Don't Go Against My Mommy

C254 Perfect but Failed

C254 Perfect but Failed

Qin Fei was already very well-mannered without giving her a slap on the spot. She actually wanted her to sit and coexist peacefully with her. What else did she want to drink? It was simply a joke.    


"I don't want to drink." She had already rejected it very directly.    


Qinghuan saw that ordinary reasons could not keep Qin Fei and directly said, "Let's put it this way. Miss Qin, I have something very important to tell you."    


Qin Fei really did not think that when a woman was annoyed, it was really annoying. She was already about to lose patience, "I am not in the mood to listen to you talk about anything important."    


Qinghuan did not know how to reply for a moment. When had she been rejected repeatedly by others? In any case, she was a new movie queen and was held in the hands of everyone.    


"I know you don't like me, but what I want to say now has something to do with you and Lin Yuelin. I know you don't like me, but what I want to say now has something to do with you and Lin Yuelin. I hope you can give me a few minutes to say it. " It was her fault this time. She had to lower her voice and admit it.    


"Alright, alright. I don't hate Miss Qinghuan. I don't have the energy to hate a stranger." Qin Fei did not expect the woman beside Lin Yuelin to be so difficult to deal with. When she hated someone, she was even more annoying than him.    


Qinghuan did not expect Miss Qin, who looked soft and weak, to be able to say so. She could not bear it at all. Taking advantage of the moment when Qinghuan was shocked, Qin Fei had already left.    


But how could Qinghuan let Qin Fei leave so easily? She quickly chased after her. In any case, she was going all out this time, "Miss Qin, the last time you saw it was not what you thought. I have nothing to do with Lin Yuelin. He has always loved you."    


"Lin Yuelin asked you to come." Qin Fei's expression was very calm.    


Whether Lin Yuelin has anything to do with you or not has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I don't think I will give him any more chances.    


Qinghuan was stunned. This woman was too calm. This reaction was completely beyond her imagination.    


"Alright, Miss Qinghuan. I still need to go shopping. Don't waste my time. But I am still very happy that you can tell me these things. But now these things have nothing to do with me." Lin Yuelin never lacked women by his side. If Qinghuan left, there would be countless Qinghuan to make up for it. If she wanted to be jealous, would she spend the rest of her life with jealousy? She did not want to live such a life.    


Qinghuan had already done what she should do. Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei's future development could only depend on themselves.    


Lin Yuelin seemed to have a strong psychological reaction in America. He sneezed loudly. "Ah, tsk!"    


A beautiful mixed-blood stood beside Lin Yuelin. She smiled sweetly, "Lin, do you have a cold?"    


"No, I have never caught a cold." Lin Yuelin said coldly.    


He had been through rigorous martial arts training and environmental training since he was young, which allowed him to quickly adapt to various cities. He had never had any small problems with catching a cold.    


Besides, compared to having a cold and playing with Huachet, he would rather believe another thing, which was that someone was thinking about him.    


Qin Fei, was it her who was thinking about him just now?    


"Hahahaha, Lin, I didn't think that you would look so cold. What a funny joke." The mixed-blood beauty laughed until her mouth was wide open.    


This mixed-blood woman was called Marie. She was picked up not long after Lin Yuelin came to the United States. Lin Yuelin was not a meddlesome person. The reason why he picked this woman up was because... However, it was because her appearance was very similar to Qin Fei's. Otherwise, whether she was dead or alive had nothing to do with him.    


However, no matter how similar she looked to Qin Fei, Lin Yuelin would definitely not treat her as Qin Fei. Furthermore, Qin Fei was definitely not such a noisy woman.    


Lin Yuelin coldly glanced at Mary, which immediately caused her to tremble. However, this trembling was only a pretense. For some reason, she did not seem to be afraid of Lin Yuelin. She still wanted to stay in his line of sight without any scruples and said pretentiously, "Lin, why are you so fierce? You make me so scared."    


"Do you believe that if you speak again, I will leave you here? Let those people find you." Although Lin Yuelin did not know why those people were looking for Mary, he thought that those people should be able to intimidate this lawless woman.    


"Lin, you can't be so cruel, right? I know you are the best man in the world. You are so gentle, how can you bear to throw such a beautiful me into a group of beasts?" Mary didn't believe that Lin Yuelin would throw her to those people. Otherwise, he wouldn't have spent so much effort to save her.    


Lin Yuelin really admired Mary's ability to talk nonsense. Even if it was something black, she could still say it was white. "Can you shut up or not? It's so annoying."    


Mary looked wronged. Her eyes were still moist, as if she could cry in the next second. "Lin, how can you be like this? How can you be fierce to me? I'm so sad."    


