Don't Go Against My Mommy

C204 Alone

C204 Alone

Qin Fei looked at the green scene in front of her and felt as if all the frustration in her heart had been purified.    


Soong Yuan was full of curiosity about everything. Ever since she left the main city, her eyes had been looking left and right.    


There was an artificial ecological park in the suburbs. It was similar to other gardens. The only difference was that it was very big. If she wanted to move all the corners of the park to other places, it might take a few days.    


Qin Fei liked this kind of natural place very much. It was as if her whole body and body could follow the breeze and the fragrance of flowers could be released. She could temporarily put aside her grudge with Lin Yuelin and treat him as a friend who was traveling with him.    


Lin Yuelin always inadvertently glanced at Qin Fei and saw that her brows were relaxed. He also felt that it was beautiful to have returned to his original self. Actually, when Mo was still around, he should have taken the time to bring them to the outskirts to play. ...    


Lin Yuelin had come to a realization in these two years. Why did he always feel that he had given Qin Fei enough? However, Qin Fei was never satisfied. It was not that Qin Fei was greedy, but the basket of pears that she wanted. Lin Yuelin gave a cart of apples and he was so touched that he cried. But he did not give Qin Fei what she really wanted. In the end, he still had to blame Qin Fei for being ruthless.    


No wonder Qin Fei wanted to leave. He had never really understood her.    


"Mom, let's go there and have a seat. After walking for such a long time, my feet are almost sore to death." Qin Sheng pointed at the stone table and stool not far away.    


Qin Fei's feet were also in pain.    


"Younger sister, let me carry you. Mommy, you have been carrying me for a long time." Qin Sheng had already seen her mother change her hands several times. It should be that her mother was tired from carrying her.    


Soong Yuan was indeed very heavy.    


Qin Fei did not reject and handed Soong Yuan over to her.    


Now Qin Sheng was already able to hug Soong Yuan very skillfully. Her face carried a childish innocence.    


"Younger sister is very heavy. You have to be careful. Don't throw her or bring yourself along with her." Qin Fei was really worried about Soong Yuan's weight and instructed.    


"Mom, alright, alright. Why did you become so long-winded? Are you not tired?" Qin Sheng winked at Lin Yuelin. "Mom is not tired. Dad, take mom around."    


Lin Yuelin would not let his daughter down. "Okay."    


"But..." Qin Fei originally wanted to use the child as a young child and was afraid that there would be a dangerous reason to coax Lin Yuelin.    


She did not expect that he already knew her reason. Before she could say it, he had already blocked her mouth. "Don't worry. The child's safety is not a problem. The bodyguards are watching by the side."    


Qin Sheng looked at the few plainclothes clothes ten meters away. No wonder she always felt that they were following them. It turned out that they were here to protect them.    


"Dad, mom, don't worry and go play. We will be fine. I will take good care of my sister too." Qin Sheng said sensibly.    


Qin Fei's heart was crying.    


Daughter, daughter, can't you see that your mother doesn't want to go out with Lin Yuelin?    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei was a little shy, so he held her hand and pulled her to the side. "Wasting time, why don't you go back earlier?"    


"You..." Qin Fei did not even say a word before she was rudely pulled far away by Lin Yuelin.    


"Lin Yuelin, let go. You are crazy." Qin Fei did not believe in any bodyguards at all. Didn't Lin Yuelin lose his bodyguards in the past?    


It was because of this that she went to Qin Mo. Could it be that he had not learned his lesson? ...    


"Qin Fei!" No matter how good Lin Yuelin's patience was, it was all spent by Qin Fei.    


"How can you be like this? Two such young children are there. Don't you worry? Why are you still so selfish?"    


"Didn't I say that the bodyguards are nearby?" Lin Yuelin was furious.    


"If your bodyguard is useful, Mo will not leave." Qin Fei said with a cold face, "I don't care. I need to go back and take care of them."    


"Qin Fei, do you not want to be alone with me for a while?" Lin Yuelin stood in front of Qin Fei and did not let her leave.    


"Get lost." Qin Fei's eyes were calm, and her voice was crisp and cold.    


She wanted to push him away but he took the opportunity to hug her in his arms. Qin Fei seemed to have suffered a huge insult as she beat her chest with all her might.    


"Lin Yuelin, why are you so hateful?"    


"Don't say that I am hateful." He said with a sullen face.    


"What right do you have to ask me?"    


"I love you, Qin Fei."    


Qin Fei had been back for so long, but Lin Yuelin had never expressed his feelings to her. He was afraid that he would scare her away again.    


"I don't want to hear this. Shut up." Qin Fei had heard enough of Lin Yuelin's sweet words.    


He clearly still wanted to have a child with Qinghuan. Now that he said he loved her, Lin Yuelin's love was really laughable.    


"My husband is Soong Ze. You should know this." Qin Fei brought up the truth.    


