Don't Go Against My Mommy

C201 It's Hard to Forget

C201 It's Hard to Forget

Lin Yuelin put out his cigarette and said, "You go out."    


His voice was so cold that there was not a trace of emotion in it. It was like a basin of cold water had poured out all of Qinghuan's enthusiasm.    


"Lin, it's so late..." Qinghuan thought that she would have a chance if she stayed.    


However, Lin Yuelin did not have the mood to deal with her right now. He said bluntly, "I will ask Old Mo to send you off."    


Qinghuan knew that she should not stay, or else Lin Yuelin would not give her the chance to meet him again. With his coldness, he would definitely do it.    


After she left, Lin Yuelin smoked a lot more cigarettes. He could not sleep because of Qin Fei, but that heartless woman should be sleeping soundly at this moment. Perhaps she was still dreaming about Soong Ze who had just left.    


What about him? What was he? Was it really just her past? ...    


In fact, everything was just Lin Yuelin's imagination.    


Qin Fei could not sleep at all. As long as she thought about what Lin Yuelin said to that woman before she left, she felt waves of suffocating pain sweep across her entire body.    


She could not ignore Lin Yuelin at all. His words and actions could still affect her.    


"Mother. Sleep." Soong Yuan had been sleeping very well, but she did not sleep for a long time tonight. She probably had a mental connection with her mother. She knew that her mother had something on her mind.    


Qin Fei used a long time to coax Soong Yuan to sleep. As for how she fell asleep, she had no memory at all. She only knew that when she woke up, the sky was already bright. It was simply a joke to send Qin Sheng to school at this time.    


Qin Fei laid on the bed and thought about what happened last night. But this time, she was not thinking about herself. It was Qin Sheng. Looking at Lin Yuelin's attitude, it seemed like he was going to marry that woman. If she became Sheng's stepmother, would she treat Sheng well?    


From the bottom of her heart, she was a hundred times unwilling for Qin Sheng to have a stepmother. It would be fine if this stepmother did not have a child. As long as she had a child, she would not be able to settle everything in one bowl. Lin Yuelin was another father who did not care about children. At that time, even if Qin Sheng was bullied, he would not know.    


Qin Fei did not know who the woman she saw last night was until she saw the person on TV. She only understood that the woman's name was Qinghuan. She was the movie queen that all the directors had put in great effort to promote her looks and acting skills. She now felt that Qinghuan and Lin Yuelin were very compatible.    


Qin Fei turned off the television in a state of annoyance. Soong Yuan, who was eating snacks on the sofa, had already eaten her fill. Now, she started to ask her for a hug. She shook her head at her.    


"Come down by yourself." Soong Yuan was about to grow into a ball. She disliked sports the most. Even taking a shower was like torturing her.    


"No, hug." Soong Yuan understood Qin Fei's words and decisively shook her head to reject.    


She was only a baby, how could her mother hurt a baby like this?    


Qin Fei also persisted and did not carry. Soong Yuan knew that her mother was determined not to carry her and her heart was extremely aggrieved. Her mouth had already turned into a duck's mouth.    


After teasing Soong Yuan to the point where she was about to cry, Qin Fei sat beside her. Without hearing Qin Fei's call, she directly climbed into Qin Fei's embrace.    


Qin Fei hugged a warm meatball and her heart was a mess.    


After Soong Ze left, the house seemed to be more deserted. When the meatball took an afternoon nap, she would go to Soong Ze's study to read. When she read, she would always forget the time. In order not to delay her from picking up Qin Sheng after school, she had a fixed time.    


The time to read was very fast, as if it was something that happened in an instant. Before she could read much, the alarm clock rang.    


Qin Fei brought Soong Yuan to the entrance of Sakura Academy. The two of them thought that super high looks would attract a large number of people's attention every time and many people were guessing if Qin Fei was a big star from some television station.    


When Qin Sheng came out, Qin Fei saw it with a glance. It was just that this time she was not as happy as usual. She lowered her head and looked like she had suffered a grievance.    


Qin Fei naturally thought of whether she had been bullied in school again.    


"Sheng, why are you not happy? Did someone bully you?" Qin Fei was already angry enough just by saying that.    


"It's fine. They know that I have such a beautiful mother. So they won't bully me anymore. They even said that they want to ask me for a photo to humiliate their own mother." Qin Sheng heard her mother's voice and looked up to see Qin Fei. She immediately threw away her previous dispirited mood and said happily.    


To Qin Sheng, happiness had always been very simple. As long as her mother was here, it was enough.    


In the next second, Qin Sheng saw her father's car parked by the roadside. For some reason, he did not need to look to know that her father was definitely there this time. And that woman must also be there.    


Indeed, Lin Yuelin brought Qinghuan out of the car.    


Qin Fei saw Qin Sheng's gaze looking behind her and could not help but turn around. She saw two people who made her insomnia slowly walking towards her. She frowned and very quickly restrained those unhappy emotions. ...    


What kind of woman Lin Yuelin wanted was his business. It was also his business who he wanted to be with. She didn't need to care so much, and there shouldn't be any unnecessary emotions.    


