Don't Go Against My Mommy

C107 Finally We Meet Again

C107 Finally We Meet Again

Perhaps it was because of Qin Fei, the more Gabe looked at these two children, the more he liked them. He saw Sheng's nose was red and her eyes were filled with tears. She looked so aggrieved that her heart ached.    


"Uncle promises you that if this is really the case, I will do my best to help you save your mother."    


After hearing Uncle Gabe's promise, Qin Sheng and Qin Mo felt relieved.    


"Uncle, we have been out for a long time. Dad should look for us. We need to go back to the office." Before he finished speaking, Qin Mo pulled Qin Sheng and hurried to the office.    


Gabe did not have no doubts about what the two children said. However, none of his doubts could match a ten-thousandth of what they had said. That person was Qin Fei, the one who made him willing to use all of his light and heat to warm up Qin Fei. He did not allow any accidents to happen to her body.    


So he drove straight to Lin Yuelin's villa in the east road.    


This was only one of Lin Yuelin's many places to go. Under normal circumstances, there was only one housekeeper and a cleaning lady, but Gabe saw rows of men in black suits standing straight in front of the door.    


At this time, Gabe could confirm that Qin Sheng and Qin Mo were not lying. He could not believe what Lin Yuelin did, but at the same time, he was angry.    


As long as he thought about Qin Fei lying on the bed all alone and helpless, wanting to see his child but unable to do anything about it, Gabe could not control his emotions.    


How could Lin Yuelin do this to her? What right did he have to do this to her?    


Gabe's entire body was surging with anger. His eyes were sinister and firm, and his steps towards the villa were firm and forceful. He was arrogant and arrogant, as if he had met a god, killed a god, and killed a Buddha when he met a Buddha.    


However, things did not go so smoothly. He had only taken a few steps when he was stopped by the bodyguards. "Sir, who are you looking for?"    


"I am a friend of Lin Yuelin."    


"The president is not at home, so you can't go in," the bodyguard said. The bodyguard said in a very principled manner.    


Gabe no longer had patience and coldly scolded, "Get lost."    


Although he usually showed a gentle and elegant face to others, among the children who grew up in the wealthy families, who did not have a sense of nobility and arrogance that went deep into their bones and blood?    


"Sir, if you insist on barging in, don't blame us for not thinking that you are a friend of our president." The bodyguard was still expressionless in the face of Gabe who had gone mad.    


The anger of this sir was nothing compared to the anger of the president. He had already told them that if the woman inside disappeared or something else happened, they would bear the consequences.    


These people were the first ones to expand their territory with the CEO. Of course, they knew how cruel and cruel his methods were. Just thinking about it made their hair stand on end.    


Gabe smiled coldly, but the bloodthirsty smile in his eyes turned cold like an asura from hell. "I will say it one last time, get lost!"    


The bodyguards had only seen this kind of violent emotion from the president. They could not help but tremble.    


"Sir, please don't make things difficult for us, you still..."    


Before the bodyguard could finish his words, he faced a cold and hard fist on the surface. The fierce fist wind coupled with the unrestrained force almost made the bodyguard's face crooked.    


Gabe used to feel that Lin Yuelin often used force to solve problems in a way that was too violent, but now it seemed that this kind of rough method was the simplest and fastest.    


No matter how much he said, it was better to make a move!    


Gabe only wanted to see Qin Fei as soon as possible. This kind of thought had already surpassed all of his current thoughts, so when he waved his fist, he almost subconsciously, and it was also ruthless and accurate.    


However, the bodyguards beside Lin Yuelin were not to be trifled with. Seeing that Gabe was no longer someone who could be persuaded with words, they also decided to use the CEO's famous words. When they did not understand, they would make a move.    


The four bodyguards rushed forward and the five of them twisted into a ball. They could not tell which leg belonged to which person. Anyway, it was you who blocked it, and I will block it.    


Gabe looked soft and weak, but he did not expect his movement technique to be so swift and fierce. His punches were fast, and each and every move was aimed at the fatal spot of his opponent. Although he was fighting against four people at once, he handled them in an orderly manner. He did not appear flustered and helpless at all.    


Perhaps no one had ever seen such an imposing manner from a graceful young master. Actually, there was nothing to be surprised about. The descendants of aristocratic families naturally learned how to defend themselves since they were young.    


More importantly, the bodyguards did not dare to use their full strength. After all, he had already said that he was a friend of the president. Moreover, ordinary people could not enter this area. Afraid that they would hurt the tough guy, they fought with more difficulty.    


Mr. Mo heard the sound of fighting upstairs. When he rushed over, he found that the four bodyguards and Gabe were all injured, either lightly or heavily. However, they did not have the time to care about their injuries at all. They still fought very hard.    


Mr. Mo was a person who often followed Lin Yuelin. He had seen Gabe many times, so of course he recognized him at first glance.    


"Stop, stop!"    