It could not be helped that she had a face that was very similar to Qin Fei's. If one did not look carefully, one would not be able to tell that she was not the same person as Qin Fei. She really had a good protection for her face. At least Lin Yuelin would not be able to do anything to her.    


Lin Yuelin helplessly compromised and said, "You come with me to discuss a business matter, and then I will send you home."    


Mary did not want to go back to the golden birdcage. "I don't want to go back. I don't want to go back."    


"You should know that you're a very beautiful woman. If a beautiful woman were to wander on the streets, she would be bullied by men." Lin Yuelin decided to scare this woman who didn't know whether she was dead or alive.    


"Lin, you were praising me for being beautiful just now. I am so happy." Marry's brain was different from other women's. She could always easily get the wrong point.    


Lin Yuelin's mouth twitched. It seemed that what he took a fancy to was not Qin Fei's face. If he really liked her face, he should like this woman in front of him. But now, he really hated her. He really wanted to get rid of this woman. He suddenly felt that he had saved a problem.    


Mary saw that Lin Yuelin was silent, so she opened the box and said, "Lin, how can you be so handsome and so cold? You are really fascinating. Of course, you are even more fascinating to me."    


"I was just about to cut your tongue off." Lin Yuelin was so frustrated that his head was about to explode.    


"Lin, why did you save me? Do you like me? If you like me, why don't you ask me about my family background and my identity?" Mary felt uncomfortable without saying anything. Besides, she really wanted to talk to him.    


"I don't like you. I like your family even more. I'm not interested in anything about you." Lin Yuelin knew this woman wouldn't tell him the truth. Of course, he wouldn't ask her. In secret, he had already asked his assistant to investigate her identity. He would send her back when he found her home. He didn't want to be annoyed by this woman anymore.    


"Lin, smile. You always have a bitter face. Although you look handsome, it's not cute at all. Men should be handsome and cute at the same time." Marry didn't seem to know what he was afraid of. He became bolder and bolder.    


Lin Yuelin didn't know if he would hit a woman if he stayed with her again. This woman was even more capable of provoking his anger than Qin Fei back then.    


Mary looked at Lin Yuelin's back as he left, feeling a little sad. Could it be that Lin Yuelin was not a man? Why did other men like her so much, but Lin Yuelin always ignored her? He didn't care about her, and it didn't even hurt her.    


It was really strange.    


Lin Yuelin didn't come to America for vacation this time, but to discuss cooperation with a multinational company. The Song family had already stepped out of the world, so he naturally could not stay in B City. Besides, in terms of resources, his resources were much better than the Song family's. It was just that he did not want to take any action these years.    


America was different from B City. It was not his territory, so he could not be too high-profile. Therefore, this was the first time that Lin Yuelin, who had always been the center of the crowd, followed the local customs.    


The multinational company put themselves on a very high pedestal, so it was very difficult for Lin Yuelin to negotiate the contract. If it was in the past, Lin Yuelin would want to talk about it. A meal time was not needed. Sometimes it was just the look of a cup meeting.    


Lin Yuelin did not plan to give up. After all, there was no such word as giving up in his dictionary. He had already thought of a way to break the internal structure of the multinational company one by one. As long as this cooperation could be facilitated, the prospects of Lin's development would be very broad.    


Due to the Marry problem, when Lin Yuelin rushed to the venue, he was in a hurry. He almost left a bad impression on the president who was about to negotiate.    


The president of a multinational company was also a proud son of heaven. He was only forty years old, but he also knew the language of the Nine Nations. Therefore, he did not need to ask for an interpreter to directly communicate with Lin Yuelin in Han.    


"Mr. Lin." The president nodded slightly. ...    


"Merlin, nice to meet you." Lin Yuelin had been in the United States for a long time. He had met many of the higher-ups of the multinational company in advance. But this was the first time he had met the president of the multinational company.    


The meeting hall was very spacious. Only Lin Yuelin and the president of the multinational company were there. This place was ruled by the CEO. Lin Yuelin had never figured out why he had to meet him at the meeting hall.    


There was no emotion on Lin's face. "I have also heard of Mr. Lin's great name for a long time."    


He went to greet him with courtesy.    


After a short exchange of pleasantries, Lin Yuelin already knew that the president was an unfathomable person. After all, from the beginning until now, there was no emotion in his eyes.    


"Mr. Lin, I've seen your project proposal. It's perfect." Lin sized Lin Yuelin up and suddenly changed the topic. "But your proposal did not make me want to work with you very much, because it could not move me at all." For someone like him, it was actually very easy to see a good proposal. The company's planning would take ten days to half a month to come out with a good plan, and it would take half a year to come out with a watertight plan. However, even if a plan that could not move people was watertight, he did not think it would be of any use.    


[This chapter is finished]    


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