Don't Go Against My Mommy

C289 Inexplicable Panic

C289 Inexplicable Panic

Therefore, no matter how much Qin Fei liked Soong Ze, when Lin Yuelin appeared in her life, she and Soong Ze were destined to be separated. Even without those misunderstandings, they wouldn't be able to stay together for long.    


"Fei Fei, don't look at me like an idiot. Quickly eat. You haven't eaten for a whole day. I don't know if you will suffer from stomach disease." Soong Ze patted her shoulder and reminded her.    


Qin Fei was filled with indescribable emotions. The hunger she felt earlier was gone. Instead, it was replaced by swelling anxiety. Now, she felt that even if the delicacies were placed in front of her, she would not have the slightest appetite.    


Soong Ze's voice was like the clear spring water in the mountains. It was cool and pleasant to hear. "Fei Fei, listen to me. You must eat some. You will faint even if you have low blood sugar."    


Qin Fei had never told Soong Ze that she had low blood sugar. How did he find out? Soong Ze seemed to know a lot of things about her, but she had never known about Soong Ze. He had always been warm and polite in front of her. That was why he had scared her when he got angry for the first time today. It turned out that she had always enjoyed his care, but she had never given him anything.    


Qin Fei had a lot of things she wanted to say to Soong Ze in her heart, but in the end, it only turned into words that were slightly unfamiliar, Okay.    


The lights in the hall were not turned on. Soong Ze lit two candles. In the empty space, only the sound of Qin Fei eating porridge could be heard, even though she was controlling it very hard. But the night was so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard.    


Soong Ze just sat opposite Qin Fei and watched her eat. Qin Fei grew up in a noble family and naturally had a good upbringing. She always ate slowly, raising her hands and lifting her feet in a perfect arc. It was so beautiful that it could not be described with words.    


In the night, in the warm candlelight, Qin Fei's features became even more beautiful. Soong Ze's gaze never left her face, as if he could not see enough.    


In fact, Soong Ze did not regret it at all. Even if he chased her till the end, he still had to personally hand her to another man. He also did not regret loving such an outstanding woman.    


In a person's life, there should be at least one time that he should give up for someone without asking for anything in return. The person in Soong Ze's life was Qin Fei. No matter what he did for her, he would admit it.    


Qin Fei could feel Soong Ze's burning gaze, so she kept her head down. She also felt uncomfortable eating, so she finally raised her head. Her gaze met Soong Ze's gaze in the sky. His previous heart palpitating had now become awkward and speechless.    


Qin Fei saw how deep the feelings in Soong Ze's eyes were. That was all she could not bear. She could not look at him for another second, so she lowered her head again.    


Qin Fei lowered her head and thought for a while. She put down the spoon in her hand and looked up again. She said very sincerely, "Brother Song Ze, I'm sorry."    


Soong Ze did not want Qin Fei to be so unfamiliar with him. He obviously wanted her to pay back what he had done to her. But he only wanted love to give him back what he had done. If not, he wouldn't need her to apologize at all. Because those were all things he did willingly. He didn't want to see her feel uneasy because of the love he gave her.    


"Fei Fei, never apologize to me. If that's the case, I'll feel very sad." Soong Ze's attitude was very gentle.    


Qin Fei really did not know how to face such a selfless Soong Ze. She would rather he could be angry at her like today and be angry at her.    


"I'm full. I'm going to sleep." Qin Fei wanted to be an ostrich again to avoid these things.    


Soong Ze knew that she did not know how to face him. He maintained a gentle smile on his face and said faintly, "Fei Fei, don't run. Sit with me for a while."    


He did not know how many more quiet times there were. Soong Ze just wanted to cherish the last time he was with Qin Fei.    


The atmosphere tonight was a little depressing and sad. Qin Fei also seemed to be infected. She felt that no matter what Soong Ze said, she would probably agree. This was what she owed him. Okay.    


Soong Ze always did not want much. As long as she was by his side, she could accompany him, even if she did not say a word.    


Soong Ze and Qin Fei sat face to face, looking at each other in the eyes. It seemed that they were still young, but their hearts were filled with the vicissitudes of life.    


In the end, it was Soong Ze who broke the silent atmosphere. "Fei Fei, you should go and sleep."    


What Qin Fei wanted the most right now was to escape from this place. Of course, it was what she wished for the most. Soong Ze's words were equivalent to a special pardon for her. She quickly escaped from the scene.    


Soong Ze's eyes had been fixed on Qin Fei's back as she left in a panic until she stopped in the middle of the stairs and turned around in surprise.    


The astonishment in his eyes seemed to be asking why he did not go upstairs. Could it be that he was not ready to sleep?    


