Don't Go Against My Mommy

C88 Decided to Leave

C88 Decided to Leave

Qin Fei raised her eyebrows and looked at him angrily. She said fiercely, "Let me go. I want to play music with the children."    


He narrowed his eyes and lifted her chin. He asked evilly, "You seem to be different today."    


Today, Qin Fei seemed to make him feel like she was accepting him from the bottom of her heart.    


But what Lin Yuelin did not know was that when Qin Fei started to accept him, she was already prepared to leave forever.    


Qin Fei did not understand what he was thinking and thought that his words had a deeper meaning. She asked in fear, "What's different?"    


"It is easier to get angry than before." Lin Yuelin was not angry. Although he was not good at coaxing women, he knew that if a woman was willing to get angry with you, it meant that she treated you as one of her own.    


Only when she treated you as one of her own would she dare to treat you like someone she knew. This was her most natural state.    


Because of this discovery, a faint smile hung at the corner of Lin Yuelin's mouth.    


Qin Fei did not admit what Lin Yuelin said. She knew that after she left him forever, she would be even more obedient to him. She really could not find someone who had a worse temper than her.    


Qin Fei pounded Lin Yuelin's chest and suddenly ran a few meters away. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at Lin Yuelin and said, embarrassed, "You should hurry up and work. The children should sleep. I have to go and remind them."    


Qin Fei ran away in a panic under Lin Yuelin's threatening gaze like a cheetah.    


She ran far away and could still hear Lin Yuelin's hearty laughter behind her.    


This man was really, why did he like to tease him more and more?    


Fortunately, she was about to leave, forever.    


Because he was going to attend Gabe's engagement banquet, Lin Yuelin went out very early.    


When he went out about half an hour later, Qin Fei was sure that he would not return to the airport in B City with his simple luggage and his two treasures when he was sure that he would not kill his way back for some reason.    


Qin Fei was afraid that she would be recognized, or that her appearance would attract too much attention and cause her to fail in her escape.    


She specially bought an aunty scarf to wrap around her head and even covered her nose and mouth. She also bought sunglasses that could cover one-third of her face. She didn't even let go of her two treasures that looked like jade carvings. She was obviously more dazzling than Tong Xing, but she still dressed up in an ordinary manner. He wouldn't be able to recognize him if he was in the crowd.    


Thus, such a scene appeared in the airport where people came and went. It was a woman whose figure looked rather pretty. She was wearing a scarf at a high temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. She held two children's hands with one hand and dragged their luggage with the other. From time to time, she would sneakily look around. That Emperor Zhang's appearance made people think that he was a human trafficker.    


Qin Mo's eyes had long been rolling up to the sky. He was thinking about his mother's stupidity. He had long since lost the strength to complain. "Mom, you think that your attire is very mysterious, so no one will recognize you at all. Or do you think that the reason why you dress like a celebrity is so that the crowd won't be able to recognize you? You are too naive. They're doing that to attract attention. Look at how many people are staring at us. "    


"Mom, the way they look at you doesn't seem to be very kind. Don't tell me they treat you as a human trafficker," Qin Sheng hit the nail on the head and voiced out the thoughts of the onlookers.    


Qin Fei heard the words of her two sons and couldn't help but look around. Just like what they said, the way the three of them dressed attracted the attention of many people.    


However, this was not her intention. She just wanted to quietly leave this place. She didn't want to expose herself too much in the eyes of the crowd. This way, Lin Yuelin would be able to easily find traces of her leaving. Then, he would follow the clues and find her.    


It seemed that the heavens were really naughty. Many people's wishes were contrary to their wishes. Qin Fei and the two children were once surrounded by the crowd. Everyone took out their phones and took pictures of the three people.    


"Mo, I don't like these uncles and aunties at all." Qin Sheng felt a little scary when faced with such hungry uncles and aunties. Her voice was full of tears.    


Qin Fei comforted her son and said, "Sheng, don't be afraid. It is because you like you that I take pictures of you. You should be grateful and not blame or complain."    


Qin Sheng drank the bowl of chicken soup without any psychological barrier and her mood immediately turned from bad to better. With a bright smile on her face, her pink little face was as round and cute as a ripe apple. It caused the surrounding crowd to cheer.    


