Don't Go Against My Mommy

C550 Finally I Found Them

C550 Finally I Found Them

Lin Yuelin felt somewhat helpless. It was all because of his face that he would never hate peace no matter where he went.    


"I'm done eating. You can eat slowly." Lin Yuelin wasn't too hungry to begin with, and he didn't have any hobbies for dessert either.    


Zhuilei did not like dessert either, just like Lin Yuelin. He only ate a little bit and felt sick in his stomach. However, Qin Fei liked to eat these, so she even packed a portion for Qin Fei when she left.    


When they returned to the hotel, Qin Fei was still asleep. The two of them were still very careful.    


They waited for a while more. There was movement in the room. Lin Yuelin stood at the door. He saw that Qin Fei had already gotten up from under the blanket. Her hair was like a chicken's nest. When a woman woke up without makeup, she should have looked the worst of the day. She should have disliked it. However, he felt that it was exceptionally cute. This was the woman he cared about. No matter what it was, it would always remind him of a word called 'peace and quiet'.    


Lin Yuelin wanted to hug this woman in his arms and kiss her floating, furry face.    


Zhuilei looked at Lin Yuelin who was standing at the door. When he was with him, his face was stiff. But when he saw Qin Fei, his facial lines were very gentle. It seemed like a man would change after falling in love with a woman.    


So was a woman a man's weakness or a man's armor?    


Zhuilei did not know. Lin Yuelin obviously liked Qin Fei so much and treated Qin Fei so well. Why did Uncle Mong not like Lin Yuelin?    


Qin Fei originally sat up from the bed, but in the end, she fell down and did not get up again. She did not expect that she would slowly fall asleep again.    


When she woke up again, she was hungry. When she woke up and saw Zhuilei standing in the living room, she thought that she was still dreaming and did not wake up. After wiping her eyes, she found that it was really Zhuilei.    


"Fei Fei, you finally woke up." Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei, who had just woken up, with a gentle smile on his face.    


Qin Fei lowered her head and looked at the clothes on her body. She did not know when he had put them on for her. Last night, he had eaten her like a hungry wolf who did not know how to satiate. She did not even have the strength to clean her body.    


But in a daze, it seemed that Lin Yuelin had carried her to the bathroom. He must have helped her wash up.    


"Zhuilei, aren't you in Italy? Why are you in Zurich?" Qin Fei was surprised and surprised.    


"Well, it's a long story." Zhuilei had a lot to tell her, but he didn't know how to tell her.    


These things were related to her background. He didn't know if she could accept it or if it would make her sad.    


"If that's the case, why don't you compress a lot of things and make it short?" Qin Fei was very hungry now, so she wasn't in the mood to listen to him say a lot of things.    


"I came with you." Zhuilei thought for a while and said simply.    


"Then how did you find this place?" Qin Fei asked the same question as Lin Yuelin, because she was really curious about what kind of detective ability it was to find this place.    


"Can you talk about this later? You have slept for so long and you should eat something." She put the packed desserts in front of Qin Fei.    


"It looks like it is delicious. It smells like it is also delicious." Qin Fei was already extremely hungry and now she wished that she could directly swallow these things into her stomach.    


Actually, Lin Yuelin had gone too far last night. She did not move at all. Why was he still as tired as a dog? He had used so much strength. Yet, he was still so energetic. Why was there such a huge difference between a man and a woman?    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei's sad expression and knew that she really blamed him for what happened last night. If Zhuilei was not here, he really wanted to hug her and love her.    


He really wanted to have her whenever he fell in love with someone.    


Lin Yuelin originally did not like people eating on the bed, but Qin Fei was an exception.    


Zhuilei did not think much of it before, but now he felt a little awkward. These two people were simply showing off their affection as if there was no one else around.    


"Let Fei Fei eat it alone. Let's go out." Qin Fei was about to change her clothes. It would be unreasonable for Zhuilei to stay here any longer.    


Zhuilei clearly did not understand why Lin Yuelin wanted him to go out. There was no distinction between men and women in his mind. After all, he had seen Mono change his clothes.    


"Alright." But since Lin Yuelin had already said so, he had no choice but to listen.    


Before he left, Zhuilei even gave Qin Fei a kiss. Qin Fei shivered. Why did she feel that something was wrong with Zhuilei today? It seemed that something was wrong with his brain, but he was still her. Nothing had changed.    


If she wanted to see his mood, she had no idea where to start, because his face made it hard to tell whether he was happy or worried.    


