Don't Go Against My Mommy

C633 Finally the Plan Was Finalized

C633 Finally the Plan Was Finalized

"I think Mei Shuang is having a hard time too. After all, she hates her first love. I feel that he has toyed with my purest feelings. " Lin Yuelin knew that he should let Qin Fei do what he wanted to persuade Mei Shuang. After all, women should be easier to talk to.    


"What I was most afraid of was that this matter would break the relationship between Mei Shuang and Soong Ze. After all, Mei Shuang was going to meet her first love. If Mei Shuang fell in love with Chengzhen again and knew that Chengzhen had no choice but to break up with her. Then the relationship between Soong Ze and Mei Shuang will end before it even begins. We are the biggest sinners. " Zhuilei voiced out his worries.    


This was something that could happen very easily. Furthermore, Soong Ze did not have a sense of security towards Mei Shuang. He did not trust Mei Shuang to begin with. If this was the case, the conflict between the two of them would only get deeper and deeper.    


"This matter must be confessed to Soong Ze." Soong Ze had to be involved in this matter the whole time, or else he would not forgive him in the future.    


"Yuelin, why do I feel like you want Soong Ze to persuade Mei Shuang?" Zhuilei felt that Lin Yuelin's idea was a little bold, but it was not impossible.    


"I still think this matter is a little suspenseful. Think about it. If it were you, would you let Qin Fei meet her old lover like this? Would you tell each other your feelings?" Zhuilei felt that Lin Yuelin definitely could not do it, but now he wanted Soong Ze to agree with this method. This was simply torture.    


"Me? Of course not." Lin Yuelin said firmly.    


"Soong Ze did not have your temper, so this matter can only make him jealous and feel wronged." Although Zhuilei's heart ached for Soong Ze, Zhuilei was a person who wouldn't mind if the matter got out of hand. Of course, he would be happy to see a scene where the people did not have a good life.    


It had been a long time since something exciting had happened. Now, such a good thing had happened again. Thinking about it made him feel a bit happy. When the time came, he would definitely not disappoint the masses. Toto pushed the development of the matter, making it even more rapid and uncontrollable.    


"This time, don't let your playful heart get involved. Do something seriously for me. This matter is really very important." Lin Yuelin already knew that this was a person who took pleasure in others' misfortune, so he had to warn him early on.    


"You still don't believe me? I know what I do best. You should be worried about Soong Ze. He might agree at the beginning. But it's not worth it to think about it. After that, he will go back on his word and cause trouble. " Zhuilei knew how much Soong Ze liked to be jealous. Even he was jealous. If that was the case, wouldn't the jealousy of his old lover kill him?    


"It won't happen. I think Soong Ze will still control his emotions. Since we already know what to do, let's split up and act separately. I will tell Soong Ze to tell Fei Fei. " Lin Yuelin couldn't wait any longer.    


"How much does Fei Fei know about this?" Only by asking about the situation would Zhuilei know how to tell the story.    


"Forget it. Let me tell her. I'm afraid she won't understand what you said. It won't be good if she understands it wrongly." Lin Yuelin took a deep breath and said calmly.    


Mei Zhu had already said that they should not be impetuous when doing things and should be able to settle down.    


Zhuilei was still sleeping in his previous room, so he went straight back to his previous room.    


Mei Yu had been following behind Zhuilei the whole time. Zhuilei could not hit or scold such a woman, so he felt helpless.    


Qin Fei was pulled to the side by Lin Yuelin. Mei Shuang did not know why her uncle would be so anxious to take her aunt away.    


Now, only Mei Shuang and Soong Ze were together. The two of them did not speak.    


Mei Shuang felt that the current situation was really too awkward. It was better to leave this place as soon as possible.    


Soong Ze lowered his head and did not even look at Mei Shuang. He directly brushed past her and ignored her. Mei Shuang seemed to be able to feel Soong Ze's anger, but she did not know who had angered him.    


Mei Shuang looked at Soong Ze's back. Why did she feel that he seemed to be a little pitiful?    


Qin Fei was pulled back to her room by Lin Yuelin in a hurry. She was completely dumbfounded. She did not know why Lin Yuelin was so rude and did not even greet Mei Shuang before bringing her into his room.    


"Fei Fei, I want to tell you something. I'm just saying it. Lin Yuelin had never told Qin Fei about the situation in Mei's, but he had to tell Qin Fei today. She had the right to know and must know. Only in this way could she persuade Mei Shuang.    


Qin Fei did not realize that there was something that made Lin Yuelin so nervous to pull her out from the outside. "What exactly is it?"    


"It's about the Mei family." Lin Yuelin reached out his hand and touched Qin Fei's adorable face. The corner of his mouth curled up, making her look very beautiful.    


When Qin Fei heard that it was her family's matter, she immediately perked up. "What's the matter with the Mei family?"    


