Don't Go Against My Mommy

C63 Let's Talk about the past

C63 Let's Talk about the past

Qin Fei's clothes were very thin to begin with. When the cold temperature of his fingers reached her skin, it actually made her skin burn hotter and hotter.    


Her throat was somewhat dry and thirsty as she said in a hoarse voice, "Why is it up to me to decide?"    


Lin Yuelin looked at her in a daze, and instantly revealed a bewitching smile, like a beautiful but deadly man-eating flower, swallowing you when you were at your most intoxicated.    


"This is the room card of Come Again, come to this room to find me tonight. I won't force you. You can come whenever you want. It doesn't matter if you don't want to come." Lin Yuelin stood up and said gently.    


Qin Fei knew that there were thousands of invisible blades hidden in his smile at this moment.    


She refused with a cold face, "I will not come, definitely not."    


"Don't answer so quickly. Think about it carefully." Lin Yuelin took a few steps forward, turned around, and said calmly. "By the way, I have brought my son and daughter to my house first. If you want to see them, you have to ask for my opinion. Only with my permission can you meet them. "    


Qin Fei pointed at Lin Yuelin, who was standing at the door. Her eyes were full of hatred." I want to sue you for illegal detention of children. "    


"It's up to you, but you might not be able to see children for the rest of your life. You know that I am a cruel and merciless person. Don't think that they are my children. I won't dare to do anything to them. Qin Fei, I know that you are very smart, so I look forward to seeing you tonight. " The seven days in London were Lin Yuelin's most fulfilling days, but it was also his most painful days. Because even if he was with Qin Fei, he still could not see Qin Fei's heart clearly.    


During the days when he returned to B City, he would think of Qin Fei every night.    


When Lin Yuelin finished speaking, he turned around elegantly and did not look back.    


Seeing his back disappear, Qin Fei's palm, which was holding the room card in her hand, felt a burning pain, but there was no expression on her face.    


If he knew that he would never see his child again after coming out this time, even if he lost his job, he would not leave the children.    


But there was no medicine for regret in this world.    


Qin Fei came back to her senses and ran out crazily to stop a taxi before rushing home.    


Qin Mo was so smart. How could he let others take him away so easily? Maybe he had already pulled Qin Mo to a corner of the house when they opened the door.    


When Qin Fei returned home, she searched all the places in the house that she could hide. As she looked, she shouted anxiously, "Sheng, Mo. Mommy came back to get it. Don't hide anymore. Otherwise, Mommy will be angry."    


But every time she ruled out a place, the color of blood on Qin Fei's face decreased a little. Gradually, the color of blood on her face was completely gone, and even the sound of calling became weak and powerless.    


In the end, only Qin Fei's soft sobs were left in the room.    


After crying for an unknown period of time, she raised her head from her knees. There were no more tears spilling out from the corners of her eyes. "Lin Yuelin, I will definitely not let you take the child away from me, definitely not."    


Qin Fei gave in in in this kind of helpless and helpless environment.    


She came to the door of the room in Come Again seven years ago. Although she was mentally prepared, she would still hesitate and be afraid of what would happen next.    


Qin Fei could not understand why Lin Yuelin would bite her and refuse to stay in the room. He had so many beautiful women by his side, and they were all willing to cooperate with him endlessly. But why did he take a fancy to her who had sharp claws and claws?    


Could it be that it was because she was not easy to obtain it that aroused his desire to conquer as a man?    


Does this mean that as long as he got tired of her, she would be able to take away his child and would no longer have anything to do with him?    


If Qin Fei knew what would happen in the future, she would definitely laugh at her current naivety and joke.    


Qin Fei gritted her teeth and made up her mind. She stuck the room card on the sensor and with a click, the door opened.    


She closed the door and changed into her shoes before walking in.    


Lin Yuelin knew how much Qin Fei loved his two children, so he was sure she would come. He had already finished bathing and waited for her for a long time, but she only came now. He pretended to be angry, "Why did you come so late?"    


