Don't Go Against My Mommy

C637 Lin Yue Lin Wanted to Visit the Cheng Residence

C637 Lin Yue Lin Wanted to Visit the Cheng Residence

If it was in the past, Lin Yuelin would have turned around and left. But now, he was facing Qin Fei. In front of her, he was a patient man, but he had no temper.    


"Okay, okay, okay. Wife, I will explain everything you want to hear. I just want you to be happy."    


After Lin Yuelin explained, Qin Fei was satisfied. Lin Yuelin had been ignoring her all this time because he was learning some skills.    


Although Qin Fei felt that there was nothing in this world that Lin Yuelin did not know, he still did not relax. He used all his time to learn and enrich himself.    


"It is a good thing for you to read and learn. Why didn't you tell me?" Qin Fei felt that her previous temper was unreasonable. Now that she knew she wronged Lin Yuelin, she began to ask in a lovable voice.    


"Do I have to show off my book to you? I have to learn. Because there are still aspects that I do not understand, so I want to conquer this thing?" Whenever he thought of such behavior, Lin Yuelin would reject it in his heart.    


Qin Fei thought about it. Lin Yuelin was indeed not suitable to be like this. After all, everyone would think that there was nothing in this world that Lin Yuelin did not know, so it was only right that he did not want to show it.    


"I really don't know what kind of things are in your head. You always like to let your imagination run wild. Today, there are actually problems with the way we interact. " Lin Yuelin felt that men and women were really very different. Every day, they had to think about a lot of messy things. They were really very busy.    


"It's full of you inside. Don't you feel it?" Qin Fei blinked her eyes and said sweetly.    


So the two of them very quickly opened their mouths. The estrangement was not the same at all. Only now did Lin Yuelin feel that Qin Fei was real. She did not love him at all without any falsehood. The two of them strolled around the shopping mall and did not buy anything else. This was his favorite state. The two of them were talking and laughing. The feeling of love and kindness was really comfortable.    


It was not early when they came out of the shopping mall. Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin decided to go to a house, so they dialed Cheng Luo's number.    


"Cheng Luo, are you home now?" Lin Yuelin asked directly.    


"Of course I am." Cheng Luo was surprised for a few seconds when he heard the voice on the phone. Why would the CEO call him? She must have something to do.    


Cheng Luo already knew the president very well.    


"In that case, I will come to see you." Lin Yuelin said without any hesitation.    


Cheng Luo was so shocked that he almost threw the phone out. This time, not only did he take the initiative to call him, but he also came to see him. He felt that something big was going to happen.    


Lin Yuelin would never do something without a reason. He would never believe that Lin Yuelin had come to see him because he missed him. Something must have happened.    


Seeing that Cheng Luo had been lost in thought ever since he hung up the phone, he asked curiously, Who is it that made you so surprised? "    


"It's Lin Yuelin. Do you think it's strange?" Cheng Luo had yet to recover from his shock. He patted his own face. Could it be an illusion?    


"Director Lin, is there something wrong with him?" Du Ning had not heard the name Lin Yuelin for a long time.    


"He said he wanted to come and see me." Cheng Luo still looked like he could not believe it.    


"No way," Du Ning said in disbelief.    


"I think we should clean up." Cheng Luo suddenly became a housekeeper again.    


"We are not in Lin's residence now. We do not need to clean up." Du Ning felt he did not have a good rest last night, so her brain was not working well.    


"Du Ning, I keep feeling that something big is going to happen when the boss comes." Cheng Luo felt that he might not be able to sleep early again today.    


"Why do you say that? You jinx it. The boss did not come to harm you. Maybe he really just came to see you." Du Ning had been despising Cheng Luo more and more recently.    


"You don't know the president. I promised him that I would help him with something. But I didn't leave after I came here. The CEO probably came to find trouble with me. " Cheng Luo thought that Lin Yuelin would definitely mock him for breaking his promise.    


"Since you have promised him, you should do it. Since you haven't done it, it's only right that he wants to cause you trouble. Anyway, I support Director Lin." Du Ning had already started to stand on the side.    


"It is obviously your problem. It is a matter of beauty and disaster." Cheng-La muttered in a low voice.    


"It's better not to talk about me. You should think about how your CEO is coming. The most important thing is how to deal with the matters between you two." He did not know when this kid had come to his senses, but he immediately started pestering him.    


Du Ning had been out of the window for so long and now she already had a daughter. Her daughter was still very good with him, so she was still a little tempted. But more importantly, she was annoyed. This man was really too clingy.    


