Don't Go Against My Mommy

C244 Memories of His Youth

C244 Memories of His Youth

Qin Fei had heard many people praise this tavern. Even if she did not like to drink, she wanted to order a drink to have a taste. But this time, without Lin Yuelin by her side, she did not dare to drink.    


"Can you open the door and let me in?" Luh Cheng asked.    


The rooms in this tavern were all semi-transparent, which was why Luh Cheng could see Qin Fei, who was working hard, outside the room.    


"Director Luh, what are you talking about? If you want to come in, of course you can." Qin Fei had long regarded Luh Cheng as a friend, but she did not know what he thought of her.    


After getting Qin Fei's permission, he entered the room without hesitation and sat opposite Qin Fei.    


Luh Cheng had not seen Qin Fei for a long time. He had been dealing with the things that had been accumulated since he returned to the country. He had been competing with the planning and Lin Yuelin, so he had not taken the time to come. He was afraid that Qin Fei would forget about him, so he prepared to find her after this period of time. He never thought that he would coincidentally meet her here today.    


"Qin Fei, the two of us are quite fated. If we did not meet here... I will also go and find you in two days." Luh Cheng chatted casually with Qin Fei. It was not as casual as he pretended to be. It was really comfortable.    


Qin Fei did not know why Luh Cheng wanted to find her. She did not seem to have any relationship with this Director Luh and could not help him much. "I wonder why Director Luh wants to see me?"    


"Qin Fei, you forgot too quickly. Didn't I say we were going to exchange the results of the investigation about Qin Mo?" Luh Cheng knew that Qin Fei was most concerned about Qin Mo's whereabouts.    


When Qin Fei heard the news about Qin Mo, she immediately became excited. "You have information about Qin Mo?"    


Luh Cheng looked at Qin Fei with some difficulty and said apologetically, "I thought Miss Qin would have something to gain. I have already searched the entire city but there is no news of Qin Mo. It seems that he is definitely not in this city now."    


Actually, Luh Cheng's news was the same as Qin Fei's. Both of them did not gain anything. Qin Fei knew that she had just been happy for nothing and quickly collected her emotions.    


But before this, Qin Fei was still hoping that Qin Mo might just go somewhere else to play and come back. Now it seemed that Qin Mo had already gone overseas. This meant that she could go all out to search for Qin Mo.    


Luh Cheng did not miss the disappointment on Qin Fei's face. His eyes were full of uneasiness about not being able to help Qin Fei. "Sorry, Qin Fei did not help you."    


"Director Luh, don't say that. This is not your responsibility. I still need to thank you for the manpower and financial resources you spent during this period of time. You can rest assured that I will find Qin Mo. I will bring him to you when the time comes. " Qin Fei was very understanding. This was not something he should have done in the first place. He should be grateful for what he had done, but he should not blame him for not being able to do it. Even as a mother, she had not found her after searching for so long.    


"This is what I should do" Luh Cheng had always wanted to thank Qin Mo, but he couldn't find him.    


The two of them looked at each other and smiled. After a moment of silence, Qin Fei said, "Director Luh is with a friend."    


Qin Fei just wanted to remind him that he had been out for a long time. If he did not come back, he would not be able to see his friend.    


Luh Cheng had really forgotten about Qinghuan's existence. Fortunately, she reminded him. It was not polite to leave a woman there.    


Since he had met Qin Fei here, he could say whatever he wanted to say. "Qin Fei, wait for me here. I will talk to my friends and come over very soon."    


Of course, Qin Fei would not reject Luh Cheng. She even liked to chat with him. She was just curious about what Luh Cheng wanted to say to her.    


Luh Cheng quickly made an agreement with Qinghuan, but Qinghuan was very curious about who Luh Cheng left her behind for. In the end, she found out that it was actually a very old-fashioned woman. She did not expect that a man at Luh Cheng's level would actually like this kind of woman. This kind of preference really made people's eyes pop out.    


What Luh Cheng wanted to tell Qin Fei next were some of the past events of the past. The usually generous person suddenly became nervous. He carefully asked, "Qin Fei, should we order some more wine and dishes?"    


They would not be so restrained if they drank and chatted.    


Luh Cheng had seen Qin Fei's real face. Seeing him suddenly being so reserved, Qin Fei was a little worried. This was clearly the precursor to a confession.    


Qin Fei hid the worry in her heart and smiled, It's fine as long as you decide.    


Luh Cheng heard what Qin Fei said and asked the waiter to order some wine and dishes. While waiting for the dishes and dishes, the two of them actually tacitly maintained silence.    