Qin Fei looked at the man sitting on the sofa. He was wearing a red bathrobe loosely, revealing his strong body. He leaned lazily on the sofa with one hand holding a red wine glass and the other hand on his knees.    


Qin Fei did not speak. Her gaze was cold, as if she was looking at a person she had never seen before.    


Lin Yuelin knew that she was annoyed that he used such a method to force her to give in. He did not care at all. His gaze gently fell on her body, like the caress of a willow leaf.    


"Qin Fei, come to my place." Lin Yuelin's voice seemed to have a magic power as he called Qin Fei closer.    


Lin Yuelin saw Qin Fei carefully moving her feet and laughed. "Don't look at me so carefully. Stand closer. I am not a flood beast. I will not eat you."    


What he did not know was that in Qin Fei's heart, he was even more terrifying than a flood beast. She was afraid of him.    


She thought that after she had Qin Sheng and Qin Mo, she would not be afraid of anything. But now she realized that she was very afraid of Lin Yuelin. He always had a way to firmly grasp her weakness, forcing her to give up all her persistence and pride. She was willing to do it. Submit to him.    


He was such a person. No one could disobey him. Anyone who disobeyed him would break her wings.    


She was a living, bloody example.    


Qin Fei took two small steps in his direction again. Lin Yuelin frowned and put down the wine cup in his hand. He extended his long arm and Qin Fei landed on his leg. His hands and feet were so tight that he did not know where to move them.    


"I told you to come here. It's not like I have never seen your true face. Why are you still dressed like this?" Lin Yuelin could not deny that he missed the woman in London, who was dressed in ordinary clothes but was attractive. He did not hesitate anymore. He took her off. She wore the old glasses on her nose bridge and then put down her long hair that was tied up. It poured down like a waterfall.    


Although her face was still yellow, one could already tell that she was extremely beautiful.    


Qin Fei sat in Lin Yuelin's arms, smelling the familiar faint fragrance. She actually missed him for a long time. She raised her head and looked at his face, which was very close to her. She had to say that Lin Yuelin, this man, was really more beautiful than a woman. The exquisite outline of his face was decorated with perfect facial features. His deep pupils seemed to suck a person's soul into them.    


However, the more beautiful something was, the more poisonous it was, just like Lin Yuelin. His thoughts were meticulous, and his methods were cruel and unpredictable. Whenever Qin Fei felt that she had a little understanding of Lin Yuelin, he would use his fury to dispel all your thoughts. No one knew what he wanted. Wealth. It seemed like there was no one in H City who was richer than him. Woman? In the world, as long as he nodded, many women would flock to him. But he just had to oppress her and threaten her.    


Qin Fei did not dare to love or even hate Lin Yuelin. She could only shrink back in fear.    


"Did you miss me these few days?" Lin Yuelin was flirting again, but it could not be denied that he was looking forward to her answer.    


Of course, he also knew that it was impossible. Previously, when he left London with her, he was afraid that something would happen to her because he arranged for someone to follow her onto the same plane. The person who followed her reported that she cried for a long time on the plane. His heart also tightened fiercely. His original intention was not to hurt her, but her character was too unyielding. If he wanted to keep her, he could only break her wings, even if it was cruel. He had to do this too.    


However, whether Qin Fei thought about him or not, he would dream about her every night. Shangguan Xue was always by his side, but he had not touched her for more than a month. Whenever he made up his mind to want her, he would think of Qin Fei when they had a blind date. Then, he felt that everything was boring.    


He knew that he had always missed her. That kind of longing was like a raging fire that was about to burn down all his rationality.    


"I miss you. Every time I think about what you did to me, I hate you more." Qin Fei said very calmly. There was no color in her eyes.    


"Other than these, do you have anything else to say?" Lin Yuelin did not want to hear the word hate from her mouth at all.    


He only wanted her to fall in love with him, not make her hate him.    


[This chapter is over]    


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