Soong Ze knew how kind and sensitive Qin Fei was. He smiled at her and said, "I still have some work to do. Go to sleep first."    


Only by giving her a reason could she sleep peacefully.    


Actually, in two years, he had already touched Qin Fei's door. But things like love, the more clearly one understood, the less one could not love deeply. How could Lin Yuelin understand Qin Fei better than him? But Qin Fei loved him, so what could he do?    


?? Qin Fei suddenly remembered that she had slept for the whole day, so how could she sleep? The reason why her head hurt was because she slept too much.    


"I have already slept for an entire day. I am not sleepy."    


"You have not recovered from your cold. You should go to bed and lie down. Even if you don't sleep, go to bed and lie down. " Soong Ze urged. He originally thought that he could control his emotions very well. He thought he could not care less, but he still felt very sad. That was why he wanted to calm himself down.    


What was more important was that he still had things to do.    


Qin Fei had no choice but to go upstairs.    


She really could not fall asleep. She laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling and fell into deep thought. She did not know when she fell into deep thought and fell asleep.    


She had clearly slept for the whole day, but when she woke up the next day, she still felt very tired. Qin Fei felt that she was getting older and older, and her physical fitness was getting worse and worse. She should take care of herself or do some exercise to exercise her body.    


During this period of time, Qin Fei rarely went out. Every day, she would stay at home and watch cartoons with Soong Yuan or watch anime with Qin Sheng.    


She stayed on the bed for a while before getting up. After changing into her usual clothes, she went downstairs.    


Although the servants were discussing her behind her back, they were still very respectful towards her on the surface and Qin Fei had always been kind.    


Speaking of which, in these two years, Qin Fei had actually gotten used to her identity as Mrs. Soong. She thought that she would not be Mrs. Soong anymore and could not live in Soong's residence anymore. She was still a little disappointed. But how could there be so many perfect things in the world? She wanted to get some. She had to lose some.    


"Madam, this is the letter that Sir left for you." The maid handed a letter to Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei might have just woken up and was a little confused. It took her a long time before she took the letter from the maid.    


"Where is Sir?" It was a love letter that he had written to her when he was young.    


"Sir went to the airport." The maid told him everything.    


Qin Fei did not understand why Soong Ze did not tell her that he was leaving. It was no wonder that he was so worried last night. He wanted to leave without saying goodbye. Where was he going? England, or some unknown country?    


Qin Fei had too many questions, so she quickly opened the letter.    


It was not a densely packed letter, only a few short lines.    


"Fei Fei, I don't know how to save you, so I can only leave. I hope you can calm down and give us another chance. I look forward to seeing you again. You will tell me that we will start over."    


? After reading these few lines of words, Qin Fei did not know what to do. Was she and Soong Ze really going to do this? She had never thought of rekindling with Soong Ze. She had always treated him like a big brother. Didn't he agree to it before marriage? Then why did she start all over again?    


? Qin Fei stuffed the letter back into the envelope, although these few words made Qin Fei very moved. But her heart was even more determined to get a divorce. Qin Fei was actually very stubborn. The more she tried to persuade her, the further she would push her. Moreover, she already understood that she could no longer enjoy Soong Ze's kindness with a clear conscience like before. She had never considered his feelings. Now was the time to set him free. He was so outstanding. He had many opportunities to meet women who were better than him, so she could no longer delay him.    


However, Soong Ze knew her very well. He knew that continuing to argue with her would only make her determined to divorce, so he might as well leave the country. As long as he was not around, this marriage would not be possible.    


Forget it, forget it. Let's talk about this later. Anyway, he would not return to the country for a while.    


Qin Fei swept away the messy thoughts in her mind and went to the dining table filled with food. The latest newspaper of the day was placed beside the dining table. She opened it casually. However, it was written in a large font on the newspaper, "President Lin of the Xin and Xin family, a mixed-blood girl, comes home late at night to spend the night."    


The chaos of the night had all disappeared. Qin Fei seemed to have truly woken up at this moment.    


Lin Yuelin, who had left for more than a month, actually came back?    


Why didn't Sheng tell her? Could it be that Sheng also didn't know?    


What about Lin Yuelin? In the past, when he wanted to come back, he would always send a message to her. Although she wouldn't reply, as long as she knew that he had arrived in the country, her heart would be very relaxed.    


But now, he didn't even tell her and actually brought a woman back. Lin Yuelin had never been so special to a woman.    


Qin Fei once again looked at the photos taken. Lin Yuelin hugged the petite woman with a loving expression. The rich love in the pictures seemed to be overflowing.    


Could it be that this woman had some special meaning to Lin Yuelin? He had never shown such an expression to other women.    


Qin Fei felt a great panic.    


[This chapter is over]    


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