Don't Go Against My Mommy

C424 Song Wu's Background

C424 Song Wu's Background

Soong Yuan looked at Lin Yuelin. This was the second time she had heard that he was her father. The first time was said by Lin Yuelin himself, but this time it was his mother. She looked straight at Lin Yuelin. At first, she was surprised. But slowly, it turned into a look of rejection.    


"You lied to me again. My father is Soong Ze. How can you lie to me? I don't want him to be my father." Soong Yuan was so angry that she cried.    


Qin Fei directly held Soong Yuan in her arms and prohibited her from struggling. She once again said seriously, "Mom did not lie to you. He is your real father."    


Soong Yuan previously did not like Lin Yuelin but now she hated him. He actually snatched her mother away.    


"I only have one father. I always only have one father. This strange uncle chased him away." Soong Yuan shouted.    


"He is really your father. It has always been my fault. I should not lie to you that Soong Ze is your father." Qin Fei's voice was choked with sobs.    


Lin Yuelin should be very sad when he heard that his daughter refused to acknowledge him as her father. It was all her fault.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei was about to faint and quickly carried Soong Yuan over.    


"Sheng's mother is not feeling well. Quickly help her upstairs." Lin Yuelin really felt a little heartache for this woman who pretended to be strong.    


Soong Yuan did not want to stay in Lin Yuelin's arms at the moment. She struggled even more than in Cheng Luo's arms. "You bad guy who stole my mother. I don't want you to touch me."    


Lin Yuelin let Soong Yuan catch him and hit him. After all, children's energy was limited. It would be good when she calmed down.    


Soong Yuan's venting lasted for a long time. When she stopped, there were marks on Lin Yuelin's face. She was indeed his biological daughter. It was a scam.    


This was the first time Soong Yuan had lost her reason. Her eyes were not only filled with anger and hatred, which made Lin Yuelin's heart turn cold.    


Lin Yuelin carried Soong Yuan to the mirror and pointed at her in the mirror. "What do you think you look like now?"    


"You made my parents divorce. I became a child without a father. You are a bad person." Soong Yuan said.    


"You are like a little monster now." Lin Yuelin did not want to have a venomous tongue towards his daughter, but she had gone too far now.    


"What does it have to do with you? You are not my father anyway." Soong Yuan had a tsundere look on her face.    


"I am your father. Look at us in the mirror. Don't you realize that you look very similar to me? I know that you are very smart. Don't you feel that you treat me differently from an ordinary uncle? " Lin Yuelin believed in the education of never treating a child as a child. He had to treat her as an equal to an adult like him.    


Soong Yuan heard this and looked at herself in the mirror. Then she looked at the strange uncle in the mirror and realized that the two of them were really similar.    


But even so, she could not believe that the father she had called for so long was not his father. The person she called uncle was actually her father.    


"My name is Soong Yuan and my father is Soong Ze. Why am I your daughter?" Soong Yuan only felt that this was a scam from Uncle Lin. She did not want to be fooled.    


"Regardless of whether you accept it or not, you are bleeding my blood. You are my daughter. You will understand when you grow up." Lin Yuelin knew that it was too difficult to tell this to a three-year-old child. He was willing to wait for the day she accepted him.    


"Let me go. I will shake it off." Soong Yuan was no longer as crazy as before, but she still did not forgive this big bad guy who ruined her family.    


Lin Yuelin was very confident in Soong Yuan. He believed in the power of blood. He believed that he could take care of Soong Yuan even more. After all, he managed a large company well. Was it harder to take care of a child than managing a company?    


After Qin Fei went upstairs, her head was still aching. She took out some painkillers and took a few slices.    


Qin Sheng sat on the bed and watched Qin Fei busying herself. Her mind was filled with Qin Fei's words about Lin Yuelin being your father. She still did not seem to have turned around. What did her mother mean by that?    


Qin Fei laid on the bed, her whole body weak.    


Qin Sheng seemed to have learned a lot of secrets today and knew that her father and mother were convinced. Just now, she heard that her younger sister was her father's daughter and that she was his biological daughter.    


Why was life so complicated? Why were the adults so complicated?    


Qin Fei saw Qin Sheng sitting by the bed with a conflicted expression and took the initiative to ask, "Sheng, do you have a lot of questions? If you have any questions, just ask."    


Sheng only hesitated for a moment and suddenly remembered that her mother had experienced such a sad thing as grandpa today. It was not good to worry about her mother at this time and he decided to suppress his curiosity. He would ask her after her mother had passed this difficult period.    


Qin Fei could see through her daughter at a glance and asked, "Do you want to ask why my sister is my biological daughter?"    


