Don't Go Against My Mommy

C610 A Man Who Doesn't Know How to Read a Book

C610 A Man Who Doesn't Know How to Read a Book

It's true that enemies can be found everywhere.    


Wuqing didn't know if he should be happy or sad. He clearly wanted to have some rest, but he was able to meet them in the western suburbs. Then what should he do? He had to pretend that he didn't see them. Or should he take the initiative to greet them?    


For a moment, Wuqing was unable to come up with an idea. Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin had already walked over, holding hands. He could only sigh with emotion that there were still many coincidences in this world.    


It was not easy to bury Wuqing in the crowd. Even if she stood alone, people would recognize her at a glance.    


"Director Wu actually met you here. What a coincidence." Qin Fei naturally greeted him.    


Lin Yuelin only nodded slightly, showing the gentlemanly demeanor of a man. He looked at their expressions heartlessly and naturally. All of her good mood vanished into thin air.    


Why were they so free and at ease, but he pretended to be so tired?    


"Director Wu, are you here to inspect the progress?" Lin Yuelin asked as if it was a matter of course. The project in the western suburbs was only half completed, but it had already brought such a huge profit. It was reasonable for Wuqing to come and take a look personally.    


However, Lin Yuelin was sensitive. He still felt that Wuqing was doing it on purpose. Otherwise, why would they come here? They just happened to meet Wuqing here.    


"Yes, I guess so." Wuqing said.    


"Looks like Director Wu has probably circled this place once." Lin Yuelin looked at the smile on Relentless's face. Today's smile was different from the smile he saw the other night. It was as if it had become a little brighter.    


"No, I did not come here before Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin. Why don't you let me, the host, take you around?" Wuqing smiled and said frankly.    


Lin Yuelin turned his face to look at Qin Fei. He realized that Qin Fei seemed to be very willing, so he decided to go with her.    


"Sure." Lin Yuelin's voice still sounded cold and distant.    


Wuqing naturally would not take the initiative to approach such a person, so she took the initiative to walk to Qin Fei's side. Her face always carried a cheerful smile. Lin Yuelin wanted to see some emotions on her face. But there was no way.    


Whether it was intuition or illusion, Wuqing made Lin Yuelin feel very secretive.    


While Lin Yuelin was observing Wuqing, she was also observing the two of them. There was no doubt that they were a very enviable pair. No matter where they went, the two of them seemed to be the same person. Of course, Qin Fei was very understanding. Since Wuqing was accompanying them, of course, from time to time, she would also throw out a topic for Wuqing to talk about. It was to avoid neglecting her.    


"I heard that the western suburbs were designed by Director Wu himself. There is a reason why Director Wu's business can be so good." Qin Fei had already seen this on Weibo, so she was not too surprised when she came to the scene. She just casually said it.    


"This is the first time I have done something for the company. Naturally, I have to pay attention to it. But it's not as good as what Mrs. Lin said. It's just that the consumer's pen is given face." This was just Wuqing's idea to see if his shooting skills had regressed. He did not think that once he started, it would be out of control. Originally, he only wanted to design an artificial lake. He did not expect that in the end, he would complete all the designs.    


"If Director Wu wants to do such a thing himself, could it be that everything in the company is done by Director Wu himself?" Lin Yuelin asked curiously.    


"I can deal with things that I can. I don't want more people to interfere in this matter. There was a saying that said, it was not a good thing to have more people talking. Many times, it will be bad." Although Wuqing did not directly answer Lin Yuelin's question, he believed that he already knew something.    


"No wonder Director Wu is so successful. It seems that many managers still need to ask you for guidance." Lin Yuelin didn't think that a little girl in her early twenties would be so insightful.    


He did have a little appreciation for her.    


"Director Lin must be joking. Director Lin is a legend in the business world. When you were in charge of the Lin Clan, I didn't know where I was drinking milk. How can I be under your guidance? " Lin Yuelin's praise clearly contained exaggerated elements. She had never accepted flattery.    


"In terms of legends, of course I can't compare with Director Wu." Lin Yuelin said politely.    


Qin Fei did not say a word. She heard Lin Yuelin and Wuqing talking about each other politely and hypocritically. She found that these two people were actually quite similar in many aspects. For example, they both cared about their face. Both of them spoke in a roundabout way.    


Qin Fei felt that they were clearly out for a walk. This kind of open and secret competition would make her feel bad, so she tried to smooth things over. "Both of you don't need to be polite. In front of me, you are both legends."    


