Don't Go Against My Mommy

C145 Provoke

C145 Provoke

"Does she have an appointment? If she has an appointment, see her. If she doesn't have an appointment, she won't see you." Qin Fei still had a lot of documents to deal with. More importantly, her head was hurting and she did not want to see anyone.    


"She did not have an appointment." Chen Xiaoshu shook his head with a conflicted expression, "But she is..."    


Before Chen Xiaoshu could finish his words, Shangguan Xue had already entered the room, "Come, Manager Qin is really imposing now. I cannot even see a small manager and she still wants to make an appointment?"    


Chen Xiao Shu gave Qin Fei an expression of please take care and then closed the door and left. No matter how dark it was inside, as long as it did not hurt her, it would be fine. So Chen Xiao Shu slipped away quickly.    


Qin Fei's dissatisfaction was written all over her face, "Miss Shangguan, you don't seem to be an employee of my Lin Clan right? If it was an inspection work, you are not Lin Yuelin's wife yet. You don't seem to have the qualifications. I'm dealing with confidential clients of the company. What if you push the blame onto me after seeing the leak? That's why I think Miss Shangguan shouldn't have come to my place at all."    


Qin Fei did not need to be polite to Shangguan Xue. In any case, their current relationship was the opposite. Either you die or I live.    


Shangguan Xue deliberately ignored Qin Fei's unwelcome and directly sat on the sofa to receive the guests. Then she sized up the surrounding furnishings.    


"The office is not bad. It seems to be renovated. It is brighter and wider than my office. Looks like this Mo is really living a more comfortable life than the main room." Shangguan Xue smiled and ridiculed Qin Fei.    


"Miss Shangguan, I am very busy and do not have time to chat with you. If there is anything you need to say, just say it. Don't beat around the bush with me. We don't need it. " Qin Fei patted her head. She had not slept the whole night and had met such a troublesome woman. It was difficult for her head not to hurt.    


"You have been following Yuelin for so long, but you still did not learn half of his calmness." A disdainful smile appeared on Shangguan Xue's lips, and she spoke unhurriedly.    


"I don't think you have anything important to do. Please leave now." Qin Fei made an inviting gesture.    


Shangguan Xue said lightly, "I originally wanted to see if you were so sad that you didn't come to work, but I see that you are in good condition. It seems that Mo Huan is not that important to you."    


Qin Fei was already sure that this woman had looked for Mo Huan. At least she had told Mo Huan something.    


"What did you tell Mo Huan?" Although Qin Fei did not like Shangguan Xue, she did not hate her. But when she mentioned Mo Huan's name, she started to hate her.    


"I did not say anything. I just wanted to remind her that you are the forever hindrance between her and Gabe." Shangguan Xue said it casually but Qin Fei really wanted to use the bench on top of her head when she heard it.    


Qin Fei only felt that she was so idle that she panicked. "What does this have to do with you?"    


"It does not have anything to do with me but Mo Huan already knew about this matter. She just did not say anything."    


Qin Fei finally understood. She said that her relationship with Mo Huan had been a little strange since a long time ago and their relationship had also become very awkward.    


It turned out that Mo Huan already knew about it. She also imitated her and did not say anything.    


"Have you finished what you should say? If you have finished, you can leave." Qin Fei only wanted to be alone for a while.    


"I came today to remind you out of good intentions. Don't think that Yuelin will always be good to you because he treats you well now. After all, I am the real fiancée. You are not enough to make him break off relations with the Shangguan family. "    


She thought that Shangguan Xue was very capable, but it turned out to be like this. He did not come up with any new tricks to show off.    


Qin Fei had been thinking about what Shangguan Xue had said, but when she decided to be with Lin Yuelin, she knew that she had to face these things. Unless Lin Yuelin took the initiative to let her leave, she would not leave him for anyone.    


"Miss Shangguan's reminder is useless, but I will still remember it." Qin Fei only wanted her to leave now. She did not have a good tone or good expression to face her.    


"Actually, I came today to tell you something good." The smile on Shangguan Xue's face was somewhat malicious.    


Shangguan Xue's words made Qin Fei somewhat confused but when she saw her palm touching her abdomen, she could not help but feel that all the blood in her body had started to freeze and it was so cold that it went through her bones.    


"I went to see a doctor yesterday and the doctor said that I am pregnant." The corner of Shangguan Xue's mouth drew a provocative smile and she said with confidence.    


"Yuelin told me before that as long as I am pregnant, we will get married immediately." Shangguan Xue smiled lightly but looked at Qin Fei's eyes like a poisonous snake.    


Qin Fei had also thought that one day Shangguan Xue would have Lin Yuelin's child, but she did not expect that it would be now. She was not prepared and seemed to be at a loss. Her hand holding the pen trembled slightly.    


Shangguan Xue's gaze was like a mountain pressing down on her body, making her unable to breathe.    


