Don't Go Against My Mommy

C355 A Handwritten Book of Poetry

C355 A Handwritten Book of Poetry

"What I want to show you is a handwritten copy of mine." This was also Luh Cheng's masterpiece. He had kept it for many years and had even taken it out and read it when he showed it to Baiyi.    


Qin Fei had no resistance against the handwritten copy, and Luh Cheng's handwriting was good.    


Because the position of the handwritten copy was too high, Luh Cheng needed to take it down to see it.    


After Luh Cheng took it down, the book was already covered with dust. It looked very old, and the more ancient it was, the more stories it had. In any case, Qin Fei thought so. She had already leaned her body towards the yellowish handwritten book.    


"How can I let you meet me?    


At my most beautiful moment.    


Because of this...    


I have begged for 500 years in front of Buddha!    


Begging Buddha, let us form a mortal bond!    


Buddha has turned me into a tree!    


Grow on the side of the road you must pass!    


Under the sun!    


Be careful and bloom with flowers.    


Duo Duo was the hope of my previous life.    


When you get close...    


Please listen carefully!    


That trembling leaf.    


It is the passion I have been waiting for.    


And when you finally ignore it and walk past it!    


It fell on the ground behind you!    




Those are not flower petals!    


That's my withered heart! "    


This was Xi Murong's poem, A tree that can bloom!    


Qin Fei seemed to be able to guess that this handwritten book might be filled with Xi Mourong's poems.    


"This handwritten book is yours?" Qin Fei was still somewhat puzzled. Why did the boy not copy Xu Zhimo's poems but instead copied Xi Mourong's poems?    


"This is not mine. This is my mother's?" Luh Cheng suddenly had an emotional sigh. "I feel that these poems are actually poisonous. It's because they love romance. That's why I feel that men's sweet words are love. That's why my mother was deceived."    


So it was Aunt Luh Yue's handwritten copy. No wonder these words were so beautiful.    


" There's no other way. Women who like poetry, or rather, women who like literature, all have romantic feelings. But I feel that romantic feelings are positive, not as pessimistic as you say." Qin Fei had been depressed before, but after she thought it through, her life had always been optimistic. No matter what happened, she would always say that she was optimistic.    


Luh Cheng was a little shocked. He had always thought that Qin Fei was very pragmatic. He never thought that she was also a romantic admirer. Why did he feel that she was different from the Qin Fei he usually knew?    


"Brother Luo, don't look at me like that. No woman doesn't like romance." Qin Fei smiled. "Don't forget that I used to be a literary person. When I was young, I liked these poems and poems."    


"I remember now." Luh Cheng was surprised and said, "I remember that you used to like Xi Mourong very much."    


Qin Fei blinked. "Can't I like Xi Mulin?"    


"That's not what I meant. I just thought that you and my mother are really similar in many aspects." Luh Cheng had investigated Qin Fei before, but he did not think that the investigation was not detailed enough.    


Qin Fei seemed to be a magician. She always gave him something new.    


"Brother Luo, do you have any poet you like?" Qin Fei really wanted to know who Luh Cheng liked. Under normal circumstances, one could see his character through poetry.    


"Fei Fei, I don't like this kind of thing, so I don't have much research on it." Luh Cheng still had an ashamed look on his face.    


Qin Fei rarely met men who liked literature. She thought she would meet a close friend in literature, but she did not expect this answer. She was a little disappointed.    


"I think Luh likes seniors in the painting world, right?" Qin Fei's eyes once again fell on those landscape paintings. Luh Cheng's painting was so good, it should be because he liked it.    


"If there is a painter that you like, then it is my mother. As for the others, they do not know much about it and do not want to like it." Luh Cheng felt that a person's heart was not big, so why did he have to like so many things? As long as he did what he liked the most, wouldn't that be a very good thing?    


Qin Fei realized that she had guessed wrong again. She was a little depressed and started to complain about Luh Cheng. Didn't he always be so considerate? Didn't he know how to read people's expressions and take care of her mood?    


How could Luh Cheng not notice Qin Fei's disappointed look? It was just that the current Qin Fei was really too much of a imagination to Baiyi. It was so much that he didn't even dare to reach out his hand to touch it, afraid that it was just an illusion. As long as he touched it, the illusion would be destroyed.    


This was because there had been many such illusions in Luh Cheng's life. He didn't want to destroy them. So he just looked at Qin Fei in a daze. He felt that at this moment, Qin Fei was incomparably cute.    


Qin Fei no longer had the desire to speak, so she could only quietly flip through the handwritten book that Aunt Luh Yue left behind. Because she liked Mubai Murong, she liked all the poems on it.    


Qin Fei once again sighed with emotion that if Aunt Luh Yue was still in this world, then they would definitely have a common topic.    


The handwritten book was very thin and Qin Fei very quickly flipped through it. She very much enjoyed Aunt Luh Yue's handwriting and every stroke was a different kind of style.    


