Don't Go Against My Mommy

C60 Build a Company Gossip

C60 Build a Company Gossip

There have been a lot of things at home these days, running to the building material market to buy all kinds of material legs are gonna break, and work things can't be delayed for a second, and she wants 48 hours a day.    


One day, Qin Fei was translating a book called 'Administrative Mentor Review'. She really could not understand why there were foreigners reading ancient books in China. Moreover, it was extremely difficult to translate this book. First, she had to translate the ancient language into modern language. Then, she had to translate the modern language into English. She had already stayed up all night for four days and had finally completed this book.    


She raised her head, rubbed her shoulders and neck, stood up, and walked to the tea room with the teacup on the table.    


"Do you know? Our company has reached an agreement with the Lin's Group."    


"Lin? Where did you get this news from? Is it true?"    


"I heard from the manager and the others, of course it's true."    


Qin Fei walked to the tea room and there was a group of women who were gossiping inside. She smiled at them and walked to the side to fetch the water.    


"Oh my god, such a big company actually collaborates with our company. It seems that our company's turnover this year can be achieved in a month. Lin's Group is really too fat."    


Qin Fei was also a woman. As long as it was a woman, it was impossible not to gossip. So she did not forget to listen to the conversation of these women as she received the water.    


Although she had only been here for a short time, she still knew that one of the people who spoke was a popular person by the General Manager's side. The things that came out of her mouth were a little exaggerated. But it was definitely not baseless.    


The General Manager's secretary was being led by a group of people. So unhonorable: "Our company is going to be promoted to a first-rate translation company soon, because it is not only Lin's company that has reached a partnership with us. Even Song Shi is negotiating with the General Manager about the cooperation. I really don't understand why the two largest companies in H City suddenly have sharp eyes to recognize heroes."    


" Who cares? How would mortals like us know what a big corporation is thinking? I only know that the year-end bonus this year is very impressive. "    


Song Shi? Could it be Soong Ze?    


In Qin Fei's mind, the image of the young man's slender and fair hand pressing on the young girl's shoulder under the big banyan tree in the school all those years ago appeared. He had possessed the body of a dragonfly and kissed her lightly on the surface of the water.    


She turned around and saw that the one who was talking was Miss Liu from the translation department.    


"H City really does not lack rich people and handsome men. The last time I followed the general manager to the Song Corporation to discuss the contract, I had a chance to meet the president of the Song Corporation. So young, so handsome, so rich. " As Miss Liu spoke, her eyes were filled with pink peaches.    


"You're so lucky to have met Soong Ze once. I could only watch his handsome face on TV."    


Qin Fei thought in her heart. Was Soong Ze that beautiful? She thought so in the past, but since Lin Yuelin appeared, she only knew that she had really seen too little in the past, so her thoughts were all so naive and narrow-minded.    


Sigh! How could she think of that person?    


"Forget about the two of you. Which woman in H City doesn't like Soong Ze? But he already has a wife. That wedding simply fulfilled every woman's dream. He had occupied the headlines of Weibo for a month. All the women in the city were heartbroken. "    


"I watched the complete broadcast of that wedding. My heart was no longer broken. I simply didn't want to eat or drink. My heart was filled with despair."    


" Is it that exaggerated? All of you are so infatuated with Soong Ze. If you see Mr. Lin, all of you will faint in front of him. "    


"Mr. Lin, isn't Mr. Lin an old man? How can he be compared with the young and promising Soong Ze?"    


"How can he be an old man? He is a figure like an immortal. It didn't seem like these people could be compared to him. You guys don't know him because he never goes on television or newspapers. All the media doesn't dare to publish all the photos and information about him without his permission, because as long as his information appears... That newspaper or television station is very likely to suffer a devastating blow. "    


Qin Fei really could not bear to listen any longer. She held a cup full of water and walked towards her office.    


Her face was always calm, but her heart was turbulent and could not calm down for a long time.    


She was already trying her best to avoid these people.    


Why did Soong Ze and Lin Yuelin seem like vengeful souls that never dispersed?    


Qin Fei thought about it. The company was so big. As long as she was not in the translation team, then even if the company and their company cooperated, it would not affect her, a bottom-level worker, at all.    


Sitting next to Qin Fei was a short girl called Cheng Qing. She saw that Qin Fei was still fine just now. When she went to get some water, her face turned pale. Worried, she asked, "Qin Fei, are you feeling unwell somewhere? Your face is really too pale."    


Cheng Qing's face was average. His body was fat but his chest was flat. So in front of these women in the company, she had always been unwelcomed. She was even often used as a target to ridicule and make fun of. When Qin Fei appeared in the company, Cheng Qing felt as if he had seen his own kind. He tightly grabbed her and forcefully established a revolutionary friendship.    


Qin Fei said without thinking, "I heard that we were going to increase the year-end bonus, so I was happy."    


