Don't Go Against My Mommy

C409 Love and Sweetness

C409 Love and Sweetness

Lin Yuelin had always felt sad about his existence, even though he had many women before. But he had never thought of getting married and having children, because he knew better than anyone how much an unloved marriage would affect the child. He did not want to have another child like him in this world.    


"Is your mother important to you?" Qin Fei listened to Lin Yuelin's description and felt that this woman was just a passerby in his life.    


"My mother rarely smiles. The only time she smiles is for a stranger." Lin Yuelin did not know why, but now he seemed to understand the relationship between his mother and that man.    


Qin Fei did not expect Lin Yuelin's family to be so complicated. She clearly felt that her life was tough enough. She only knew what true hardship was after looking at Lin Yuelin's life.    


His parents were really too cruel. Such a young Yuelin did not know anything. But they had to vent their resentment on him. If they really hated him so much, why did they have to give birth to him back then? Did they have to give birth to a child as a punching bag? They were not worthy of being Lin Yuelin's parents.    


"Actually, it's not my mother's fault. My father is a very fickle man. In the end, he also died of fickle love. That car accident was designed by a woman he once played with. After I took over the Lin Clan, the first thing I did was to catch the culprit and destroy her family. I am not a kind person. What did others do to me? Of course I want revenge. That woman still has two children, but I don't know where these two children are right now. Perhaps they will come and find me for revenge as well." When Lin Yuelin spoke of these matters, his eyes dimmed.    


He did not want to do such a cruel thing, but there were many things that he could not do without doing it.    


"I don't know what to say about this story." Qin Fei didn't expect Lin Yuelin's story to have so many twists and turns. The more it was like this, the more she felt sorry for Lin Yuelin. He was so young, but he had to experience such a bloody thing early on.    


"I killed someone, but I didn't have a good life either. Our Lin Family used to be very prosperous, but after that, there were no more males. I was the only one who developed to my level, so I didn't have any brothers or sisters. I don't have any relatives either. " Lin Yuelin was afraid of retribution, so he got his career fair and square. He never used any unfair means.    


"Yuelin, don't be afraid. Don't forget all these things. You don't have a home, so I'll give it to you. If you don't have love, I'll give it to you too. In the future, Sheng and Soong Yuan will still have Mo. We are all your family in this world." The pain in Qin Fei's heart was difficult to express with words. She did not expect that the person she loved would live such a lonely life before meeting her. If she had known earlier that she would love him so much now, she must meet him as soon as possible back then.    


"Fei Fei, why are you crying? This matter has already passed. I know." Lin Yuelin had never been a person who was reluctant to part with the past. He knew that he had to look forward to everything.    


"Where's my father? He is not a person who likes literature. But he always likes to read a book of poems. I was thinking that it must be a woman, or maybe a woman likes it. Love the house and the crow, that's why he liked it so much. I feel that woman must be the woman that my father truly loves. He gave all his love to that woman. So there's no more love for Mom and me. I just don't understand how two people who clearly don't have love can live for twenty years. Can't they be separated? " Up until now, Lin Yuelin still couldn't understand why his parents would rather quarrel and fight, but why they wouldn't be separated no matter what.    


"Poetry collection?" For some reason, when Lin Yuelin talked about poetry collection, she remembered the poem collection that Luh Cheng gave her.    


"What kind of poem collection is it? Could it be from Xi Mourong?" Although Qin Fei did not want to believe that Lin Yuelin had a relationship with Luh Cheng, she still had the courage to make such a guess.    


"How did you know it was from Xi Mulin?" Lin Yuelin was a little surprised.    


"It's really her." Qin Fei's heart skipped a beat.    


Could it be that the person Lin Yuelin's father loved was Auntie Luh Yue? In that case, Luh Cheng and Lin Yuelin were brothers.    


Oh my god, it couldn't be true.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei's expression suddenly changed. He thought that it was her family background that made her feel sad. He quickly changed the topic. "Fei Fei, let's not talk about these unhappy things. Let's talk about other things."    


Qin Fei actually did not want to let her imagination run wild, so she followed Lin Yuelin's train of thought and walked over. "Tell me about other things?"    


"Tell me about our future." Lin Yuelin liked to talk about everything related to Qin Fei.    


"What future?" Qin Fei did not know what Lin Yuelin wanted to talk about.    


"The recent future is our wedding. What kind of wedding do you want? How many bridesmaids do you want?" Lin Yuelin was thinking about when he could marry Qin Fei.    


