Don't Go Against My Mommy

C82 Storm Jealousy

C82 Storm Jealousy

When Qin Fei returned home, she saw that Lin Yuelin was also home.    


If she had known that he would come back tonight, she would not have come back so late at night.    


Qin Fei held a child with one hand and walked closer to Lin Yuelin. He lazily sat on the sofa with his two hands on the armrest of the sofa. His phoenix eyes slightly narrowed and the light in his eyes flowed. His entire body emitted a dangerous aura.    


Qin Fei had already expected that she would suffer tonight.    


Sheng had not seen her father for a long time and a few days ago she was still quarreling with Qin Fei and asked why her father did not come back these few days.    


Now that she saw Lin Yuelin sitting on the sofa, she was originally sleepy but now she woke up from her sleep and rushed towards him like a fluttering butterfly. She smiled and shouted, "Dad, dad."    


Qin Fei did not have time to react. When she raised her head, Lin Yuelin had already hugged Sheng in his arms.    


Only Mo made Qin Fei feel relieved. He had been holding her hand tightly and his expression was cold.    


Lin Yuelin looked straight at this woman who he had missed for a long time. There was not a trace of worry on her face. He felt that these few days of torture were like a joke. A flame of anger rose in his heart. He could not wait to release it. "Who allowed you to come home so late? "    


Qin Fei thought that since she could not stay in this house for long, she would temporarily obey him for a few more days.    


She lowered her head like a child who had made a mistake. Her voice was as soft as a mosquito's fly." You didn't say that you will be back today. I made an appointment with a friend and chatted to my heart's content. I forgot the time. "    


She made an appointment with a friend and chatted to her heart's content?    


What friend? He chatted to his heart's content.    


When Qin Fei faced him, she basically did not give him a good look, much less calmly chat with him. Lin Yuelin discovered that he was actually jealous of one of her friends.    


He must have drunk too much and gone mad.    


"Is your work done?" Qin Fei saw that the atmosphere between the two of them was too quiet, so she smiled and broke the awkward situation.    


Lin Yuelin's eyes were ice cold. It turned out that she had always thought that he was just busy with work in the company and did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


Qin Fei saw that he did not speak for a long time and thought that she had said something wrong.    


She asked in a daze, "Did I say something wrong? If I said something wrong, I will apologize to you."    


Qin Fei's sudden obedience made Lin Yuelin feel strange. At the same time, it made him accept his incompetence.    


"Do you think I did not go home during this period of time purely because of work?" Although it was a question, Lin Yuelin's tone was very certain.    


Qin Fei definitely did not think that way. It was not the first day that he came back. She knew that he went to Shangguan Xue's place. He might have gone to another woman's place on the second day that he did not come back. On the third day that he did not return, she had already tried not to think about where he went and whose bed he was in.    


He had never been her or anyone else. He was free to do anything. As long as she had a little bit of a sense of jurisdiction, she would be overestimating herself.    


Qin Fei did not want to answer Lin Yuelin's question, so she wanted to change the topic. In the end, she bumped into his gun. "Why did you come back today?"    


Lin Yuelin's eyes were predicting a storm. Just his dark gaze was enough to make Qin Fei feel fear. The hands that were hanging by his side were trembling slightly. His eyes sparkled as he looked at other places. Only she did not dare to look at him.    


Why did she feel that after not seeing him for a few days, Lin Yuelin seemed to have become harder to serve.    


"This is my home. When I want to come here, do I need to apply to you?" Lin Yuelin frowned. His gaze was like a sharp sword that was about to be unsheathed, cutting Qin Fei into eight pieces.    


Of course, he did not need to apply to her. He had always lived according to his will. He had never considered the feelings of others.    


Qin Fei saw that she had touched Lin Yuelin's lightning again. She could not help but stiffen. "No, no, no. I did not think so. You can't blame yourself for what you have done."    


She really did not expect him to come back today. She was still praying in her heart that it would be best if he did not appear until the day of Gabe's engagement. Then she would have enough time to prepare for the escape.    


"Sheng, didn't you just say you were sleepy to death? She still did not go upstairs to sleep. She had to make up for the homework that she had left behind the day before. Sleep early." Qin Sheng's reliance on Lin Yuelin had long surpassed Qin Fei's expectations and was at the top of the line when she was about to leave. She could not let him stay with her for too long.    


Qin Fei used her eyes to signal to the old butler and the old butler immediately took Qin Sheng from the young master's embrace.    


The butler smiled kindly and the wrinkles on his face piled up layer by layer, "Little miss, old uncle will give you a bath."    


It was not easy for Qin Sheng to see her father but before she was able to get enough of him, she was about to leave. Initially, she was unwilling, but when she saw her mother's warning look, she could only give up.    


