Don't Go Against My Mommy

C581 Chasing Thunder Hit Her

C581 Chasing Thunder Hit Her

Qin Fei looked at Qin Fei nervously. She was the one who had been handling this whole time. But now that there was a problem, she wanted Lin Yuelin to take the blame. She originally wanted to do a good deed, but she did not think that she would be a burden to others. It seemed like she was really useless.    


"President, can you tell me more about the background of your enemy?" Cheng Luo looked a little painful. He thought that Lin Yuelin was just trying to scare him. He did not expect the enemy to be so aggressive. If he did not know the background of the enemy, how could he protect the woman he liked and her child?    


"Would you believe me if I told you I didn't know? But I will always know who he is, and I will make him pay for what he did today. ... " Lin Yuelin needed a lot of strength to support himself. This was the only way he could fight someone like this.    


Mong Loong was right. Only when you realize that the people you love are in danger will you want to rise.    


On the way back from the hospital, Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin's expressions were not very good. Although they did not let Du Ning suffer any serious injuries, this matter was still a little too much. Du Ning was not sent to the hospital by the enemy, but was sent to the hospital by them. If they knew, they would definitely find it funny.    


This matter must be discussed with Xin Yi. Although he was in the wrong, Xin Yi was also in the wrong. He clearly wanted her to put on a show, so why did she have to be so harsh on him?    


But Qin Fei wanted to find Xin Yi, but she could not find him. Qin Fei thought of Xin Yi, who was the best at finding people, so she went to find Zhuilei and let him bring her heart.    


Xin Yi must give an explanation for this matter. He clearly knew that Du Ning was their friend, so why did he still act so ruthlessly? She was just an unarmed woman.    


Lin Yuelin was much more rational than Qin Fei. This matter could not be blamed on One Heart. Everyone had their own way of dealing with it. Her way of dealing with it was inhumane. To put it bluntly, she had already given them face by not making Du Ning's entire body fracture.    


However, Lin Yuelin always felt that Heart One was a woman with a story. She should not be as heartless as she appeared to be. All of this was just a pretense of hers, because she did not trust everyone. That was why she had to pretend to be everyone.    


When Zhuilei received Qin Fei's call, he was discussing with his heart about how to deal with the enemy. After answering the call, he heard that Qin Fei's tone seemed to be a little strange.    


As Zhuilei listened to Qin Fei's words, he looked at Heart One and frowned.    


Xin Yi did not know that it was Qin Fei's call, but he still felt a little uncomfortable being looked at like this by Zhuilei.    


Qin Fei spoke for a long time before hanging up the phone. After hanging up the phone, Zhuilei's gaze was fixed on Xinyi. Zhuilei had always thought that she was doing her best to protect Qin Fei. He did not expect her attitude towards Qin Fei to be so bad and arrogant. He was really about to die from anger. Qin Fei was Zhuilei's bottom line, just like how Uncle Mong did not allow anyone to violate her.    


"Xinyi, how can you treat Qin Fei like this? She is the person you need to protect. How can you treat her with such an attitude?" Zhuilei only felt that his heart had gone crazy, but he never thought that she would be so arrogant. Who gave her confidence? It made her feel like no one could control her anymore.    


"I will protect her. As long as she doesn't hurt me, my mission will be completed." Xin Yi said indifferently.    


"I'm very disappointed in you." Zhuilei showed a face of disappointment.    


"Up to you." She didn't even look at Zhuilei. She had always felt that she was right in this matter. Did she have to follow a person's orders to protect a person? She wasn't a slave.    


"You still don't know where you are wrong?" Zhuilei found that she didn't realize her mistake at all.    


"I don't think I am wrong. Now you are asking me where I am wrong. How do you want me to answer your question?" He raised his chin and looked at Zhuilei, unwilling to be outdone.    


Zhuilei instantly raised his hand and slapped her. It was obvious that Xin Yi didn't expect Zhuilei to hit her. Therefore, the slap landed squarely on her face. After the slap, she looked at Zhuilei with a shocked expression.    


Why did this man hit her for no reason?    


"You shouldn't have accepted this mission back then. If you accepted this mission... Then you must treat your own life more lightly than Qin Fei's life. You must prioritize her." Zhuilei's eyes were burning with anger. When Uncle Mong gave missions to others, he would do it voluntarily. So all of this was voluntary. Since it was voluntary, he would have to use his own life to complete the mission.    


But Heart One's expression was that she was unwilling to accept this mission. Zhuilei even more did not understand why she still wanted to accept this mission. If she did not accept the mission and accepted the mission, it would definitely affect the completion rate of the mission.    


"What do you mean? Do you want to change me?" Just now, he felt a bit of pain on his face, but this pain gradually spread to his heart.    


