Don't Go Against My Mommy

C62 Parental Identification Report

C62 Parental Identification Report

After Qin Fei could not see Tia's figure, she calmed herself down and asked indifferently, "Mr. Lin, your discussion has ended. I think there is no use for me to be here anymore. I will take my leave first."    


Lin Yuelin glanced at her indifferently. Qin Fei was shocked when she saw the god relic. "When do you think you'll be useful in the next two hours?"    


This man was really the one who killed with his mouth the most.    


Qin Fei snorted lightly and smiled in a dignified and distant manner. "How can it be useless? It's for Mr. Lin's entertainment. You clearly do not need an interpreter, yet you still come to me to translate. Isn't it just to trick me? My role is to be fooled by you."    


"I haven't seen you for a period of time, but your mouth is getting sharper and sharper." Lin Yuelin had a cruel and bloodthirsty smile on his face, but the snow color in his eyes gradually deepened. His thin lips slightly pursed, "Before you leave, take a look at the things I prepared for you."    


Qin Fei saw Lin Yuelin push a document bag in front of her.    


She picked it up in puzzlement and looked at Lin Yuelin even more doubtfully. What exactly was it?    


Lin Yuelin really wanted to see her shocked look.    


Qin Fei felt uncomfortable all over her body from his sharp eyes. Her heart also suddenly beat fast. A somewhat uneasy feeling arose in her heart and enveloped her, making her feel inexplicable fear.    


Her hand that opened the document was trembling. In the end, she stopped all her actions and looked at him in fear. "What do you want to do? You clearly said you would let me go?"    


Lin Yuelin's face did not turn red as he lied without beating his heart, "Let me think. Yes, that's right. I did say I would let you go, but this time it wasn't me who went to find you. It was you who came to find me."    


If it was not for his meticulous arrangement, Qin Fei would not have come in front of him for no reason.    


This shameless villain.    


Qin Fei was holding an unknown document in her hands at this moment, like holding a hot potato, not knowing what to do.    


Lin Yuelin saw that she did not move for a long time and laughed lightly, "Qin Fei, are you afraid?"    


She knew that a man like Lin Yuelin would not do something he was not sure about. Then he must have made full preparations before he would hand the document to her.    


She did not want to open the document from the bottom of her heart, but Lin Yuelin's eyes were like a hard cage that locked her whole body inside, and she could not break free.    


Qin Fei gritted her teeth and increased the speed of her hands. She quickly opened the brown document bag. She then took out a snow-white paper from inside and looked at the densely-packed words inside. She felt the blood in her body cooling down bit by bit.    


This was a DNA report. Her eyes lingered on the results of the evaluation for a long time. Qin Sheng, Qin Mo, and Lin Yuelin had a 99.99% chance of being a father and son.    


How was that possible?    


How could the man who suddenly took away her innocence be him?    


Qin Fei subconsciously started to tear the appraisal report in her hand and tore it into pieces as if she had gone crazy.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei, whose heart was broken, and felt a little carefree. However, his expression remained unchanged. "Tear it. Anyway, I am very familiar with the hospital. Tear a lot more."    


"It must be your forged appraisal report. How can they be your children?" Qin Fei looked at the face in front of her, which was 90% similar to Qin Mo's, and her confidence in speaking was not enough.    


That night many years ago, she did not see the real face of the man. How could she be sure that the man was not Lin Yuelin?"    


Lin Yuelin seemed to have understood what Qin Fei was thinking. He looked at her coldly and said, "You don't seem to believe it?"    


"Why didn't you let me go?" Qin Fei looked up, and her face only had a desolate look.    


He held her cold hand tightly in his hand and softly comforted, "It's not that I won't let you go, it's that the heavens won't let us go. Look, we even have children. Don't stare at me, it's written in black and white. Even if you don't believe me, there's nothing you can do about it."    


Qin Fei bit her lips and tried hard to suppress the fear in her heart. However, her meager efforts seemed to be useless in front of such a strong grievance. Her tears fell without warning. She did not care that her hand was still in Lin Yuelin's hand. The tears that came out of the corners of her eyes became more and more concentrated.    


The feeling of losing the most important thing in her life was like a sharp sword piercing through her heart. The heart-piercing pain wrapped around her body, making her unable to control herself.    


Qin Fei had never thought that if Qin Sheng and Qin Mo were not by her side during these seven years, she would not be able to live through these seven long years. She also never thought that she would lose her son and daughter one day. She could not bear this kind of loss.    


The child had always been her most precious thing, and now they had become Lin Yuelin's. Although Qin Sheng and Qin Mo had always wanted to know who their father was, at this moment, she would rather they never knew. She could raise them all by herself.    


But as long as Lin Yuelin fought with her over these two children, she knew that she had no chance of winning.    


