Don't Go Against My Mommy

C403 The Sublimation of the Story

C403 The Sublimation of the Story

In B City, it was still snowing. Angel and Lia stood side by side in front of the window and looked at the snow in the yard. It was obviously a sunny day yesterday, but for some reason, it was snowing today.    


"Angel, do you know where Bern is going? " Leo didn't see Bern since early in the morning. He thought that Angel would be able to stay with his father at all times after arriving here. But the result didn't seem to be like this.    


" He left last night. He still has a lot of things to do, so he can't accompany me. " Angel was already used to the fact that he came and left in a hurry.    


Actually, there was not much difference between staying in B City and staying in America. It was just that he could see him a few more times.    


?? "Bon doesn't live here?" Lia asked curiously. Wasn't it very cold to leave at night?    


"We're in a relatively remote suburb, so the environment here is better. It's good for my health, but his company is in the city. " Angel explained the explanation that Bern had told him, and then explained it to Lia again.    


This was a very remote place, and it was basically impossible to see people outside of Dad's arrangement. That was why he felt that it was boring.    


"Lia, where did you go the last time you went missing for so long?" Last night, he only asked casually, and now he was very curious.    


"I was with my mother, I told her." These were the truth. It was just that she wasn't her adoptive mother, but her biological mother. Although she was very unfamiliar with that woman, she couldn't help but want to get close to her.    


In her memory, Lia only mentioned her family once, which meant that her family no longer wanted her and gave up on her.    


"Didn't you say that your mother no longer wants you, because of your illness?" Angel voiced her doubts.    


"My mother is an eastern woman." When Rheia mentioned Du Ning, there was still a smile on her lips, even though she said that she did not like her. But seeing that her mother was a beautiful woman, she was still very proud.    


"Are you a middle American mixed-blood?" Lia's profile was very clear. One look and one could tell that there were characteristics of foreigners in her blood.    


But Angel had seen her information before. The information said that her parents were Americans. How did she become a middle-American mixed-blood now? Could it be that the information was fake?    


"Lia, are you sure your mother is from China?" Angel suddenly felt that there was something wrong with a lot of things.    


"Of course." Lia nodded.    


"But that's not what your information says. You actually lied to me." Angel treated her as his closest friend. He didn't think that Lia would actually lie to him when she saw such a pure girl.    


"Why would I lie to you? What information are you talking about?" Seeing that Angel's expression wasn't too good, Lia immediately panicked.    


"Your information in the sanatorium. I happened to see you when I went to look at my information." Actually, it wasn't a coincidence. He only read it because he wanted to understand Lia. Angel had been staring at Lia's face as she spoke, trying to find traces of her lying.    


However, she discovered that she had a puzzled look on her face. She really didn't know anything about good intentions.    


"Why are you peeking at my information?" Lia could tell Angel about her own matters, but this was different from the concept of him peeking. To be honest, she didn't really like this kind of Angel.    


"I only saw that your parents never came to see you. You were very disappointed, so I wanted to find your family and let them see you." This was the reason why Angel wanted to look at her information.    


He was also considered a well-educated person. If it wasn't for this matter, he wouldn't have done such an impolite thing.    


After hearing Angel's explanation, Rheia was able to forgive his actions.    


"Lia, I treat you as my best friend. So I don't want you to lie to me. The information says that your family is all Americans. But why do you say your mother is Chinese? " Angel had a lot of questions in his heart. He had to know... He felt that these things were related to the last time she went missing. It was related to his father.    


"The information you mentioned isn't about my biological parents, but my adoptive parents. I know that my biological mother is a Chinaman. As for my father, I don't know either." That's all Lia knows.    


Most of the time, she felt that she was incompetent. After growing up, she didn't even know who her father and mother were.    


"I'm sorry, Lia, I didn't know it was like that. I didn't mean to ask you this to make you sad." Angel could feel her pain right now. She knew that this might make her sad.    


Lia smiled, allowing Angel to feel at ease. She had a glass heart before, but after experiencing this sudden appearance of her mother, she had become strong enough.    


"Actually, I'm not sad. My father and mother in the past did not treat me well. I used to think that I was their biological daughter. Now, I finally have a biological mother. She's very beautiful. She's also very good to me. I'm already very happy." Lia is a very optimistic girl. She likes to think about many things in a positive way. If that's the case, there will be very few things that will make her sad.    


