Don't Go Against My Mommy

C89 Sweet Teasing

C89 Sweet Teasing

Qin Fei rubbed his head and smiled. "Baby, you have to trust me. Although I am stupid, I am very smart about you guys. I will definitely protect you guys. "    


"Mom, if we leave now, when will we be able to see dad again?" Qin Sheng cried for a while and asked.    


"When you grow up to be able to control your own life, if you still want to see your dad, that's fine." This was the biggest concession Qin Fei made.    


As long as Qin Sheng thought about how long it would take for her to grow up, it also meant that she would need a long time to see her father again. When she grew up, her father would probably have a head full of white hair. Then, would she still know him? Thinking of this, she felt very sad.    


She started to cry again.    


Qin Fei could not help but cry as well. Only Qin Mo still stood there quietly, like a stone statue.    


They were all very sad. The three of them did not realize that in a corner not far away, there was someone secretly recording this scene in a small camera. They did not know what it was used for.    




Because the Come Again Hotel was under the Jia family's banner, Gabe's engagement banquet was held in the Come Again Hotel.    


At seven o'clock in the evening, the night had arrived in B City.    


Inside the Come Again Hotel, people were everywhere.    


Most of the people who came to attend the engagement banquet were famous and influential people in B City. They were wealthy business big shots and political big shots.    


Gabe and Mo Huan were busy toasting and greeting guests with great backgrounds. They were very busy.    


Shangguan Xue was naturally among the invited guests. She was wearing a long green drag dress. The tail was three meters long and her chest was as bright as the stars. Under the warm light in the room, it became even more dazzling. It was as if she was wearing the entire lake water on her body, making her look gentle and moving. It was quiet and elegant.    


Standing beside her was naturally her fiancé, Lin Yuelin. He simply wore a black custom-made suit without much decoration, but he was still able to garner the attention of everyone present as soon as he appeared.    


Even if it was by accident, the talented beauty had already become the host.    


After Gabe and Mo Huan greeted some of the other guests who were not very familiar with each other, they slowly moved to Lin Yuelin's position. He smiled and raised his wine glass to touch Lin Yuelin. He joked, "I knew it would be a huge mistake to invite you to my engagement banquet. I clearly wanted to find a backview wall, but I was destined to find a protagonist. You stole all my limelight. "    


Gabe nodded. Mo Huan also very naturally took a glass of wine from the waiter's wine tray at the side and clinked it with the person beside Lin Yuelin.    


"Shangguan, I heard from your father that you rejected several meetings to attend my engagement banquet. I really want to thank you for coming." Mo Huan smiled and nodded.    


"Gabe and Yuelin are good friends, and I also like you very much. How can those meetings compare to your engagement banquet? Of course I will come." Shangguan Xue spoke appropriately and magnanimously.    


Gabe was not happy, and continued to tease, "Don't believe Shangguan. How could she reject these few meetings because of our engagement banquet? Obviously, it was because Yuelin would definitely attend our engagement banquet, and she followed him around."    


Mo Huan understood happily and nodded, "So that's how it is, I was almost cheated by you."    


Lin Yuelin smiled slightly but did not say anything to help his fiancée.    


There was a beauty who could smile and topple cities, but no one realized that men could also smile and hook souls. Just like Lin Yuelin, he was afraid that even he didn't notice it. His faint smile attracted the screams of most of the socialites around him.    


"Mr. Lin, it looks like you're very popular." Mo Huan saw the reactions of the girls around her and could not help but tease him.    


"I think you have learned something bad from Gabe. Why do you like to tease people like him?" Although Lin Yuelin did not say anything to help him, as his fiancée, she felt that she should protect him in front of outsiders.    


Lin Yuelin tilted his head and smiled at her, but didn't say anything.    


"Yuelin, I feel that other than our Huan, everyone else in the world likes you. Next time we get married, we must not make this kind of mistake again. We will definitely not invite you." Gabe gritted his teeth, but he still had a smile on his face.    


Lin Yuelin shrugged indifferently and said proudly, "It's my fault for being so popular. I am so handsome. It's also my fault. I'll say it now. When the time comes for you to get married... If you don't invite me, I'll come uninvited."    


"How can I not invite you, a small Jia Corporation? It's not enough for you to mess around" Gabe knew that Lin Yuelin could do anything when he was angry. His Lin's Group could crush their Jia family with a single finger. He did not want the Jia family's hundred-year foundation to collapse because of a wedding invitation.    


