Don't Go Against My Mommy

C369 It's Hard to Buy What You like

C369 It's Hard to Buy What You like

Soong Yuan looked around. She had never been to a place like this before. It was full of novelty.    


Everyone's eyes swept across the four of them and landed on the pink Soong Yuan who was in Qin Fei's arms. Although there was a lot of meat on her face that could not be piled up, everyone could see that this little girl must be extraordinary when she grows up. It must be a woman that was even more beautiful than her mother.    


What a natural beauty!    


Soong Yuan had already received everyone's probing gaze and once again hid in Qin Fei's embrace. Using a voice that only the two of them could hear, she asked, Mother, this is really strange. Why are they looking at me like this? "    


Soong Yuan did not hate this kind of scrutinizing gaze but she did not really like it either.    


"Soong Yuan is pretty. Anyone who is good-looking will see it." When Qin Fei said this, she was also very proud. Everyone praised her daughter for being beautiful. Could it be that as a mother, she was unhappy?    


When Soong Yuan heard that someone thought she was pretty, she immediately became happy. Her smile was very beautiful. Her mother always said that she was a little fatty. Uncle Luh also only said that she was a little cute. No one had ever said that she was pretty. She had only heard Papa Song say that her mother was pretty. Soong Yuan had always wanted to become someone like Qin Fei. So when she heard that she was also pretty, she felt that she was as pretty as her mother.    


After seeing Qin Sheng and Soong Yuan, she believed that no woman would not envy Qin Fei. She was really capable to give birth to two children with such delicate and lovely faces.    


To a mother, a child was her best work.    


Other than the people in the city who were familiar with Qin Fei, there were also the big shots from all over the business world who rushed over. Everyone's attention was attracted by Soong Yuan. They had been focusing on the auction for so many years. They had never seen such a young child appear in the auction hall.    


Although this was not a matter of respect for the auction, this child was really too cute, and people could not bear to blame him.    


Because they did not know the relationship between Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin, they directly thought that they were a couple. Before the auction started, all the attention was lit up by Lin Yuelin and his family of four.    


Only when the auction started did everyone start to keep quiet.    


Qin Fei had already hugged Soong Yuan for a long time. After finding the location, she quickly put her on the ground.    


"Sheng, you must watch over your younger sister and not let her run around." Qin Fei was very afraid that she would not be able to see this mischievous little girl by herself so she could only instruct Qin Sheng to take care of her younger sister with her.    


Of course, Qin Sheng could not wish for anything more. She was Soong Yuan's big sister and was willing to do anything for her younger sister.    


The first item of the auction finally revealed its true appearance. It was a transparent jade Buddha. Lying on the bright yellow silk, it seemed to be warm and the color was uniform. Because of the lighting and the distance, almost every detail of the jade could be seen. There were no flaws at all.    


Qin Fei did not like the things of the jade. It was too easy to break. This was a very sad thing.    


Usually, there would not be many people bidding for the things that had just started, so it would appear to be rather boring. Lin Yuelin did not even stand on the grandstand. He just concentrated on playing with the bidding cards that were made in unison in his hands.    


"Fei Fei, it might be a little boring right now, but you have to be patient. Not many people would bid at the beginning of any auction. After all, no one knew what would happen next." Lin Yuelin said with a face full of confidence.    


Qin Fei asked in surprise, "Then why do you have a brochure?"    


Lin Yuelin smiled profoundly, "Because I have someone inside. I also told the organizer that if I knew what was being auctioned, I will come. In order for me to come, they had to give me the brochure. "    


" I don't think so. The organizers can give you the brochure, so naturally they can also give the brochure to others. I think the reason why there are so few people raising the plaque is because everyone is waiting for the last ruby " Qin Fei made it clear with one sentence.    


The first item basically did not even have a competitor. It was directly bought by one person. He was secretly delighted. Previously, he thought that there would be a lot of people competing with him. In the end, not many people called out their bids. Moreover, they gave up after one round. They let him get a big bargain for free.    


Soon, the second item came up. It was a string of beads. Qin Fei really did not understand the mentality of these rich people. What was the use of this kind of thing? Was it worth it to be auctioned off?    


In order to increase the value of this string of Buddhist beads, the host began to tell a long string of fabricated love stories. There were also many wealthy businessmen who came with their wives. These rich wives hated those touching love stories the most. Perhaps they could raise their cards just by listening.    


