Don't Go Against My Mommy

C112 It Was a Relief

C112 It Was a Relief

Qin Sheng had long attributed the credit of her and Mo's return to her mother's side to Gabe. Therefore, her impression of Uncle Gabe had doubled. It had almost exceeded her impression of her father.    


"Uncle Gabe, give me a hug." It was not enough for Qin Sheng to pull Gabe's legs. She even spread her arms to hug him.    


Qin Sheng's voice was very penetrating. Lin Yuelin also got up early to work. When he heard Gabe coming, he quickly went downstairs.    


Lin Yuelin said in an unfriendly tone, "Gabe, it seems a little inappropriate for you to come so early to visit."    


Gabe held Qin Sheng, who was smiling in his arms. He also smiled. "Mo and Sheng both welcome me. I don't think there is anything wrong with it."    


Qin Fei already felt that these two childish ghosts were about to start a new round of verbal battle. She simply winked at Qin Sheng. Qin Sheng quickly understood her mother's intention and struggled to get off Gabe's body. She brought Mo and ran to Qin Fei's side.    


The current Uncle Gabe and her father were both very scary. It was safer to play with her mother.    


Gabe stayed in the villa for the whole morning. He left after lunch.    


Qin Fei was Gabe's good friend and he came to see her specially. Of course she wanted to see him, but because of her leg injury, she could not send him too far. She could only use her crutch to send him to the door with a limp.    


"Goodbye, Gabe." Qin Fei said with a smile.    


Lin Yuelin was sitting in the living room and could see where Qin Fei was standing. He saw the smile on her face and his eyes turned cold.    


He was smiling at other men like flowers and branches shaking. When he was facing him, he was expressionless, or he was picking bones in an egg. All kinds of problems had appeared.    


He was clearly a hundred times more handsome than Gabe. He really did not know if there was something wrong with this woman's eyes.    


Gabe left after saying goodbye to Qin Fei, but he did not go home. He also did not go to the company. He had already told his secretary that he had gone on a business trip when someone asked him about it. As for Mo Huan, because of Qin Fei's sudden appearance, his heart was still in a mess. So he did not know how to face her. Furthermore, he did not know how to explain the injury on his face. He might as well wait for his injury to recover. Perhaps he would also think of how to face her before going back.    


Gabe drove around randomly on the road and suddenly received a message from Qin Fei: Gabe, Huan is a good woman. I don't want you to let her down. And I don't want you to let him down because of me. The current me is no longer the Qin Fei of the past. I already have two children. Don't wait for me anymore, and don't come again.    


His hand holding the steering wheel suddenly tightened. His eyes dimmed, and the expression on his face was close to despair.    


After a long time, he finally managed to reply a message with great difficulty, but every word seemed to have exhausted all the strength in his body: Okay.    


Qin Fei's hand, which was holding the phone, also began to tremble. She seemed to be able to imagine what kind of mood Gabe would use to reply this one word. She did not want him to feel so uncomfortable, but she had to do it.    


She sent another message over: It's better not to tell Huan about our matter. She is a foolish woman who does not have a sense of security. After you tell her, she will think about everything.    


Of course Gabe would not tell Qin Fei. Actually, Mo Huan already knew, because he knew that if he told Qin Fei, this silly woman would also think about it.    


Qin Fei was actually still the same as before. She always thought about other people's bits and pieces, but she always placed her needs and hobbies at the bottom.    


Although Qin Fei who had settled everything was a little sad, she was more at ease.    


She sat on the sofa and exhaled heavily.    


Ever since Qin Fei sent Gabe out, she had been sending messages with her head down. Lin Yuelin had a feeling that Qin Fei was texting Gabe.    


When she just sent him out, she was already so reluctant to part with him and still wanted to send a message to alleviate her yearning.    


Lin Yuelin narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Fei dangerously. "Do you need to be so reluctant to part with Gabe?"    


Qin Fei knew that he must have misunderstood, but she was really too lazy to explain to him.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo were in the painting class in the room. She got up and was ready to check the progress, but before she could take a step, a hand reached out from behind her and pulled her wrist. With a force, she spun and went into Lin Yuelin's arms.    


"Fei Fei, don't like other men. You can only be my, Lin Yuelin's, woman. You can only be my woman." He tightly hugged her waist and buried his head in her chest.    


This man was clearly looking for an excuse to eat her tofu.    


"Lin Yuelin, can your method of eating tofu be simpler?" Qin Fei said snappily.    


Lin Yuelin was stunned for a long time before he realized what she had said. He was clearly confessing to her very seriously just now. She actually felt that he was taking advantage of her with ulterior motives.    


Anyway, the reputation of being a tofu eater had already fallen, so he might as well put it into practice.    


He raised his head and looked coldly at the surrounding maids, so the maids disappeared like a swarm of bees, leaving only him and Qin Fei in the entire living room.    


Qin Fei's collar was a little low, and when she lay flat on the bed, her breast was half exposed. Lin Yuelin's eyes lit up, and he lowered his head as if he had been bewitched. He was like a gluttonous child licking happily and occasionally making satisfied smacking sounds.    