"Mei's is in a very bad state. Mei's Corporation is actually going to declare bankruptcy soon. The main point of this problem was that the people of Mei family were playing tricks internally, trying to empty out Mei Ye Corporation. Right now, the Mei's needs to find a mole as soon as possible to save them. Soong Ze and I already know who the mole is. But there is no evidence. " Lin Yuelin said a series of words that Qin Fei couldn't understand in a short period of time. After all, they had stayed in the Mei family for so long. He and Soong Ze left early and returned late every day. Qin Fei thought that the matter in the Mei family had been resolved. She didn't expect the situation to be so bad.    


"Yuelin said slow down. I still haven't recovered from the shock." Qin Fei shouted to stop him.    


"What I mean is, the Mei family is going to collapse soon. The Mei's's business is going to close down. All of this is because there is a ghost in the Mei family. We know who it is. But there is no evidence." Lin Yuelin repeated what he had said before. Now that Qin Fei had a basic understanding of the situation, she could understand it.    


"Got it." Qin Fei actually did not have much of an opinion about the Mei family. She did not care what the Mei family had experienced. She had already sacrificed Lin Yuelin, so no matter what the outcome was, she didn't care. "Yuelin, tell me, is there something you need my help with?"    


Qin Fei casually mentioned the main point of the matter.    


"Actually, your uncle knows the whole thing. He also knows how to prove that person is a spy, but he just won't tell me everything." Lin Yuelin continued.    


"Why did uncle do that?" Qin Fei also did not understand.    


"Before Zhuilei came, your uncle did not tell you the cause and effect. The result of this incident was that the Mei's went bankrupt in the end, but now, Zhuilei has come. Things will turn for the better." Speaking up to this point, Lin Yuelin's face turned bright. After all, if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have been able to find out so many people and incidents that were involved in this matter.    


"Zhuilei? Why is this matter related to Zhuilei?" Initially, they thought it was just a small matter, but now it involved such a large group of people.    


Lin Yuelin told Qin Fei everything that happened in detail. After Qin Fei heard it, she felt that her life recently had been too leisurely. She thought that the storm in Mei family had passed, but she never thought that the storm in Mei family had never stopped. Furthermore, it was getting more and more intense.    


Qin Fei's mind of gossiping had also come out. It was actually something that could save the company from a crisis, but not something that her uncle could say. It must be some kind of shocking scandal. She did not know about these things. After knowing about these things, Qin Fei could not stand idly by. Therefore, it was her duty to persuade Mei Shuang.    


Qin Fei was still very easy to persuade. Lin Yuelin told Qin Fei about his plan.    


Zhuilei finally got rid of the pestering Mei Yu and came to find Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin. The three of them began their plan to persuade Mei Shuang.    


"Mei Shuang previously told me about her first love." Previously when Mei Shuang mentioned it to Qin Fei, she was very depressed. After all, she had loved someone for so many years. Moreover, he would always give feedback, but these good things were suddenly gone. Of course, it made her confused and unwilling.    


What Qin Fei was most worried about was that Mei Shuang always had a place in her heart. If after doing this, it would push Mei Shuang into reality, then what would Brother Song Ze do?    


From Mei Shuang's description, it seemed that the Cheng family and Mei family were very good. So Mei Shuang and Cheng Zhen were childhood sweethearts and Cheng Zhen had always been a big brother. He had given Mei Shuang all his love. But it was really very sudden. Chengzhen was going to get engaged to another woman. This was a bit like Qin Fei and Soong Ze back then.    


"Women will never forget their first love, but I don't know if it is because they are unwilling or if they will never forget it. Lin Yuelin had never asked Qin Fei this question.    


"Of course, this is not an easy question to answer. Maybe she can't even explain how a woman feels about her first love. After all, some feelings fermented in her heart, and then changed with time. If I recall what happened back then, perhaps the feeling will be different. " Qin Fei did not realize that someone was probing her. She just answered the question seriously.    


"Can we not talk about these fake questions? We need to talk about how to persuade Mei Shuang to succeed." Zhuilei felt that he almost could not understand the discussion between these two people.    


"Do you have any good ideas to say now?" Lin Yuelin looked at Zhuilei. Zhuilei usually had the most evil intentions.    


"Mei Shuang is a woman. I have no idea about women." Zhuilei looked at Qin Fei. "Let's ask Qin Fei. After all, Mei Shuang has a good relationship with Qin Fei. She will tell her many things about herself."    


After all, women were the most reliable when it came to matters of women.    


" In the past, Mei Shuang said that she did not understand why she was suddenly abandoned. She had long wanted to ask about it. So she originally wanted to find the truth, but she always lacked a reason. Then we will give a reason and then fan the flames. " Qin Fei said.    


"You are talking about the previous Mei Shuang, but the current Mei Shuang likes Soong Ze very much. Who knows if she still wants to ask Cheng for an explanation?" Lin Yuelin felt that a woman's thoughts were really complicated.    


This chapter is over.    


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