Don't Go Against My Mommy

C583 Grand Barber Qin Was in Charge

C583 Grand Barber Qin Was in Charge

How could Lin Yuelin listen to Qin Fei's words? He was still by her side. In the end, Qin Fei had no choice but to bite the bullet and get her hair done. So she wanted to try her cooking skills on Lin Yuelin's head.    


Lin Yuelin's hairstyle had always been supported by his good looks. The hairstyle was too ugly. Qin Fei had wanted to give him some hair a long time ago, but she had forgotten a lot of things when they were piled together. Today was a very good opportunity.    


"Yuelin, why don't we make a similar hairstyle? Only then can we prove that we are husband and wife." Qin Fei's eyes hid a smile, but her expression was very sincere.    


"It's better not to. I am already very beautiful like this. If I make such a beautiful hairstyle, how can other men live?" Lin Yuelin would not let Qin Fei mess around on his head.    


"But I really want to see your curly hair. It will definitely be very beautiful." Qin Fei had never seen Lin Yuelin change his hairstyle before. He had not changed his hairstyle for ten years. This man really loved him.    


"I am a man. I don't need curly hair." Lin Yuelin thought of those instant noodles hairstyles and felt really depressed.    


"You really don't know how fashion is nowadays. Many men will keep their hair long. Then they would boil it. That male celebrity, Jing Beran, really took a good look at it. The Japanese style of laziness is simply numb." Qin Fei dug her heart and lungs out and began to induce.    


"Although I don't know who Jing Beran is, I'm sure I'm prettier than him. So you better not think about me." Qin Fei continued to tempt.    


Qin Fei hugged Lin Yuelin's arm and shook it vigorously. She acted like a spoiled child and said, "My dear, just give it a try."    


"I don't want it." Lin Yuelin refused decisively. He really could not accept his mother's look.    


"You are so handsome. What kind of hairstyle can't hold you?" Qin Fei was still trying to persuade him.    


"You mean I am already very handsome. Since this is the case, there is no need to spend more energy on my hair." Lin Yuelin felt that even if he was wearing a gunny sack, he would still look good.    


"But I want to see the pinnacle of your beauty. Don't you want to show your most handsome side to me?" Qin Fei originally only wanted to mention it, but his rebuttal was too strong. This ignited Qin Fei's desire to challenge. Today, she must make him listen to her words.    


"Just let me give it a try. If you think it doesn't look good, I will get it back for you." Qin Fei blinked her big eyes, full of expectation.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei who was very close to him. Her eyes were pure, making him feel embarrassed if he continued to reject her.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei, then at the curly hair stick in her hand. He felt that he had married a wife who would not let him off easily. It was really great.    


"Alright, you promised me." Qin Fei realized that Lin Yuelin did not say anything. It was as if his heart was already compromising.    


"Don't do it again." It was very difficult for Lin Yuelin to see Qin Fei happy, but the corner of her mouth had always been raised. As long as it could make him happy, then let her do it.    


Qin Fei got Lin Yuelin's permission and was so happy that she jumped up and down on the spot. "Yuelin, you are the best husband in the world, and of course, you are also the most handsome prince in my heart."    


Qin Fei's eyes smiled and narrowed into a crescent moon.    


Lin Yuelin finally knew who Soong Yuan looked like. This was clearly a replica of Qin Fei. When she smiled, people would want to give the whole world to her.    


Qin Fei hummed a song as she busied herself on Lin Yuelin's head.    


Lin Yuelin did not trust Qin Fei's craftsmanship, so he had always been very nervous. If he was given another chance, he would definitely hide far away when Qin Fei was doing her hair. Perhaps he would not have to be so worried now.    


Qin Fei seemed to like to cultivate her skills recently. She was still at home making cotton candy. Lin Yuelin felt that planting talent could distract her attention. Things that made her happy were good things, but it did not mean that messing with his hair was also a good thing.    


Qin Fei's speed was still very fast and it did not take long for her to settle it. Lin Yuelin looked at himself in the mirror with curly hair and felt that his heroic spirit had become the feeling of his Ladyship.    


"Yuelin, do you feel that you are beautiful, charming and sexy?" This kind of Lin Yuelin was more like a prince. He was extraordinarily handsome. If he was given a white horse, it would be even more beautiful.    


"Are you sure you are praising me?" Charming and sexy were just words to describe a woman. Lin Yuelin regretted listening to Qin Fei's words more and more.    


"Qin Fei, you still have to acknowledge me as your master. You are too mother." Many men had curly hair, and he had seen many of them before. However, most of them retained the manliness, but Qin Fei's curly hair could only be described as mother.    


