Don't Go Against My Mommy

C218 Father and Daughter in Battle

C218 Father and Daughter in Battle

Qin Fei had indeed not taken the two sisters out to play for a long time. Thinking that there was nothing much to do in the afternoon, she brought them out to play.    


A new swimming pool opened in B City. It was said that children swimming was a good training for balance.    


The cave whale swimming pool was located at the foot of the mountain in the suburbs. The water in the swimming pool was all natural spring water.    


They had to sit in a car for two hours before they could reach the swimming pool. Along the way, the trees were lush and the sun was bright.    


"Mom, I like this place. You can always bring me here in the future, okay?" Qin Sheng was completely happy, as if she had returned to a very young age.    


In these two years, Qin Sheng took on all the tasks and skills that the successor of the Lin Clan had to take on. Her daily activity range was the company, the school, and the villa. She basically did not go out to play.    


Qin Fei agreed immediately, "Okay."    


There were fewer people who went to swim in autumn compared to summer. It was not that the swimming pool in autumn was cold water. All year round, the water in the swimming pool was constant.    


It was more suitable to swim with fewer people. Qin Fei chose a suitable depth and took the child there.    


Every deep region had a specialized service staff. When they saw Qin Fei, they quickly went over. Just the expression on their faces could tell that they were very enthusiastic.    


In ten minutes, this male service staff had been talking endlessly about the past and present life of this swimming pool, as well as the inheritance and improvement of this swimming pool.    


After listening for so long, Qin Fei concluded that it was a high level swimming pool.    


"When you swim in the mountains, you enjoy the natural water. And the swimming pool is designed in a vintage style. Everything including the swimming pool is made of wood. All of us hope that you can feel the charm of space and time in the swimming pool "    


" What are you going through space and time for? " Qin Sheng felt that this uncle's mouth was really good. After such a long time, he actually did not stop for even a minute.    


The male waiter was thinking about how to explain when Qin Fei impatiently said, "Sir, let's go and experience it ourselves. Don't tell me."    


After sending away Monk Tang, Qin Fei suddenly remembered that she came out in a hurry. The three of them had left their swimsuits on the sofa. But fortunately, they had prepared disposable swimsuits in this swimming pool.    


When Qin Fei brought the two children to change into swimsuits, the private room was still dark at first, but it quickly lit up.    


"Welcome to the cave whale swimming pool. On behalf of all the employees, I welcome you and your family. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves while paying attention to your own safety. You really didn't notice your own safety. Please call out loudly."    


A gentle woman's projection appeared on a wall. Her voice sounded professional and pleasant.    


Qin Sheng clapped her hands when she saw this. "Wow, Mom, this swimming pool is really a combination of high technology. No wonder the tickets are so expensive. It should be."    


"That uncle just said that the lights in the changing room can be chosen. Let's try it out." Everyone maintained a certain level of curiosity towards new things, and so did Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei turned around and asked Qin Sheng, "Sheng, come and choose a pattern."    


Qin Sheng did not hesitate and directly said, "Tropical rainforest mode."    


After a while, the private room instantly turned dark and gradually revealed a green light. As time passed, more and more tall trees appeared in front of their eyes. Their eyes were filled with greenery and humidity. There was also the lingering mist, as if they really lived in a tropical rainforest.    


Qin Fei only felt that the owner of this swimming pool was really extravagant.    


Qin Sheng was right, no wonder swimming here was so expensive. Even if it was to express respect to technology, she should also give so much money.    


Hence Qin Fei and Qin Sheng Soong Yuan spent the afternoon in this expensive swimming pool.    


Lin Yuelin was not so relaxed and did not just not relax. It was because he was so busy that he was mentally and physically exhausted. There were some problems with the Lin Clan. Although it was not a big problem, it had to be dealt with in time. Otherwise, the small problem would become a big problem.    


Lin Yuelin's work efficiency was amazing. If his workload was given to an ordinary person today, he would probably be able to return home from the company in a week. However, Lin Yuelin had forcefully completed the work that he should have done before he got off work.    


Lin Yuelin saw that it was time to go to Soong's residence to pick up Qin Sheng.    


When he arrived at Soong's residence, Qin Fei happened to bring them back from the swimming pool.    


Lin Yuelin did not say anything and just flashed the light in front of the car. When Qin Sheng saw the light, she turned around and shouted, "Dad, are you here to pick me up?"    


Qin Sheng ran towards Lin Yuelin and stood where she was.    


Lin Yuelin's eyes stopped on Qin Fei. As long as he could look at her every day, it was as if he could sweep away all the fatigue in his body.    


Qin Sheng did not think that her father would personally come to pick her up today. Since the last time she went to the suburbs, it had been a long time since her father and mother had gotten along alone. It was not easy to get a chance this time. Of course, Qin Sheng would not let this opportunity slip away so easily.    


Lin Yuelin got out of the car. "I originally wanted the housekeeper to pick you up, but I thought I had nothing to do today, so I came to pick you up myself."    


"Mom, Dad is a little thirsty. Let's treat Dad to a drink at the door." Qin Sheng did not plan to leave with Lin Yuelin now, so she blinked at him.    


