Don't Go Against My Mommy

C147 Borrowing Alcohol to Quench Your Sorrows

C147 Borrowing Alcohol to Quench Your Sorrows

The beeping sounds of hanging up in Qin Fei's ears amplified the loneliness in her heart. She turned over and crawled on the bed. She buried her face into the pillow and silently felt pain. In just a short while, the pillow was already drenched.    


Lin Yuelin did not call Qin Fei again for the next few days. Of course, Qin Fei was not in a good mood and would not take the initiative to call him.    


Seeing that Lin Yuelin was about to come back, the first thing he would know when he came back was that Shangguan Xue was pregnant.    


Thinking of this, the worries in her heart piled up like a mountain.    


Since the last time she had a drink with the department, Lin Yuelin had asked her not to drink any more. She also agreed. But the closer the date of his return, the more panicked she became. Alcohol was a good thing. It could make people forget their worries, so during this period of time, she did not reject any of the partners' dinner.    


After a meal, Qin Fei was already a little drunk.    


Chung Dongxue looked at Qin Fei's crooked figure and knew that she was drunk, so he kindly said, "Manager, you are drunk. I will send you home."    


Qin Fei did not seem to be driving today, so Chung Dongxue noticed. Although he still could not help but care about her, he had always put this kind of care in the reasonable range of his subordinate's care for his superior. Ever since Qin Fei became the manager and even got involved with the CEO, he gave up on pursuing her.    


After all, people had to know their own limitations.    


Although Qin Fei could not stand stably, her consciousness was very clear. From this, it could be inferred that those men and women who were said to be drunk clearly wanted to have sex. In the end, they even blamed it all on alcohol. The wine was really wronged.    


Qin Fei thought that Lin Yuelin was a very petty person and had a strong possessive desire towards women. Usually, whenever she spoke of a man's name, he would always speak coldly. Now, if she was drunk and asked another man to give her a drink, he would flip the roof.    


"We're not on the way, so I won't bother you. I'll go home myself." Qin Fei refused.    


"Manager, don't try to be brave. You are really drunk. It is not safe for a girl to take a taxi home when she is drunk. Let me take you home." Chung Dongxue looked at Qin Fei's wobbling appearance and was really worried. He said it again.    


Chung Dongxue did not know why he felt something was going to happen tonight. For safety reasons, he felt relieved to send Qin Fei home.    


Qin Fei saw that he was so persistent and did not hesitate anymore. Anyway, Lin Yuelin was not at home right now. If she did not tell him, he would not know.    


At the dinner, Qin Fei's phone was always silent. After she sat in Chung Dongxue's car, Qin Fei took out her phone and saw that it was all unanswered calls from Lin Yuelin.    


He was a person who advocated quick and efficient ways of doing things, so he never sent messages. However, there were also two messages that he had just sent.    


"Where is it?"    


"Why didn't you answer the phone?"    


Could it be that Lin Yuelin had already returned?    


Qin Fei looked up and urged, "Dong Xue, can you drive faster?"    


Chung Dongxue did not say anything, but the speed of the car had clearly increased.    


Very quickly, the car stopped in front of the villa. She walked so fast that even her bag fell into the car.    


"Manager, your bag."    


Qin Fei then turned around to take the bag. "Thank you for sending me back today."    


Chung Dongxue looked at the exquisite villa in front of him and the exquisite woman who turned around to leave. He could not help but feel bitter in his heart.    


Qin Fei entered the room and did not see Lin Yuelin's figure. She thought that she guessed wrong, but in the blink of an eye, she did not see the children's figures. She asked, "Did they sleep?"    


"It is very late now, Miss Qin." The butler's gaze drifted to the clock hanging on the wall.    


It could not be helped that the dinner was like this. One dinner was a few hours, and it was not easy for her to come back now.    


"Uncle Li, when I come back so late in the future, don't wait for me. I'm sorry." Qin Fei had a guilty expression.    


Qin Fei saw Steward Li's diligence in his eyes. He had always regarded Sheng and Mo as his own grandson and granddaughter's pain. He treated her like a daughter too.    


Although Qin Fei knew that her explanation was useless, Uncle Li still continued to wait the next day.    


After Qin Fei finished speaking, she did not stay downstairs but walked towards her bedroom. When she was a few steps away from her bedroom, her heart suddenly palpitated.    


Could it be that Lin Yuelin really came back? In the bedroom.    


Qin Fei quickened her pace and took two steps to the door of her room. After taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door and found that there was no one she wanted to see. A huge sense of loss hit her heart. Qin Fei fell onto her bed absentmindedly and did not want to go to the bathroom to wash up for a long time.    


She clearly did not do anything but felt tired.    


She really wanted him to go crazy. He clearly still had a few days before he came back. He was going to do some work, not travel. How could he come back earlier than expected?    


