Don't Go Against My Mommy

C117 Why Are You Here?

C117 Why Are You Here?

They have to be by Mom's side, or she won't even know she's been sold by Dad.    


Very soon, the elevator stopped and the doors slowly opened to the sides.    


Lin Yuelin didn't know how to answer the two little fellows, but there was a warm feeling in his chest. There were also many complicated emotions. He did not know what to say to express his feelings at this moment.    


So he just kept silent and looked confused and worried. He held Sheng and Mo's hands and walked to his office.    


Along the way, all the employees nodded and greeted Lin Yuelin when they saw him.    


They were used to the CEO taking Qin Sheng and Qin Mo to work. At first, they saw Qin Mo who looked almost exactly the same as the CEO. They had been in deep disbelief even when they later found out that this was the CEO's son. They still felt that the CEO's genes were indeed extraordinary.    


The employees all thought that president's wife would be Shangguan Xue, but these two six year old children were obviously not given birth by Shangguan Xue. Which woman would be so lucky to give birth to such two cute children for the CEO? It was really nice to meet her. Shake hands with her might even get some good luck.    


Lin Yuelin, Qin Sheng, and Qin Mo, the three father and son, were the center of attention. They were leisurely and at ease. However, Qin Fei, who was late to work for the new employee, did not have such an easy life. She was standing in front of her direct superior. She listened obediently to his scolding filled with disdain and disdain.    


Of course, according to Lin Yuelin's inner thoughts, he obviously wanted to put Qin Fei under his nose. But he knew very well that Qin Fei would definitely not agree. There was no hot tofu when anxious. He could only let her be the assistant in External Agency first.    


Actually, Qin Fei was late on her first day at work. It could be said that she came late because she could not find the company or because she was stuck on the road. Generally speaking, her superior would not say anything. But the reason why Manager Lee was so harsh on her was because Qin Fei snatched the position that should have belonged to the biological sister of the manager. If Qin Fei did not take this position, she was prepared to drop her younger sister to this position. But there was no other way. There was someone above this woman.    


"I don't care who is protecting you from above. We, the Lin's Group, are indebted to each other. But we also need abilities. " Manager Lee slightly opened her nostrils and warned, "You better do your job dutifully. If you keep making mistakes... There are people above you who can't protect you. "    


Lin Yuelin had hired a very low level employee to plant Qin Fei in and made that person keep it absolutely confidential, so no one knew that the person above Qin Fei was Lin Yuelin.    


If Manager Lee knew, she would not have come to scold Qin Fei with such an arrogant face right now.    


Qin Fei did not say anything. She was thinking that Lin Yuelin's company was really like his style. Everyone liked to scold people so much.    


Manager Lee was immersed in what she said and did not realize that Qin Fei was distracted. After she spoke until her mouth was dry, she threw a thick stack of documents on the desk in front of Qin Fei. "Your workplace will be here from now on. This is the work you are going to do today. Recording the information of these customers accurately into the computer, you must complete it before you get off work. I can't fire you, but the deduction of your salary is still within my capabilities. "    


Qin Fei was somewhat speechless.    


She felt that today was a very bad day. She had spent a large sum of money to buy a professional suit and was not allowed to wear it. Now, she was scolded by her superior for half an hour and even threatened that her salary would be deducted if she did not do her job well.    


This company was worthy of being Lin Yuelin's company. It did not have any love like him.    


This assistant job was very different from Qin Fei's previous work. The things she wanted to do were naturally very different. So Qin Fei naturally could not handle the salary work in an orderly manner in a very short period of time. But she was also a person who worked very seriously. Everyone went to eat lunch. Even if she was hungry, she still had to finish the work that she needed to do.    


The Lin Building was the most magnificent building in B City. The entire building was used for office work. The External Agency was on the 23rd floor.    


As the name implied, the External Agency was a diplomatic marketing organization. They did not need to go around selling their products like traditional sales. Or rather, it could be said that the ___ was a diplomatic marketing organization. Under the rainstorm of the hot sun, there would be leaflets for sale. As long as one sat in one's seat, there would be customers who would take the initiative to call to consult. The department employees only needed to use professional attitudes and professional knowledge to export the characteristics and effects of the company's products to the customers.    


External Agency could be said to be the most relaxed department in Lin's Group. Moreover, the salary was very high. Many technical departments wanted to jump ship to External Agency. Lin Yuelin took this into consideration, and that was why he strictly controlled the flow of personnel.    


About an hour later, the colleagues who went to eat earlier all came back from the company's restaurant after eating and drinking to their heart's content.    


Besides eating, everyone still had an hour to rest. Usually, the employees would go to sleep after eating, but this time, as if they had encountered something interesting, all of them gathered together and discussed passionately.    


