Don't Go Against My Mommy

C624 Merciless Visit to the Lin Residence

C624 Merciless Visit to the Lin Residence

"Do you want to take a shower with me tonight?" Lin Yuelin was a little impulsive when he thought about the flirtation last night. To Lin Yuelin, Qin Fei was always not enough for him.    


Lin Yuelin electrocuted Qin Fei. His eyes were really charming. As long as his willpower was not strong enough, Qin Fei would definitely agree.    


Luckily, Qin Fei still had a trace of rationality. "Alright, alright. I will not be fooled. You take a good bath yourself."    


Lin Yuelin laughed heartily and then gently closed the door in front of him, isolating Qin Fei from the outside.    


Very soon, they heard the sound of water splashing. Men always take a bath very quickly. In a short while, Lin Yuelin had already come out of the bathroom. There were still water droplets dripping from her hair. Qin Fei quickly took a towel to wipe her hair from beside her.    


"I will do it myself, my wife." Qin Fei was wiping his hair. Lin Yuelin suddenly grabbed Qin Fei's hand tightly.    


Qin Fei quickly turned her head and pulled her hand out of Lin Yuelin's hand. She really did not know what Lin Yuelin ate a day. A day's energy was actually so good. He had obviously worked for a day, yet he was still so energetic.    


Qin Fei was already exhausted from yesterday. She got up this morning and felt sore in the waist for eight days. She spent a lot of effort to pull herself out of bed. If she had to do it again tonight, she was afraid that she would not have to get out of bed the next day.    


Qin Fei took the hairdryer to blow Lin Yuelin's hair again, but Lin Yuelin was standing too high. She could not complete this exercise at all.    


"Yuelin, you should come to the bed." Qin Fei quickly jumped onto the bed and shouted. It seemed that only on the bed could she complete this task.    


"It turns out that my wife was very satisfied with my performance yesterday. Now she wants to relive the story." Lin Yuelin joked.    


"I did not tell you these things. I just want to help you blow your hair. Come over quickly." Qin Fei directly ignored the strangeness in his words and said in a serious manner.    


"Okay, wife. I will come over immediately." Lin Yuelin mischievously blinked his eyes.    


Indeed, Lin Yuelin had said that he would call her wife in the future. Today, he had really called her wife. This was what she had suggested, so even if Qin Fei wanted to go back on her words, she had no choice.    


Lin Yuelin was wearing the same pajamas as Qin Fei as he sat on the bed. Qin Fei pressed one hand on Lin Yuelin's shoulder. On the side. She helped him blow his hair. His hair was very short, so it would only take a while for it to dry up. She liked Lin Yuelin's hair was black and thick, but it did not feel like it was tied up. It felt very soft.    


In the end, Qin Fei threw the air conditioner to the side and knelt beside Lin Yuelin. She hugged his waist from behind. "Yuelin, are you still a little tired? You just don't want me to worry, right?"    


"I'm really not tired." Qin Fei was good in everything. The only bad thing was that she liked to let her thoughts run wild and refused to believe some of his words.    


"But it is already late at night. You have not slept yet. You said you are not tired. I do not believe it." Qin Fei complained about Lin Yuelin. He always hid a lot of fatigue and did not let him know.    


"Why must you be tired when it is late at night?" Lin Yuelin scratched Qin Fei's nose and kissed her on the lips. He then quickly left. The longer he stayed, the more he would harm himself.    


"I don't care. You woke up so early today. You didn't sleep much last night. You have to sleep early now. You have to be busy tomorrow morning."    


"Actually, I would rather not sleep as much every night as last night. It's just that my wife has to cooperate with me even if she wants to accompany me." Lin Yuelin's gaze had always been on Qin Fei's chest that was slightly exposed. There was a flame burning in his eyes.    


Qin Fei was most afraid that Lin Yuelin would use force like last night, so she quickly buried herself in the blanket.    


Lin Yuelin directly lifted the blanket and saw Qin Fei curling herself up into a ball. She looked at Lin Yuelin with caution, as if he was a wolf.    


"I'm so sleepy. If you really don't want to sleep, I won't wait for you. I want to sleep." Qin Fei's face turned red.    


"There's no need for you to wait. I want to sleep with my wife. If my wife gets cold to the point that my heart aches," ___ said.    


Lin Yuelin crawled into the blanket as he spoke. Qin Fei rolled towards the wall. There was no room for her to move. There was a cold wall behind her and a burning chest in front of her chest.    


Qin Fei basically had a depressed look on her face. It was obvious that this person was doing it on purpose.    


Lin Yuelin knew that Qin Fei was shy again, but he did not know why she was shy. She had clearly done what she should have done countless times. The places that she should have seen had long been imprinted in her mind. What else was there to be shy about?    


