, it is not a very mysterious thing. On the contrary, it is. My parents are very normal. These rich families are all for the sake of the marriage alliance between the two families. My parents are the same. There is no relationship between them. So the two of them always quarrel and fight. My mother was originally a very educated woman, but in the face of a failed marriage, she almost collapsed. I remember that at that time, she really liked playing the piano... No matter whether she was happy or sad, she loved playing the piano, because no matter if she was happy or sad, only the piano could listen to her. " Lin Yuelin thought of the past. Most of the antiques his grandfather had collected from all over the world had been broken by his parents. However, no matter how much pain the old man felt, he could only endure it. After all, this marriage was arranged by them.    


Qin Fei had never thought that such an outstanding Lin Yuelin would have such a bumpy childhood experience. She had always felt that the child born with a golden spoon would definitely be a lot happier. But she never thought that he would have such a cold family. No wonder his personality had always been so solitary. ...    


"Even if it wasn't for that car accident, my father wouldn't have lived for long. This is what he told me before. He was as strict to me as his grandfather. He used almost all of his energy to train me to become the successor of the Lin Clan. Although my parents left before I became an adult, I feel that it is quite good. To them, they are all very good to me. I don't need to hear the never-ending quarrels anymore. They won't argue anymore. " Lin Yuelin spoke calmly as if he was talking about someone else.    


Lin Yuelin had never felt what familial love was. Because of his father's lack of love, his mother had placed all of her hatred on him. She had never cared about him since he was young. And because his father did not love his mother, he did not have any fatherly love for him. He only wanted to train him to accept the Lin's Group. All of this was because he did not want to take over the Lin Clan. But the Lin Clan was his responsibility, so he would do his best to train him.    


This chapter is over.    


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