Don't Go Against My Mommy

C213 A Sudden Crisis

C213 A Sudden Crisis

While Lin Yuelin was deep in thought, Luh Cheng had already found Qin Fei and knew that she was going to leave. He then sent her away like a gentleman.    


Lin Yuelin finally came back to his senses and happened to notice this scene. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Luh Cheng and Qin Fei. Luh Cheng's actions were still considered to be proper. He only politely opened the car door for Qin Fei. If it was not like this, he definitely would not let him go.    


After Qin Fei left, Lin Yuelin lost interest and also bid farewell to Luh Cheng.    


Luh Cheng wanted to stay, but Lin Yuelin obviously wouldn't change his mind. He just watched him leave.    


Lin Yuelin knew Qin Fei must have returned to Soong Ze's villa. He said to Mr. Mo, "Old Mo, go to Soong's residence."    


Since Qin Fei came back to the country, Lin Yuelin seemed to have become a frequent visitor from Soong's residence.    


He thought that as long as he could feel the same air as Qin Fei, it would be good to enjoy the same scenery. Although it was late at night and he could not see any good scenery, to Lin Yuelin, what scenery could be more eye-catching than Qin Fei? This woman was all his love. He did not need to forcefully remember her appearance. And her appearance was already imprinted in his bones and blood.    


Although the Lin's residence's main gate was also this kind of ancient iron fence, he always secretly thought that the Soong's residence's gate was not good looking because it isolated Qin Fei from him.    


Lin Yuelin did not know how long he had been outside, nor did he know when he fell asleep tired.    


Mr. Mo saw Lin Yuelin frowning and sleeping very uncomfortable, so he woke Lin Yuelin up, "President."    


Lin Yuelin had always slept lightly. A little sound was enough to wake him up. His voice was a little hoarse. "What is it?"    


"It is very late now."    


Lin Yuelin looked out of the window again. Finally, he sighed and said in a low voice, Let's go back.    


He really needed to rest. He was also very busy tomorrow.    


Lin Yuelin went straight to his bedroom after returning to Lin's residence. After a simple shower, he laid down on the bed. For someone like Lin Yuelin who needed high-intensity work, sleep was especially important.    


Every day, he would work and sleep. Lin Yuelin rarely spent his energy on relationships. The only time he spent his energy was because of Qin Fei.    


Because he had been to Soong's residence once, Lin Yuelin quickly fell asleep.    


The next day, he got up early and rushed to the company for a meeting. This was a rather important meeting held by the board of directors together. When the directors were speaking, Lin Yuelin gave them great respect and just listened quietly. He did not cut off their opinions or report.    


Yesterday, Luh Cheng had just brought up the bidding for the land on the east side of Old City District. Today, Chen Lingtong was reiterating this matter. Moreover, he had already prepared the bidding plan in advance. This was the excellence of Lin's Group. You don't need to ask the president about anything that you think is feasible. You just need to come up with a plan that you think is feasible. When the time comes, he will let the president have a look. If the president feels that it is possible, this project will go straight into the process.    


If it was under normal circumstances, Lin Yuelin wouldn't think much of it, but this time it was too much of a coincidence. Recently, he had been very sensitive to the word coincidence. However, he didn't show anything and just listened quietly.    


All of this seemed very normal, but Lin Yuelin still felt that something was wrong. But if he really said something, he really would not be able to do it. Furthermore, this Director Chen had long since followed him to open up the territory. Usually, he would do things with utmost sincerity. He usually doubted others and didn't use them. If he used others, he would not doubt them. Thus, he was unwilling to doubt his trusted subordinates.    


Lin Yuelin was still immersed in his thoughts. He had already heard the applause around his ears. Only then did he come back to his senses.    


It seemed like the board of directors was very satisfied with Director Chen's proposal.    


Following that, everyone's gaze gathered on Lin Yuelin. After all, the company's biggest director was still him. The biggest decision-making power was also in his hands. After all, everyone in the board of directors had made a lot of money because of Lin Yuelin's wise decision over the years. Therefore, the board of directors was willing to believe Lin Yuelin's decision. They also believed that as long as he made the investment, there would be no losses.    


Therefore, even if they were satisfied with Director Chen's proposal, they still wanted to hear Lin Yuelin's insights.    


Although Lin Yuelin also felt that the land was not bad, because of such a coincidence, he could not determine the final attitude, so he decided to understand it well before making a decision.    


