Don't Go Against My Mommy

C469 Some Things Are Called Missing Things

C469 Some Things Are Called Missing Things

What Qin Sheng wanted to do the most now was to see Qin Fei. "Dad, can we come tomorrow?"    


She did not know when her dad would say that they would meet again. She felt that it would take a very, very long time.    


"You don't need to wait until tomorrow. Call mom. I will send you to her place now." Lin Yuelin didn't want to waste all the time he had today.    


Qin Sheng originally wanted to call her mother, but she was afraid that her father was in front of her, so she did not call. Now that her father had said so, she immediately picked up her phone and called her mother.    


Almost a century later, Qin Fei slowly picked up the phone.    


"Sheng, are you looking for mother?" Qin Fei's voice carried a lot of disbelief.    


"Mom, I miss you." Qin Sheng did not think that when she opened her mouth, she would actually have a sobbing tone.    


"Sheng, don't cry." Qin Sheng did not guess wrong. Qin Fei went to Lin's residence and Soong Ze drove the car.    


"I really miss you guys. I miss mom and sister." Qin Sheng's nasal voice became heavier and heavier.    


Qin Fei only heard Qin Sheng's small sobbing sound over the phone and her heart did not feel good. Qin Sheng and Soong Yuan had been together for so long and had already established a deep relationship. They should not have been separated from each other in the first place. Furthermore, when she took Soong Yuan away, she did not discuss it with her at all. She was clearly already so old. Many things had already been understood. If she took Soong Yuan away without saying anything, she would definitely think that she did not love her anymore. She only loved Soong Yuan.    


Hearing her elder sister's voice over there, Soong Yuan blinked her big eyes and stared at her mother without moving. She even leaned close to her mother's ear to listen to her elder sister's voice, but she could not hear anything clearly.    


"Sheng, don't worry. We will see you soon on our way to Lin's residence." Qin Fei looked at the iconic building outside and estimated in her heart when she would be able to reach Lin's residence.    


"Mother, you are not lying to me, right?" Qin Sheng was just making an assumption and did not think that it was actually true. It felt like a pie fell from the sky and it even happened to fall into her hands.    


"Mom will not lie to you. I will be there in half an hour." Qin Fei looked at the time. Half an hour should be up.    


Soong Yuan pouted and her face was full of unhappiness. She also wanted to talk to her sister, but her mother kept holding the phone and did not let her talk to her sister. She was really a bad mother.    


After a long time, Soong Yuan finally did not want to be lonely anymore. "Mother, don't tell elder sister. I want to talk to elder sister."    


Soong Yuan's voice was somewhat impatient.    


Qin Sheng could already hear Soong Yuan's voice and was about to seriously listen to what she was saying when a childish voice came from the other side of the microphone, "Big sister, do you want dumplings? Dumplings miss you so much."    


"Big Sister misses you so much." Qin Sheng replied cheerfully.    


"Big Sister, are you at home? Mom and I came to see you." Soong Yuan did not know why the distance between Soong's residence and Lin's residence was so far. Her father had been driving for half a day, but he still did not arrive.    


Qin Sheng did not know what to say. They would definitely arrive at Lin's residence before her and her father.    


"Sister, are you going to school? Then I will definitely wait at home for you to finish school." Soong Yuan thought that today seemed to be the day of school and Qin Sheng had already gone to school at this time.    


"Yeah, I am going to school at school. But since sister came to see me, then I will be back soon." Qin Sheng followed Soong Yuan's words.    


Soong Yuan was still a little disappointed. She originally thought that she would be able to see her sister the moment she got off the car, but she did not expect that it would not be possible.    


After Qin Fei handed the phone to Soong Yuan, she did not care about anything and let her talk to Qin Sheng by herself. But she did not know what they were talking about and the smile on Qin Sheng's face suddenly disappeared. Pouting her mouth and feeling wronged, Qin Fei felt very strange.    


"I don't want to talk to Big Sister anymore. Go ahead." Soong Yuan directly returned the phone to her mother.    


Qin Fei took the phone and curiously asked, "What did you say to Soong Yuan? Why was she so happy just now and suddenly stop being happy?"    


Qin Sheng took the phone to look at her father and found that her father was also looking at him. It turned out that her father only pretended to be so calm on the surface. Whenever it was about her mother, her father would usually find it hard to calm down.    


This was the first time Qin Sheng felt that such an awkward father was a little cute.    


"Mom, I just said that I still have some time before I can arrive. I hope that she will wait for me for a while. She might not be happy." Qin Sheng said somewhat helplessly.    


"Why? Are you not at home?"    


"I'm at school, but Dad came to pick me up now. We'll be back soon." Since Qin Sheng had already lied to Soong Yuan, she could only continue lying.    


Lin Yuelin did not like Qin Sheng's lying behavior.    