Angel took the initiative to pull Lia's hand. There was a deep heartache in her eyes. "Lia, not only your mother will love you, but I will also treat you well. You are right. It is a good thing that you found your mother. But where is your mother now? "    


If Lia found her mother, she should be with her mother now. Why would she return to the sanatorium?    


"She can't stay with me forever." Speaking up to this point, Lia felt even more sad. She had clearly just established a relationship with her and was going to be separated for a long time.    


"Why is that? Don't tell me she doesn't want to bring you with her?" In Angel's heart, she was a very cute girl. How could there be parents who didn't like such a cute girl?    


"Something happened at our home. There was only her mother at home, so she had to control the situation. She has to stay away from me to protect me the most, otherwise her enemies will hurt me " Mother told her all of this, but she really wanted to say that even if it was dangerous, she still wanted to stay by her mother's side. She knew that her mother would refuse, so she didn't say anything. ...    


Now Angel finally understood why she felt a little special towards her. It turned out that her background was exactly the same as his.    


"Don't be afraid, I'm the same as you. Fortunately, we can accompany each other."    


"These adults always feel that what they do is right. They keep saying that they're doing it for our own good. They also don't know how to ask about our inner feelings. What they think is good is not what we think is good. Don't worry, as long as there's a chance, I'll help you find your mother. If possible, I still want to send you to Mom's side." The little girl wasn't as strong as the little boy, even though Angel really wanted her to always be with him. But she had her own mother. And it could be seen that she really liked her mother, so the best way to treat her was to let her be with her mother.    


"Thank you, my good friend. I don't want anything right now. I just hope that she can take care of herself." It was not easy for her to find out who her biological mother was. She didn't want to lose her just like that.    


"Is your mother in China or America?" Angel decided that it was better to be more clear in the main hall.    


Leo had already told her too much truth. If she spoke any more, it would hurt Angel.    


"My mother is in England." She bit her lip and said. ...    


She felt despair towards her own life. She didn't understand why she had always longed for familial love. However, she had lived in an unhappy family since she was young. It was not easy for a very precious friendship to appear in her life, and she had to lie to him. Now, she found her mother again, but it was very difficult to see her again.    


Angel knew that what Lia said wasn't the truth. Since she didn't want to continue, he didn't want to ask anymore. Firstly, there was no truth in asking, and secondly, he didn't want her to continue to be hurt.    


Angel wanted to change the sad topic, so she pointed to the big snowman outside the window and smiled. "Lia, look at the snowman we built, isn't it very beautiful?"    


"How is it beautiful? It is already very ugly." Yesterday when the sun was out, the snowman had already melted a little.    


"Right, right, right. If you say it's ugly, then it's ugly. If you say it's beautiful, then it's beautiful." Right now, Angel was trying to make her happy, so whatever she said was right.    


"Tell me a story." Angel was a person who was very good at telling stories, and would teach her some truth at the end of the story, so she liked to hear him tell stories.    


"I'll tell you a super scary story today." Angel smiled.    


Leo was most afraid of scary stories, so he just casually said it to scare her.    


Unexpectedly, Lia actually happily said, "Okay, okay, tell me a horror story."    


"You've changed. Didn't you say that you're the most afraid of ghost stories? Why do you like it now?" Angel found it hard to believe.    


"If you want to tell them, then tell them. Don't talk nonsense." She wanted to hear how scary his terrifying story was. ...    


"A few days ago, I saw a manga. This manga was inferred and suspicious. It looks very scary, so I'll tell you this " Angel hadn't planned on telling a story, but she suddenly thought of a manga she had read a few days ago.    


In fact, Lia had discovered a long time ago that the manga and books he had read were the ones she would never read.    


"Lia, do you know that this is a god that controls life and death in this world?" Angel's expression was very serious, making people feel that his story was also very real.    


Lia quickly shook her head: "I won't believe it. These are all TV shows."    


"If you don't believe it, then there's no need for this story to exist anymore." This was the first time Angel had seen someone listen to a story in such an uncooperative manner.    


"Then I'll believe you. You shouldn't have asked me." Lia felt that this was a funny story.    


[This chapter is over]    


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