Don't Go Against My Mommy

C300 Divorce Lawyer's Letter

C300 Divorce Lawyer's Letter

Assistant Number One knew that the CEO wanted to use the Luh's's strength to push his plan to the international stage. However, since Luh Cheng could do such a big business, he must not be a fool.    


"President, when we are using the Luh's, the Luh's will also use us." Assistant Number One was not as optimistic as the CEO and said worriedly.    


It was impossible for business matters to not have risks. The reason Lin Yuelin did business so well was because... Although it had nothing to do with his ability, more importantly, he would not let go of any opportunity. Only with a reasonable plan could he take the risk and gain more benefits.    


Therefore, Lin Yuelin did not think much of what Assistant No. 1 said.    


"It doesn't matter. Luh's can be a wolf, but our Lin Clan might not be their sheep. We can also be lions and tigers. " Lin Yuelin's lips curved into a charming smile, like a starving lion waiting for its prey.    


That look was extremely terrifying.    


Assistant No. 1 had a fortune-teller with him before, and his fortune-telling was very accurate. Due to his lack of talent, he had only managed to learn some superficial knowledge. Based on the superficial knowledge he had learned, Luh Cheng was not a simple person. He made people want to run away when they saw him.    


The CEO's estimation of Luh Cheng seemed to be too low. Was this a good thing or a bad thing? Assistant No. 1 was worried and cautious.    


"CEO, when are we going to cooperate with Luh's?" Since the president refused to listen to him, Assistant No. 1 could only focus on Luh Cheng and not let him have any chance to hurt the president and Lin Lin.    


"Now is not the time. Let's wait until the Luh's and Du's settle their personal grudges first. I don't want Lin Clan to get involved in such a boring matter." Lin Yuelin said faintly.    


He did not have the habit of being used as a gun. Moreover, the partners that Lin was looking for were the strongest, and they were focused on the joint projects of the two companies. If the conflict between the Luh's and the Du's was not resolved, then the Luh's would always keep this score in mind. Therefore, they were not that interested in the cooperation.    


Also, Lin Dong had always been cooperating with the Du's. Before the Luh's killed the Du's, it wouldn't be good for him to work with the Luh's. After all, the two families had been friends for many years. Many people in the business world knew that if they suddenly canceled their cooperation, it would be said that they were adding insult to injury.    


Therefore, Lin Yuelin could only stand aside and watch carefully. He could also better understand Luh Cheng and his latest movements.    


Assistant No. 1 did not understand Lin Yuelin's plan. He only knew that Du family and the Lin family were friends. All these years, the Du's had been cooperating with the Lin Family. Therefore, he saw the Luh's taking the initiative to attack the Du's. He still could not bear it. "President, are we really not going to help the Du's?"    


Not long ago, the Du's was one of the top enterprises in this city. In a short period of time, the Du's had become exhausted, and there were endless internal and external troubles. Such a scene would inevitably make people sigh.    


Assistant No. 1 was also considered half a member of the Du family, so the feeling in his heart was even richer.    


Lin Yuelin saw through his assistant's thoughts with a glance and said with a cold smile, "Are you worried about your cousin?"    


Lin Yuelin did not like his most capable subordinate to mix personal feelings and work together. That would make him feel that he was very low-class.    


Assistant No. 1 saw Lin Yuelin's expression change and immediately shook his head to deny it. "No, no, CEO, I'm just asking for your opinion?"    


Lin Yuelin looked at him deeply again. "Don't worry, Du Ning will be fine. Her mother Du Fu signed a contract with our Lin Family alone when she was alive. It was to let our Lin Family protect Du Ning at this time."    


Assistant No. 1's eyes dimmed. Lin Yuelin was a very successful businessman. Businessmen only cared about benefits when doing things. Since he was willing to help Du Ning, what benefits did he get from the contract?    


If that was the case, it could be said that the conflict between the Luh's and the Du's was something Lin Yuelin was happy to see happen. He was like a mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. No wonder the support he had for Du's had been declining all these years. It turned out that Lin Yuelin had long had the ambition to swallow Du's.    


The assistant number one, half of the Du family, was angry about this, but what Lin Yuelin did was understandable. Different paths did not work together. He was just trying to gain benefits for his own company. There was nothing wrong with this.    


He had worshiped Lin Yuelin countless times, and this time was no exception. The CEO seemed to have done nothing, but in fact, he was waiting for the best opportunity. He would wait until the Du family was about to collapse before making a move. At this time, the Lin Clan was the savior of the Du's. Of course, even if he saved the Du's, he wouldn't have any conflicts with the Luh's. After all, he, Lin Yuelin, was the biggest in this city.    


"You can leave first. I will look for you if there's anything."    


Assistant No. 1 seemed to have understood something. He was just a chess piece of the president. Lin Yuelin was willing to tell him so many secrets not because he had absolute trust in him, but because he was Du Ning's cousin. If one day the Du's really could not do it, Du Ning would definitely find him. At this time, he was Du Ning's messenger.    