Lin Yuelin scooped Qin Fei into his arms with his big hand, then the two of them rolled into the middle of the big bed.    


"Could it be that my wife did something wrong behind my back, and now she even has to face the wall and reflect on herself while sleeping?" Lin Yuelin said with a smile.    


"Is this my problem? It is clearly because your body is too fat. If you sleep on the bed, I won't have a seat anymore." Qin Fei said with some dissatisfaction. Actually, she still liked to sleep alone. If that was the case, it would be as wide as it could be.    


"Wife, I'm really sad when you say that. If even I feel fat... It seems like you've never seen a real fatty before. " Lin Yuelin had always been very confident in his figure. He could even be said to be thin. There was actually someone who said he was fat.    


This was really the case. A tragedy that had happened for thousands of years.    


"You're fat, compared to me." Qin Fei's facial features were disgusted by Lin Yuelin.    


"Fei Fei, you look so cute to me." Although Lin Yuelin said that, he did not let go of Qin Fei's hand at all. Instead, he hugged her tighter and tighter.    


"I'm not talking anymore. I'm going to sleep." Qin Fei knew that if she kept talking to Lin Yuelin, it would only give him more chances to tease her, so she decided to sleep.    


Qin Fei soon fell asleep. Her whole body was soft in Lin Yuelin's arms. Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei enjoyed each other's warmth.    


"Yuelin, run quickly. There is danger ahead. Don't worry about me. Run. Hurry up. Don't let bad people catch you," Qin Fei murmured unconsciously. Then her voice became louder and louder, and in the end, she directly shouted.    


Lin Yuelin usually woke up easily when he slept. Qin Fei slept in his arms. Of course, her voice could be heard clearly and quickly in Lin Yuelin's ears.    


When he heard Qin Fei talking in her sleep, he thought that she must have had a nightmare. It was better to comfort her quickly.    


Qin Fei had been smiling before she slept, but who knew what kind of worry was behind all this pretending to be relaxed. The current situation was like this. On the surface, it looked very calm. However, the danger around her had never disappeared.    


This time, when Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei came to this city, Xin Yi also followed them. After all, Qin Fei was the key protection target for all of them. Zhuilei was still in B City. They still felt that that place was the center of the storm.    


Zhuilei was now living in Lin's residence. After Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei left, he would be the owner of the villa. He was still investigating Wuqing. Initially, he wanted to come with them as well. After all, he would leave everyone's safety to Xinyi. He was still a little worried, but Lin Yuelin insisted on him staying here. There was nothing he could do.    


What Lin Yuelin meant was that what happened in He City had nothing to do with what happened in B City, so he still stayed in the center of the storm. Perhaps the opponent did not expect Lin Yuelin to keep Zhuilei here. This way, the opponent wouldn't be able to predict what would happen.    


Zhuilei took over the responsibility of Cheng Luo and Lin Yuelin. He took care of the villa and investigated what Lin Yuelin had told him.    


Suddenly, one day, Wu Qing came to the door. Of course, Zhuilei would not run away from him. Thus, he personally received Wuqing. The two of them looked at each other at the door for a while. It was not until Wuqing smiled and moved her gaze away that Wuqing brought her into the hall.    


"Director Wu, I think you should know that Director Lin and Madam have already left this place. " Zhuilei said lightly. He did not believe that Wuqing did not know about this. After all, Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin left in a high-profile manner. They did not leave quietly.    


Wuqing's eyes were always filled with contempt. It made people feel lonely and proud, but also a little lonely.    


"I really did not know that Director Lin and his wife had left. It seems that I have deviated from the world. It seems that I can't stay at home forever. The news is a little too late. " The heartless smile was still bright, but the expression on his face was full of regret. It was as if everything she said was true.    


"I know that Director Wu must have come to find Director Lin and his wife. Since they are not at home... I can only let Director Wu make this trip in vain." Zhuilei did not want to continue dealing with this woman. This woman's smile and eyes were like a whirlpool. It made people want to stop.    


He didn't want to directly get into the trap set by this woman. The best way was to avoid dealing with her.    


"It doesn't matter. I'm already very happy to see such a handsome and cool bodyguard." Wu Qing's gaze had always been on Zhuilei, just like a fangirl.    


"I came here to look for you, Mr. Bodyguard." Wu Qing was very straightforward, but Zhuilei was very surprised. He really did not know why this woman wanted to see him. Anyway, intuition did not have anything good.    


Zhuilei smiled coldly. He did not listen to her words at all. After all, who knew what she was thinking.    


"I never thought that Zhuilei's bodyguard would be so cold and charming." Wuqing originally had a long distance between him and Zhuilei. As he spoke, he approached Wuqing. Zhuilei had no choice but to step back step by step.    


The two of them were like a couple flirting with each other.    


[End of chapter]    


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