The president said that Mr. Mo's words were his orders when he was not around. So when they heard Mr. Mo say stop, the four bodyguards stopped almost at the same time.    


Gabe saw them stop, so he naturally did not press them anymore.    


Mr. Mo looked at Gabe who was in a sorry state. There was blood at the corner of his mouth. There were purple spots on both sides of his face. He was wearing a proper white shirt with dirty and messy footprints.    


He felt a bit of a headache. He did not know how to clean up this mess.    


These bodyguards actually beat up Mr. Jia.    


Mr. Jia grew up together with the president. Their relationship was so good that they could wear the same pants.    


What Mr. Mo was most afraid of now was that he could not keep his job. Cold sweat flowed down his back and soaked most of his underwear.    


Gabe obviously remembered Mr. Mo. He wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth casually and looked at him coldly. "I want to see Qin Fei. Do I need to fight with you again?"    


Mr. Mo's heart skipped a beat and cold sweat started to form on his forehead again.    


To let him see Qin Fei and fight with him, these two were simply taking Mr. Mo's life.    


But looking at Gabe's current state, if he didn't let him see Qin Fei, he definitely would not give up so easily. Mr. Mo could not really fight with him. If he hurt him somewhere, how would he explain it to the CEO? And how would he explain it to the family behind Mr. Jia?    


He might as well use a delaying tactic to let him see Qin Fei first. Then, he would report to the CEO that he could not stop Mr. Jia and ask the CEO to hurry back.    


After Mr. Mo thought it through, he made way for the body blocking the door and silently expressed his permission.    


Gabe walked in valiantly and valiantly.    


Mr. Mo told Lin Yuelin about this matter almost at the first moment that he did not see Gabe.    


Qin Fei had been able to talk to Qin Sheng and Qin Mo for an hour and was in a much better mood. She was reading the romance novel Mr. Mo bought for her and saw the warm interaction between the male and female leads. She smiled and leaned forward.    


She did not know that a person she had wanted to see for a long time, but for such a reason, she had not been able to get her hands on, and was already approaching her.    


"Feifei, Feifei..." Gabe arrived before anyone could say anything.    


Even though the voice calling her name was still trembling, Qin Fei immediately recognized who the owner of the voice was. The book in her hand fell to the ground with a thud.    


She suddenly raised her head and looked in the direction of the door. What appeared in her sight was that familiar and unfamiliar face of an old friend. It was just that it was not as fresh and clean as before.    


A few buttons on her shirt fell off. Her whole body was covered in dust and there was still color on her face.    


"Gabe, you fought with someone?" Gabe waved at him, waiting for him to come closer. She did not feel awkward about being reunited after a long time. It was as if the seven years between them had turned into clouds and dissipated the moment their eyes met. She held his hand and asked with concern. " Do you feel pain? Do you want to see a doctor? "    


Gabe had been looking for Qin Fei for seven years. Just when he had decided to give up, she actually appeared. He had never thought that he would have the chance to hear her voice in this lifetime. He saw her frown for him.    


As long as he could see her again, this little injury on his body was nothing. Gabe just foolishly looked at her and smiled, afraid that she would disappear again in the blink of an eye.    


"This little injury is nothing, it's fine." Gabe was afraid that Qin Fei would be worried, so he shook his head and said.    


Qin Fei never thought that she could meet Gabe again. Even if they met, it would not be in Lin Yuelin's villa. What was more bizarre was that he appeared in front of her with injuries all over his body.    


But it could not be denied that seeing Gabe made her feel happy from the bottom of her heart.    


Qin Fei could not help but laugh. She did not expect that meeting an old friend would be such a scene of a broken weapon meeting.    


"Alright, you are still the same. No matter what happens, just say it is fine. The wound is still on. Let the doctor take a look." She pressed on the spot where his face was purple and made him groan in pain.    


Qin Fei could not stop smiling and bending her waist. It was as if she had returned to the time when she was studying in the past. She was still the girl who had been warmed up, and he was still the sunny youth.    


Speaking of which, this should have been an exceptionally moving reunion after a long separation, but because of the injuries of the two of them, there was no longer the sadness of parting for a long time, only the joy of reunion.    


In Qin Fei's memory, Gabe seemed to have never been defeated or panicked because of anything. He was calm and self-disciplined, and he was strategizing, as if there was nothing in the world that he could not solve.    


But at this moment, Gabe quietly looked at her. He did not know where to put his hands and his slightly reddened eyes could not hide the panic and running emotions in his heart.    


Gabe had seven years of longing in his heart, and he wanted to tell Qin Fei, but when the time came, he did not know where to start.    


His lips mumbled for a long time before he said with a trembling voice, "Fei Fei, long time no see."    


This was what he wanted to say the most after entering the room for so long.    


Qin Fei was stunned. Yes, it was indeed a long time no see.    


She smiled sweetly and her eyes were filled with the tenderness of the past. "Gabe, long time no see."    


[This chapter is over]    


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