Of course, the assistant wouldn't blame the CEO because of that. The assistant had to be at his beck and call for the boss. There was no doubt about it. He was even very grateful to the president for choosing him to be his assistant. Following the president would allow him to learn a lot of things. For the rest of his life, he would also give it to the president without any regrets. It was his honor to be able to fight the world with him.    


The president would never openly compete with others. In the business world, in the muddy waters, only Lin had maintained an indifferent attitude and did not seem to have gained much profit. However, in reality, the profits obtained by Lin Dong were much greater than those people who were engaged in heated discussions.    


Assistant No. 1 was really subdued by the CEO's means time and time again. Sometimes, he was thinking about how God could create such an outstanding human.    


After the assistant left, Lin Yuelin continued to deal with those matters that had not been settled. Only after dealing with these matters would he have enough time to have a good talk with Qin Fei. The recent news would definitely make her feel very uncomfortable.    


Because he knew Qin Fei cared about him, Lin Yuelin could be said to be very pleased with himself. However, Soong Ze, who Qin Fei personally proposed the divorce, was shrouded by dark clouds. All the employees in the British Song headquarters felt the storm of the boss. In the past, the bosses were all well-informed, but since they came back from the country, they had become hot-tempered. A small mistake would cause the entire company to be scolded from top to bottom.    


Soong Ze thought that Qin Fei would be able to calmly think about it when he returned to England, and then give up on the idea of divorce with him. But not long after he returned to England, he received a divorce lawyer letter from Qin Fei.    


How could he calm down? The violent beast in his heart was about to break free of its cage. So as long as he was slightly dissatisfied, he would be furious. Therefore, the Song family's morale had been low recently, and they would only raise their spirits when facing the president.    


The lawyer's letter had been lying on Soong Ze's table. He looked at the lawyer's letter angrily. The pain in his heart piled up like a river. Qin Fei had decided not to give him a chance to save her.    


Soong Ze had been calling Qin Fei these few days, but she never answered. Soong Ze knew that Qin Fei was forcing him to return to the country. However, he had no choice but to return to the country.    


"Help me book a plane ticket to B City as soon as possible." Soong Ze finally said this to his assistant.    


Soong Ze wanted to ask Qin Fei how she could be so cruel and heartless. Even if she did not have love for him, did she not have any pity for him? He had done what he needed to do in the past few years. Did she not have any feelings for him?    


Qin Fei kept staring at the phone on the table trembling, but she did not dare to answer the phone. She was afraid that her gentle Ze would be furious, and she was also afraid that her softhearted heart would drag him down. So she could only hug her body and cover her ears. She did not say anything, and did not listen to anything.    


Tears welled up in her eyes. She kept muttering softly, "Brother Song Ze, I didn't do it on purpose. I just feel that divorce is the best arrangement for you and me."    


Along with the lawyer's letter and Qin Fei's letter, she said that she wanted to find a house outside and move out. It was already very late when Soong Ze came back. Fortunately, Qin Fei had not moved out of Soong's residence when he came back.    


Qin Fei did not know that when Soong Ze came back, Qin Fei was eating dinner when Soong Ze suddenly came in from the door. Qin Fei was so surprised that the soup in her hands fell into the soup. Her next action was to get off the table and quickly go upstairs.    


Soong Ze called her from behind, "Fei Fei."    


Such a sad voice made Qin Fei almost unable to move her feet.    


"Where else do you want to go? Didn't you do this to get me to come back?" Soong Ze's anger could no longer be concealed.    


Qin Fei turned around and did not dare to look at him directly. She asked awkwardly, "Brother Song Ze, why did you suddenly come back?"    


"Don't you know why I came back?" Soong Ze did not speak tactfully. The pain on his face was overflowing. "Why are you so cruel to me?"    


Soong Ze always carried the lawyer's letter with him. He took it out from his pocket. His eyes were filled with a self-deprecating smile.    


Qin Fei knew that she had done too much, but she had no other choice. Who asked him to hide in England? This was the only way to get him back.    


Qin Fei was like a child who had done something wrong. She lowered her head very low. "Brother Song Ze, I am sorry about this matter. I can only say sorry other than sorry."    


"Fei Fei, you know that I don't want to be sorry." Soong Ze also felt uncomfortable when he saw Qin Fei like this. However, he could not maintain his usual demeanor.    


He approached Qin Fei and grabbed her wrist tightly. He pressed her hand on his chest. "Fei Fei, do you know the feeling of pain? Can you hear it screaming pain?"    


Qin Fei had never thought of making Soong Ze feel so sad. She hated herself to death now.    


However, there was no way to get a divorce. She had to do this. Even if Brother Song Ze hated her because of this, she had to do this. "Brother Song Ze, promise me that you will divorce me."    


Soong Ze was very emotional. "No, definitely not."    


This chapter is over.    


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