"Mr. Lin is so interested in other people's wedding. If you like it, marry Shangguan and bring him home." Mo Huan suggested.    


Lin Yuelin did not answer Mo Huan directly, but turned to Gabe and threatened, "Gabe, I promise you. On the day of your wedding, you were definitely carried into the wedding room."    


"Is there still a law in this world? Even if she marries, she will not let her husband marry properly." Gabe exclaimed with an exaggerated expression," Shangguan Xue, don't take pleasure in others' misfortune by the side. Get up and discipline him. "    


Shangguan Xue was looking forward to Lin Yuelin giving an answer to Mo Huan's question just now. In the end, he directly skipped over it openly. The expression on her face was very hurt. She had been immersed in sorrow and had not pulled it out yet. She was called out by Gabe.    


The moment she raised her head again, a warm smile appeared on her face. "I like being controlled by him."    


These two people were really, a man showing off his affection to a woman. Was it over or not?    


Gabe and Mo Huan trembled all over. This time, they lost again.    


Were these two people here to tear down the stage or to congratulate them on their engagement?    


"Alright, alright. We can't just admit defeat. The two of you shouldn't disgust us here." Gabe smiled ambiguously.    


After saying that, he paid no more attention to the two of them. He put his arm around Mo Huan's waist. She said goodbye, "I don't want to chat with the two of you now. I want to take care of my other guests. You can do whatever you want. There are food and drinks. Do whatever you want."    


Shangguan Xue was stunned by Gabe's willfulness. How could there be such a casual owner? The guests here hadn't even had the time to serve properly and were already preparing to serve others.    


"Lin, it seems like your relationship with Gabe is really good. In my impression, it seems like no one has ever dared to be so casual to you. Moreover, this is the first time someone has been so casual to you, but you won't get angry. "Shangguan Xue looked at the back view of the two of them as they slowly left with a smile on her face.    


Today, Shangguan Xue dressed up beautifully in order to be able to appear in front of Lin Yuelin in a very dazzling manner. She wanted others to think that her becoming his fiancée was not to climb up the social ladder, but to match up to each other. It was a perfect match made in heaven.    


" This is what I owe him. " Lin Yuelin's eyes were deep. He looked at Gabe's back as if he wanted to see through him.    


Shangguan Xue did not understand what Lin Yuelin meant. She just did not understand what he meant.    


"Yuelin." Shangguan Xue saw that he was too focused on Gabe's back, so she had to increase the decibel. However, the affection in his eyes was still strong. "My father and uncle are drinking over there. Let's go."    


Lin Yuelin withdrew his gaze and looked in the direction where she was pointing. There were two middle-aged men chatting happily.    


He nodded and said, "Let's go."    


When Lin Yuelin was about to approach the two men, he wrapped his arms around Shangguan Xue's waist.    


"Uncle Shangguan, Uncle Shangguan, didn't I tell the driver to pick you up? Why did you drive here by yourself?" Before the man approached, Lin Yuelin's clear and cold voice slowly rang out.    


At this moment, although Lin Yuelin's face was calm, and there was an insufferably arrogant smile on his face, his heart was not at ease. He always felt that something was going to happen.    


His mind was also filled with Qin Fei's shadow. He himself was somewhat puzzled. Why would he think of her for no reason? Clearly, every night he slept with her snuggled up to him.    


And because Qin Fei could not wait to leave, she misjudged the boarding time and arrived at the airport three hours earlier than usual. After checking the tickets, she took the children to sit on the cold seats at the airport and waited.    


The longer they waited, the more nervous Qin Fei became. She was not only nervous, but also anxious.    


Qin Sheng sat in Qin Fei's arms and constantly moved around restlessly.    


"Sheng, can you not move?" Qin Fei found that her words were trembling.    


She was really worried. There were still more than two hours. If Lin Yuelin went home early and found out that she had escaped, she would definitely be caught.    


The more Qin Fei thought about it, the more flustered she became. In the end, she directly stood up and held a child with one hand as she paced back and forth on the road.    


"Mom, why aren't you sitting?" Qin Mo really could not understand his mother's current behavior and asked doubtfully.    


"Don't talk to me. Let me be quiet." Qin Fei said.    


As expected, Qin Mo obediently shut his mouth.    


"Mom, I..."    


Before Qin Sheng could finish her words, Qin Fei interrupted somewhat impatiently, "Didn't I tell you guys not to speak, to let me be quiet?"    


[This chapter is over]    


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