Qin Fei did not take it to heart at all, but after thinking about it, now that Lin Yuelin was clearly working hours, how could he possibly pick her up? Usually, the job of picking up Sheng was done by Cheng Luo. Furthermore, it was not time for class to end yet, so why was Sheng using her phone?    


"It's all my fault. I should have told you before I came," Qin Fei said apologetically.    


She had forgotten that Qin Sheng still had classes during this period of time.    


"It's alright, Mom. I'm already very happy that you came to see me." Qin Sheng said generously.    


Qin Sheng actually already knew the loophole in her lie. Previously when she told Soong Yuan, she should not have lied. After you made a lie, you must use countless lies to cover up your lie.    


"You can come back slowly. We will wait for you. Don't skip class." Qin Fei knew that her children were smart, so going to school was just to say and play. Although she had never given up the number one position in the school, learning still required attitude.    


She was a genius now, but it did not mean that she would also be a genius when she grew up. There were many times when she was a genius when she was young but did not have the nurture of the day after tomorrow. Later on, she became a clever person.    


After hanging up the phone, Qin Fei looked at the angry Qin Sheng. A child was a child. Just now, she was very unhappy but now, she seemed to have forgotten about what just happened and had fun by herself.    


As Soong Ze drove, he paid attention to their conversation the whole time. "Is Sheng at school?"    


"It's all my fault that I didn't call to Lin's residence to ask before." Qin Fei said with some regret.    


"It's okay. Anyway, we have nothing to do. Just wait a moment." Soong Ze comforted her.    


Soon, they arrived at Lin's residence. Qin Fei carried Soong Yuan and got off the car. Lin's residence was very quiet now. Apart from the maids, there were also maids.    


The maids knew that Qin Fei was the mistress, so they naturally respected Qin Fei as much as they respected Lin Yuelin.    


"Where is Cheng Luo?" Cheng Luo was the housekeeper of the villa. He was always there, but now he did not see any butterflies flying around.    


"Housekeeper Cheng has left with Lia." The maid told him everything.    


"That means that no one is at home." Qin Fei immediately felt sorry after saying that.    


After all, these maids in the house were all human and she had no other intentions. She only said that those who could speak were not at home.    


"Anyway, the Miss was taken out by Sir." The maid said.    


"Let's wait for them here." No matter where Cheng Luo went, he would come back anyway. Moreover, the most important thing for her was to see Sheng. Sheng would be coming back from school soon. It seemed that it was quite close to coming back from school.    


Therefore, Qin Fei and Soong Yuan, Soong Ze, found a comfortable seat on the sofa in the hall and sat down in a comfortable position.    


The servants knew that these were all important guests, so they naturally had to serve them warmly. Soon, the tea was served. Soong Yuan wanted to drink tea with her mother last time, but she didn't have the chance last time. This time, she had to try it no matter what.    


"Little dumpling also wants tea, I want it too." Soong Yuan spread her hands in the direction of the servants and said coquettishly.    


Qin Fei glared at Soong Yuan. Why was this little fellow so persistent towards tea leaves? How could this tea be as good as her milk? It was really too tactful.    


Qin Fei seemed to have already forgotten that Soong Yuan had never drank tea before. Without comparison, there would not be any harm. That was why she was so curious about the tea.    


The servant looked at Soong Yuan with a troubled expression. Soong Ze naturally knew what Qin Fei was thinking. Before she could speak, he directly said, "Little dumpling, if you are a good baby, don't drink tea. Because children can't drink tea. This is an adult's drink. If you want to drink it, you can wait until you grow up. "    


? Although Soong Ze said that, he understood Soong Yuan. She started to remember things now. Of course, she was very curious about what she had seen and heard.    


"You actually want to divide adults and children? You adults are discriminating against our children. I don't agree." Soong Yuan was very dissatisfied.    


This discrimination was taught to Soong Yuan by Soong Ze last night. In the end, this little guy already knew how to infer things from others so quickly. Furthermore, it was used on the person who taught her.    


"Soong Yuan, don't be angry. If older sister comes back and sees that you are not obedient, older sister will not like you." At this time, Qin Fei could only bring out Qin Sheng to suppress her.    


"Big Sister said that she will give me a lot of delicious food. I want to wait for Big Sister to come back. I want to be obedient and let Big Sister praise me." Soong Yuan thought of Qin Sheng and thought that her magic pocket could always produce a lot of TangTang to eat.    


"Little dumpling, when can you not like eating so much?" Regarding the nature of her daughter's foodie, Qin Fei as the mother really had no other choice.    


Soong Ze smiled faintly and said, "Anyway, you gave birth to Soong Yuan. She is a snack, and you are a super big foodie." After saying that, he could not help but laugh secretly.    


Qin Fei suddenly became speechless. After chatting with Brother Song Ze, he seemed to be able to attack her without any restraint.    


Lin Yuelin and Qin Sheng were still on the way. Both of them had their own thoughts. Qin Sheng wished that she could fly to her mother's side in a second, but Lin Yuelin thought that time could be slower.    


This chapter is over.    


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