Don't Go Against My Mommy

C162 Mature and Grow

C162 Mature and Grow

"Fei Fei, your smile makes my heart ache." Lin Yuelin's heart was tightly clenched. He reached out his hand to touch Qin Fei's lips. He said softly and gently, "Fei Fei, you only need to be yourself in front of me. I don't want you to pretend to be yourself in front of me."    


While Qin Fei was still in a daze, Lin Yuelin had already bent over and grabbed her lips. He was not as rude as before, and he was gently licking her lips.    


After a while, he left her lips and promised, "You used to say that I didn't give you freedom. Now, I will give it to you. The freedom I give you is not only about what you want to do, but also about what you don't want to do. Everything is up to me"    


Lin Yuelin hugged Qin Fei and sat on the sofa, gently stroking her hair.    


Qin Fei noticed that Lin Yuelin was becoming more and more gentle, and he was also very tolerant of her. No matter how cold she was to him, he would not leave in anger like before. Instead, he quietly stood by the side and waited for her to calm down a little before coming closer again.    


Qin Fei really liked this kind of not leaving and not leaving, but this was the past her. Now, she only wanted to let those who hurt Mo get the punishment they deserved.    


No matter how low Lin Yuelin treated her, Qin Fei would never forget why Shangguan Xue hated her so much. If Lin Yuelin did not want to imprison her by his side, Shangguan Xue would not be jealous. How could Mo die? If Shangguan Xue was the final mastermind, then Lin Yuelin was the source of the crime.    


The current Qin Fei could not be moved by Lin Yuelin's flowery words. She always remembered her mission. She must make Shangguan Xue receive the punishment she deserved, and also let Lin Yuelin realize his mistake back then.    


Qin Fei snuggled in Lin Yuelin's arms and cried as he wished.    


Hearing the moaning sound coming from his arms, he slowly patted Qin Fei's back. In less than half a month, Qin Fei had lost a lot of weight. In the past, there was still a little bit of flesh on her waist, but now when he hugged her, he could feel the bones protruding from her body.    


"Fei Fei, cry. Everything will be fine when you cry." Lin Yuelin muttered in a low voice.    


Qin Fei heard his comforting words and felt that it was ridiculous. Everything would be fine. Could it be that Qin Mo could still come back?    


She was originally just pretending to cry, but tears seemed to have some sort of inertia. After a drop of water flowed out, it began to flow continuously. In the end, Qin Fei was really sad. She gently called Qin Mo's name, "Mo, Mo, mom misses you so much..."    


Qin Fei finally cried until she was exhausted. She rubbed her tears and snot on Lin Yuelin's body. He was originally a germaphobic person. If it was in the past, he would have thrown Qin Fei aside.    


"Yuelin, don't leave me. Never leave me. I can't bear the pain of losing you anymore." Qin Fei's words were not true. Even she could not distinguish them.    


"Didn't I tell you to give birth to another child for me? If you like it. We can give birth to a few more. In this life, I, Lin Yuelin, will only have a woman like you, Qin Fei. Why would I leave you? " Lin Yuelin tightly hugged Qin Fei, as if the moment he let go of her, she would disappear.    


Lin Yuelin never thought that Qin Fei was just putting on a show, but he had shown her his true feelings.    


"Mo, Mo, don't leave." Qin Sheng, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly cried, "Mother, Mo is gone. I want Mo."    


Qin Fei heard her daughter crying and suddenly struggled out of Lin Yuelin's arms. She hurriedly went upstairs.    


When she saw Qin Sheng, her eyes were red. There were still crystal clear tears on her face. When she saw Qin Fei, she immediately threw herself onto Qin Fei. "Mom, you are lying. You said Mo would come back. Where did he come back from? I want Mo. I want Mo. "    


Qin Fei could still hide all her sadness in her heart, but Qin Sheng was still young. All her sadness was displayed on her face, so it seemed like Qin Sheng was the one who suffered the biggest blow to Qin Mo's death.    


"Sheng, don't cry. Mommy will accompany you. She will definitely not leave you." Qin Fei squatted down and tightly hugged Qin Sheng into her embrace and whispered into his ear to comfort her.    


It was a long time before Qin Sheng stopped crying. She blinked her eyes and pitifully asked, "Mommy, did Mo really die? He will never come back. Sheng no longer has a brother, right?"    


Qin Sheng was only a child and she did not know how to use euphemistic words to describe her thoughts. But she knew what she had lost and how sad she was.    


Qin Fei looked at Qin Sheng who had a look of anticipation. She knew what kind of answer she wanted. She also knew that as long as she gave a definite answer, she would cry again in the next second.    


Qin Fei wanted to open her mouth to tell Qin Sheng the truth but she found that she could not even say a word when she opened her mouth.    