"Fei Fei, you're not obedient again."    


Lin Yuelin's unique cool tone came from behind. Qin Fei felt that during this period of time, her heart felt like she was riding a roller coaster. She was pleasantly surprised, disappointed, and pleasantly surprised.    


Qin Fei turned around in disbelief and saw Lin Yuelin standing diagonally at the door. His expression was languid, but his gaze was as sharp as a sword.    


Subconsciously, she jumped up from the bed and pounced towards him. But just as she took a step forward, she pulled back her foot and also withdrew the obvious smile on her face.    


He was back. What was there to be happy about?    


A trace of shock flashed across Qin Fei's face. Why did Lin Yuelin come back earlier? Could it be that he got the news from somewhere and knew that Shangguan Xue was pregnant?    


Lin Yuelin saw all the expressions on her face. She was clearly very happy when he came back, but she suddenly felt very sad.    


Why was there such a huge contrast between her and ___? Could it be that something really happened? Lin Yuelin understood her temper. He couldn't push her too hard, or else it would backfire.    


So he wouldn't ask her why.    


"Fei Fei, why did you come back so late?"    


Lin Yuelin had never thought that he would be so patient with a woman one day. Usually, it was him who got angry and the woman came to coax him. But when it came to Qin Fei, he was always the one who lowered his voice and begged for peace. But this woman still did not know what was good for her. She actually did not contact him for such a long time. During this period of time, she did not call him. He had a very difficult life every day, so he worked overtime to complete his work and rush back in advance. He originally wanted to see her immediately, but he did not expect that she would not answer the phone.    


If it was in the past, a woman like Qin Fei would have long been removed from his list.    


Qin Fei raised her head and quietly looked at Lin Yuelin who was very close to her. As long as she took a few more steps, she would be able to hug the man she missed day and night.    


She clearly knew that the more she relied on him, the more her heart would break when she was about to leave, but the thought of getting close to him had already enveloped her.    


She did not know when he would marry Shangguan Xue, and the time she had with him was also becoming shorter and shorter. Why would she waste time on the cold war or quarreling?    


Let her indulge herself without thinking about anything.    


Qin Fei no longer restrained her emotions and flew towards Lin Yuelin's embrace. Her hands tightly wrapped around his waist. That force seemed to want to rub her into his bone blood. Perhaps only he and she could never be separated.    


Lin Yuelin was stunned for a moment when Qin Fei suddenly took the initiative. Feeling the warm and soft body in his arms, his whole body was shouting and hugging her. But he still said awkwardly, "Now you know how to please me. Why didn't you call me those days?"    


Lin Yuelin decided to give her some color today. He did not want to exaggerate just because of his love.    


Qin Fei did not care what Lin Yuelin said. She just wanted to hug him quietly. She wanted to feel him by her side. His chest was very broad and warm, but it might not be long. She would never be able to have this hug again.    


She greedily breathed in the warmth in his embrace, perhaps she could keep it for a long and cold time in the future.    


The woman in his arms was spoiled by him, so he didn't give her any face to look at. She became more and more arrogant.    


The woman in his arms hugged for a while. Lin Yuelin also slightly eased some of the longing. Only then did he realize that Qin Fei's body had such a smell. It was really unpleasant to the extreme.    


"She actually drank wine?" Lin Yuelin's face became darker. He lowered his head and sniffed. "There is also the smell of smoke."    


He suddenly pushed Qin Fei away. She was not prepared and almost did not stand up. Fortunately, she stumbled back to her senses and stabilized her body.    


"Do you remember what you promised me? You said you don't drink." Lin Yuelin was so angry that his eyes were about to pop out. He scolded her for not saying anything.    


Qin Fei knew she was wrong in the first place. She gestured with her hands and said without confidence, "I drank a little bit. It was really just a little bit."    


After saying that, Qin Fei felt even more guilty. Lin Yuelin was a person who often drank, so how could he not know how much she drank?    


"Where did you go tonight? What did you do? Tell me everything." Lin Yuelin pressed his hands on her shoulders and interrogated her.    


Qin Fei did not dare to look at him. She could only look around him.    


Lin Yuelin raised one hand to tightly hold her chin and questioned fiercely, "Look into my eyes and say."    


Qin Fei was frightened by the violent Lin Yuelin. Her chin was in his hands again. If it did not follow his heart, he would directly tear her chin apart.    


"Eating with the client. Chung Dongxue went with me. I turned off the silent sound at the dinner, so I did not receive your call. That's all. You can't do anything if you don't believe me. " Qin Fei compromised helplessly.    


Actually, Qin Fei already felt a little guilty. It seemed that he had gotten off the plane and was looking for her. Perhaps he wanted to give her a surprise, but in the end, she went to eat with the client. She even came back with alcohol all over her body. Lin Yuelin's current attitude was already very good.    


[This chapter is over]    


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