Don't Go Against My Mommy

C248 Invite the Enemy

C248 Invite the Enemy

Luh Cheng's expression did not look good, and he decisively refused, "I don't have an appetite right now, so I can't eat it."    


Seeing Luh Cheng's lonely look, she did not want him to be alone. She was now Luh Cheng's only family in this world. She wanted to treat him better.    


"Dumpling, do you also want Uncle Luh to eat with you?" Qin Fei shook Soong Yuan's hand, hoping that she could cooperate.    


Soong Yuan really did not understand why her mother kept blinking at her, but it was her nature to like handsome men. Since he looked okay, she just forced him to stay for dinner.    


"Uncle Luh, you look good. You can eat."    


Qin Fei rolled her eyes. Little girl, why did you start to judge a book by its cover at such a young age? If you bring back an ugly uncle to eat in the future, would you drive him out directly?    


Qin Fei was secretly glad that the men she knew were not bad looking. Otherwise, Soong Yuan would definitely offend them.    


Luh Cheng saw the cute Soong Yuan and laughed, "Since the little beauty has already left uncle, then uncle will gladly accept it."    


"What is insect life? Can I eat it?" Soong Yuan asked naively.    


Countless black lines appeared on Qin Fei's forehead. She looked at Luh Cheng awkwardly, "The most important thing in her life is to eat, followed by me."    


What Qin Fei did not know was that all her actions, including who she had met with, would be reported to Lin Yuelin in time.    


Lin Yuelin looked at the short woman in front of him. He did not expect that she was the most popular private detective in B City, Carrot Cube.    


If Qin Fei knew that Carrot Cube was Lin Yuelin's person, she definitely would not ask her to find Qin Mo. Actually, Carrot Cube was not Lin Yuelin's person to begin with. It was just that he found her before Qin Fei. Furthermore, he found her first. She paid a very high price to listen to him.    


"Qin Fei and Luh Cheng have been very close these few days. They went to the cemetery in the western suburbs together. They even ate together in Soong's residence. The two of them seemed to get along very well." Actually, it was usually Carrot Cube's subordinates who let her subordinates do small things like stalking. But when she had nothing to do, she would also personally follow. In the end, she discovered that her relationship with Luh Cheng was not ordinary.    


"Is it very harmonious?" Lin Yuelin's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous light.    


"Mr. Lin, it's not the kind of relationship you think it is. They are like old friends who have not seen each other for many years." Although this was only Carrot Cube's guess, based on her many years of experience as a detective, as well as her observation of clues and management of facial expressions and actions, this guess was close to the truth.    


"Friend?" Lin Yuelin could not believe it at all, "I don't believe it."    


"Mr. Lin, listen to me. I checked Qin Fei. When she was young, a boy with the surname Luo lived in her house. I think that Luh Cheng was her childhood playmate. " Baiyi was a person who paid attention to logic and truth. She would not make random guesses.    


Compared to the relationship between Qin Fei and Luh Cheng, he was more concerned about Luh Cheng. This person was too mysterious, making Lin Yuelin feel uneasy.    


"Then what did you find out about Luh Cheng?"    


"He came back for revenge." Carrot Cube said.    


Lin Yuelin had investigated him before and found out that he had moved to America since he was young. Now, his nationality was all in America and he had never returned to his country. How could he have a grudge with the people of B City?    


Lin Yuelin's eyes lit up as if he had found the weakness of his opponent, a cheetah. "Why do you say it's revenge?"    


"Luh Cheng has a woman he loves called Baiyi. She was disfigured because of a beauty student in B City. She also committed suicide because of this. Luh Cheng suffered a huge blow because of this." This matter involved foreign matters. Carrot Cube also mobilized domestic and international resources. She only found out after many inquiries.    


Lin Yuelin finally let out a sigh of relief. He originally thought that Luh Cheng had come because of him. He did not think that it would be such a pitiful past.    


Ever since Luh Cheng had moved into B City, Lin Yuelin had been on guard against him. After all, he had purchased three companies overnight. It was hard for people not to suspect that he had come for the position of the boss of B City's business industry. Therefore, when Luh Cheng proposed to work with him, he refused without thinking.    


A trace of hesitation flashed in Carrot Cube's eyes. She did not know if she should tell Lin Yuelin or not.    


Of course, he also noticed this and said, "Don't hide anything from me. Regarding his matter, I just want to know as much as possible."    


The reason Carrot Cube hesitated was because the credibility was not high and she did not want to speak nonsense. But since Lin Yuelin said so, she did not have any concerns. "I heard that before Luh Cheng met that girl called Baiyi, he did not look like the gentle gentleman now. Before, he was cruel and merciless, and his ways of doing things were cruel. But ever since that woman appeared, he seemed to have changed into a different person. He became more and more gentle. After that woman died, Luh Cheng still maintained his gentlemanly face towards everyone. Everyone knew that he loved that woman deeply, but after that woman died, he did not react at all. It was really hard to understand why he returned to this city after she had died for so many years. Anyway, Luh Cheng had too many suspicious points on him. These suspicious points couldn't be found. Perhaps only he himself knew." It was the first time Carrot Cube had met such a difficult person. There were too many suspicious points on him that made the things she found contradict each other. It doesn't make sense.    