Qin Sheng had already said so. Qin Fei could not possibly not even let Lin Yuelin drink a mouthful of water, right? Then she would be too heartless.    


Qin Fei opened the door as she said to Lin Yuelin, "Come in."    


Lin Yuelin's lips curled into a smile, then he walked towards Soong's residence. Although he did not want to enter Soong Ze's villa from the bottom of his heart, he had not spoken to her in a quiet distance for a long time.    


Qin Sheng walked in front and excitedly introduced what she saw and heard today to her father. "Dad, I saw a very magical design today. That cave swimming pool is like a research institute. It is full of high technology."    


He had also been to the cave whale swimming pool that Qin Sheng mentioned many times.    


After Lin Yuelin sat down, he thanked Qin Fei, Thank you for your hard work today. You have had so much fun with Qin Sheng. ’    


Qin Fei was still not used to Lin Yuelin's sudden politeness. She stared blankly at him for a long time before replying, "Sheng is my daughter. What's so troublesome about bringing my daughter to play?"    


"Do you like to ride horses? Next time I take Sheng to ride horses. You can go with me." Lin Yuelin realized that it was easier for Luh Cheng to get Qin Fei's attention because he looked gentle, so he decided to keep this kind of gentle tone when facing Qin Fei. She would not hate him.    


Lin Yuelin really seemed to have taken the wrong medicine today. When he became gentle, it made her feel uncomfortable. Originally, she was a distance away from where he was sitting, but now she moved further away. Then she said haltingly, "Lin Yuelin, you don't have to mind. It's only right and proper for you to take your daughter to play. Don't make it sound like you owe me something. Moreover, I don't know how to ride a horse. Just go with Sheng. Take care of her safety."    


Lin Yuelin had investigated Qin Fei before. Not only did she know how to ride a horse, but she was also an expert.    


"It's fine as long as I know how to ride a horse. In the past, Sheng also did not know how to ride a horse. It was not taught by me." Lin Yuelin continued to approach.    


Qin Fei thought about it and came up with a lame excuse. "I'm afraid that falling from the horse will hurt."    


She did not want to sit on the horse with Lin Yuelin. She would rather die in such a situation.    


Qin Sheng saw that her father had already walked to the dead end and Qin Fei's attitude was still rejecting. She was ready to assist, "Mom, I haven't been to the horse farm for a long time. If you don't go, dad definitely won't take me there. You go, you go. "    


Every time Qin Fei revealed a troubled expression, it was when her mental defense line was collapsing. As long as she continued to add fuel to the fire at this time, she would surrender.    


Qin Sheng hugged Qin Fei's neck and shook it, Mother, mother, I beg you. Come with me to the horse farm. ’    


The hardest thing that Qin Fei could resist was Qin Sheng's coquettish act. After all, she owed her too much in these two years. So as long as she had any requests, she would do her best to satisfy them.    


"Don't shake it, I'll agree to it." Qin Fei compromised.    


Qin Sheng winked at Lin Yuelin in a corner that Qin Fei could not see.    


It was true that father and daughter really had the same heart.    


What Qin Fei was thinking now was that she was just saying that she did not know how to ride a horse. Could it be that she really had to ride a horse with him and let him teach her?    


"Since we have already decided so happily, then it will be the weekend." Lin Yuelin immediately set a date.    


Qin Fei knew that Lin Yuelin's gentleness today was a trap. Everyone's nature could not be changed. He was synonymous with overbearing and unreasonable. No matter how he tried to hide it, it had something to do with these words.    


Although Qin Fei agreed, she could still delay it. So she fabricated a reason. "I don't have time for the weekend. I made an appointment with a friend."    


Actually, Qin Fei did not have many friends. Mo Huan and Gabe were not in contact anymore.    


Of course, Lin Yuelin also knew about her friendship situation and knew that she was lying, but he did not expose her. He said slowly, "You can ask your friend to come with you. I think there should be many people who like to ride horses."    


"He is not suitable to do such a violent action of riding a horse." Lin Yuelin was not gentle at all. He forced her to the corner of the wall word by word.    


"It seems that your friend is not in good health, so he needs to ride a horse even more. Riding a horse is good for the heart and lungs." Lin Yuelin easily followed up and said with a smile.    


Qin Fei's attitude had changed drastically. She could not refute it and became angry. "He has a heart attack."    


"The horse riding environment is very good. He can not ride on the horse and breathe in the fresh air. It should be good for heart attacks." Lin Yuelin was always calm and collected.    


Qin Fei knew that if she continued to argue with Lin Yuelin, she would not be able to gain any benefits.    


She could only compromise, "Except on Sunday."    


Qin Fei thought that Lin Yuelin would have to work from Monday to Saturday. If that was the case, she could only go next week.    


But she did not expect that the company belonged to Lin Yuelin. Whether he went to work or not was a matter of a word.    


"Then go tomorrow." Lin Yuelin cut off her path of retreat. "Can't you make another appointment with a friend?"    


"No, no, no. Mom has time tomorrow. We were supposed to go out and roast kebabs together. Since we are going to the horse farm, I am willing to give up my beloved kebabs." Qin Sheng said in a hurry in front of Qin Fei.    


[This chapter is over]    


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