"Mom, are you sure Uncle and Auntie will like our dress? Our appearance is much worse than usual," Qin Mo expressed his doubt in his mother's words and couldn't help but tear down the stage.    


"My son and daughter are born with a natural beauty. No matter how bad your attire is, it doesn't need to be used to conceal your beauty. It doesn't cover up your unique temperament. You can even see your handsomeness and cuteness through the phone screen. " Qin Fei felt that she had used all her words to comfort these two babies who had no confidence in her mother.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo looked at each other and pouted, looking at the sky speechlessly. God, could they choose another mother?    


They had really seen thick-skinned people, but they had never seen their own mother be so thick-skinned.    


In the end, it was Qin Mo who had seen the world. He quickly calmed down and decided to follow his mother blindly.    


Even if he chose his mother with a bitter face, he still had to accept it.    


Qin Fei let Qin Mo take care of Qin Sheng. She went to the ticket counter to get the plane ticket.    


She moved very quickly. Once she got the plane ticket, she quickly took the two children to the ticket counter and waited for the plane to board.    


Qin Mo suddenly thought of Lin Yuelin. In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he had already accepted him a long time ago.    


It was his own personality that was also very awkward, so he did not easily reveal it from the outside. Qin Mo admired this man very much. He had his own business empire. It was already perfect when he was very young, but it was actually his role model. This role model was his father, and Qin Mo was very proud of it.    


Qin Mo had never called Lin Yuelin 'father' before, but now that he was about to leave, he felt a little reluctant, but he couldn't say it out loud to make his mother sad, so he became exceptionally quiet.    


Qin Sheng had always been very dependent on her father. No matter how young she was, she knew that as long as she got on the plane, she would never be able to contact her father again. Therefore, she pulled on her brother's sleeve, hoping to reach an agreement with him.    


Qin Fei saw that the two treasures did not follow, so she turned around and saw Qin Mo's cold face. Qin Sheng's face was already covered in tears.    


Qin Fei walked in front of them, squatted down and asked despite knowing the answer, "Sheng, why are you crying? We are going to eat a lot of delicious food overseas soon."    


"I don't want to eat delicious food anymore. I want my father. I want us to live together." Qin Sheng sobbed.    


She didn't want to eat delicious food. This sentence was a great sacrifice for her foodie Sheng. It was enough to show how important her father's position in her heart was.    


Qin Fei was a little jealous.    


"If mother says no, then absolutely not. You are not allowed to bargain." Seeing Sheng like this, Qin Fei felt a lot of pain but she had to be more cruel to them.    


Sheng was about to leave her father but now she was being yelled at by her mother. The grievance had already overflowed into a river and she started to cry.    


The cries of children could affect the hearts of adults, so many people around were attracted by Sheng's cries.    


Qin Mo quietly stood by the side and did not say anything. He silently looked at Qin Fei comforting Sheng who was crying like a mess.    


He did not know why his mother wanted to leave his father. Maybe it was because his father let his mother down. Otherwise, their mother, who hoped so much for their happiness, would not take them away from their father.    


Although he also wanted to stay by his father's side, if his father could not make his mother happy, he was willing to leave with his mother.    


Qin Fei comforted Qin Sheng while looking back at Qin Mo. His eyes were also red.    


All along, Qin Mo's way of expressing his feelings had always been calm and reserved. It was only now that she realized that Mo and Sheng actually had the same kind of deep feelings for Lin Yuelin. It was just that he had never passionately expressed his feelings like Sheng, which was why he was ignored.    


Luckily, Qin Fei had sunglasses, so the children could not see her red and swollen eyes.    


She waved at Qin Mo, and when he got closer, she held the two children in her arms.    


"Sorry, baby. Mommy is useless. I can't give you a complete home. But mother has not given you a complete family. I must let you have a clean and innocent identity." This was Qin Fei's biggest wish.    


" Mother, what are you talking about? Mo and I do not understand. " Qin Sheng raised her arm and wiped her tears with her sleeve. She asked in confusion.    


"Children should not interrupt when adults speak." Qin Mo said seriously to Qin Fei, "No matter why you want to leave dad, I will support your decision as always."    


This chapter is over.    


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