Lin Yuelin asked deeply, "Then who is his enemy?"    


Perhaps only by knowing who Luh Cheng's enemy was, could the Lin Clan avoid danger. Since he came back for revenge, then he would definitely unleash his full power. He did not want his Lin Clan to suffer an undeserved calamity.    


"Well..." Carrot Ding revealed a troubled expression. This American student had great influence in B City. When this incident was released, it was suppressed by her family and there were almost no related reports. This matter was also rarely known.    


Lin Yuelin frowned. "Even you can't find out?"    


He had long recognized Carrot Cube's ability. Now that even she could not find out, it meant that this person still had some influence.    


"It's not that we can't find out, but it's hard to say." Carrot Cube was also afraid of getting herself into trouble.    


"You are already very good. To be able to find out this information is very helpful to me." As long as he was sure that his enemy was not him, then what did it have to do with him who his enemy was?    


"It is Du Ning from the Du family." Carrot Cube gritted her teeth and said.    


"It's her." The Du family was Lin Yuelin's partner, and a frequent partner. It seemed like their relationship was still unclear.    


"Do we still need to keep an eye on Luh Cheng's mother now?" Carrot Cube did not even know if the main point of her tracking was Qin Fei or Luh Cheng.    


Lin Yuelin knew that Qin Fei did not like his every move to be exposed in front of others, so he decided to not send anyone to follow her.    


"We don't need to follow Qin Fei's side, but we need to send someone to protect her. As for Luh Cheng's side, we have to keep an eye on him." Lin Yuelin still felt that Luh Cheng was a big threat.    


In a short period of time, the only person who could make a name for himself in B City was Lin Yuelin from ten years ago, and the current Luh Cheng.    


In order to win over his business partners, Luh Cheng sent an invitation to the top of the business world. He invited them to gather. During the last dance, Luh Cheng did not expect his enemy to not come. So the main attraction this time was that person. He wondered how he was doing now. Was he still as hateful as before?    


Of course, Lin Yuelin didn't want to have too much communication with Luh Cheng, but the Du family was on his invitation list. Ever since he found out from Carrot Cube that the Du family was his enemy, he was very interested in what was going to happen. Since it was going to be a good show... Naturally, he would participate in it.    


He didn't know if Luh Cheng could still maintain his fake gentlemanly face after seeing Du Ning.    


Obviously, Luh Cheng did not choose a good day. Of course, this was for the people who came to the gathering, and for Luh Cheng, he chose a good day. Wasn't it just the heavens that felt pity for Baiyi?    


The private room of the entertainment club did not feel the invasion of the wind and rain at all. Lin Yuelin sat in the most conspicuous seat in the private room. He didn't say a word. Although he was already used to being flattered and flattered by everyone, he did not like such hypocrisy.    


Fortunately, there was someone who helped him share the burden of this hypocritical flattery, and that was Luh Cheng.    


Of course, this was also because Lin Yuelin was inhumane. Everyone felt that the Lin Clan was something that they could not hope for. It would be better to cooperate with the new talents, and perhaps they could create a new world.    


However, these people were really brainless. They did not even know about Luh Cheng before they dared to curry favor with him.    


One. A guy who didn't know the difference between life and death was talking about the Du family in front of him. Lin Yuelin smiled coldly and watched the show.    


"In the entire B City, only that man with the surname Du can speak in the Chamber of Commerce. Don't tell me Director Luh doesn't know who that woman is?" Mu Dong's eyes were full of schemes and flattery.    


Luh Cheng sat in the middle of the crowd, holding a transparent glass cup in his hand, as if he was deep in thought. It made people feel that he did not listen to Mu Dong's words at all.    


Mu Dong looked at Luh Cheng awkwardly. He had initially wanted to work hard to receive the invitation from the Luh's to cooperate with the Luh's, but he didn't expect Director Luh to be so unfriendly.    


A bloodthirsty smile suddenly appeared on Luh Cheng's face. He murmured softly, "Du family?"    


Mu Dong thought that Luh Cheng didn't know the origin of the Du family. He explained, "The Du family is one of the three big families in B City."    


At this time, there was a hurried knock on the door. Luh Cheng's smiling face sank slightly, and a cold light shone from the corner of his brows. It should be that person this time.    


Lin Yuelin looked around. The ones who should have come had all come. The ones who should have come should be the people from the Du family.    


Luh Cheng's voice was a little gloomy. "Come in."    


"It's really crowded today. Sorry to have made everyone wait for so long." Du Ning stared at her shoes that were wet by the rain. Her face was full of regret and she could not tell how she was sorry.    


"You finally came." When Du Ning looked up, Luh Cheng saw her face clearly.    


It was her, it was her.    


[This chapter is over]    


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