"You are not allowed to say this." The thing that made Lin Yuelin feel the most pain was that Qin Fei was Soong Ze's wife.    


"Lin Yuelin, are you going to wait until Soong Ze leaves and then think of ways to humiliate me?" Qin Fei knew what could hurt Lin Yuelin the most, so she said it all out loud.    


"You are not allowed to mention this person's name again." Lin Yuelin was a little emotional. He was so angry that his pupils slightly widened. "I will... I will..."    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei's hateful eyes and helplessly shut her mouth.    


The taste here was still as sweet as before. In these two years, he had kissed her countless times in his dreams, but this was the first time he had a dream in reality. He could almost bring back all the memories from two years ago.    


Lin Yuelin's kiss broke all of Qin Fei's calmness. She warned with a cold face, "Lin Yuelin, if you don't stop, you won't be able to see me again in the future."    


Qin Fei was best at escaping. If she escaped to a place that he didn't know about, then he would never see her. How could she live?    


Qin Fei's warning saved Lin Yuelin who was on the verge of losing control. Her words were like a bucket of cold water that made him completely cold.    


He gradually let go of the hand that was holding Qin Fei. When he found a gap, she quickly left his embrace and turned around to run away.    


However, Lin Yuelin grabbed her wrist from behind and said in a deeply hurt voice, "Fei Fei, accompany me."    


"Lin Yuelin, I am someone else's wife. You have Qinghuan too. Don't you think what you are doing now is very strange?" Qin Fei only felt that she was too naive before. She actually felt that Lin Yuelin would not be in danger after liking other women.    


He was clearly a dangerous object at any time and anywhere. It would be difficult for him to live near it.    


"Qin Fei, you are trying to say that it is funny." Lin Yuelin laughed at himself and asked unwillingly. " Why are you still unwilling to forgive me? Why did Soong Ze abandon you when the whole world didn't want you? But you still married him and even gave birth to a daughter for him."    


"I don't need to explain this to you. I just want to say that it's really impossible for us. You don't have to waste your energy on me." Qin Fei said it very decisively. There was not the slightest trace of discomfort on her face.    


"Excuse me." A refined voice suddenly appeared.    


Lin Yuelin was currently furious. Whoever came would die.    


"Get lost."    


Qin Fei did not want to be alone with Lin Yuelin, so it was very good for her to have one more person.    


"Miss, do you need my help?" The man ignored Lin Yuelin's anger and gently looked at Qin Fei and asked with concern.    


He also came out for an outing. From afar, he saw that this man was very rude to this woman. He felt that as a man, he should be a hero to save the beauty.    


Qin Fei then carefully looked at the man who suddenly appeared. His eyes were very deep, as if he had filled the sky with stars.    


She did not know why Qin Fei felt that this man was very familiar, but she could not search for a name in her mind.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei's eyes looking at this man. She had never looked at him like this before, so her anger became even more exuberant.    


"Don't you think that your appearance is very funny? She is my wife. What more do you want to help her with?" Lin Yuelin had wanted to introduce Qin Fei like this a long time ago, but she had never given him this chance.    


Lin Yuelin pulled Qin Fei into his arms. One of his hands was holding her waist, looking like he was holding her.    


"Sir, don't listen to his nonsense. We are innocent and have nothing to do with each other. I am a man with a husband." Qin Fei said it directly.    


"Are you not the mother of my daughter?" Regarding Qin Fei's eagerness to cut ties with him, Lin Yuelin asked ruthlessly.    


Qin Fei could not deny this, so she could only remain silent.    


The man still had a smile on his face like a spring breeze. "No matter what your relationship with this lady is, men cannot force women. This is the gentlemanliness that men should have."    


Lin Yuelin really wanted to scold this meddlesome man. F * ck your gentlemanliness.    


Qin Fei did not want people to misunderstand that they were creating a conflict between husband and wife. Therefore, she scolded him sternly, "Lin Yuelin, don't go too far. Let go of me quickly."    


Lin Yuelin was indifferent to Qin Fei's request.    


The man really could not stand it. He wanted to use words to influence Lin Yuelin. "Sir, you used too much strength. Her wrist is red from your pinching. A big man should not treat a woman like this."    


"Since you want to help her, let me see if you have the right." As he spoke, Lin Yuelin quickly let go of Qin Fei and quickly threw a punch.    


This man did not expect that he would suffer a bloody disaster if he did something good. Lin Yuelin's fist came fast and fast. He was not prepared at all, but he could still easily take a few steps back and dodge the fist.    


"Sir, you can't be so rude."    


This man was even more infuriating than the stubborn Qin Fei.    


"If you have the ability, then do it. We can talk with our fists." Lin Yuelin really could not stand this man who only knew how to talk with his mouth.    


He was already angry, and now this man could be his punching bag to vent his anger.    


[This chapter is over]    


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