The feeling of helplessness made Qin Fei feel an unprecedented sense of defeat. A mother who could not even protect her own child could only use her tears and sorrow to resolve the pain in her heart.    


Lin Yuelin had never seen her in such pain before. He thought that she was unwilling to have such an intimate relationship with him. He immediately clenched his hands angrily and wished that he could crush her delicate wrist.    


Qin Fei was unprepared and suddenly screamed, "Lin Yuelin, are you crazy? It hurts to death."    


"So you know pain." Lin Yuelin's voice was cold and cracked. There was not a trace of emotion in his tone. “ If you know pain, calm down. Tears are useless to me. If you don't come, I can choose not to look for you, but if you come, I will definitely not let you go. This is the attitude in my heart. I think even if you don't understand the law, you have seen the issue of custody on television, right? And you should also be very clear that if I want to fight for custody of two children with you, you have no chance of winning."    


Speaking of children, this was Qin Fei's bottom line. No one could touch it, not even Lin Yuelin.    


Qin Fei didn't know where this evil force came from, but she instantly broke free from Lin Yuelin's hand. She started beating ___'s body randomly. As she beat him, she cried, "What exactly do you want? I didn't provoke you, so why didn't you let me go? I already have nothing. The child is everything to me. Why did you take them away from me? If you like children, you can have them with Shangguan Xue. No one would dare to say no to how many children you want to have."    


Lin Yuelin found that all of Qin Fei's thoughts were on the child and she did not give him any of them. The anger in his heart became more and more vigorous, and his words became more and more ruthless. "Whether Shangguan Xue and I have a child or not, no matter how many children we have, it is not something you know. But as long as it is a child of my Lin Family, I cannot live a life of constant exile with you outside, in a precarious situation. "    


Qin Fei wiped her tears and firmly said, "I found a job. I can feed them."    


Lin Yuelin's confident look made Qin Fei's heart turn cold. "Can you give them the best education and the best life? No, but I can."    


Qin Fei shook her head and refused to believe it. Or rather, she did not dare to believe it. "They are my own children. It has nothing to do with you. Don't talk nonsense."    


"Qin Fei, you don't even believe in science? Or I can appeal to the court and let the court re-evaluate my relationship with Qin Sheng and Qin Mo. " Lin Yuelin pulled Qin Fei in front of him and gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to tear her apart and swallow her. He said fiercely, "Qin Fei, there is a limit to a person's patience. And mine. "    


"How did you know that the person that night was me?" Qin Fei asked with difficulty, "Did you find out later, or did you find out when you met me again?"    


Actually going up to check the child and his DNA was just a thought that suddenly came to mind. It came from the degree of similarity between Qin Mo and him. It came from his possessive desire for Qin Fei. For some reason, he wanted to have a continuous relationship with her. So when he was still in London, he had already sent an assistant to take care of the children to take the blood samples of the two children.    


The result proved that the child was really his. He was also shocked for a long time. When he came back to his senses, he quickly called the general manager of the Come Again Hotel and asked him to bring up the surveillance footage of the presidential suite from seven years ago.    


Although he could not see clearly, he could tell at a glance that the woman under him was Qin Fei. Although she was not as flirtatious as she was now, her facial features did not change much.    


"I checked the surveillance camera of the hotel from seven years ago. Do you want to take a look? It is much better than most AVs." Lin Yuelin lifted Qin Fei's chin and smiled seductively.    


Qin Fei would always remember that night's craziness after many years. She did not want to see how she blossomed under him in front of Lin Yuelin.    


She quickly shook her head. "No need, no need."    


Actually, a paternity test was enough to make her believe that Lin Yuelin was the father of the child. Not only her, anyone who looked at the child and looked at him would know their relationship as father and son.    


Because of this, Qin Fei was even more afraid. She clearly did not want to believe that it was true, but she had to believe that it was true.    


Qin Fei knew that Lin Yuelin had played a big game of chess since he left London. Now, his plan had been completed. She just had to wait for the net to close. She did not believe that his goal was purely to call her here to tell her some of the truth from seven years ago.    


Qin Fei cautiously looked at Lin Yuelin, her eyes full of wariness. "Lin Yuelin, I don't want to beat around the bush with you. Let's open the window and talk about something. Tell me, what do you want to do?"    


Just now, Lin Yuelin said that the children of the Lin family could not be homeless outside. His words clearly meant that he wanted to fight for custody with her. But with Lin Yuelin's ability, he did not need to specially inform her and make her prepare to resist. He could clearly directly send the lawyer's letter to her home. Only then could he give her a fatal blow in an instant.    


"This question is very difficult for me to answer, because what I do will be up to you to decide." Lin Yuelin played with Qin Fei's hair on her chest, his cold fingers touching the clothes on her chest from time to time through her clothes.    


[This chapter is over]    


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