Luh Cheng found that Qin Fei had been flipping through the handwritten book. "You like it very much?"    


"Of course I like it. Auntie Luh Yue's handwriting is really beautiful. Moreover, these poems are also what I like." Qin Fei told him everything.    


"Then I'll give them to you. In the past, Mom liked you very much. Now that I give them to you, I believe that she will be happy too." Luh Cheng said with a smile.    


"How can this be? Auntie Luh Yue left this for her beloved son. I'm not going to take away someone else's love. " After all, Luh Cheng had said that this was a handwritten copy that he had kept for a long time. It could be seen that he treasured it very much. How could he take away other people's precious things just by looking at it?    


"This was not left for me by my mother. My mother said that this was left for someone who was fated to be with her. I think you must be that fated person. " This handwritten book was written by his mother in order to miss that man. He had never liked it. But there was no way that it was his mother's handwritten book, so he could only keep it. Now that Qin Fei liked it, he might as well give it to her.    


Qin Fei always felt that this gift was very precious and she felt embarrassed to keep it. "I really cannot accept it."    


"Trust me, my mother will definitely want you to stay." Luh Cheng had never given Qin Fei a gift. After so many years, they would need to give her a gift when they met again. This gift was the most suitable.    


"Alright, I will never take back what I give." Luh Cheng said generously.    


Qin Fei saw that Luh Cheng was so insistent, so she accepted the handwritten book. "I will help you keep it. When you want it, come and find me if you want it."    


Qin Fei could see that the handwriting on the notebook was slightly different. If she did not guess wrong, Auntie Luh Yue had been copying this since she was very young. She had been copying until she was old. It seemed that this handwritten copy was condensed from Auntie Luh Yue's life's blood and sweat, which was why Qin Fei felt that it was precious.    


Luh Cheng nodded. He did not think that this handwritten copy would give him a reason that could be used to find her at any time.    


After interacting with Luh Cheng for such a long time, Qin Fei finally felt that there was no problem with Luh Cheng. After all, it was very difficult for such a man to link him to any conspiracy.    


Qin Fei just did not know that Luh Cheng had given all of his eyes and warmth to her and Soong Yuan, so she naturally could not feel the gloomy and dark bloodthirsty aura from Luh Cheng.    


"Fei Fei, I only hope that you can keep it well. This handwritten copy is my mother's love for life.    


Only now did Luh Cheng feel a little pity.    


Qin Fei realized that she had guessed correctly and was secretly delighted. "Don't worry, I will keep it well and protect it. The next time you see it, it will be perfectly fine.    


Luh Cheng brought Qin Fei to the study room and went downstairs to discuss matters. Qin Fei liked to chat with Luh Cheng very much. Whether it was academic or philosophy. Luh Cheng could tell all of these things from his life.    


After spending the entire afternoon with Luh Cheng, Qin Fei actually felt very relaxed. When she was with Lin Yuelin, she always had to be on guard against him suddenly getting close to her. When she was with Soong Ze, she was always so ashamed that she could not raise her head. However, she was friends with Luh Cheng. The two of them did not owe each other anything. That was why they could get along so easily and happily.    


Actually, Qin Fei had always doubted Luh Cheng's intentions, but every time she was with him, she would dispel the doubts and doubts in her heart. It was really too easy to be with him.    


She did not know how long they had chatted. Knowing that the housekeeper was knocking on the door, Luh Cheng frowned. He was having a heart-to-heart talk with Qin Fei and did not want anyone to disturb them at this time.    


"President, the little girl is awake. She is crying so hard that I can't stop her." The housekeeper did not want to disturb the president, but the little girl's crying was too loud.    


Qin Fei heard what the butler said and quickly got up to run to the room. Luh Cheng also followed behind Qin Fei.    


Soong Yuan was very angry now. She thought that her mother had abandoned her again. She did not like the feeling of being abandoned, even in such a cute princess room.    


Qin Fei's voice finally appeared with urgency, "Little dumpling, mother is here."    


She arrived before anyone could say anything.    


Soong Yuan followed the voice and saw Qin Fei's voice. She immediately turned from crying to laughing, "Mother, you did not leave."    


Qin Fei looked at the tears on Soong Yuan's face with heartache. She really blamed herself. It must be because she had left for too long that Soong Yuan felt so insecure.    


When Soong Yuan woke up and did not see her mother, she was frightened but now that she was hugged by her mother, she could feel at ease.    


When Luh Cheng saw such a scene, he could not help but feel touched. If he and Baiyi could really have a child, then they should be older than Soong Yuan by now.    


Qin Fei had already stayed in the Luo Residence for a long time. Since Soong Yuan had woken up, she might as well return to Soong's residence.    


But Soong Yuan could not bear to leave Uncle Luh Cheng. She liked to have a man at home, but her father had already gone to England, so she could only like Uncle Luh Cheng.    


Qin Fei could not change Soong Yuan's mind. Since she was willing to stay in this place, she had no choice but to stay in the Luo residence.    


This chapter is over.    


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