Lin Yuelin originally thought that Qin Fei would have a good impression of this string of Buddhist beads after hearing this story. He did not expect her to sit still in her seat. There wasn't the slightest fluctuation of emotion on her face. He didn't expect that she wasn't moved by this boring story like those rich young ladies.    


"Sigh, actually, what they are auctioning is a fake story. It's not that Buddhist beads, it's really meaningless. If you have money, you don't know how to donate it?" Qin Fei sighed with emotion.    


"The organizers are very smart. Those who come are all big shots in the business world. Which one of them is poor in money? Everyone has bad feelings. Naturally, they are willing to pay for their feelings." Lin Yuelin easily explained the reason.    


Living in the upper class like them, it was rare to have true love. Everyone's union was not because of the strong union of the family. Of course, there was another type of people who did not need strong union, which was to look up. He naturally thought of himself as a powerhouse who would never give in.    


For example, he, Lin Yuelin, so even if Qin Fei was no longer the daughter of the company, he would only marry her alone.    


"That's right. Feelings don't just seem to be about the rich. Actually, everyone lacks this. Our lives are too tense. But we forgot to keep the most beautiful and pure things. " Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin, her gaze seemed to reach straight to his heart. She did not know when the nostalgic atmosphere in this society started.    


There were not many people in this society who lacked money. Most of them lacked feelings, so many people were also willing to use money to buy feelings. Since it was like this, it became a business opportunity for many people.    


"I think this method is a bit like a white wolf without gloves" Lin Yuelin came up with a conclusion that was not romantic at all.    


Qin Fei was originally thinking about whether she should buy some feelings and compete with Lin Yuelin, but when Lin Yuelin said it, she immediately stopped thinking about it.    


But Qin Fei still did not agree with Lin Yuelin's words. "I have a different opinion from you. You think this is a white wolf without gloves. But I think this is Zhou Yu beating the yellow cover. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Who doesn't know that these love stories are just gimmicks, but it is hard to make me happy with money. "    


"Apart from the real value of the ruby, the other things have to be added with the special characteristics of the auction. You see, the feelings behind it will definitely be even more intense. " Lin Yuelin's voice was faint, and one could not tell what he was thinking.    


During this period of time, he had been with Lin Yuelin, as if he had changed into a different person. He was no longer as solemn and cold as before. Instead, he had become more approachable. But now, it seemed like he had returned to the Lin Yuelin he had first met. He was still as solemn and calm as before.    


Qin Fei smiled and looked at his cold side. "Lin Yuelin, don't be so dissolute, okay? That's a thing with feelings."    


"An object with feelings? I really hope you can be moved by something that has feelings." Lin Yuelin really hoped that there would be something Qin Fei genuinely liked. If that was the case, only by giving it up would he feel a sense of accomplishment.    


Even that ruby, Qin Fei only felt that it was rare, but it could be seen that she did not really want it.    


"I'm afraid that there is nothing that can move me." Qin Fei was one of the few rational women. When she was young, she had experienced such a miserable experience. She had to spend every penny on the edge of the knife. She did not have any spare money to buy feelings.    


She had seen so many literary works. Such a story, she could easily fabricate it, so she would not believe it.    


"Don't say it so absolutely." Lin Yuelin felt that as long as it was a woman, there must be characteristics of a woman. The strong feeling of affection was one of the characteristics of a woman. She would cry so hard for those touching love stories.    


"Lin Yuelin, you seem to want to see me be moved by some story?" Qin Fei asked.    


"I just want to see you be moved by some story," Lin Yuelin did not refute. This was what he was thinking at the moment.    


In a short while, that plain string of Buddhist beads had been raised to a high price of one million.    


"Two million." A very loud voice came from the crowd.    


It was the voice of a girl. Qin Fei thought that this girl really did it. Did she really think that she was just saying it out loud? She had to pay for it.    


Everyone looked at the girl who was bidding. She was just an underage girl and should be the daughter of some family. She was really bold.    


"The little girl is still the best. She was deeply moved by this feeling and directly increased it by dozens of times." Qin Fei smiled and said. She really did not know whether to say that this little girl was naive or stupid.    


Lin Yuelin discovered a little secret of Qin Fei. Previously, she tried to avoid interacting with him in public. But now, she would take the initiative to chat with him, and her actions were very natural. This meant that Qin Fei had really forgiven him from the bottom of her heart.    


This discovery made Lin Yuelin very excited.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei seriously. "What you just said is very right. It's hard to buy something you like with a thousand gold coins. As long as you like it, I am willing to use all my money to buy that string of beads. I will definitely not go back on my word."    


This chapter is over.    


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