"No, I am not curious. As long as it is my mother who said it, I will believe it." After all, his younger sister was his father's daughter. They were a true family.    


Qin Fei originally did not think that under such circumstances, she would tell Soong Yuan about her background. It was also her fault for being muddle-headed today. It was just that she saw that Qin Sheng was clearly very puzzled but also had to take into account her mood and did not dare to ask. It made her heart ache as a mother. She was just a child. Many a time, she did not need to be so sensible.    


Qin Fei thought that since she had already said it, she must tell Qin Sheng everything.    


"Sheng, I was already pregnant before I married Uncle Soong Ze. I was carrying your father's child. But at that time, I was very disappointed in your father. I didn't want him to pester me because of the child. So I hoped that everyone would think that the child belonged to Soong Ze, and your father would completely give up on me. After I married Uncle Soong Ze, I only had the title of husband and wife, but he was just a relative of mine. Take care of me and Soong Yuan like a big brother. There is no other relationship between us." In one breath, Qin Fei told Qin Sheng all the grudges and grudges she had for the past few years.    


Regardless of whether she could digest these things now, she felt that she must give her an explanation.    


"Sheng, will you blame mother?" Qin Fei always owed her an apology.    


Qin Sheng's mind was now empty. She had received too much information in a short period of time, so she needed to be clear about it.    


"Sheng will never blame you." Qin Sheng had also said this to her before.    


This matter ended perfectly and Soong Yuan and Qin Sheng returned to normal.    


It was just that the atmosphere at the dining table was no longer as harmonious as before. Other than this, no one would notice what happened yesterday.    


"Cheng Luo, after you eat, go find Carrot Cube. She said she had news last night." Lin Yuelin's simple sentence threw a torpedo in the hearts of the other three people besides Soong Yuan, as if it would explode at any moment.    


Qin Fei was about to be disappointed in Carrot Cube and did not think that there would be progress now. "Carrot Cube's signboard was completely smashed. I thought that she would be useful. There was actually progress only now. But it is also good. It is better than no progress. "    


" Don't hold too much hope. Only by doing so will you not be disappointed. " The information that Lin Yuelin sent out to investigate Carrot Cube's identity was actually blank. Anyone like this must not be a simple person, or it should be said that there was someone extraordinary behind her.    


At first, Lin Yuelin only suspected Carrot Cube, but now he was sure that there was something wrong with her. No wonder she could not find any trace of Qin Mo. It was just that she did not want to investigate seriously. If she really investigated seriously, with her reputation in the industry, it was impossible that she did not have any substantial clues.    


"Yuelin, it's fine. Even if I have hope, I won't be in despair." Although Qin Fei did not understand the deeper meaning of Lin Yuelin's words, she was strong enough now. No matter how long it took, she would wait for Mo. She believed that Mo would find his way home.    


"Forget it, forget it. Cheng Luo has never seen Carrot Cube before. Fei Fei, you should go. I will send you there later. Cheng Luo will be in charge of sending Qin Sheng to school." Lin Yuelin made arrangements.    


Cheng Luo was drinking the soup. He immediately put down the bowl and said respectfully, "Okay, CEO."    


Cheng Luo was not short of money, but he loved money very much. Recently, Lin Yuelin's salary had doubled again. So he worked even harder when he worked. However, the few missions that Lin Yuelin gave him had encountered bottlenecks. No matter how much strength he used, it could not be investigated.    


After Lin Yuelin finished lunch, he sent Qin Fei to the detective agency. When he stopped in front of the door, he asked, "Mrs. Lin, do you want me to go with you?"    


Lin Yuelin was sure that there was no news this time, so he was very perfunctory.    


"Alright, I know you don't want to go. You still have things to do, so you should leave first, Mr. Lin." Qin Fei went over and tidied Lin Yuelin's messy collar, then said with a smile.    


In the end, Qin Fei had already given up on Carrot Cube, so she had not come to this place for a long time. Now seeing Carrot Cube seemed to be very different from before seeing her.    


She had grown short hair, so she was the cute type. Now, she had become seductive and sexy. It was really a stunning change.    


"Miss Qin, long time no see." Carrot Cube was the first to greet Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei nodded slightly.    


Carrot Cube said again, "Miss Qin, happy wedding."    


If Carrot Cube did not even know such an obvious thing, this signboard would really be smashed.    


"Thank you." Qin Fei did not think that she would talk about this matter first.    


"I asked you to come today because I have something very important to tell you. I know I have disappointed you. But I will continue this case." Carrot Cube always looked mysterious and did not speak much. Today was the most frequent time she had taken the initiative to speak to her.    


[This chapter is over]    


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