No one knew who started it. "Did you hear? Our CEO has finally come to work."    


"Fortunately, he came. He hasn't been here for a week. He has never been in the company for so long. I thought he was sick or something else."    


"I heard that during the week when the CEO didn't come to the company, the company's performance fell rapidly. Most of the sales people are thinking about the CEO and can't work in peace."    


The female employees of the company were all super fans of Lin Yuelin, so no matter how strict and ruthless Lin Yuelin was, there was almost no opposing voice in the employees.    


Although Qin Fei was focused on her work, her voice was really loud. Naturally, she could clearly hear every word that they were talking about.    


"The CEO has brought the little cuties here again."    


Cute cuties, and the cuties?    


Just how many women was this bastard Lin Yuelin?    


A wave of unnamed anger rose in Qin Fei's heart. She completely forgot that Sheng and Mo were together with Lin Yuelin.    


"My God, I will go to the CEO's building later to see the two little guys. Last time, Sheng even kissed me. That night, I was not even willing to wash my face."    


"You're really too vicious. You don't even know how many chemicals there are on your face. How can you let her kiss your face?"    


"Oh no, I can't wait anymore. I just want to go and see the two little babies."    


"You can go to the company's forum. There are pictures posted by kind-hearted people." Su Xi opened her mouth slightly in shock. Her hand was placed on the keyboard and she stopped moving. She felt like she was in a Spartan state.    


Qin Fei finally understood that the cuteness they were talking about was referring to her son and daughter.    


These two little fellows were really flirting with their brothers and sisters everywhere.    


Qin Fei compared Sheng and Mo's popularity and thought about her own situation. It was true that her mother was not as good as her child.    


She helplessly shook her head and continued to work.    


Qin Fei used to like to play games. She simply triggered monsters with her hands and her typing speed could instantly kill a group of people. You could not see the key she pressed at all. You only knew that her hands were dancing on the keyboard. Then, it was accompanied by the sound of the keyboard cracking.    


Of course, the speed of her hands was also closely related to her previous work. After all, when she was translating in the past, she often needed to translate a large number of literature books, and her hand speed was also trained at that time.    


Hence, even if Qin Fei was not very familiar with her current work, she still relied on her super fast hand speed to complete the task that Manager Lee used to make things difficult for Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei's hands finally freed from the keyboard. Previously, she had been busy with work and did not feel hungry, but now she felt hungry.    


But now, there was still more than an hour before work.    


Qin Fei held her growling stomach and comforted herself. In just over an hour, she would be able to go to Mo Huan's appointment to eat a big meal.    


This hour was actually very short, but when her stomach was hungry, it seemed to be infinitely extended. Qin Fei waited until she was bored and started to check the information.    


Manager Lee said that it must be accurate and accurate. She did not want her hard-earned information to be deducted in the end.    


"Fei Fei." Qin Fei's gaze had just shifted to the computer when she heard a familiar voice.    


She looked towards the source of the voice and saw a man standing not far away. He was wearing a warm smile, as if he had brought an entire spring into the office.    


Qin Fei did not expect Gabe to come here to find her and was stunned speechless.    


"Haha, I didn't expect to see you dressed like this at the scene, it's really... Hmm, it has a different flavor." Gabe seemed to have racked his brains to say these words tactfully.    


"I was going to ask what you came here for, but I won't ask now." Qin Fei was immune to his mockery.    


"Why not?"    


"Because I know you came specially to mock me." Qin Fei said with a gloomy face.    


She was not angry at Gabe, but at the main culprit, Lin Yuelin. She clearly wanted to outshine everyone today, but in the end, she became the laughing stock of the office.    


No matter what, as long as she met Lin Yuelin, it would be bad.    


"Why did you think of coming to see me?" Qin Fei asked sincerely this time.    


After she texted Gabe the last time, she thought that Gabe had a grudge.    


"I went overseas for a week and heard that you were still working at Yuelin's company when your legs recovered. I came over to take a look and see if I could treat you to a meal. It can also be considered as my good friend celebrating your recovery. " Gabe suppressed his strong feelings and said calmly.    


Gabe did not go on a business trip. During this period of time, he had been in B City. Qin Fei's legs had recovered for a few days. He had originally planned to treat her to a meal, but he did not have the courage to drag it out until today.    


"You said you went on a business trip overseas. Where did you go?"    


"England." Gabe said casually.    


"Then you must have met senior Luo Yong as well."    


Gabe was stunned and nodded.    


He did not go to England, but he knew Qin Fei had gone to England with Lin Yuelin. He called Luo Yong and said he had found Qin Fei.    


Luo Yong told him about seeing Qin Fei earlier.    


This chapter is over.    


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