She had already made a choice between her mother and her father. She had made her own choice. Even if she knelt down, she still had to persist. This was what Qin Mo said, although she didn't know why he would say such a serious thing. But think about it, it's true.    


"Mo, let's go together." Qin Sheng waved at Qin Mo.    


After that, the housekeeper left with Qin Sheng and Qin Mo.    


Even though Qin Mo's face had been cold ever since he entered the room and left, and he had not even called him father, Lin Yuelin did not realize that all his attention was on Qin Fei.    


After chatting with Gabe, he returned here.    


After waiting for a few hours, she actually forgot about it when she was playing outside. He couldn't help but call her, but she still turned off her phone.    


Her actions really angered him to death at any moment.    


Lin Yuelin was a little regretful. What kind of brain did he have in his head? He actually believed the words of Gabe, that rare love seed in the world. How could he possibly really like Qin Fei? He wouldn't really like anyone.    


He suddenly remembered something. He opened his hands and forcefully demanded, "Give me your phone."    


Although he did not know what he wanted her phone for, thinking about it, she did not even have two saved messages in her hands. She was not afraid that he would look at it, so she gave it to him crisply.    


Qin Fei's memory was not very good, so things that did not have a password would not have a password. Lin Yuelin easily swiped open the screen of the phone and opened the contact list from the beginning to the end. His expression kept changing, becoming worse and worse.    


This woman didn't even save his phone.    


Lin Yuelin stopped all his movements. After a moment of silence, he raised his head. His gaze was cold to the bone. "You don't have my phone number?"    


Qin Fei did not know why she saved his number. That day in the car, he had already made his words clear. He told her not to think about things that she could not get at all. He wanted her to recognize his identity. Keep your duty and do not have unrealistic thoughts.    


Because he knew that the interaction between the two of them was only temporary, sooner or later, the two of them would move in different directions, and those interactions would be forgotten by others as time passed.    


So Qin Fei had never saved his number.    


"Yuelin, you said so. Let me have a little bit of my duty. This is my duty." Although contradicting Lin Yuelin might be something that needed to be done at the risk of her life, she had no choice but to do so.    


"Qin Fei, what do you think I am?" Lin Yuelin's face was so cold that ice froze. His expression was stiff. He directly smashed her phone onto the ground and broke it into pieces.    


Qin Fei's heart skipped a beat, but she quickly calmed down. However, her heart ached for the phone that she had bought not long ago. Fighting with rich people was really a waste of money. The habit of throwing something with one's hand was really too extravagant.    


Lin Yuelin thought that they had slept together for so long. In her heart, he was definitely different from other men. But he did not even save his phone number. Even a stranger would have benefits. She couldn't bear to give it to him.    


Qin Fei was too cruel. He shouldn't have listened to Gabe and come back to find her.    


Lin Yuelin's heart was boiling with anger. He couldn't calm down for a long time.    


He finally stopped sitting and stood up. Step by step, he approached Qin Fei. She warned herself in her heart that she must face the difficulties. But no matter how much encouragement she gave him, it was useless in front of a real crisis. She was still scared to step back step by step. The fear in her eyes slowly gathered into endless fear and helplessness.    


Qin Fei did not understand why Lin Yuelin was so abnormal today. It was just that he did not save a phone number. Moreover, she had already memorized his number. What was there to be angry about?    


What she was most afraid of was that Lin Yuelin had found out about her plan to leave from some place.    


"Qin Fei, do you have no heart? Why do you have to do this?" Lin Yuelin tightly gripped her wrist and casually pressed her against a wall. His hands were tied to her head and his face was pressed against hers. His thin lips seemed to sweep across her moist and full lips.    


He really wanted to tear her apart and swallow her down at any moment. But right now, he was so angry that he didn't want to be attracted to her just like that.    


Qin Fei's worry became heavier and heavier. The only way she could think of in her heart was to not care what Lin Yuelin said. Anyway, she just kept biting herself and did not know.    


Luo Yong had already done his best to help her. One should know that as long as she had seen Lin Yuelin before. Who would want to offend him? Therefore, Qin Fei could not say anything. It was fine if she was found out. She did not want to implicate Luo Yong.    


"Answer me. Answer me." Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei was distracted and angrily roared beside her ear.    


"It has nothing to do with me. I... I did not." Qin Fei's soul was about to be scared out of her body.    


" It's none of your business. It's not like you don't have anything. " Lin Yuelin saw that there was something wrong with her expression. He looked at her inquisitively and forced her to ask.    


Qin Fei did not speak anymore. She just kept shaking her head and kept shaking her head.    


Lin Yuelin did not know what Qin Fei wanted to do and she did not say anything. A huge uneasiness rose in his heart, like a tornado swallowing him up, making him disappear without a trace.    


[This chapter is over]    


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