Don't Go Against My Mommy

C239 He Was Childhood Sweethearts

C239 He Was Childhood Sweethearts

It turned out that she had unknowingly fallen in love with Lin Yuelin. Even if she wanted to pull him out, she would first feel a bone-piercing pain.    


Qin Fei really did not understand why she was like this. She clearly felt pain when she pushed someone away, so why did she not accept it? She was really conflicted right now. On one hand, she did not want to have anything to do with Lin Yuelin, but on the other hand, she longed for Lin Yuelin.    


Lin Yuelin parked the car far away. He watched Qin Fei get off the car and walk into Soong's residence, then closed the door.    


Qin Fei stood in the room and finally felt a sense of belonging.    


When she heard Qin Sheng and Soong Yuan's laughter, it felt like a lifetime had passed.    


In her heart, Qin Fei warned herself to forget all of her life these few days. Just treat it as a beautiful and charming dream and everything that woke up from the dream would disappear.    


Qin Sheng saw Qin Fei coming back and quickly hugged her waist, "Mommy, you are back. You are finally back. You missed me and sister to death."    


Qin Fei looked at Soong Yuan who was eating happily. She did not even raise her head and did not think about her at all. Qin Fei almost suspected that this little girl would not want her mother as long as there was food.    


After a long while, she realized that Qin Sheng, who was playing with her, had disappeared. Soong Yuan then raised her head to look and only then did she discover Qin Fei's arrival. Her eyes flashed and she cried out in a childish voice, "Mommy, mommy..."    


Although Qin Fei disliked that her daughter was dirty, but she walked over and picked up the little fat girl. These few days when she left, she missed these two treasures to death.    


Soong Yuan seemed to want to show off and shouted clearly at Qin Fei, word by word, "Father."    


Qin Fei found that the word "father was very accurate, Dumpling, when did you pronounce it so well?"    


Qin Sheng at the side smiled and said, This is my credit. I taught younger sister for a long time.    


"My daughter is really excellent," Qin Fei gave Qin Sheng a thumbs up and praised generously.    


Qin Sheng received her mother's praise and happily went in circles.    


Qin Fei suddenly remembered that it had been a long time since she hugged Qin Sheng, even though she was already eight years old. But it was only a child. She put Soong Yuan to the side and carried Qin Sheng into her embrace, "It has been a long time since mother has hugged my big treasure. Come and hug mother."    


Qin Sheng was almost as tall as her mother, so she was naturally embarrassed by her mother's request.    


Before she could reject, Qin Fei had already carried her up and made Qin Sheng cry out in fear, "Ah!"    


Qin Fei suddenly sighed with emotion, "Mother is sorry for you, Sheng."    


Qin Sheng did not know why her mother and father had such mixed feelings after a few days of being together. She was not used to it, "Mother, don't say that. You did not let me down. You have always been very good to me."    


Qin Fei's apology was actually because she could not give her a complete home. Although she knew that Qin Sheng really wanted her to be with Lin Yuelin, she could not do it.    


"Mother will do her best to make it up to you for a long, long time in the future. You must believe in mother." Qin Fei promised.    


The current Qin Fei made Qin Sheng a little sad and she asked in confusion, "Mother, what happened to you?"    


She could feel that her mother was very unhappy now. Could it be that her father made her mother angry again?    


Tears suddenly appeared in Qin Fei's eyes but she still smiled and said, Because my daughter is really too good, so I am very happy.    


Qin Sheng did not understand why she would cry when she was happy. She was already a big girl now. She also knew many things about the relationship between adults. She guessed that it must be because her father and mother did not come to an agreement. She really wanted her father and mother to be together. But if her mother was unhappy, she would not force it.    


Her father had called back earlier and said that her mother was coming home, so she had been waiting for her mother to come back and eat with her. However, she was hungry a long time ago.    


"Mom, I'm hungry. Let's eat."    


Actually Qin Fei did not eat for the entire day. Hearing Qin Sheng say this, her stomach suddenly began to grumble.    


Qin Fei touched her stomach and said awkwardly, "It seems like Mommy's stomach is also very hungry."    


Soong Yuan clearly still had food in her mouth but she also shouted, "Dumplings... hungry hungry."    


Qin Fei rolled her eyes at her. Hungry my ass, there was still food in her mouth.    


Qin Sheng said, "Mom, I'm too heavy. Put me down and I'll get the kitchen to serve the dishes."    


Qin Fei looked at her cheerful back and smiled. Qin Sheng was becoming more and more like her father and also becoming more mature and steady. If Qin Mo was still here, he would definitely be a more serious old scholar.    


In the Metse Sanatorium in the outskirts of the United States, the relationship between Angel and Lia was getting closer and closer.    