"I've heard about the piece of land in the east side of Old City. Director Chen's proposal is very good. But the estimated value of that land may not be so high. Our company has recently launched several major projects at the same time. If we start operating that piece of land with 10 billion yuan now, there will be problems with our company's operations. "    


"President, I still feel that my estimated value is too low. President, can you tell me where you got the conclusion that the estimated value is too high? Could it be that you don't understand that piece of land? " Before Director Chen made this proposal, after a long period of on-site observation, moreover, he had almost no error in the direction of the market. His valuation was originally eight billion, but because the CEO always advocated conservative valuation, that was why he used conservative values.    


Lin Yuelin himself had done research on that piece of land, but the results he got were very different from what Director Chen got. Moreover, every project had a probability of failure, and the probability of failure on that piece of land was the highest among all the projects he had encountered.    


"This is not the most important thing right now, so we will discuss it in the future."    


In fact, Director Chen's decisive attitude made Lin Yuelin start to doubt his investigation.    


Could it be that some part of his investigation was wrong?    


After all, the eyes of everyone on the board lit up when Director Chen mentioned this project.    


Compared to Lin Yuelin who was busy with the meeting, Qin Fei, who had no work, was more relaxed. When she slowly woke up, it was already nine o'clock.    


Thinking of the week that Soong Ze had left, Soong Yuan was not used to it. Every night, she would cry and make a fuss, but children had a big memory and were used to it now.    


Qin Fei hugged Soong Yuan and said, "Dumpling Daddy is coming back soon. Have you forgotten Daddy?"    


When Soong Yuan heard the word father, her round eyes lit up. She stood on Qin Fei's leg and started dancing. Tap tap. "Yay, daddy, daddy."    


To Soong Yuan, Soong Ze was like a delicacy. Only delicious food and Dad could not be let down.    


Qin Fei had actually considered it for a very long time. As long as Soong Yuan was one year older, she would be able to go to kindergarten. She would send her to study. It had been two years since she had a job. If she continued to be a housewife at home, she would definitely be out of line with society. She was only in her twenties, after all. She didn't want to be called fashion blind.    


Of course, Soong Yuan was also very easy to take care of. She could also take care of the more complicated business for Soong Ze while she took care of the child. Furthermore, although the Song Family was not the main business in the country, there was still business in the country. She thought that she could take care of it.    


Although Soong Ze did not tell Qin Fei about the troubles that the company had encountered recently, she still found out from the British employees that there seemed to be someone deliberately making things difficult for the Song family. Although it was not a big deal, she had to make sure that Soong Ze did not have time to split himself.    


Qin Fei felt that it was very strange. After all, Song Shi's headquarters had been harassed, but Song Shi was safe and sound in the country. This was really inconceivable.    


Qin Fei had always had an idle job in the Song Family. Not long ago, after she had a video call with Soong Ze, she decided to go out and help him manage the Song Family. These two years, she had troubled Soong Ze a lot. She had to do something for his company.    


When she went to the Song Family, she did not dress too well, as if she was at home. And now it was the busiest period of work. Everyone was focused on what they were doing. They did not have the time to look around, nor did they notice Qin Fei's arrival.    


Although Qin Fei was Mrs. Soong, she had never been to the Song Family before. So along the way, she was very curious about everything. The working environment of the Song Family was quite good in the industry. The design of the office was a little fresh in the American pastoral style. Every employee was responsible for their own work and was busy with their own things. Even if this was just a small subsidiary of the company, they still worked very seriously.    


Qin Fei walked straight to the front desk and asked with a smile, "Hello, may I ask if Director Liu is here?"    


"Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist had seen a lot of people who wanted to visit CEO Liu, or it should be said that she had already visited CEO Liu before. She had searched in her mind for a while and did not have any impression of this woman at all.    


Qin Fei knew that this was the receptionist's responsible behavior, so she did not feel that there was anything wrong with it. She smiled and said, "I don't have an appointment, but you can inform him that there is a lady called Qin Fei looking for him."    


The receptionist had worked here for a few years, but she had never seen such an elegant woman appear. She had heard from the employees at the company headquarters that president's wife's temperament was truly extraordinary. Although she did not have the chance to see president's wife's temperament, she thought that this woman's temperament must be even better than president's wife's.    


The receptionist were all smart people. Seeing Qin Fei's open and aboveboard expression, she guessed that Qin Fei's side was not simple. So she respectfully nodded, "Then I will have to trouble Miss Qin to wait a moment. I will go and inform CEO Liu."    


After the front desk lady called CEO Liu's office, before she hung up the phone, her gaze fell on Qin Fei in surprise. She really thought that whoever appeared would appear. It turned out that the woman standing in front of her was president's wife.    


But didn't president's wife stay in England with the CEO? Why would she appear in China?    


[This chapter is over]    


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