Indeed, Qin Fei knew that Shangguan Xue had an affair with others, but Lin Yuelin was so smart. Shangguan Xue would not use the child to deceive him. At that time, if he found out that the child was not his at all, there would definitely be a bloodbath. Shangguan Xue did not dare to do so.    


"I think the wedding of Yuelin and I will be on the agenda soon. At that time, I would like to invite you to dress up and attend." Before Shangguan Xue left, she gave Qin Fei a heavy blow.    


"Why did you tell me?" Qin Fei coldly laughed, "Your provocation did not cause any substantial harm to me."    


"Is that so? But don't think too much about it. The reason why I told you... It's just that Yuelin went on a business trip. I want to tell him face to face when he returns. But my pregnancy is also a very happy thing. I can only share my happiness with you. " Shangguan Xue got up, turned around and was about to leave.    


When she was about to reach the door, she suddenly turned around and smiled mysteriously at Qin Fei. It was a pity. "I think you should enjoy this big office more these few days. As Yuelin's fiancée, of course I am magnanimous. But when I become his wife, I will not be so generous to his women. So I will make him chase you away. " Your manager position will definitely not be stable "    


This is her real provocation.    


Sometimes, it was really the will of the heavens to mess with people. She had worked so hard with Yuelin so many times. However, she still could not bear his child. However, she actually got pregnant after the only two times she had with Mr. Lu. But no matter what, she was still pregnant. Now, she still could not find out who the child belonged to. After she got married with Yuelin, she would talk about the matters in the future.    


"Shangguan Xue, do you dare say that your child is really Lin Yuelin and not someone else?" Qin Fei was just testing him.    


Her voice was so soft that one could not hear any emotional fluctuations.    


Shangguan Xue did not expect Qin Fei to say this and her body suddenly shook. She turned around and said with a gloomy face, "I do not understand what you are saying. My child is of course Yuelin's..."    


Qin Fei stood up and said in an overbearing manner, "Miss Shangguan is a sensible person. You know who the child in your womb is. If you also do not know who this child is, I would advise you not to tell Yuelin rashly. If you make a mistake at that time, you will not be able to bear his anger. "    


Shangguan Xue felt as if she was struck by lightning and her head felt a little dizzy. But she knew that Qin Fei was mentally fighting with her. But she started to enter the company's management at the age of twelve. She had already mastered these psychological battles in business battles. How could she not be able to withstand this bit of attack from her?    


Shangguan Xue straightened her back and said with a proud face, "Qin Fei, you are overestimating yourself and underestimating me too much. Last month, Yuelin and I were stuck together day and night because I said I want a child. He tried his best to cooperate with me. So many days and nights of loving each other, is it difficult to have a child? "    


What she said was very true. Her eyes did not flicker at all.    


Qin Fei's heart sank.    


"Yuelin promised me that he would not want other people's children anymore. So I don't even believe your words." Qin Fei did not want to be outdone and looked into Shangguan Xue's eyes, "Do you think I don't know about your stupid things? I just want to give you some face in front of Yuelin. But if you don't give me face, I will tell Yuelin about those things sooner or later. "    


"What a good Mo Huan, she actually lied to me. "Shangguan Xue narrowed her eyes dangerously and a trace of a cold smile slid across the corner of her mouth. "You were with Mo Huan that time, right? You saw it all?"    


Qin Fei did not need to admit it but Shangguan Xue was already certain. After all, the only thing that could discover her was that negligence. Qin Fei originally thought that by revealing this matter, Shangguan Xue's attitude would not be so arrogant. She would even restrain herself a little but everything was just what she thought.    


Shangguan Xue seemed to be listening to other people's matters. In the end, she actually laughed wildly.    


Qin Fei was somewhat puzzled.    


"Qin Fei, it turns out that you still haven't told Yuelin about this matter. It seems like you don't dare to say anymore. Since you don't dare to say it, why are you using this matter to threaten me? " Shangguan Xue calmly analyzed it and her underestimation of Qin Fei became even heavier.    


"Yuelin and I are considered childhood sweethearts and we have been engaged for a few years. No matter how many women he has with him, they are not my match. You know all of this. Do you think he will believe what you say, or do you think he will believe what I say? " Shangguan Xue's eyes were firm and her confidence came from her bones. "How can the relationship between Yuelin and me be shaken by you in just a few months? Men are just new to women. But we really have feelings for each other. When you have a choice, he will definitely give up on you. "    


Lin Yuelin had told her more than once that he would wait until the time was right. He would break off the engagement with Shangguan Xue, but he had never told her what the time was. Moreover, he had never said anything about Shangguan Xue. He had always known about her special characteristics, just because he knew. Hence, most of the time, he would feel sad that his love had been divided among them.    


However, he could not tell Yuelin about this sadness. Otherwise, he would say that she did not know how to be satisfied.    


[This chapter is over]    


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