Don't Go Against My Mommy

C110 Give Me an Explanation

C110 Give Me an Explanation

Lin Yuelin never spoke twice. This was what Qin Mo and Qin Sheng heard from his subordinates. Every time he said this, it would be the precursor to his anger.    


So no matter how unwilling they were, they had to leave reluctantly.    


"Mom, we are not leaving. We are just playing downstairs. We will come up later."    


"Mom, don't be afraid. Dad is bullying you. Just shout and we'll come up to help you." Qin Sheng looked at Lin Yuelin and said boldly.    


Qin Fei nodded.    


Then she heard the footsteps of footsteps gradually disappear.    


After she could no longer see the child's figure, Qin Fei turned her face away and did not look at him anymore.    


Looking at Qin Fei who was so cold, Lin Yuelin could no longer suppress the anger that he wanted to suppress.    


Shouldn't this woman give him an explanation?    


In his house, she was still his woman. She actually hugged another man. In the past, Lin Yuelin only felt that only Gabe had feelings for Qin Fei, but Qin Fei did not call him. But now it seemed that Qin Fei also had Gabe in her heart.    


This thought made him so painful that he wanted to go crazy.    


"Qin Fei, you woman!" Every word he said was sonorous and forceful, and he gritted his teeth.    


Even though he was still a distance away from her, Qin Fei could feel his anger, but she still chose to turn her back to him and remain indifferent.    


"Qin Fei, why did you cry when he hugged you?" Lin Yuelin's voice was so deep that it was about to drip water, and it was so cold that it was about to freeze into ice.    


Although Qin Fei did not answer, Lin Yuelin already had an answer in his heart. Maybe it was because Gabe and Mo Huan were engaged.    


Maybe it was because they had not seen each other for a long time. He realized that he actually loved Gabe, but things were different now. So he cried with emotion.    


Did this woman not know that she already had Lin Yuelin's child? Even if Gabe was not engaged to Mo Huan, she would not be worthy of Gabe. The family behind Gabe would not accept a woman with two children.    


Even though he had the answer in his heart, he still hoped that Qin Fei could give him an explanation. However, she did not say a word. Her silence further aroused the indignation in Lin Yuelin's heart.    


The current Lin Yuelin was like a trapped beast without reason. He strode to the front of Qin Fei's bed. He grabbed her neck and ordered, "I'm warning you! Don't meet Gabe again in the future. There is a limit to my patience."    


Qin Fei hated Lin Yuelin's attitude of supremacy the most.    


Did he think he was the only one who was angry? She hated him so much that her teeth itched.    


How could he be so calm and tell her not to meet Gabe? What right did he have to not let her make friends? What right did he have?    


The corners of Qin Fei's mouth curled into a faint smile and said calmly, "I did not see Gabe before because of Mo Huan. But now that Gabe has found me, it is impossible for me to not see him."    


"Do you think that with Gabe as your backer now, your backbone is so tough?" Lin Yuelin did not get angry but laughed instead. The hand that was holding her neck suddenly increased the strength. However, Qin Fei did not look like she was going to lower her head for a long time. Even though her face had turned red.    


Lin Yuelin saw that she was so stubborn and persistent. His eyes were dark, and his extreme anger also revealed a trace of sadness that was hard to detect.    


In this period of time, no matter how much he missed her, Lin Yuelin had never stepped into this villa. He suppressed the longing and the indifferent anger that he had towards her. It was only until today that Gabe came to find her that he had a legitimate reason to come and see her.    


However, she still had feelings for Gabe, but she was still indifferent to him.    


Lin Yuelin let go of the hand that was holding her neck.    


Qin Fei coughed as she greedily breathed in the fresh air. "If you want to add fuel to the fire, there is no need to say anything. Since you think so, I have nothing to say. Whatever you say is what it is. Anyway, you have always been so dictatorship."    


"So it turns out that I only have a bad side in your heart. Why do you hate me so much?" Lin Yuelin's face was full of pain.    


Qin Fei was a little surprised that he would also reveal such weak emotions.    


Then could this be considered as his compromise?    


She was really afraid that she would misunderstand and at that time, she would attract another wave of ridicule.    


Qin Fei finally shook her head. Facing a man like Lin Yuelin, it was better not to think too highly of himself.    


"The last time you captured me from the airport, I already said it very clearly." Qin Fei was now completely exhausted and did not want to get entangled with him anymore.    


She was not crazy. Her child was snatched by him and her freedom was restricted. How magnanimous must she be to like him?    


"I want to know the reason. Why? Why?" Lin Yuelin was more persistent than ever. It was as if he would keep asking without a definite answer.    


Qin Fei looked at him and saw the confusion and weakness in his eyes. Her heart unconsciously tightened.    


