Don't Go Against My Mommy

C59 He Was the One Who Got Hit by a House

C59 He Was the One Who Got Hit by a House

Qin Fei also thought about whether she would cheat the phone, but the caller ID showed shopping guide's name. The last time she called, she left her this number. Why would the phone call from the sales staff of Central International be fake?    


The key was that she was also very self-aware. She did not have the value of being cheated.    


"Mo, can you be more optimistic?" Qin Fei sat in the middle of the two children and poked with her finger. The building blocks that the two children had spent half a day to build collapsed. She completely ignored the pain and resentment on the child's face and muttered to herself, "It was shopping guide from Central International who called last time. Didn't we register our basic information when we went to look at the rooms? The company happened to pick me out of the visitors and gave me a house worth three million yuan as a reward to give back to the new and old customers."    


"Continue to explain the reason why you won't be cheated." Qin Mo lowered his head again and continued to calculate the cards in front of him. "Hurry up and tell me. I won't have the patience to listen in a while."    


Qin Sheng held her chin with both hands and was infatuated. "It's fine, Mom. I'll listen."    


You are a foodie and you don't have any decision-making ability and intelligence. If you want to hear it, I don't want to waste my saliva on you.    


Qin Fei directly ignored her daughter's honesty and pulled Qin Mo over. "Son, that's what Mom thinks. The real estate company owned by Central International is very famous in the industry. It can be considered an old brand and has a very good reputation."    


Qin Mo sneered twice and exposed her. "Didn't you say that you were bought by some company last time? One look and you can tell that it's not a good house. It's fine if we don't buy this house."    


"That's because Mom is afraid that you will be sad. That's why she used it to comfort you. You are really petty. Even if it was bought, its reputation still remains after so many years." Qin Fei had a lot of confidence when she said this. After all, she had been living in the upper class of B City for the past 18 years. She naturally had some understanding of the oil flowing industry of real estate. "Do you think such a company will deceive an unemployed person like me?"    


Qin Mo continued to ridicule, "Don't you still have 1.8 million? Until you are done lying. "    


Qin Fei's face was full of black lines. This son was really sent by the heavens to torture her. Did he really say that about her mother? Only by giving him some face would he look even more handsome.    


Although Qin Mo had always doubted the authenticity of this winning information, the next day, he was still picked up by Qin Fei from the bed very early in the morning. After washing up and eating breakfast, she brought them to the Central International Sales Hall that they had just come to a few days ago.    


Shopping guide had been waiting for a long time and was worried that she would say more and make more mistakes. She practically did not give Qin Fei any time to ask questions and pulled her up and down to complete the transfer procedure. Then, she directly handed a room key to her.    


Qin Fei originally wanted to treat shopping guide to a good meal but was rejected by shopping guide.    


In less than half an hour, Qin Fei held Qin Sheng's hand with one hand and Qin Sheng held Qin Mo's hand. Standing in a row at the entrance of the Central International Sales Hall, the three of them let out a huge breath.    


Qin Fei proudly shook the exquisite and heavy key in her hand and her eyes were smiling into slits. "Mo, regarding this matter, you have to teach us to not only be on guard against people, but also to have more trust."    


Qin Mo said coldly, "That person is really tired between people."    


It was not easy for Qin Fei to get smashed by the stuffing cake in her twenty plus years of life. She was happy today, so she did not want to bicker with this bad boy.    


Qin Sheng had always been there to support. After such a long period of reaction, she suddenly jumped up and shouted excitedly, "Mom, do we have a big house to live in? Can we go to the side to pick cherries and swim? This is awesome."    


"Yeah, when the house is renovated and it is released for another month, the school will be about to start. You will be very close to school." This was the thing that made Qin Fei the happiest.    


That was the best elementary school in the entire B City. Sheng and Mo would be there to support the healthy growth of the rain and dew.    


When Qin Mo and Qin Sheng heard about school, they immediately put on a distressed look.    


Qin Fei knew what they were thinking in their hearts, but there was no room for negotiation regarding going to school.    


Regarding her coming to study, the problem of the house had already been completely resolved. The most important thing now was the matter of work. She was not worried that she would not be able to find it. She could even slow down her pace. Just like her son had said, she had 1.8 million people. She would not be able to finish eating hotpot for a year.    




When Qin Fei slowed down the matter of finding a job, she was simply blessed with good luck.    


As usual, Qin Fei went out early in the morning to go for an interview and also came back early. But the difference was that she was humming a light and light song in her mouth.    


Qin Fei saw that Qin Mo was pouring water for Qin Sheng and said, "Mom has a very big piece of good news to tell you guys."    


"One look at how excited she is and you will know that she is going for an interview." Qin Fei originally wanted to give the two children a surprise, but who knew that Qin Mo said faintly.    


Qin Mo! Smart is smart, but can you cooperate with me?    


