Don't Go Against My Mommy

C246 He Went to See His Mother

C246 He Went to See His Mother

Before this, Luh Cheng had always wanted to work with Lin Yuelin. Qinghuan originally thought that it was because Luh Cheng knew that she was Lin Yuelin's new pet. That was why he had found her to act as the female lead to please Lin Yuelin. But even if she broke up with Lin Yuelin, he would still resolutely let her be the female lead. Furthermore, no matter how unengrossed she acted, he would tolerate her.    


Qinghuan did not know what Luh Cheng was thinking and why he was so good to her. What kind of person was he? Why did she feel that he was even more complicated than Lin Yuelin? If it was an ordinary man, Qinghuan would definitely think that he was interested in her. But to Luh Cheng, she would not think that way. Because he was a man as proud as Lin Yuelin. They did not lack women.    


Qinghuan looked at Luh Cheng's lonely back and mustered up her courage to stop him, "Director Luh."    


Luh Cheng stopped walking. He did not turn around. He only turned his head slightly. His face did not have the usual smile of a spring breeze. His eyes were as cold as winter. "What's the matter?"    


Qinghuan walked closer to Luh Cheng and did not hesitate anymore. "Director Luh, I have something to ask of you."    


"If it is because of one person that makes two people who love each other misunderstand, then does this person have the obligation to make these two people reconcile?" Without waiting for Luh Cheng's permission, she went up to him and whispered.    


Recently, she had been troubled by this matter. Qinghuan admitted that she was not a completely good person. After all, how many people who could climb up to the position of the movie queen were truly good people, but she was not a bad person either. As long as she thought about Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin who were supposed to be on good terms with each other, they would not be able to be together because of her. She felt that she had been tortured.    


Qinghuan really wanted to find Qin Fei to explain it clearly, but she did not have the courage. Part of the reason why she was not in a good mood during this period of time was because she was separated from Lin Yuelin, but more because of the guilt she felt towards Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin. Having a lover was what one should be together with. One should not break up because of her.    


Qinghuan originally did not know about this matter. But one day when she was filming, Qin Sheng actually found the set and told her about this matter with snot and tears. She also asked her to help Lin Yuelin explain to Qin Fei clearly. Qinghuan knew that although Qin Sheng was young, she loved face very much. If it was not for the fact that the matter had reached a very serious stage, she would not have come to beg her.    


At that time, she had just broken up with Lin Yuelin and her mood was also in a low state. So, she didn't promise her to help Lin Yuelin explain anything. She was too sad for herself, so how could she have the leisure to care about other people's matters? But slowly, Qinghuan became more and more apologetic. Qin Sheng's face that was covered in tears was still shaking in her mind. She also heard the story of Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin from Qin Sheng's mouth. If she knew that they had loved each other so deeply, even if she was beaten to death, she would not get involved in this mess.    


Luh Cheng looked at Qinghuan mysteriously. He thought that she was going to say something, but it turned out to be such a cute question. He did not think that there would be such a cute and pure woman in the entertainment industry. It was really interesting.    


Luh Cheng was not a person who liked to care about other people's relationships, but he suddenly became interested today. He said lightly, "If you follow your heart, it will tell you what to do."    


Qinghuan looked at Luh Cheng helplessly. She had already regarded him as a big brother who she could rely on and trust. She hoped that he could give her some guidance and power.    


Luh Cheng smiled and nodded. This was his support.    


Of course, Luh Cheng would support Qinghuan to explain to Qin Fei. On the one hand, it could let her act in peace. On the other hand, it could let Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin get entangled again, which gave his plan a chance to be implemented again.    


Before Luh Cheng left, he said mysteriously, "I think I might be able to help you."    


When Luh Cheng and Qin Fei met tomorrow, there would be a lot of topics to talk about.    


Qinghuan knew that she could not see through Luh Cheng, but he had this kind of charm that made people want to be friends with him and treat him as a friend.    


Qin Fei woke up from Soong Yuan's crying. During this period of time, Soong Yuan always woke up very early.    


Soong Yuan used her fat hand to poke Qin Fei's face, "Mommy, pig."    


Qin Fei really could not do anything about this little fellow. She had insomnia last night and finally fell asleep. After sleeping for a few hours, she came to disturb her sleep again.    


Ever since Qin Fei went to work, Soong Yuan had been playing with the housekeeper and Qin Sheng at home and her head was almost covered with grass, "Mommy, I want to play. Let's go out."    


"Mommy has an appointment with uncle today so she is not free." Qin Fei said.    


Soong Yuan shook her head.    


"Big Sister is going to school. No one is going to play with Sheng anymore." Qin Sheng had also started school a while ago, so she did not have much time to accompany Soong Yuan, so her expression was very sorrowful.    


Qin Fei was softened by her expression and looked quite pitiful. She thought that it would be better to bring her along to pay respects to Aunt Luh Yue.    


Soong Yuan did not know that Qin Fei had already decided to bring her out and continued to act, "Mommy doesn't love me anymore. Mommy loves to work and the dumplings are pitiful. It is a dumpling that no one loves."    