When she came out of the room, Qin Fei was gone. Lin Yuelin was still that cold and heartless man, so Zhuilei naturally had nothing to say to Lin Yuelin.    


Qin Fei quickly finished her dessert and changed her clothes.    


Qin Fei had always felt that it was strange that a woman would look radiant after experiencing such a thing. Why did she feel like she had aged every time? Instead, it was Lin Yuelin who looked radiant.    


When she thought about how she was so weak and pale when Zhuilei looked at her, she wished that she could hide in the cave. She hoped that he did not know what was going on, or else it would really be embarrassing.    


But luckily, Lin Yuelin did not dislike her. He even bought her breakfast. What a good man.    


"I've changed my clothes. You guys can come in now." Qin Fei said.    


Lin Yuelin was worried about another man seeing Qin Fei wake up, but Zhuilei was relieved. After all, this man was different from any other man. There was not a trace of fluctuation in his eyes. It seemed like he had no idea what was going on between a man and a woman. Sometimes, Lin Yuelin would feel that he was not a human at all, because as long as he was a human... Men would always have an instinctive reaction to beautiful women, but Zhuilei did not.    


"Yuelin, did you wash up?" Qin Fei knew when Lin Yuelin got up, but she did not want to wake up. She thought about it and did not seem to hear the sound of running water.    


Lin Yuelin did not answer the question. After all, Zhuilei saw him when he got up. He did not see him wash his face and brush his teeth.    


Zhuilei also knew that Lin Yuelin had a mysophobia. He did not wash his face and brush his teeth. Was it because he was afraid of disturbing Qin Fei's sleep?    


Such careful love really moved people.    


"Okay, okay, okay. Just pretend I didn't say anything." Qin Fei already knew the answer.    


But it was already too late. Lin Yuelin's eyes were full of grief. She didn't think that such a germaphobic person would not wash his face and brush his teeth. She really wanted to laugh.    


"Fei Fei." Lin Yuelin could not stand it anymore.    


Qin Fei also felt that she was not being honest and quickly changed the topic. "Although I have eaten dessert, I am still very hungry now. Let's go and eat lunch."    


Lin Yuelin raised his wrist to look at the time. It was indeed time for lunch. Anyway, he and Zhuilei only ate a little dessert in the morning to cover their stomachs, so it was also good to eat more now.    


"I am very familiar with Zurich. I know there is a special restaurant nearby. I will take you there." Zhuilei still felt guilty about this matter, so he always wanted to show off. Now, he finally had the chance.    


Zhuilei knew Qin Fei was a foodie. The first thing he would do when he went to a place was to taste the special food of this place.    


Qin Fei's eyes lit up when she heard Zhuilei wanted to take them to the special food of Zurich. She originally thought that they would be meeting up with Yuelin in Italy, but she did not expect that they would all come to Zurich. This way, they could stay here for a while longer.    


Although these days weren't very peaceful, it could be considered a blessing in disguise. They had already traveled to several countries.    


Qin Fei had previously heard of the Zurich in Switzerland. Now it seemed like this place still had a very gentlemanly feeling. Because of the rain last night, the air was also damp. Qin Fei was afraid that the mud on the ground would splash onto her legs, so she walked carefully on tiptoes.    


Qin Fei said that she was hungry was just an excuse. Now that she came out, she pulled them around. Zhuilei, who was accompanying them, naturally had to do his job well. He patiently followed behind them. It seemed that those chaotic feelings were much better. However, the figure of Mono would still appear in his mind from time to time. At this moment, his heart sank.    


Zhuilei rarely had such an emotion. This kind of emotion made him feel uneasy. So he really wanted to suppress this kind of emotion, because an assassin should not be disturbed by an unknown emotion. This was the first time he did not understand what kind of feeling he had towards Mono.    


Zhuilei kept saying that he treated Mono as his sister. Only he knew that there were many unspeakable secrets in his heart. He did not dare to tell these words to anyone, because he felt that he did not deserve to have feelings. He was afraid that he would hurt her.    


If it would end in the end, then don't start.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin had been sticking to each other ever since they left the hotel. The two of them were so close that it was as if they were the same person. Zhuilei had always been watching the love between the two of them as a bystander. He did not know much about love. So he would not feel lonely because there was no love.    


Qin Fei would occasionally turn around to look at Zhuilei behind her. For some reason, Qin Fei felt that Zhuilei today was different from the Zhuilei in the past. After thinking about it, Qin Fei's eyes revealed a cunning smile. It was obvious that this idiot was troubled by the matter of love.    


[This chapter is over]    


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