Don't Go Against My Mommy

C113 The Heart of Her Best Friend

C113 The Heart of Her Best Friend

Mo Huan had been nervous all this time. She had to wonder if Gabe already knew what she was trying to hide. If it wasn't for the fact that she wanted to get information from Qin Fei and at the same time inquire about Gabe's whereabouts, Mo Huan wouldn't have come to find Qin Fei today.    


After all, she hadn't tidied up her emotions and didn't know what kind of mentality she should use to face Qin Fei in order to prevent their friendship from being damaged by this matter.    


Before Mo Huan came, she was very worried that she would see Qin Fei and Gabe together. Or rather, she would not see Qin Fei in the villa because she would definitely be with Gabe if she was not in the villa.    


After she came, she saw that she was staying in the villa with the child and her heart relaxed.    


She looked at Qin Fei's broken legs and thin face. Various kinds of emotions entangled her. Guilt, jealousy, and hatred were like a dense sea water that swallowed her. Mo Huan found that she could no longer use a normal expression and tone to talk to Qin Fei.    


"Fei Fei, you know..." Mo Huan wanted to inquire about Gabe's whereabouts but her pride did not allow her to do so. Hence, when the words were about to come out of her mouth, she still resolutely swallowed them back.    


Qin Fei pulled her hand warmly and smiled warmly. "Huan, what do you want to say? Is there anything that we cannot say between us?"    


Qin Fei still saw her as her best friend but Mo Huan was already more than half inclined towards her love rival. She felt very guilty. But during these days when she did not see Gabe, fear and jealousy devoured all of her goodwill like a devil.    


"Is your injury better?" Mo Huan felt that she could not raise her head in front of Qin Fei. Her voice sounded a little sad.    


Ever since Qin Fei saw Mo Huan, the smile on her face did not stop. "Huan, don't worry. My injury is fine. I will be able to remove the plaster in a few days and leave."    


"That's good." Mo Huan was somewhat absent-minded.    


Qin Fei did not realize that she was still in high spirits. "Huan, you must not know much about Lin Yuelin and me. And I also do not know if what you know is real, so I want to tell you all the details personally. Perhaps you can understand why I am entangled with him. "    


Mo Huan had always been a very good listener. When Qin Fei spoke in detail, she listened very seriously. Actually, she already knew all of this long ago, but Qin Fei did not know, so she had to cooperate with her.    


When Qin Fei spoke till the end, she was a little thirsty. When she drank water, Mo Huan asked, "Fei Fei, Lin Yuelin is so outstanding. There is no woman in the entire B City who can resist his charm. Are you really not interested in him at all? "    


In Qin Fei's narration, she was completely passive in giving in to Lin Yuelin. She was not willing to give in at all.    


If she had feelings for Lin Yuelin, she would have no chance to have any relationship with Gabe, which would no longer be a threat to her relationship with Gabe.    


Qin Fei did not want to talk about relationships at all, especially when it came to relationships with Lin Yuelin. He was obviously a cold-blooded animal. How could he have feelings?    


She laughed self-deprecatingly. Her smile was a little bitter, from the bottom of her heart to the tip of her tongue.    


"Huan, let's put it this way. If I am still a young girl now, I might also be tempted by his money, power, and looks. But I am now the mother of two children. In my heart, only two children are the most important. I don't want to talk about anything else right now." Qin Fei said calmly.    


Qin Fei actually had something in her words. Gabe was also the one she did not want to talk about. She wanted to say that even if she had met Gabe before, she would not give Gabe any chances.    


Mo Huan looked at Qin Fei's sincere eyes. She understood the deeper meaning of her words. She smiled gently at her, just like the first time they met in the hospital. She also gently smiled at her.    


"Fei Fei, as long as you can be happy, I will support you no matter what choice you make." Mo Huan got up from the sofa after saying that. "Fei Fei, it is getting late. I am leaving."    


Actually, even if Mo Huan did not take the initiative to ask to leave, Qin Fei would still advise him tactfully. Lin Yuelin was at home today. If she chatted with Mo Huan for too long, he would definitely find fault with her again.    


Qin Fei did not want to ruin the peace that she and Lin Yuelin had obtained.    


"Then I will not keep you. When my legs are healed, we will find a quiet and free place to gather."    


Qin Fei counted her fingers day by day. Then she suddenly realized that Lin Yuelin had been in the villa for a week. He stayed at home every day and did not go to the company.    


Lin Yuelin treated the study as his office and worked in the room during the day. He usually did not show up unless it was time to eat. He did not have time to care about Qin Sheng and Qin Mo at work. The two children did not follow the plan he gave them. They quietly touched and played with Qin Fei.    


