Don't Go Against My Mommy

C257 I Just Want to Get Back to the Country as Soon as Possible

C257 I Just Want to Get Back to the Country as Soon as Possible

When Lin Yuelin woke up in the middle of the night, all he could think of was Qin Fei. Therefore, he did not sleep at all in the latter half of the night. He might as well get up and continue to revise the project plan. The CEO was really difficult to deal with. He did not know what kind of plan could move him. He didn't have a second chance. Besides, he really wanted to pass the test in one go. Then, he could return to his country immediately.    


The next morning, Lin Yuelin had already booked a plane ticket to return to the country when he was having breakfast. He only had to wait for the meeting with the president to end before rushing back to the country.    


Because he was almost late last time, this time Lin Yuelin arrived at the promised Totem Tower more than an hour ahead of schedule. After the foreshadowing from last time, Lin Yuelin was more confident in this plan.    


In fact, it was also like this. Lin looked at the new project proposal that Lin Yuelin had submitted. He was surprised that he could redo the plan in such a short time. It was almost three months. It was very hard for him to imagine how he completed it. Even if he didn't eat or drink, he still felt that it was impossible. However, Lin Yuelin had completed it.    


Originally, Lin was worried that Lin Yuelin would just make some minor adjustments to the original project plan and brush him off. However, Lin Yuelin didn't let him down.    


Lin read for a long time on the same page of the plan, and his expression was very rich. This made Lin Yuelin break out in a cold sweat.    


"Lin, is there anything else that you are not satisfied with in my plan?" Lin Yuelin could not help but ask. He did not have time to make another one. He had to go back and take care of that woman.    


"Mr. Lin, I have always been a straightforward person. I admire you very much." Lin looked at Lin Yuelin kindly, her eyes full of praise.    


"Lin, you praise me too much. If you were not willing to give me three days. I also didn't know that I could do better." Lin Yuelin knew that his plan had finally passed, so the big stone in his heart steadily fell to the ground.    


Lin looked at Lin Yuelin, who was neither humble nor humble, and looked forward to their cooperation even more. He could even see Lin Yuelin's future, and it would definitely make the global economy boil up. He had this ability, and it was worth looking forward to it.    


"Mr. Lin, let's have lunch together later." After discussing official business, Lin prepared to let Lin Yuelin have lunch together.    


"Lin, I really appreciate your hospitality." Lin Yuelin made a huge turn. "But I have to hurry back to my country now. There are still very important things waiting for me to do. I will treat you to dinner next time we meet."    


Ever since Sheng's message, he felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles in America. He wished he could immediately grow wings and fly to Qin Fei's side.    


Lin was a little confused. Could it be that his social status had dropped a lot recently? Previously, there were even people who had auctioned off the opportunity to have lunch with him. There were almost more people queuing than his customers. Now that he gave Lin Yuelin a chance, he rejected him.    


"Since Mr. Lin has matters to attend to, I won't keep you. Anyway, we will have a lot of time to meet in the future." Actually, since Lin Yuelin was busy, Lin didn't have much free time either. The reason why he asked Lin Yuelin to stay for dinner was because he thought that Lin Yuelin was from China, and the people of China had a tradition of having dinner in the Public Council. Since Lin Yuelin was in a hurry to leave, he would not ask him to stay.    


Everyone had something to do.    


Lin Yuelin originally wanted to stay in the United States for a few days, which was the perfect time to deal with the matters left behind on official business. But he couldn't stay for another minute, so he threw all these things to his assistant. He came out of Totem Tower and went straight to the airport. However, he had completely forgotten about the mixed-blood woman he picked up. However, Mary didn't forget him. She also got the news that Lin Yuelin was going back to the country today from his assistant. Therefore, she prepared to return to the country with Lin Yuelin.    


Of course, she couldn't let Lin Yuelin know about this. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to go back with him. That was why she wore a pair of sunglasses and a hat that was much bigger than her own body. She looked like a celebrity who was afraid of being recognized.    


Who cares about him? He had to rely on Lin Yuelin for sure. After all, he was so handsome and had such a cool temper.    


Lin Yuelin was waiting in the middle of the flight, and Marry was sitting not far away from him. She glanced sideways at him from time to time, but he ignored Lin Yuelin's vigilance. A man like him, even if you were careful and followed him, it would still alert him, not to mention looking at him so openly.    


Lin Yuelin walked to the woman who kept looking at him from time to time without any hesitation. The closer he got to her, the more certain he was that this woman was Mary.    


He squatted next to Mary and leaned over to her ear and said coldly, "Go back to where you should go."    


He was going to return to the country to see Qin Fei immediately. The last time, Qinghuan had already made her misunderstand. This time, he could not let a random woman make her misunderstand him even more.    


