Don't Go Against My Mommy

C416 He Was Very Important

C416 He Was Very Important

"You child, didn't Mom tell you last time? It's not your fault, even without you, those bad guys will try their best to hurt you " Qin Fei felt a little heartache but also a little angry. She thought that the conversation last time could make her think it through. She did not think that the knot in her heart would be so deep.    


"Mom, I miss Mo so much. As long as he is here... I don't have to worry about anything. He will help me arrange everything. He's the most considerate brother in the world. " Qin Sheng had been living a very depressing life these few years. She did not like herself who was so mature. But because Mo was not around, she had to be mature.    


"Do you believe in Dad? If you believe in dad, Mo will come back very soon. Dad has been looking for Mo. " Qin Fei didn't want to mention Mo at all. He was like a taboo in her heart. It was as if something bad would happen the moment it was triggered.    


"Does Mo really know that we are waiting for him?" Qin Sheng was not sure.    


"Thoughts are not hindered by distance. He will definitely know our thoughts." Qin Fei was completely sure that Qin Mo must have lost his memories and did not return. After all, the explosion was so powerful. Qin Mo was so small. He must have been injured somewhere in order to survive. If he had lost his memory, there would be a day when he would remember them. That was why he would definitely come back.    


This was something that Qin Fei had always been determined to do.    


B City had always been snowing tirelessly, and Angel was taking an afternoon nap. But his expression was pained and conflicted. Leo stared fixedly at Angel. She knew that he was having a nightmare, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't wake him up.    


Angel fell into a painful nightmare.    


"Mother, don't hurt her, don't hurt my mother" Angel finally woke up from the nightmare with a scream. Before he could see who the person next to him was, he hugged Lia tightly.    


"Mother, I love you, I love you, don't leave me, don't." Angel's tears dripped down and wet her shoulders. He was very fragile right now, like an abandoned child who couldn't find his home.    


Leo was so scared that she couldn't speak, and she didn't dare to do anything either. She just let him hug her without moving, even though she didn't know what dream he had. She also missed her mother. She didn't want her mother to leave her.    


Having been friends with Angel for so long, this was the first time Lia had seen him so fragile. Her heart ached. "Angel, don't be afraid. I'm here with you."    


For a very, very long time in the future, she would never be able to tell whether her feelings for Angel were simple friends or something else.    


"You are? I don't know you." Angel had yet to fully awaken. He only remembered that the mother in his dream was a very beautiful woman. She was tall and slender, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see his mother's face clearly. But he seemed to have touched his mother's hand, and his mother even hugged him. At that time, he felt very happy.    


Lia was a little surprised, but she still answered honestly, "I'm your friend, Lia."    


"Who's Lia? I don't know her." Angel was still in a dream, unable to differentiate reality from reality.    


"She's our friend who played in the sanatorium together..." Lia was a little anxious.    


"Uh, uh, Lia, it's you. It's you." Angel's voice was somewhat disappointed, like an eggplant that had been frosted.    


"Lia, you know what? I was so sad just now, but my heart still hurts now." Angel pressed her chest. The pain coming from this place was real. He dreamt of his own home, with his parents and a younger sister. But why was reality different from a dream?    


"Why is it like this? Did you have a nightmare?" When Leo saw this, his heart ached.    


"I feel like I have fallen into a conspiracy, a huge conspiracy. I feel like my family will be hurt because of this." Angel didn't know if he should tell Lia that he suspected his father to be the creator of the conspiracy.    


"Angel, don't think too much. I feel like there's nothing wrong with it. Could it be that you think too much?" Lia spoke very carefully. Recently, she felt that he had a lot on his mind.    


Angel didn't want to make random guesses anymore. He wanted to find out what was going on. "I'm going to find my father and ask him for clarification."    


Bern was writing in his room. When his heart wasn't calm, he liked to write in order to calm down his agitated mood. It was just that he didn't know why he was usually very calm after writing a piece of paper, but he was even more upset. He had a feeling that something was about to happen.    


Suddenly, there was a hurried knock on the door, which made Bon's heart jump. The pen in his hand paused and left a heavy stroke on the paper.    


It was supposed to be time for afternoon nap. The whole villa was quiet. Who would disturb him?    


"Come in." He said in a deep voice.    


When Angel appeared in his field of vision, he seemed to have realized why he had come to find him.    