At night, Lin Yuelin would hold Qin Fei in his arms. Then the two children would sit in front of them. He started to talk to them about the matters in the company. In other words, when it came to astronomy and geography, something that was obviously dull and boring was said by Lin Yuelin's mouth. It was as if everything had become novel and interesting. The two children were completely absorbed in listening. Even Qin Fei, who did not like to learn, also gained a lot of knowledge.    


Time passed like a flash of light. Finally, it was time to remove the plaster.    


The doctor said that Qin Fei recovered very well. After removing the plaster, Qin Fei could walk agilely. Her leg had not touched the ground for more than a month. The feeling of stepping on the ground now was really amazing.    


Qin Fei was like a child who had just learned how to walk. She walked over in the spacious corridor. Her eyes were like a lazy cat that saw the sunlight and narrowed into a line.    


"Okay, okay, don't go. Don't get too tired of that foot. Come over quickly. I have something to tell you." Lin Yuelin hadn't seen her smile so brightly in a long time. He couldn't help but be influenced by her emotions. She raised the corner of her lips.    


Qin Fei turned her head to look at Lin Yuelin and Qin Sheng, Qin Mo and his two sons.    


Qin Sheng was playing with the high-level Magic Cube. Qin Mo was controlling the small amount of shares that Lin Yuelin gave him. The two children seemed to be concentrating.    


"Then we have a tacit understanding. I have something to tell you too." Qin Fei jumped and walked to Lin Yuelin's side.    


"I will give you a chance. I will let you speak first." Lin Yuelin politely gave in.    


Qin Fei found a seat and sat down. Mo, who was concentrating on the stock market, glanced at Qin Fei and quickly went to her arms to lie down.    


Qin Fei enjoyed Qin Mo's closeness. This was what a six year old child should look like.    


Qin Fei's gaze stayed on Lin Yuelin's face as she observed the changes in his expression. She said carefully, "I have something to discuss with you. I know you will be angry. But I have to say. I have a house in B City, and it has been renovated. Now that my feet are healed, I want to move into my own house with Mo and Sheng."    


Qin Fei had been thinking about how to get into this topic with Lin Yuelin during this period of time. It was easier for him to accept it. In the end, he could not think of any good ideas. He might as well just say it directly.    


She had seen Lin Yuelin's recent changes in her eyes. He did not force her to do things that she did not want to do like in the past. So Qin Fei thought that perhaps she would try to convince him about this matter. He might agree.    


After Lin Yuelin heard her finish, his reaction was not intense at all. " Oh."    


Qin Fei was surprised. "What does this mean? Do you agree or not?"    


"That depends on whether you left alone or three people?" Lin Yuelin hooked Qin Fei's chin and asked with raised eyebrows.    


Lin Yuelin had been thinking about a lot recently. All this time, his conflict with Qin Fei started to intensify when they were discussing. He was really too emotional. It would not work if he used the way he treated his employees in the company to deal with Qin Fei. So he had to calm down. Only in this way could he get what he wanted.    


"I, Sheng, Mo, let's go together." Qin Fei felt Lin Yuelin's eyes were a little gloomy. She predicted that he would go for a few more rounds. They might have to quarrel again, so they whispered in Qin Mo's ear. "Mo, take your sister upstairs to play."    


Lin Yuelin stopped them, "Qin Fei, at their age, they already know what their parents mean. Don't hide from them. They have the right to know the direction of their parents' relationship."    


What did Lin Yuelin want to do?    


Qin Fei did not know, so she frowned tightly.    


"Dad is right. My sister and I have grown up. We have the right to know if there is an irrecoverable loophole in our relationship." This was the first time Qin Mo strongly supported Lin Yuelin's point of view.    


"Yes, yes, yes. Sheng also has to listen."    


From the perspective of a minority obeying the majority, Qin Fei also did not have the right to continue arguing.    


"Alright then. All of you just sit by the side and listen." Qin Fei argued based on facts, "Lin Yuelin, you previously told me not to think about those things that I could not get. You told me to be satisfied. I'm sorry, I can't accept it. I'm just an ordinary woman. My child needs a proper identity, and I also need a man who sincerely loves me. And these are all things you can't give us, because you will marry Shangguan Xue. That is why under these circumstances, if you insist on forcing us to stay, it will cause great harm to me, to the child, and to Shangguan Xue. Of course, perhaps these are things that you don't care about. If that's the case... Just pretend that I didn't say those words just now."    


Qin Fei had already rehearsed these words in her heart many times in private. This time, when she said it, there was more sadness in her voice than before. There was even some suffocating pain in her heart.    


Lin Yuelin said calmly, "This is not a reason. The child and I will get the best education. I must get the custody of the child. I must also let the two children return to their ancestors."    


This chapter is over.    


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