"If you let me go..." Qin Fei did not finish her words and stayed by her mouth, but was mercilessly interrupted by Lin Yuelin. He regained his cold expression and firmly said. "Don't have any unrealistic fantasies. In this world, as long as it is something I want, there is nothing that I cannot obtain. If I really can't get it, then I will think of ways to destroy it. Including you, including the children "    


Lin Yuelin had never wanted to admit Qin Fei's influence on him, but this time when he saw Gabe hugging her, that kind of anger that broke through his nerves in an instant made him want to rub Qin Fei into his bones and blood, not letting any man covet her.    


But at the same time, he also found out that Qin Fei, this woman, could control his emotions. Although it was not a good discovery, at least it allowed him to recognize Qin Fei's position.    


Qin Fei had always thought that Lin Yuelin would not take her words seriously, but on the same day, she noticed the changes in the surroundings. Those expressionless bodyguards left silently like when they came.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo were also not sent to Shangguan Xue's villa.    


They had been staying in Qin Fei's room. Even dinner was in the room and they ate together with Qin Fei.    


Later on, it was really too late. Lin Yuelin pulled the two little fellows who refused to leave with a dark face and carried them to their own room. He stared at them after they washed up and slept obediently before leaving.    


Because his mood was affected by Qin Fei's matter, Lin Yuelin owed her a lot of things and did not deal with them. He asked his assistant to move all the unfinished documents to Qin Fei's room. He decided to finish it tonight.    


Lin Yuelin did not make any sound. He read the documents seriously. He frowned from time to time, and his lips curled up from time to time.    


Qin Fei did not know when her attention shifted from the words on the pages to Lin Yuelin, but when she found out, her thoughts were drawn by his smile.    


Lin Yuelin seemed to have a telepathic connection with Qin Fei. Every time her gaze stopped on him, he would raise his head and coincidentally catch her gaze. He smiled mischievously at her, causing her face to involuntarily turn red.    


After that... From time to time, he would raise his head to look at Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei finally could not remain calm and suggested, "There are still other empty rooms in the house. You can go to other places to work. Otherwise, it will disturb my mood to read."    


"I did not blame you for disturbing my mood at work. That is already very generous of me. You are the evil person who will complain first." Lin Yuelin's words were very gentle and there was even a faint smile on his face.    


Qin Fei knew that her protest had been rejected by Lin Yuelin in a very roundabout way.    


To think that when she knew that the bodyguard had left, she was still somewhat touched, thinking that he had finally listened to her words. She changed her mind. She did not expect him to become so serious that the bodyguard was watching her. He was worried and wanted to monitor her personally.    


Sigh, this man always does things his own way. He did not care if she was comfortable or not. In any case, whether it was endurance or means, Qin Fei was not worthy to be his assistant.    


Qin Fei could only let him go. Anyway, Lin Yuelin, who was not angry, looked more pleasing to the eye. She just thought that there was an additional piece of art in the room.    


So after an hour, Lin Yuelin's voice was a little hoarse, "Qin Fei, if you look at me like that again, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it in."    


Can't hold it in?    


Unable to hold it in, Qin Fei was somewhat puzzled. But when she saw Lin Yuelin's playful smile, she reacted.    


Instantly, her face turned red. She was still injured.    


Qin Fei was shy when Lin Yuelin got up from his seat. He took his nightgown from the closet and walked into the bathroom.    


The sound of flowing water finally pulled Qin Fei's thoughts back. She found that her heart was about to break through the narrow area of her chest.    


Didn't this man say that he would work for the whole night? What was he doing now? Was he going to sleep?    


Would he really just sleep?    


Qin Fei concluded from her past experiences that it was absolutely impossible.    


The two of them were already familiar with each other's bodies, but Qin Fei had already said in front of him how much she hated him. She hated that she had never met him before. After saying these words, if she slept on the same bed as him again, wouldn't it be a slap to her face?    


Qin Fei hurriedly called Mr. Mo over and said to him, "Mr. Mo, help me arrange a room again."    


Today, the CEO was at home, so Mr. Lin naturally knew, so he kept silent.    


"Mr. Mo, Lin Yuelin wants to strangle me to death. He definitely doesn't want to stay in the same room with me. I beg you to help me..." Before Qin Fei finished speaking, the bathroom door opened from the inside.    


Lin Yuelin was wearing a loose bathrobe, revealing his chest. His hair was dripping with water. No matter how one looked at it, it was sexy.    


He did not expect to see Mr. Mo in his room. His gaze was like a mountain pressing down on his body.    


Mr. Mo had been by Lin Yuelin's side for so many years. He could tell what it meant with just a glance.    


Mr. Mo did not hesitate to betray Qin Fei. "Miss Qin asked me to change her room, but I rejected her sternly."    


Qin Fei rolled her eyes. This man really held a grudge. It was just that she almost gave Lin Yuelin a report today.    


But that was not because of an emergency. That was why she made such a bad decision. Furthermore, she did not say anything bad about him in front of Lin Yuelin in the end.    


[This chapter is over]    


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