Marry saw that his plan to secretly follow him had been exposed and could only reveal a pair of round eyes. He looked at Lin Yuelin pitifully. "You just let me follow you. Save him till the end. Saving Buddha to the west, you can't leave me behind after saving me. "    


"There are too many people here. Follow me." Lin Yuelin carefully looked around. His appearance had attracted too much attention. He did not want to attract more attention because of his entanglement with Marry.    


Marry followed Lin Yuelin to a quiet place. The two of them stood opposite each other and looked at each other without saying anything.    


However, the silent atmosphere did not continue. Lin Yuelin broke the silence first. "Marry, I saved you out of the virtue of helping people in China. I don't ask you to repay me, but I ask you not to pester me. I have nothing to do with you, and I have no interest in you. "    


Lin Yuelin had made his words very clear. He hoped that she could understand his determination to not get involved with her. Lin Yuelin had never seen such a shameless woman in his life. He was almost at his wit's end.    


Mary acted as if she did not understand Lin Yuelin's words. She said, "I'm not going with you. I just want to see what the country looks like. It's even better than overseas."    


How could Lin Yuelin not know her plan? She was just trying to follow him overseas. After going abroad, she would only know him. She would definitely follow him again.    


So he coldly refused. "You can go, but this time, please don't go."    


"I promise I won't disturb you. I really just want to go and take a look. If it doesn't look good, I will come back by myself. " Mary wanted to see what kind of outstanding place B City was. It was actually able to give birth to such an outstanding man like Lin Yuelin.    


"Marry, do you still know your gender? You are a woman. Do you know the most basic quality of a woman?" Lin Yuelin did not feel disgusted at the beginning. He had grown a face like Fei Fei for nothing. However, his temperament was much worse than Fei Fei's.    


Mary did not get angry. Instead, she smiled. Her smile was enchanting. Qin Fei was as pure as a white lotus. Naturally, she had never used such a charming smile to face him. Lin Yuelin was a little mesmerized by her.    


Mary knew that Lin Yuelin was a man of his word. He had already said it to such an extent. He thought that she could not follow him no matter what she did, so he compromised and said, "I promise you that I won't follow you, but you must promise me that you will come back."    


Lin Yuelin frowned. Other than Qin Fei, there had never been a woman who dared to make such a request in front of him. Why did she have the confidence to think that he would definitely agree to her request?    


Lin Yuelin had already heard that the class he was going to take was rushing him, so he agreed without hesitation. "It's settled then."    


Mary originally wanted to give it a try. She did not think that Lin Yuelin would agree at all. Moreover, he agreed so quickly. She had a surprised look on her face and jumped up. "You agreed! You really agreed!"    


Lin Yuelin really didn't want to see Mary again, so he coldly ordered, "Go back to where you should go now."    


It would take more than ten hours to fly to B City in the United States, although Lin Yuelin did not sleep last night. He simply closed his eyes to rest. It had been a long time since he saw Qin Fei. He was worried about Qin Fei's body. But with their current situation, what kind of identity would he use to care about her?    


Lin Yuelin had spent more than ten hours thinking about this small problem and had yet to come up with an answer.    


When the plane stopped, Lin Yuelin could not wait to get up from his seat and follow the flow of people out. It had been a day since Sheng sent him a message. What he was thinking now was only Qin Fei's body.    


His driver was already waiting outside the airport. After he got in the car, he did not delay and directly ordered, "Go to Soong's residence."    


It was morning in the country and it was still early. Qin Fei should not have gone to work yet. He might be able to stop her from going to work.    


Because it was early and the weather was close to the midwinter, there were only a few people on the street. Only one or two old ladies were practicing Tai Chi and taking a walk occasionally.    


Mr. Mo drove very fast. It was only a short while after he arrived at Soong's residence, and the door of Soong's residence had not even been opened yet.    


Lin Yuelin did not disturb Qin Fei. Instead, he stayed in the car and waited for Qin Fei to pack everything up. He would come out eventually.    


Thinking about how timid he was in front of Qin Fei now, Lin Yuelin did not even have the strength to laugh at himself. But what could he do? Isn't the deeper one loves, the easier it is to get hurt? Lin Yuelin was confident in everything, but he just didn't know what the outcome of him and Qin Fei would be. If it was a good ending, then when would this day come? If it wasn't a good ending, what should he do to turn the crisis around?    


Because he urgently wanted to see Qin Fei, time felt especially slow. His eyelids were very heavy, but he was worried that as long as he slept, he would miss Qin Fei.    


Mr. Mo saw the CEO's exhaustion through the mirror and could not bear to say, "CEO, you can sleep for a while. Miss Qin come out and I will call you."    


Lin Yuelin did not agree with what Mr. Mo said about letting him sleep, but he agreed with Mr. Mo's action of informing him.    


This chapter is over.    


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