"You're just my assistant. If I feel that you don't have the chance to complete the mission... I can replace you. This is my right." Actually, Zhuilei didn't want Xinyi to be involved in this matter. This matter was too dangerous. Even he wasn't confident about it, so it was best that she didn't get involved in this matter.    


Zhuilei had always wanted to find a reason to let Xinyi go back. Now, he finally found a good reason.    


"Who do you think you are? I will directly accept the boss's order." When she saw Qin Fei's annoyance, she also wanted to give up this task, but she was also a very strong person. Giving up just like that meant that the mission had failed. It seemed a little unreasonable for her to fail the first mission.    


"If the boss knew your attitude towards Qin Fei and your recent performance, he would replace you too." Zhuilei knew what Qin Fei meant in Uncle Mong's heart. If he knew how Xin Yi treated Qin Fei, she might even lose her life.    


Xin Yi's temper was too impatient. He was not suitable for such a dangerous mission.    


"You are wrong. The boss is very satisfied with me. He told me yesterday." Xin Yi believed in her ability. She wanted to be appreciated by the boss.    


Zhuilei's eyes were filled with doubt. Uncle Mong was so powerful. How could he not know how Xinyi treated Qin Fei? If that was the case, why did he let Xinyi bully Qin Fei?    


Wasn't Qin Fei Uncle Mong's most precious daughter? Why was she so stimulating? Zhuilei was getting more and more unable to see through Uncle Mong.    


What exactly was Uncle Mong planning? What was he planning to do?    


Zhuilei did not like the feeling of being kept in the dark. He treated Uncle Mong as a friend, but recently, Uncle Mong's plan would never be told to him in advance. He felt that he was becoming more and more like Uncle Mong's chess piece.    


Zhuilei decided not to think about these useless things anymore. The most important thing now was to find Qin Fei with his heart. He had to give Qin Fei an explanation for this matter. When he heard Qin Fei's voice on the phone just now, it sounded like she was angry. He knew that Qin Fei was not a kind person, so he was also worried that Qin Fei would do something to Xin Yi.    


Xin Yi really did not want to go to Lin's residence with Zhuilei, but she could not beat him. No matter how unwilling she was, she could only follow him obediently.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin knew that Zhuilei would bring his heart over very soon, so they waited in the living room early.    


Zhuilei pushed Xinyi's back, and the two of them walked in one after another.    


Qin Fei saw Xin Yi and suddenly had an evil flame in her heart. Lin Yuelin had always been calm and his gaze was cold on Xin Yi.    


"Regarding your behavior yesterday, I want an explanation. Just say it." What Xin Yi did was really too much, Qin Fei reproached.    


"Didn't you say that I should go and scare that woman? I have reached the point of scaring her and not harming her life. Are you blaming me now?" Xin Yi looked at Qin Fei very calmly. He felt that what she said was really too funny.    


Hearing Xinyi's reply, the flames in Qin Fei's heart became even more exuberant. This woman was really too arrogant. Now, even if Xinyi was the enemy, Qin Fei believed it. If she was really protecting her, why would she be so angry at her?    


"Alright, since you have such an attitude, then I don't need you to protect me anymore in the future. I can't afford your protection, so I won't appear in front of me again." Although she had indeed helped her before, this time, Xinyi had really crossed Qin Fei's bottom line. She originally wanted to give her a chance, but she did not expect her arrogance to be so arrogant. She really could not tolerate it anymore.    


Xin Yi originally wanted to argue with Qin Fei, but just as she opened her mouth, she was stopped by Zhuilei. "Xin Yi, you clearly said that it was your fault this time. Why are you speaking nonsense in front of Qin Fei?"    


Zhuilei knew that Xin Yi's stubborn temper couldn't be changed so easily, so he had to bear a little more responsibility on this matter.    


Zhuilei stood in front of Xin Yi and said guiltily, "Fei Fei, this is all my fault. Don't blame Xin Yi. Let her continue to stay by your side. ... I have to study that woman properly during this period of time. I don't have time to protect you. I have to be more at ease with her by your side. "    


Zhuilei's attitude towards Xin Yi was very unyielding, causing Xin Yi to think that his tone and tone when speaking to anyone was the same. However, he did not expect that he would speak to Qin Fei in such a submissive manner. This made Xin Yi really unable to take it anymore. She did not need Zhuilei to plead on her behalf.    


"Qin Fei, don't take yourself too seriously. If you did not have a good father, you would think that there were really so many idiots who would work for you. I wish I could die for you. Human, you still need to know to be satisfied. If you continue to be like this, you will become angry." Xin Yi directly pushed Zhuilei away and said to Qin Fei.    


No one had ever said that to her. When she heard Xin Yi's words, Qin Fei was stunned for a moment. She gradually thought of Lin Yuelin, Soong Ze, and Mei Shuang, who was injured for her.    


Xin Yi's words were all right. She had always been self-righteous.    


This chapter is over.    


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