Lia leaned close to Angel's ear and said enviously, "You're so lucky to have such a handsome and gentle father."    


Hearing Lia praise her father, Angel's expression couldn't help but soften. "I admire my father very much. He is a gentle gentleman, and he treats everyone the same."    


"You're so good. Your father will come to visit you regularly, but my family has already abandoned me." Although Lia was very young, she understood everything that needed to be understood.    


Seeing that Lia was in such a low mood, Angel naturally held her small hand and comforted her, "Don't be unhappy. I'll take you to climb the mountain."    


He had never taken the initiative to take her to play. Firstly, he wanted to take advantage of the weather to go out for a walk and exercise. Otherwise, he would always run and catch his breath.    


Secondly, it had always been Lia taking him to play. Occasionally, he also wanted to return the favor.    


Lia looked at the angel holding her hand. Her face was as red as an apple, and her voice became very low. "Okay."    


Angel held Lia's hand as she ran and said, "But first, I have to report to Uncle Long. Otherwise, he won't be able to see me and will worry me."    


Now, the usually cheerful Lia suddenly became speechless. In any case, Angel was right. She only needed to nod her head.    


Dean Loong was about to go out when he saw Angel and Lia walking over hand in hand. They seemed to be looking for him.    


"Young master, are you looking for me? "Dean Loong asked.    


"Uncle Long, I want to take her to climb the mountain." Although Angel respected Dean Loong, he had his own opinions and ideas, so he only told him where he was going and not asked for his permission.    


"Lia is not suitable for such intense exercise." Dean Loong looked at Lia. This girl was already very weak. She could not withstand the high requirement of climbing a mountain. Although her parents seemed to have given up on her, if one day they found out their conscience and came to find her again, realizing that her physical condition had worsened, they did not know how to explain.    


Angel disagreed with Dean Loong's view. If she did not exercise for a long time, her condition would only worsen. "Uncle Long, I know her condition. We are not like adults who keep climbing. We can climb for a while, rest for a long time, and then climb again. I will not let her get tired. "    


When Dean Loong said that her body was not allowed to climb the mountain, Lia was a little nervous. She was afraid that the mountain climbing exercise would be canceled because of her body. She looked at Angel with gratitude. In the whole hospital, he was the only one who thought of her as a normal person. This was also why she only wanted to play with him.    


Dean Loong had long learned from his boss that this was a very smart boy. He did not want to be perfunctory and try to convince him of his decision.    


So he only smiled and agreed to it.    


Although he was still worried, he could still send a bodyguard to follow them.    


Angel did not refuse. From the moment he opened his eyes, he was destined to get used to being protected by others.    


Angel originally did not like children. There were other children in the sanatorium. He didn't want to get close, but when he faced Lia, he couldn't help but want to protect her. He looked at her with disappointment... He wasn't happy either. He looked at her smiling heartlessly. He would also laugh with her.    


It was as if she had known him before, or if there was a girl in his life as well.    


Angel instructed Lia, "Little idiot, you have to tightly hold my hand later. No matter what happens, don't let go. As long as you follow me, you won't lose your way."    


Why would Lia let go of his hand? Being held by him like this was like being protected.    


The two little brats began their long journey of climbing the mountain. In fact, Angel's body was not much better than Lia's. He could ask the bodyguards behind him for help, but the stubbornness in his personality did not allow him to be so fragile.    


Lia was already sweating profusely. She muttered, "Angel, are you hot? I'm dying of heat."    


Angel held her hand. "Why don't we rest for a while? You can't leave anymore."    


"Don't go over there. This season is the season where snakes roam." The bodyguard reminded her kindly.    


He had also been to this mountain before. He had been bitten by poisonous snakes before. Once bitten by a snake, he was afraid of grass ropes for ten years.    


Angel also knew that there were many snakes in the grass, so he didn't go over.    


However, Lia was very afraid of wriggling animals. With a face full of fear, she said, "Angel, why didn't you tell me there were snakes in the mountain? I was afraid."    


"Don't be afraid, I'll protect you." Angel was like a responsible little man.    


The bodyguard smiled at the two children behind him. The little girl was very beautiful. When she grew up, she would definitely be a great beauty and would be quite compatible with the young master. It would be better to let the boss and the little girl's parents arrange a child marriage.    


During the time that Lia had spent with Angel, she discovered that he knew everything, so she was filled with admiration and respect for him. She felt that he was the only person in the world who was even more powerful than her father.    


The bodyguard saw that the little girl looked at the young master with a somewhat defeated look. He was a talented man, after all, but why wasn't there a woman who looked at him with such admiration?    


It had to be said that Angel's face was really the best weapon to pick up girls. He didn't know what kind of monster she would be when she grew up.    


[This chapter is over]    


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