"I am from China. Of course I want an ancient Chinese wedding." More and more people liked western weddings. When there were more people following the trend, they would fall into the tradition. She wanted a Chinese wedding. The ancient phoenix coronet and wedding dress were so beautiful.    


"There are also many styles of the medium-sized wedding dress. Can you be more specific? I'm afraid you won't like it if I manage it myself." Lin Yuelin wanted to give Qin Fei a wedding that was completely in line with her idea.    


"We are all wearing Han clothing. You can marry me with a sedan. I want to see you riding a white horse with that handsome and cool look on your face." Qin Fei really began to fantasize. "Our Yuelin is so handsome. He must look good in ancient costume."    


Since Qin Fei was praising him, of course he had to give her face. He clapped hard and said, "What a good idea. Why didn't I think of such a good idea?"    


Knowing that Lin Yuelin was making fun of her, she did not lower herself to his level.    


"Fei Fei, don't worry. I will satisfy all of your requests." Since it was Qin Fei who made the request, Lin Yuelin would definitely fulfill it no matter what request he had.    


When Qin Fei thought about her wedding with Lin Yuelin, she was already looking forward to it.    


Qin Fei was almost thirty years old and had yet to hold a wedding. Marrying Soong Ze was only because she had an identification card. This time, she must enjoy the wedding prepared by Lin Yuelin. It was said that the woman in the wedding dress was the most beautiful woman. She finally had the chance to wear the beautiful wedding dress.    


"Fei Fei, don't reject me this time. Wait until the flowers bloom in the spring. I'll carry the sedan and marry you. " Lin Yuelin felt that the spring flowers bloom was a very beautiful word. He must marry the beautiful Qin Fei on such a beautiful day.    


Lin Yuelin had just told such a sad story. Qin Fei also knew why he longed for marriage so much. So now he would not reject any of his requests. As long as he was happy, Qin Fei would be happy. Compared to his happiness, what was the big deal about other people's rumors?    


"When we get married, not only will we have to wear Han clothing. I will make all the guests change into Han clothing, and the venue will also be simulated to be ancient. I will give you a wedding that is completely ancient." Lin Yuelin wanted to give Qin Fei a wedding that would last for a century, a wedding that would never happen before or after.    


"Yuelin, you are so good to me." He could already imagine how grand this wedding was. It must be a lie to say that he was not touched.    


No one had ever loved her so wholeheartedly. No one would lie to her and treat her well wholeheartedly.    


"Fei Fei, as long as it's what you want, I'll give you the best." Lin Yuelin said emotionally, "I will give you all the best things in the world."    


"You can't only give it to me, but also our children." Qin Fei hoped that Lin Yuelin would give more love to the children.    


"I think I am a qualified father. Do you know that I must love you more than them? Only then will I give them a good living environment." Lin Yuelin said with philosophy.    


Lin Yuelin was only a qualified father because of the changes he had made. His overbearing and high-pressure education in the past was not a qualified father. He was just like Lin Yuelin's father. He did not have love. He just wanted to pass on the responsibility of inheriting the family business to his child.    


Seeing Qin Fei shake her head, Lin Yuelin was not angry. After all, this seemed to be a fact. "If that's the case, then the child's mother must teach me this unqualified child's father well."    


After Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei talked about a lot of things, they became even closer. They did not notice that in a secluded place in a foreign country, there was actually someone secretly taking pictures of them.    


The Bali's scenery was infinitely good.    


Qin Sheng and Soong Yuan were having fun while Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei were also playing by the side. The two children occasionally turned around and saw the two of them and were somewhat puzzled. ...    


"Sister, what is Mommy doing?" Soong Yuan saw Qin Fei smiling very happily. She was running barefoot on the beach, and Uncle Lin was chasing behind her.    


Soong Yuan had never seen such a happy mother.    


"I don't know about this game either. Anyway, it should be a game between father and mother." Qin Sheng could not give a good definition of this game and could only give a general explanation to Soong Yuan. She just hoped that Soong Yuan would not break the casserole and ask to the end.    


Lin Yuelin was even more exaggerated than Qin Fei. After all, he usually had a bitter face and was extremely cold. If Lin's employees saw the CEO's smiling face to the back of his head, they would definitely be shocked.    


Qin Sheng really did not want to see these two old children playing even more happily than children now. She really did not want to know these two people. But it seemed like her and her sister were really too similar to their parents. Everyone could tell at a glance that they were the children of the pair of male and female attendants in the distance.    


[This chapter is over]    


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