Angel's face had scars on one side and no scars on the other. This was just like the child's heart. Half was a devil, but the other half was an angel. All these years, he had been looking for ways to weaken the scar on his face. Although he had not completely removed the scar on his face, but it had become much fainter.    


The rest could only wait until Angel grew up and got rid of them through surgery. He did not know if he was still there at that time, but could he still see his son's handsome appearance?    


But to be honest, he liked the current Angel even more. Because of the scar on his face, he looked even more charming. This kind of darkness and extreme beauty was more in line with his state of mind.    


"Dad." Every time Angel mentioned about his mother, Bern would feel extreme pain. This made him not know where to start.    


Bon had already put down the brush in his hand, and looked straight at him, waiting for his next words.    


"Is my mother still alive in this world?" If she wasn't alive, he wouldn't have dreamt of such a clear feeling. He could clearly feel that his mother was very close to him. He was sure that his mother was still living in a certain corner of this world.    


"Even if she's alive, what do you want to do?" Bon didn't deny it. After all, the bond between mother and son was a love that could never be cut off from this world.    


Angel did not want such an ambiguous answer. If you are alive, then you are alive. If you are not alive, then you are not. I want a real answer.    


" I don't want to discuss this with you? " The more words he said to Angel, the more lies he would have. Therefore, he didn't want to continue on this topic.    


"Dad, I don't want to discuss this with you either. I just want a word from you. Is my mom dead or alive? " Angel had been missing his mother lately. He could dream of his mother. There is also a little girl. That little girl is like the version of him in the female version. Their faces were very similar.    


Angel felt that she must have a younger sister, and the little girl in her dream was her twin sister. Most of the time, he would feel a sudden heartache and also a sudden happiness. He didn't know why, but now he felt that this might be the interaction between twins.    


Angel felt that his thoughts were crazy, but they were very realistic.    


Bern picked up the brush again and continued writing. He didn't answer him, nor did he look at him.    


The father and son were quietly confronting each other like this. The pain in Angel's eyes was so heavy. It made Lia's heart ache, but Bonn did not seem to see it. He continued to write in a serious manner. Only he knew how chaotic his heart was.    


"Dad, why did you lie to me? What exactly do you want?" Angel cried out in pain. He had always regarded him as the person he respected the most. He had never thought that he would be deceived by the person closest to him.    


"Angel, I think you've been too free during this period of time. Don't let your imagination run wild. And don't mention your mother again." His voice was cold. He had long regarded him as his own son. But his mother was about to marry his enemy, so his mother would also be his enemy.    


"Dad, do you feel disappointed in me?" Angel also didn't know what was wrong with him. During the time he was injured, his father had always personally taken care of him. How could he suspect someone who was so good to him?    


"I will ask Dr. Du to come and see you tomorrow." Brian said lightly.    


"I am not sick. I don't want to see a doctor," Dr. Du said. Doctor Du was a very famous psychiatrist.    


"If you don't like Doctor Du's way of doing things, I can help you find other doctors." Bon said firmly.    


"Dad, I think you need a psychiatrist more than I do." He didn't know why he said those words, but he felt that way.    


Bonn paused. He seemed to be sick, but he didn't need a doctor, because he was beyond saving.    


"But, but I don't need a doctor anymore."    


Bonn didn't want to live at all. Why did he need a doctor to save him?    


Bonn's hands started to tremble, and the words he wrote were crooked and crooked.    


Bonn looked at Angel again. She had never seen the father and son so hostile before. She wanted to pull Angel away. But she didn't dare to go in. She was afraid of the look in Bonn's eyes.    


"Angel, I like you too much. I like your current gaze. It's exactly the same as when I was young. It's filled with hatred and stubbornness. " Thorn walked towards Angel and reached out his hand towards his head.    


But Angel stubbornly dodged. Right now, he didn't want to have any physical contact with Bern. He was very disappointed in his father.    


Bern looked at his empty hand and smiled helplessly. Didn't he already expect this day? It was just that he didn't know today would come so quickly.    


"Angel, do you know how much I care about you? I don't have anything to worry about in this world anymore. My only concern is you. I'm very afraid that you will leave me one day, if that's the case... Then I won't have any family left " After saying those words, even he was stunned.    


He didn't know when Angel had become such an important existence.    


[This chapter is over]    


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