"But I think you look too good like this. Don't you like it?" The smile on Qin Fei's face disappeared, and there was a threatening look in her eyes.    


She had worked so hard to make him look like this. If he still found it ugly, she would want to tear him apart.    


"It really doesn't look good. I'm going to wash it." Lin Yuelin knew Qin Fei would definitely be in a bad mood, but if he had to go out with this kind of hair, she might as well let him die.    


"You can't say it doesn't look good. Anyway, you have to wear this hairstyle today." Qin Fei would never let Lin Yuelin damage this hairstyle. It was obviously very pretty. She really did not know why he did not like it. Could it be that there was such a huge difference in their aesthetic views?    


"Fei Fei, what we're going to do later is proper business. Don't mess around like that." Lin Yuelin raised his eyebrows slightly. He was getting more and more helpless towards Qin Fei's hoodlum.    


"I worked so hard to make your hair, but you don't like it. You even want to wash off my work." Qin Fei pouted her mouth, her eyes full of grievance.    


"Fei Fei, it's not that I don't like your hairstyle. I just can't accept my image appearing in front of the public." Lin Yuelin realized that his tone just now might have been a little harsh, so he changed his tone to a gentler one and spoke again.    


"But I like it." Qin Fei suddenly thought of a sentence and did not realize whether it was suitable for the current situation. She blurted out, "It's not that women are good for their looks. What's wrong with you making me like this hairstyle?"    


It sounded like that, but was that what she used to say?    


"Oh my God!" Lin Yuelin coughed hard and almost coughed out his lungs. He really did not know what his wife was thinking. How could she be so stupid? Did she give all of her wisdom to the children?    


"That's not what I meant. It's the same logic. Men dress up for women to see. So as long as I think it looks good, that's all. Besides, if you don't dress up a little better when you go out with a beauty like me, aren't you afraid that I'll be snatched away?" Qin Fei said in all seriousness, each word carrying a threat. It meant that if you don't use this hairstyle, I will really be snatched away by other men.    


"Will my good looks give other men a chance?" Lin Yuelin's eyes turned cold. This woman really pampered him too much. The more he spoke, the more excessive he became.    


"I know you are good-looking. You are my most handsome and most handsome husband." Qin Fei comforted Lin Yuelin while thinking that she must not let Lin Yuelin wash his hair off.    


"Hubby, it is almost time. Why don't we go quickly?" Qin Fei looked at the time and saw that it was almost time. As long as she sat in the car, Lin Yuelin could not regret it.    


"It's still early. The driver I called has not come yet. I just have time to wash my hair." Lin Yuelin knew what Qin Fei was thinking in her heart.    


"Yuelin, if you wash off my hair today, I will tie you up with curly hair every day in the future. I will make you like curly hair in the end." Qin Fei could only act shamelessly.    


"Why should I let you make curly hair for me?" Lin Yuelin was a little puzzled.    


"You promised me." She even said it in a righteous manner.    


"When did I ever promise you something so anti-human?" Lin Yuelin was dumbfounded.    


"You promised me to make you curly hair, but I fixed it for you. You went back on your word again. You just didn't keep your word. Since you didn't keep your word, I took back what I said to you for the rest of my life. " Qin Fei was clearly threatening him.    


Seeing that Qin Fei had already said so, this woman always said that the wind is the rain. If one day she really went missing with him, he would be scared to death. After thinking about it for a while, he only went with his curly hair. In any case, his looks were right here. There was no problem with his hairstyle.    


When Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei arrived at the banquet, there were still very few people on the scene. He had already started looking for Loo Dong.    


In the end, when he found out that even Loo Dong was not at this place, Lin Yuelin suddenly felt that it was very boring. He might as well hug Qin Fei and sleep at home.    


"Fei Fei, you didn't eat anything at night. You should eat something first. Lin Yuelin was worried that Qin Fei would be hungry.    


Qin Fei held Lin Yuelin's hand tightly. He brought her to a table and helped her get her favorite pastries.    


Qin Fei was actually not hungry, so she did not want to eat anything.    


Lin Yuelin could see Qin Fei's refusal, but he said very firmly, "If you don't eat something, you don't want to drink."    


Lin Yuelin recently discovered that Qin Fei was actually an alcoholic. Every time she saw wine, her eyes would shine.    


Qin Fei knew Lin Yuelin's principles were not to be touched, so she looked at the wine in her cup and felt a little regretful. She still had to eat something first.    


[This chapter is over]    


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