Qin Sheng saw her mother's brows standing up and quickly flattered, "I knew that mother would definitely succeed today. Mother is the most beautiful, capable, and the best mother in the world."    


Qin Mo asked again, "Mom, what kind of job are you looking for?"    


Speaking of this job, Qin Fei was ten thousand times satisfied.    


She blinked her eyes and said playfully, "Let me tell you, uh, it is my major in college, English translation."    


B City was really her lucky city. Once she got back here, all sorts of good luck came. The house was won by the lottery, and the work was even more coincidental. He took the subway and met a company that used to do part-time translation services. It turned out that they also had a branch company in B City. Because he was very certain of Qin Fei's ability, he invited her to the company to be a full-time translator. In the past, when working part-time translator in this company, the salary was very objective. Of course, Qin Fei agreed without any hesitation.    


The moment Qin Fei signed the contract, she sighed with emotion that there really was a blind cat and a dead mouse in this world.    


Qin Fei raised her chin and waited for the praises of the children. "My babies, are mothers the best mothers in the world?"    


Qin Sheng was still the one who cheered the loudest. She grabbed Qin Fei's thigh and jumped up and down like a happy monkey.    


However, there was still no joy on Qin Mo's face. He said indifferently, "Almost thirty years old and you only know a little English and Sanskrit. Isn't this the most basic ability in the translation world? I don't know what a dead rat tastes like. You are asking for too little, cat. "    


Qin Fei expressed her fear that her son had actually guessed her true feelings. She looked at him blankly for a long time and was unable to speak for a long time.    


Mo, have you ever thought about how your mother feels? Not everyone is a genius child. You and your sister are well-versed in foreign languages. How can you despise your mother so much?    


Simply, absolutely detestable!    


Qin Fei snorted and turned her head, "I am going to prepare a carrot feast."    


Qin Sheng heard the carrot and her small face wrinkled together. She quickly stopped it and said, "Mom, godmother is also in B City. When are we going to meet her?"    


Qin Fei's footsteps paused and her body stiffened. She thought of Mo Huan. When she thought of Gabe, her face revealed a disappointed expression. After a long time, she said with difficulty, "My godmother is a strong woman and is very busy with work. Let's talk about it when she has time. Moreover, my mother hasn't started working yet, so she isn't in the mood to play. "    


Mo Huan and Gabe's engagement banquet would be held two months later. When their relationship was settled, Qin Fei planned to tell Mo Huan about her arrival in B City and also about what happened between her and Gabe. In this way, she should be able to forgive her.    


Qin Fei's new company was in the center of B City. The more prosperous the place was, the more congested it would be.    


She woke up very early, but she did not know what she should wear. What kind of makeup should she draw? As long as she dressed normally, it would be enough to cause a disturbance in the company. Thinking of this, without any hesitation, she chose the most old-fashioned clothes for herself and drew the same makeup as when she worked in the hotel.    


She was no different from Manager Qin in the Come Again Hotel.    


Qin Fei went to the company dressed like this. Although she was not popular with male employees, she was very popular with female employees. Who would not want to have someone weaker than them by her side?    


However, Qin Fei did not mind. As long as she was accepted by the female employees, it was enough. After all, the office was the venue for female employees to gossip and fight. Being able to control the main fighting strength would allow her to avoid being harmed.    


However, Qin Fei was still too naive. Accepting in the company was sometimes not a very good thing. All the colleagues saw her dress and felt that she was honest and easy to bully. Hence, all the boring and tiring work that they did not want to do was handed over to her. On the first day of work, she should have been able to familiarize herself with the work content comfortably. However, Qin Fei was so busy that she did not even have time to drink a mouthful of water.    


Even though she was busy, it did not affect Qin Fei to have some understanding of the company. The company's translation range was very wide. The general classification was to translate for outsiders and for internal translators. Both translators included documents. Magazines, books, contracts, and other translators. The group of translators had ordinary looks, but translators had to deal with foreigners. This represented the absolute image of the company, and the standard of appearance was usually very high.    


The person who invited Qin Fei to work had seen her true colors. His original intention was to let her be an English translator. But when she entered the office, he happened to be on a business trip. The English team leader who assigned her tasks saw that she looked extremely ordinary. She was directly assigned to the manual and magazine translating work that had no technical content.    


Many people sympathized with Qin Fei's experience, but for Qin Fei, being able to quietly hide in a corner and translate books and literature was simply the best. Moreover, what she had previously done was not an translation, most of it was the translation of documents and literature. Therefore, she was more familiar with the translation of the magazines and books, so she had to be more familiar with it. If she were to translate for outsiders, it would be hard to avoid meeting people she knew. This was the thing Qin Fei did not want to encounter the most.    


Qin Fei's career as a translator officially began.    


[End of chapter]    


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