Lin Yuelin's eyes had always been on his emotionless face, so when Qin Fei just spoke, there was a flash of awkwardness on her face. Wuqing's attitude towards Qin Fei seemed to be a little different, but to say that Wuqing would sincerely treat Qin Fei, Lin Yuelin would never believe it even if he was beaten to death.    


Although Wu Qing had lived abroad since he was a child, he had always hoped that the garden would be designed in a Chinese style. The project in the western suburbs this time also included many factors related to the Suzhou garden. The feeling of the winding paths leading to a secluded place required this kind of separation of layers and layers of different worlds. It was precisely because of such a comfortable environment that many elders were attracted to this place. Regardless of whether it was the weekend or not, there were a lot of people here.    


"Mrs. Lin, do you also have your own opinion on the design?" Wu Qing shifted the topic to Qin Fei.    


"No, I have nothing to do with the design." Qin Fei had indeed done a lot of things, but she had never done anything related to the design. She did not know if she had just casually said it or if she had really heard it from someone.    


"I think Director Wu remembered it wrong. I know nothing about the design." Qin Fei answered frankly. She did not feel that there was anything shameful about it. After all, her biggest success was having such a good husband and three clever children. What was there to be dissatisfied about?    


"So that's how it is. I was just thinking about the remaining half of the project in the western suburbs and wanted to invite my wife to discuss it with me." Wuqing had a sincere and regretful expression.    


"Director Wu, you are flattering me," Qin Fei said politely. "I have never done anything like this. If I really do it with you, I think I will be a sinner."    


After all, Wuqing's plan had been so successful. If the remaining half was ruined by her, she would not be able to live with her conscience.    


"But I heard that when Mrs. Lin was studying in England, she studied design. Didn't you get an award? Why are you so modest?" Wuqing said unyieldingly, even going as far as to dig out Qin Fei's glorious past.    


Qin Fei was a little stunned. She did not expect Wu Qing to be so clear about the things that happened so many years ago. In the past when she was studying in England, because she was bored, she had indeed studied landscape design. But that was something that had happened a long time ago. It had been a long time since she took a pen. She had long forgotten all about that little bit of design technique.    


So when she found a job in the future, she didn't want to talk about this experience at all, because she felt that she no longer had the ability to design.    


"Thank you, Director Wu, for your hospitality, but Fei Fei and I are happy to be idle. Now, we want to enjoy our lives, so we do not have the desire to work." Lin Yuelin knew that Qin Fei did not know how to reject people the most. She put her hand on her shoulder. He said to her in a protective posture.    


"Oh, it's my fault this time. I am anxious. I really want to have some kind of cooperation with Director Lin or Madam. When I was studying design in England, that teacher was Madam's teacher. He always praised Madam for her talent in design, but Madam didn't seem to have the energy to design." Recalling the school days in England, a genuine smile appeared on Wuqing's face.    


"What a coincidence, you're talking about Mon?" Qin Fei did not think that there were really many coincidences in this world. Speaking of that Mon teacher, it was still very important to her inspiration and guidance.    


In the past, when she studied landscape design to pass time, she did not expect that she actually had such talent. But she was really not interested in this aspect. But because of various reasons, she participated in the competition under his encouragement. In the end, she even won an award for no reason.    


"Mon is indeed a very good teacher. At that time, he even asked me to study and design professionally, but I still returned to my country without hesitation." Qin Fei recalled what happened back then.    


"I also think he is very good." Wuqing's help in the landscape design came from this teacher. She was very grateful to him.    


"In that case, you're still my junior sister." Qin Fei was also a woman whose age could not be seen, so she always felt that Wuqing was older than her, but she did not expect that she was younger than her.    


"That's right, senior sister." Wuqing smiled faintly.    


"I never thought that we would be able to study the same specialization in the same university and meet in the country. It really is fate. " At this moment, Qin Fei had a feeling that she had met an old friend in another country. She had completely forgotten that Wuqing was a woman with ulterior motives.    


Qin Fei was originally thinking of when she would return to school to see her teacher and also to see Mon. It was just that she was still a little hesitant. After all, she had never been involved in design work before. She also did not have any achievements. When the time came, what would the teacher say? When the time came, Mon would definitely look at her with regret.    


"Actually, I've heard about you from the teacher a long time ago. At that time, I thought you were always in England. I even wanted to meet you. I didn't expect you to come back to China, but fortunately, we meet again now. It seems like this fated person will meet no matter how many setbacks he has experienced. I've always wanted to design a scenery with you. I really want to. " Relentless kept emphasizing.    


[This chapter is over]    


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