When the dishes and dishes were finally served, Qin Fei glanced at the wine slightly. It was all wine with a very high alcohol concentration. Luh Cheng must have drunk a lot when he was with his friends just now. Now he ordered a few more bottles. This Luh Cheng really knew how to drink.    


Luh Cheng had been nervous during this process, but he did not let go of the chance to observe Qin Fei. She had always smiled and kept silent. She did not intend to break this silent atmosphere. Since he was a man, then let him break this deadlock.    


Luh Cheng cleared his throat and suddenly asked, "Qin Fei, do you have any impression of your childhood?"    


Qin Fei never would have thought that Luh Cheng would ask her about her childhood the moment he opened his mouth. Could it be that she was too outdated, and now even before confessing, there was such a foreshadowing of time?    


However, Qin Fei did not say anything. Instead, she seriously thought about it and said seriously, "It has been so many years. The things I remember are getting less and less."    


The one that Qin Fei remembered the most clearly in her childhood memories was Mei Xue. Her eyebrows, her temperament, and her smile were all unforgettable. She had wanted to grow up and become a person like her mother. She was her benchmark and role model.    


Luh Cheng took the initiative to talk about his memories, hoping to let Qin Fei find those memories of his. "My childhood memories are very chaotic."    


Qin Fei did not understand why Luh Cheng suddenly told her about her childhood. Even if they met at first sight, there was no need to be so honest with each other.    


But Luh Cheng's expression was very serious now. It was a lot different from the usual cool breeze. Therefore, she decided to listen carefully. Perhaps he was not as bright as he looked on the surface. Just like Lin Yuelin, these high and mighty people all had a period of hardships that no one knew about. Since he trusted her, she had to be a good listener.    


"When I was young, I had depression. In my memory, there was only mother and no father." When Luh Cheng said this, he slowly smiled.    


Qin Fei could feel the sadness and loneliness in his smile. Shouldn't childhood be full of love and joy? How could he still have depression?    


Qin Fei had heard this kind of story many times in the circle of the big family in the past. She could almost guess Luh Cheng's embarrassing identity.    


Originally, Luh Cheng was an angel in Qin Fei's heart, warm and pure. But at this moment, Luh Cheng was so fragile. It turned out that everyone was not as good as he appeared in front of others. People were used to hiding their sadness in the darkness, tasting it themselves. That loneliness and loneliness.    


"Later, my mother brought me to a relative's house and wanted me to get in touch with more people to cure my depression." Speaking up to this point, Luh Cheng's gaze landed on Qin Fei, and his expression became even more gentle.    


"There is a little girl in my relative's house. She is very cute and treats me very well." When Luh Cheng talked about this little girl, his eyes lit up.    


Qin Fei thought that this little girl should have been a warm light in his dark childhood.    


His words lingered in Qin Fei's mind. Gradually, some childhood memories surfaced in her mind. She had always had two very important youths in her childhood. One was Ze. The other was ___. He always hid himself in the darkness. He had a pair of eyes that couldn't help but make people feel sad when they saw him.    


Seeing that this big brother was like this, a distant relative of his mother came to our house to borrow him for a period of time. This big brother was the son of Auntie Luh Yue, whom his mother called his younger sister. Qin Fei had called him Luh from the beginning. Thus, he did not know his name.    


Qin Fei looked up at Luh Cheng in shock and called out tentatively, "Luh."    


Luh Cheng's face finally broke into a smile. Qin Fei finally remembered him. In fact, the first time he saw Qin Fei, he recognized her. When she was young, she was already very beautiful. When she grew up, she was even more beautiful and moving. The last time he met her in the suburbs park, he thought he had seen a flower. In order to see her from a distance, he thought. That was why he took the initiative to go to the hero to save the beauty.    


Luh Cheng called Qin Fei like when he was young, "Fei Fei."    


Qin Fei was still in disbelief, "You really are Luh."    


The current Luh Cheng was much worse than the Luh of the past. In the past, Luh was gloomy and only knew how to smile at her. But now, Luh Cheng's whole body could make people feel the warm sunlight.    


"That's me, Fei Fei. I miss you very much." In fact, Luh Cheng's childhood had always been dark and gloomy. It was Qin Fei's bright and beautiful smile that lit up her dark and gloomy life. Even if she left Qin Fei after that, no matter what kind of adversity she encountered, as long as he thought of Qin Fei's smile, he would feel fearless.    


Qin Fei definitely did not know that her small concern back then would become the key to change this young man's life. Even now, Luh Cheng was still very concerned about that smiling little girl.    


[This chapter is over]    


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