Qin Fei was somewhat speechless. It was better for this little devil to not speak the national language. It was amusing.    


Soong Yuan loved to eat snacks so she always ate very little of the main dishes. Because of this, Qin Fei was very angry.    


"Dumplings, after you finish eating your breakfast later, mom will bring you out to play." Qin Fei discussed conditions with her.    


Soong Yuan wanted to go out, so of course she agreed immediately. Moreover, she was very proactive when eating breakfast. She climbed onto the bench by herself and then took the soup and poured it into her mouth.    


Soong Yuan got bigger and bigger and more liked to go out to play. The motivation to go out to play could support her eating anything she did not like, including carrots and milk.    


Luh Cheng and Qin Fei had already agreed on a time, so that time was just right. Luh Cheng appeared at the entrance of Soong's residence, and Qin Fei just happened to go out.    


Luh Cheng rolled down the window, and the first thing he saw was the pink ball of meat in Qin Fei's arms.    


"Dumpling, quickly call Uncle Luh."    


"Hello, Uncle Luh. You have to take me and mom to the wind." Soong Yuan was so happy that she could go out and play.    


Soong Yuan was more beautiful than Qin Fei when she was young and she was more lively and active. Luh Cheng liked her very much.    


Qin Fei asked, "Luh, do you mind if I bring this little trouble with me?"    


Soong Yuan made Luh Cheng think of Qin Fei when she was young. He liked her very much, so how could he mind?    


Because of Soong Yuan, Luh Cheng's mood was as good as the weather today. He was very lively. "Fei Fei, get in the car quickly. I can't wait to leave."    


Soong Yuan quietly stayed in Qin Fei's arms along the way, but her black eyes were completely outside the window.    


The air was filled with a good smell. It seemed like unknown wildflowers would naturally grow in the cemetery. When Luo Yue was alive, she asked Luh Cheng to bury her together with that man, but Luh Cheng did not do so. His mother had already paid a lot for him in this life. If there was a next life, he did not want his mother to meet that man again.    


That man's tomb was in the eastern suburbs, and his mother was buried in the western suburbs. It would be best if he never saw her again.    


Qin Fei did not come to him first. She thought that she had experienced so much that she was mature enough to hide some emotions in her heart. However, when she stood in front of Auntie Luh Yue's tomb, her tears began to flow down like broken pearls.    


Soong Yuan did not know why her mother wanted to cry. She just raised her chubby hand to wipe her mother's tears. "Mom, don't cry, don't cry."    


Qin Fei wiped her tears off Soong Yuan's small clothes and said sadly, "Aunt Luh Yue, I am Fei Fei. Do you still remember me? Am I still pretty when I grow up? This is my daughter. I brought her to see you. "    


" Dumplings. Call her Grandmother Luo. " Qin Fei said to Soong Yuan and sobbed as she spoke.    


"Why are you crying again, mother? Be strong and brave." Soong Yuan frowned and did not understand.    


"Grandma Luo." Soong Yuan thought that it was because she did not call Grandmother Luo that made her mother sad, so she quickly called out.    


Luh Cheng had been standing behind Qin Fei the whole time. After a long time, he walked towards the tombstone beside Luh Yue.    


Qin Fei had been in a state of sadness for a long time before she recovered her senses. When she saw that he was standing in front of another tombstone, his hands were tightly clenched into fists by his side. His eyes were red because the veins on his face were bulging.    


Qin Fei looked at the picture on the tombstone. On it was a young woman called Baiyi. Her English was called Mimo. She had an underage baby face but the inscription said that she was already 27 years old.    


27 years old was so beautiful but her bones were buried underground. The world was really unpredictable.    


Baiyi only existed in Luh Cheng's life for a moment, but it was the pain of his life. When he was young, he could not protect his mother, but when he grew up, he could not protect the person he loved. The two graves next to him were buried by the two women he loved the most in his life, the source of all his happiness. When they died, all that was left of him was hatred.    


Qin Fei asked him why he chose to return to the country.    


Because his two enemies were still alive in the city, how could he not return? He must make them suffer a terrible end.    


The current Luh Cheng was the real Luh Cheng. His whole body was covered with hatred. The gloominess in his eyes was even grander than when he was young. In fact, his depression had never been better. After Baiyi and his mother died, his depression was even more serious, but he did not want to treat it. He needed the craziness of depression.    


He wanted to wait until he got his revenge and then commit suicide to accompany them.    


Luh Cheng took out a relatively old pocket watch from his pocket. Qin Fei had seen it before. At that time, she was very curious why he would use such an old pocket watch with his identity and status. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the pocket watch had a picture of Baiyi. Qin Fei felt that Baiyi looked somewhat familiar, as if she was somewhat similar to herself when she was young.    


Qin Fei did not feel anything about it.    


After a while, Luh Cheng put away the pocket watch. This was the only thing Baiyi left for him. He carried it with him as if Baiyi had always been by his side.    


After Baiyi died, the memories regarding Baiyi became clearer and clearer. Luh Cheng still remembered how he met Baiyi until now.    


[This chapter is over]    


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