Qin Fei's face turned red when she heard this sound.    


Lin Yuelin's skill was superb and Qin Fei had already fallen in love, but she hated herself for not being able to control herself. She complained, "Lin Yuelin, you are always like this. As long as you want it, you don't care about time. Not the location. You are too selfish. "    


" So what if you are selfish? You still have to obediently lie in my arms. " Actually, what Lin Yuelin wanted to say was, Qin Fei, when did you see me being so selfish towards other women other than you? But when the words came to his mouth, it turned into another sentence.    


Qin Fei was also strong-willed, "Don't even think about it."    


Lin Yuelin's hands had already drifted into her wide sweater. His fingers carefully felt her trembling body. "Your body honestly told me that you love me."    


Qin Fei originally thought that her fate of being eaten and wiped clean would not be avoided, but she did not expect Lin Yuelin to suddenly stop when he heard her say that his feet hurt.    


So Qin Fei avoided another disaster.    


Ever since Qin Fei sent those two messages to Gabe, Gabe had never come again, so Lin Yuelin's mood was also getting better day by day.    


Lin Yuelin was in a good mood, so Qin Fei was more relaxed with him. She was so relaxed that she had already forgotten that Mo Huan wanted to see her.    


When Mo Huan came to see her, it was already afternoon. She was discussing with Qin Sheng and Qin Mo about continuing to go to school.    


Of course, Qin Fei still felt that children should go to school and had to interact with peers of the same age. There would not be any shortcomings in childhood. She knew that Sheng and Mo's intelligence were really too high, but they had to follow the normal path of growth. Otherwise, they would lose a lot of color in their lives.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo had long been fed up with the dull life in school. They could not tolerate stupid teachers, stupid classmates, and the stupid atmosphere, so they were not willing to go to school.    


Qin Sheng's attention was all on ice cream, so she gave up arguing. Anyway, with her brother around, her mother's little mouth was not enough for her brother to eat. She was not worried that her brother would lose, so she ate ice cream peacefully.    


Qin Fei and Qin Mo were discussing whether to go to school or not.    


After Mo Huan entered the villa, she saw Qin Fei and Qin Mo sitting face to face. She did not know what they were talking about and the discussion was so intense. Qin Sheng, on the other hand, was sitting at the side like she had nothing to do and eating ice cream with relish.    


"Gan Ma, why are you here? Are you here to see Mom and us?" Qin Sheng ate ice cream happily, but she would occasionally raise her head. So she saw Mo Huan standing not far away, waving the silver spoon. She shouted excitedly at the same time.    


Qin Fei was a little shocked but in an instant, she smiled, "Huan, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came?"    


Since she came, it was better to be safe. Mo Huan knew what kind of person she was and would definitely understand her difficulties. She knew that she definitely would not be willing to be Lin Yuelin's woman.    


"I already said it on the phone the last time. It was clearly you who forgot."    


"Quickly come and sit." Qin Fei's legs were inconvenient, so she could only warmly invite her to sit beside her.    


The last time Qin Mo asked Uncle Gabe, he asked his godmother if she had told him about her mother being injured and trapped. When he said that he had told her, but he did not hear it clearly, he already knew that his godmother did not tell Uncle Gabe about it.    


So he had a grudge against his godmother in his heart. When he saw her, he did not feel as friendly as before. His smile faded a little, and he turned his head away and did not look at her anymore.    


Mo Huan sat next to Qin Fei and said apologetically, "I knew you were injured from Mo and Sheng. I kept saying I wanted to see you, but I did not have time. I only came to see you now. I'm really sorry."    


Qin Sheng's head was covered by ice cream. She thought that her godmother was apologizing for breaking her mother's leg, so she said, "Godmother, my mother broke her leg by herself. Blame her not for you."    


Although Qin Sheng's words were not wrong, Qin Fei felt that it was not right no matter how she heard it.    


Was this her biological daughter? You are still the little jacket that mom knew. Mom broke her leg. It is enough that you did not comfort her and even mocked her. Qin Fei's eyes were filled with tears.    


Qin Fei saw that Qin Sheng's mouth was about to say something but she quickly cut it off, "Sheng, you and Mo go out to play. I have a lot of things to say to my godmother."    


Qin Mo originally did not know what kind of attitude to face his godmother so he pulled Qin Sheng's hand to the building.    


After the two children left, Qin Fei and Mo Huan fell into a strange quiet atmosphere.    


Qin Fei hesitated for a long time before breaking the silence, "Huan, Lin Yuelin and I."    


Before Qin Fei finished her words, Mo Huan interrupted her, "I know."    


But after this sentence, she did not know what to say to her. In the past, when she saw Qin Fei, she would always have endless words to say. When did they actually have nothing to say to each other?    


But she had no choice. Ever since she found out that Qin Fei was the woman Gabe had loved for seven years. She could not help being jealous or even blaming her. Furthermore, Gabe had not returned home for a few days. He said that he had gone out on a business trip, but he didn't even come back to get a change of clothes.    


[Complete chapter]    


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