"Increase the year-end bonus, why?" When mentioning money, Cheng Qing's eyes lit up.    


"The company is going to form a partnership with the Song family and the Lin family." Qin Fei only told her about what she had just heard in a concise manner.    


"This has nothing to do with us. It's all about the translation department." Cheng Qing's eyes dimmed. "I thought you were going to say something. It's actually this kind of thing."    


Qin Fei heard what she said and immediately relaxed. "That's right. It's all because the translation can't do anything. What does it have to do with us who have the least salary?"    


This company's matters were always endless. Although Qin Fei had just completed a translation, it did not mean that she could rest. She only chatted with Cheng Qing for a while and then went back to her seat to get busy.    


"Qin Fei, will you attend the company's weekend activities?" Cheng Qing half-propped up his body and spoke to Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei did not know what activity she was talking about and asked curiously, "What activity are you talking about?"    


"You don't even know this?" Cheng Qing was in disbelief. He picked up a promotional poster from his desk and handed it to Qin Fei. Then, he began to speak, "Didn't you say that our company and Lin's and Song's collaborations were successful? The higher-ups are excited. So, they generously gave us a vacation by the sea. As an old man who has worked in the company for five years but has never been on vacation, I advise you that the opportunity must not be missed. Lost will never come again. How many years can a woman have in her five years of youth? If you miss this opportunity and want to wait for the next time... I don't know how long it'll take."    


The reason why Cheng Qing spared no effort to persuade her was that she wanted to go, but she did not have any like-minded friends in the company. If Qin Fei did not go, it would be meaningless for her to go.    


Qin Fei was amused by Cheng Qing's advertisement like words.    


"Do you really want me to go?" Qin Fei quickly understood Cheng Qing's intentions.    


Cheng Qing violently nodded his head and his big eyes were full of expectation as he looked at Qin Fei. "Yes, yes."    


Qin Fei thought for a while and asked, "Then how many days do you want to go?"    


Cheng Qing thought that Qin Fei wanted to go and the smile on his face bloomed, "One week, and it is a paid holiday. It is a rare opportunity."    


"It is too long and I cannot go." If they were not home for a week, what would Mo and Sheng do?    


"Why are you so stubborn? Why don't you go? This kind of matter of cheating the company's boss is not to be polite at all." Cheng Qing was stunned when he heard Qin Fei didn't want to go. His eyes widened even more. His small face looked a little scary. "If you don't go, none of them will be willing to sleep in the same room as me."    


Qin Fei spread her hands and said helplessly, " " I usually work so hard that I don't have time to accompany my child. I can take a weekend off this time. I want to accompany my child. Furthermore, my new home is currently being renovated. I can't leave. "    


"Qin Fei, you are simply the so-called Xuan Zi Crazy Devil on Weibo. What's so great about having a child? You used a child as a reason to reject a gathering. You used a child as a reason to reject activities. Your child is really omnipotent." Cheng Qing smiled and said.    


Qin Fei continued to be smug, "My son and daughter are not only omnipotent, but also loved by humans. When a car sees a car, it will have an abortion."    


Looking at the child's parents' appearance, one could guess the child's appearance. After Cheng Qing sized Qin Fei up from top to bottom, he seriously doubted what she said.    


But after thinking about it, he figured it out again. Which child was not the most beautiful in the eyes of the parents?    


Cheng Qing had already given up on persuading Qin Fei. "Alright, alright. You don't have to go. I'll find another candidate."    


She sat back in her seat in a bad mood. The keyboard rang loudly as if she was accusing Qin Fei of being disloyal.    


Everyone in the company participated in the seaside vacation event except Qin Fei.    


Although they missed the coconut trees and the waves on the beach, they could spend a week shopping with their son. At the same time, they could also look at the decorations, tables, curtains, and other things that their new home needed.    


After strolling for the entire morning, Qin Fei had combined Qin Sheng and Qin Mo's opinions and already had a general opposite of the decoration in the room. She casually ate two bowls of Chaos on the street and brought two treasures to the new house to check the progress of the renovation.    


On the way, Qin Fei received a call from the company. They said that the company needed to send a temporary translator to a place to help with the emergency, but everyone in the company had already arrived at the seaside. It was estimated that they were all wet and could not make it back in time.    


The general manager said that the company's partner would have to discuss with the London company at 3 PM. No matter what, they had to rush to the Seven Fields Commercial Clubhouse before 3 PM.    


Qin Fei originally wanted to bring the children to see the new house and then bring them to eat barbeque on paper, but now it seemed like it would be ruined. The general manager was a very slow person. He always spoke warmly. But this time, he was in a hurry on the phone. It seemed that it was really an urgent matter.    


She decisively ordered the driver to immediately turn around and eat a bowl of noodles downstairs at the rented house. Then, she took her son and daughter home and left in a hurry.    


[This chapter is over]    


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