In just an instant, Qin Fei's faint frown was seen by Lin Yuelin. Only then did his manic heart have a trace of comfort.    


He even took an inch and put his arm around Qinghuan's waist, smiling at her in a low voice.    


A talented beauty should be a very beautiful scene, but Qin Fei felt that this kind of scene was a bit eye-piercing, and she unconsciously turned her face away.    


It seemed that Qinghuan stayed overnight in Lin Yuelin's villa last night. When she was there in the past, no matter how angry Lin Yuelin was, he would not bring all the women to that villa. Qin Fei smiled bitterly. Lin Yuelin finally gave his gentleness to another woman as she wished. But why did it feel like a big hole had been dug into her heart?    


"Sheng, come here." Lin Yuelin did not approach but stopped ten meters away from Qin Fei. He waved at Qin Sheng. ...    


Qin Sheng bit her lips and clenched her fists tightly. Her father was really disappointed in her. It was such a good opportunity for her mother to change her mind, but he wanted to use this method to push her away.    


Her father was really hopeless.    


He did not get Qin Sheng's response for a long time, and she also did not do anything.    


Lin Yuelin was angry that his authority was being challenged. He said angrily, "I never wanted to say it a second time."    


Qin Fei saw that Lin Yuelin seemed to be really angry and quickly tried to persuade him, "Sheng go over. Your father is calling you."    


Since her mother said so, Qin Sheng could only reluctantly walk over.    


In her life, Qinghuan was just a girl in her early twenties and there was a pure look in her eyes that was not polluted by the secular world, "Sheng, don't be so unhappy. Your father said that you like to eat hotpot. He is going to take us to eat hot pot today."    


"If you want to eat, you can eat it yourself." Qin Sheng pointed at Qin Fei who was at the side," I want to eat with mom and sister, so I will not accompany you guys. "    


This was Qin Sheng's direct challenge to Lin Yuelin. It was his fault for flirting with this woman in front of his mother. This was too much.    


Qin Fei's back was covered in cold sweat. Could it be that this child still did not know how to look at people? Lin Yuelin's eyes looked as if he wanted to eat her.    


"Qin Fei, is what Sheng said true?" Lin Yuelin looked over and asked in a loud and clear voice.    


Qin Fei quickly nodded.    


"Since you guys have made an appointment, then let's do it together. Anyway, we don't mind having a pair of chopsticks." Lin Yuelin's attitude belittled Qin Fei to the point that it was faintly discernible.    


It was only when she sat in Lin Yuelin's car that Qin Fei finally realized why she did not reject him and why she sat in the car and fooled Lin Yuelin and Qinghuan's light bulb.    


Qin Fei deliberately focused her attention outside the window and found that the surrounding scenery was getting more and more familiar.    


This place.    


Qin Sheng's memory was very good. Even though Qin Fei only brought her to this place once, she already remembered it.    


"Mom, the place that you and grandma love the most." Qin Sheng stood beside Qin Fei and said excitedly.    


Qin Fei was simply speechless. Didn't you see that your dad still had his woman by his side? Wouldn't you make her misunderstand something if you said that?    


Actually Qin Sheng knew that it was because she knew that she would say that. She wanted that woman to know that her father was only putting on a show for her and was only serious towards her mother.    


Lin Yuelin also didn't know why he wanted to come to this place. He vaguely remembered that two years ago, Mo was still there and their family had come to this place.    


Lin Yuelin and Qinghuan walked in front. The structure of this restaurant was exactly the same as two years ago. Even the bamboo forest and green water outside the window were as clear as usual.    


Qin Fei was caught off guard and thought of Mo. If nothing happened to Mo, he would be even taller than Sheng now. He would definitely look more like Lin Yuelin, perhaps even more cold and handsome than him.    


Lin Yuelin turned around and saw the pain in Qin Fei's eyes that did not disappear in time. A touch of heartache flashed across his heart. He also did not know why he brought her to this place. He clearly knew that as long as she was sad, then... He also would not feel good.    


"Mom, look, the orange flowers you like are still here." After two years, although Qin Sheng did not forget Mo, it was not as new as the adult's memory.    


"Mo also likes orange flower. I like color. Mo likes its flower language." Qin Sheng said directly without thinking.    


Everyone was reminiscing about Mo, but only Qin Sheng exposed the whole topic.    


To Qin Fei, this was no longer a good place to be with her mother, but to lose the witness of Mo.    


"Mr. Lin, I might have to leave first. I'm really sorry to disturb your fun." Qin Fei really could not stay here any longer. The longer she stayed here, the more pain she felt in her heart.    


Of course, Lin Yuelin would not refuse. He knew how she was feeling right now. It was as if a scab wound had suddenly been torn open, and her blood and flesh instantly spilled out.    


"Then I'll send you home." After saying this, Lin Yuelin felt that it was a little inappropriate. After all, this was Soong Ze's wife, not his Qin Fei. Moreover, he had Qinghuan by his side.    


Qinghuan did not miss the concern on Lin Yuelin's face because of Qin Fei. Lin Yuelin had given his heart to Qin Fei.    


She was really happy.    


[This chapter is over]    


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