Don't Go Against My Mommy

C155 At the Last Moment

C155 At the Last Moment

Qin Mo looked at his mother on the computer screen. Even if he didn't know what she was saying, he could still see worry and fear in her desperate eyes. Qin Mo, who never liked to show weakness to others, was crying. He whispered, "Mother, mother..."    


"Mo, don't be afraid. Mother is fine. Father will come and save us." Even though Qin Fei was so scared that her whole body was weak, she still shouted towards the direction of the camera. She did not know whether Mo could hear her shout or not. She just wanted him not to be afraid.    


Qin Mo bit his lips and closed his eyes fiercely. Those surging tears still flowed out from the corners of his eyes.    


Qin Fei saw Qin Mo hiding in the corner of the wall and shivering in pain. She looked at Qin Xiaoxiao and said fiercely, "Qin Xiaoxiao, you treat a child like this. You will not get any good rewards. As long as I don't die today, I will definitely let you go to hell in the future. Go to hell! "    


Qin Fei had never been on good terms with Qin Xiaoxiao but she had never thought of letting Qin Xiaoxiao die. At that time, she only wanted Qin Xiaoxiao to return her home and her father to her.    


But now, Qin Fei's eyes were filled with wanton hatred. She hated that she could not gather into a flood of ferocious beasts and drown Qin Xiaoxiao.    


"I have already received my retribution. Ze doesn't want me anymore. He is the person I care about the most. He doesn't want me anymore. Why should I be afraid of retribution?" The smile on Qin Xiaoxiao's face had already twisted, "My retribution is in the future. You don't have to worry about it."    


Lin Yuelin, who was about to rush to Qin Sheng's hospital, decided to follow the large group to where Qin Sheng had fainted.    


One. He respectfully lowered his head. "President, we found a factory at the end of this road. It has been abandoned for a long time."    


In the past, it was Mr. Mo who drove, but now Lin Yuelin had taken Mr. Mo's driver's seat. A car drove like it was going to fly. Even Mr. Mo, who was used to seeing big scenes, was shocked. He had never thought that the CEO's driving skills would be so good.    


The car had just stopped. After hearing the report from his subordinate, Lin Yuelin once again drove the accelerator to its maximum. The car, which was not completely stable yet, flew out like an arrow that had just left the bow.    


In the blink of an eye, Lin Yuelin and the bodyguards had already stopped at the entrance of the factory.    


"President, there's someone here." Mr. Mo pointed at the car that had already been parked at the entrance with a worried expression.    


Lin Yuelin never believed in telepathy, but his heart was in pain right now. It was like countless steel needles were inserted into his body. He was almost sure that Qin Fei was in the factory. Such a strong premonition could not be explained with a convincing reason.    


The car parked at the door was actually Soong Ze's car. When they divorced, he had people keep an eye on Qin Xiaoxiao. Recently, he had called out people to follow Qin Xiaoxiao and said that her actions were strange.    


Soong Ze did not think that she was actually thinking of Qin Fei.    


After the rusty door in front of him was pushed open layer by layer, Soong Ze saw a messy scene.    


When he shouted, his heart was trembling. "All of you, stop!    


Qin Fei was already in despair. She closed her eyes tightly and simply hoped that this scene could end as soon as possible.    


At this time, she heard a familiar voice.    


"Brother Song Ze, you..." Qin Xiaoxiao suddenly stood up from the sofa. When she turned around to look at Soong Ze, there was surprise and panic on her face.    


In the next second, Soong Ze had already ran to Qin Fei's side in a panic and picked her up.    


"Qin Xiaoxiao, do you want to die? You actually dare to use this kind of method to treat Qin Fei." Soong Ze took off his clothes and wrapped it around Qin Fei. He asked Qin Xiaoxiao with his eyes wide open.    


When Soong Ze appeared, Qin Xiaoxiao immediately rushed towards him, but was mercilessly pushed to the ground by him. Until now, she still did not have time to react. She just stared blankly at the Soong Ze who used to treat her very well.    


After a while, Qin Xiaoxiao finally reacted. She pointed at Qin Fei in Soong Ze's arms. With a face full of madness, she said, "Brother Song Ze, she is very dirty. Don't hug her. Don't hug her. I am your wife. We had a child. " Qin Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with sparkling tears. She held out her hand towards Soong Ze with hope.    


The four men were all subdued by Soong Ze's subordinates. They pressed their hands on the ground and started punching and kicking. All of them no longer had the imposing manner of shouting at Qin Fei. Instead, they could only lie on the ground and wail.    


Soong Ze looked at Qin Fei who was in his arms, exhausted, and did not have the patience to continue pestering Qin Xiaoxiao. His eyes shot fiercely at Qin Xiaoxiao as if they had been poisoned. "Qin Xiaoxiao, I will remember all the things you did today. The next time, I will definitely let you die in my hands."    


He did not even look at Qin Xiaoxiao who was on the ground. He kicked away his hand that was holding her.    


Qin Fei finally woke up a little. She thought of Qin Mo on the computer screen and immediately shouted, "No, my son, my son is still here. Soong Ze, save him, save him."    


Qin Fei struggled out of his arms. She grabbed his collar with both hands and said nervously.    


Soong Ze turned around and looked at Qin Xiaoxiao who had stood up from the ground. He frowned and asked, "Where is Qin Mo? Tell me!"    


Qin Xiaoxiao just smiled foolishly. "So you still remember your son. I thought you forgot. Run, run. I won't let you guys find Qin Mo. I will never... "    


Soong Ze knew that he would not get any useful information from Qin Xiaoxiao. He might as well find it himself.    


"You guys, look around carefully." He ordered the people behind him coldly.    


"Okay, President." The people Soong Ze brought with him dispersed in all directions.    


"Fei Fei, you are injured now. I will take you to the hospital first. They will definitely find Qin Mo." Soong Ze looked at the weak Qin Fei and comforted her.    


"No, I have to wait for Mo. Otherwise, he will be afraid." Qin Fei only felt weak all over. The abrasions on her body also did not feel much pain in her fright.    


Fortunately, Soong Ze appeared in front of her at the most critical moment. Now that she could lie in Soong Ze's arms, Qin Fei did not even think about it. She only felt incomparable comfort and warmth.    


No matter how many grudges there were between her and him, this embrace was the one that she loved the most before she turned eighteen. This was all of her love and hate, and also the one she could rely on the most at ease.    


But Qin Fei knew that now was not the time for her to reminisce about the past. Qin Xiaoxiao, this woman, had gone completely crazy. Who knew what she would do to Qin Mo.    


She wanted to find Mo.    


"Soong Ze, put me down. I want to find Mo myself."    


How could Soong Ze allow Qin Fei to go down? She didn't even look at how pale her face was right now. Her entire body was covered with bloody scratches.    


This chapter is over.    


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