Lin Yuelin had been watching the conversation between the mother and daughter from behind. He knew that Qin Fei was in a difficult position now. She did not want Qin Sheng to bear all this, but since it had already happened... It was useless to run away. He could only face it honestly. Sadness would always pass.    


Lin Yuelin went from Qin Fei's back to Qin Sheng's side and held her in his arms. "Sheng, if you keep crying, Mom will also be very sad. You know, what Mo hated the most was for mother to cry. Now that Mo is no longer around, the task of protecting mother will fall on you."    


Lin Yuelin's words had confirmed the fact that Qin Mo was no longer around. Qin Sheng wanted to cry again, but when she saw the tears at the corners of Qin Fei's eyes, she forcefully poured them back.    


She looked up and sensibly promised, "Dad, I know what I should do. I will take Mo's place and protect mom well."    


Lin Yuelin had just nodded when he realized that Qin Sheng still could not help but cry.    


She buried her head on his shoulder and tried her best to control herself.    


Lin Yuelin held Qin Sheng in his arms and used one of his hands to hold Qin Fei's hand. He slowly walked downstairs.    


As he went downstairs, Qin Sheng suddenly looked up and looked at Lin Yuelin very seriously. "Dad, let me go to class tomorrow. I haven't gone to class for a long time."    


Lin Yuelin raised his eyebrows. He did not intend to let Qin Sheng go to class this semester. Anyway, she had finished all the classes in primary school with Mo. With such a big thing happening at home, he did not think that Qin Sheng would still be in the mood to go to school.    


So he never thought Qin Sheng would say such things to him.    


"Sheng, are you sure you were not joking with Dad just now? ... ” Lin Yuelin had always respected the meaning of children. He never treated children as people who were lower than adults. Lin Yuelin would rather have the ability to choose their own lives than help others arrange their lives.    


Qin Sheng was silent for a while and then nodded firmly. He whispered in her father's ear, "Father, Mo is not here. I want to help Mo protect his mother. I can only protect my mother by studying well and becoming stronger. I will never skip classes in the future. I will never sleep or not listen to my teacher's lessons in class. "    


Qin Sheng did not control her voice very well. She originally did not want Qin Fei to be sad when she heard it. However, Qin Fei heard her words clearly. Indeed, the tears that had stopped were about to fall again.    


Qin Fei had lost Qin Sheng's most beloved brother but Sheng had never blamed her and blamed her irresponsible mother.    


"Sheng, what you said will be remembered by father. You cannot go back on your words just because you are a child." Lin Yuelin's goading method was as smooth as flowing water, making people unable to see the slightest trace.    


"Dad, you have to believe me. I will not go back on my word." Qin Sheng's attitude was firm, "I will not lie to Mo. I promised him to protect mom. I will definitely do it."    


Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin. His eyes were filled with stars. This glance seemed to bring her into the vast and gentle stars. The light and heat seemed to be able to evaporate all the sadness and humidity in the depths of her heart.    


She quickly withdrew her sight as if she had been electrocuted. She could not allow herself to be immersed in the false gentleness created by Lin Yuelin.    


Perhaps he had love for her, but this petty love could not resist the temptation of power. In his heart, the temptation of power had always been more intense. She and the child were behind this.    


Qin Fei had already lost a child. She did not want to lose anything that she treasured anymore.    


She subconsciously took Qin Sheng from Lin Yuelin's arms and sat on the sofa.    


Qin Fei's mood was a little chaotic right now. She did not know how she should treat Lin Yuelin's gentle and kind change.    


Lin Yuelin cared about Qin Fei. Her abnormal behavior did not escape the smart him. He looked at Qin Fei, who had her head lowered all the time. His eyes were full of love and inquiry.    


After a long time, Lin Yuelin did not see the emotions that he wanted to see from Qin Fei. He sighed in his heart and said, Sheng, what did you say just now? You said you wanted to protect Mommy. But now you are acting like a spoiled child. How can a spoiled girl protect Mommy?    


As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pulled the heavy Qin Sheng out of Qin Fei's embrace.    


"You have already missed a long lesson. Now go and take out your textbooks to study by yourself. I want to look at you." Lin Yuelin made strict arrangements. "If you have decided to go to school, then there will not only be school lessons. The classes that you have arranged for your family to attend in the past must also be followed. In the past, everything Mo learned was harder than yours, but now you have to learn how difficult it is for Mo to learn. Can you accept all of this?"    


Lin Yuelin had never protected Qin Sheng because she was a girl, but more because she was a girl. He had to be stricter with her. Qin Mo's matter had already given Lin Yuelin a blow to the head. Qin Sheng had to grow up quickly. Talent. Learn to protect yourself in a bad environment.    


"Dad, I accept it. For Mo, I also have to accept it." Qin Sheng's voice was crisp and tender, but it had an unprecedented firmness.    


Although Mo had left, she wanted to live on his behalf. She wanted to study, live a good life, and protect her mother well.    


This chapter is over.    


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