So now if Lin Yuelin wanted to take this man away from her, she would definitely raise her hands and legs to show her approval.    


"I think he will definitely think of a very special way to torture me." Based on Cheng Luo's understanding of Lin Yuelin, there was nothing that he could not think of.    


Anyway, Cheng Luo did not want to live anymore.    


"It's fine. If he really wants you to die then... I will definitely protect you." Du Ning hated seeing him act weak when he was so big. She really could not stand it.    


"You can really protect me. I don't believe it. You don't know about our president. He's simply a wife who scares people." Cheng Luo looked like a little kid who had made a mistake. No one would think that he was the CEO of a company if they saw him.    


This was also what Du Ning disliked the most.    


"Alright, alright. Stop acting. Lin Yuelin hasn't come yet. Who are you putting on an act for?" Du Ning patted a certain person's head, hoping that he would save some strength to calm down.    


Cheng Luo opened his big round eyes and looked at Du Ning with his eyes wide open. He looked as if Du Ning did not comfort him and did not have sympathy. But when Du Ning saw him like this, she wanted to beat him up.    


Du Ning had never thought that there would be someone in her life who would love her, so she did not even think about what the other half of her life would be like. Until Cheng Luo appeared, Du Ning began to think about this problem. If that person was Cheng Luo, perhaps it would be a good choice.    


But every time she thought of this, Du Ning would shake her head. Compared to this kind of child, she still preferred mature men like Luh Cheng. After a man like Cheng Luo married him, he could only give her a son. And there were no other benefits.    


It had been a long time since he thought about Luh Cheng, and he couldn't explain why he suddenly thought of him. If he hadn't done those wrong things, he would still be very charming.    


Cheng Luo walked over in front of Du Ning because he was nervous, which made Du Ning feel a little married. Most of the time, she felt that Cheng Luo was not a man, but a woman. And most of the time when she was with Cheng Luo, Du Ning also treated him as her best friend.    


"Cheng Luo, can you be like a man? What kind of thing was this when faced with something that was about to happen? Du Ning looked at Cheng Luo with disdain. He was obviously good friends with Lin Yuelin. Could he still eat him?    


"No, the thing is that I did not fulfill my promise. This is how I let down the CEO. How can I see him?" Cheng Luo's expression was a little exaggerated, and Du Ning rolled her eyes at him.    


"Maybe you should think about it. The president has not seen you for a long time. Maybe he's here to catch up with you. Do you need to express your feelings like a television series?" Du Ning was really defeated by Cheng Luo. She felt that his psychological activity was even more abundant than that of a woman.    


"Really?" Cheng Luo still did not believe it.    


"Come and sit down, okay?" Du Ning waved at Cheng Luo as if she was coaxing her own son.    


She had always heard that Cheng Luo's martial arts skills were very beautiful. It seemed that he could even compete with Zhuilei, but she had never seen him fight. So if the two of them could fight today, it would be as she wished.    


Du Ning liked men who were more unyielding, or men who were more overbearing to her. She did not want to be obedient to him. Every time she saw Cheng Luo trying to find a way to pursue him, she was very anxious in her heart. Actually, she didn't need to do so much. Or rather, doing so much might not be as useful as directly pressing her against the wall.    


However, perhaps it was because her queen's aura was too strong that Cheng Luo felt that he could not conquer her. That was why he had no choice but to show weakness. But Du Ning wanted to be with Cheng Luo now, but she also felt that he was too mother. She did not want to be with him. Now, Du Ning did not know what she should do.    


While Cheng Luo was chatting with Du Ning, his phone, which had been quiet all this time, rang again. Lin Yuelin's call made Cheng Luo's heart almost jump out of his throat.    


"I'm here. Pick me up at the door. Otherwise, how would I know the location?" Lin Yuelin's voice sounded domineering and cold.    


Du Ning, who was beside him, also heard it. If Cheng Luo was half as manly as Lin Yuelin, she would not hesitate to throw herself into his arms.    


Before Cheng Luo could agree, Lin Yuelin was the first to hang up the phone coldly. Anyway, he was not worried that Cheng Luo would not come. He had already guessed that this man must be very confused. He was very nervous because he did not know what he was here for.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin had been waiting at the door. Lin Yuelin helped Qin Fei tidy up the scarf around her neck. Wife, is it cold?    


Then he wanted to put her hand in the pocket of his coat and not let his woman freeze.    


Cheng Luo held Du Ning's hand and ran to the door to pick up the president. He was originally very nervous, but the moment he saw the real person, he wasn't that afraid anymore.    


[This chapter is over]    


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