Don't Go Against My Mommy

C675 A Risky Move

C675 A Risky Move

Mong Loong had risked his life to come here. He was very confident in this move of Loo Dong. Therefore, he didn't have the time to prepare for the second plan. Of course, he didn't have the time to prepare for the second plan.    


Obviously, Zhuilei felt that Loo Dong was helping his enemies. He really didn't know if Uncle Mong had fallen ill again. Why would he bet all his strength on Loo Dong? It was as if he had gone crazy.    


Forget it, forget it. Even if Uncle Mong was going crazy, he would just sacrifice his life to accompany a gentleman.    


When Zhuilei left the airport, he saw heartless people everywhere. He thought that Wuqing could not wait to fight with the people around Qin Fei.    


Everyone carefully protected Qin Fei. After all, everyone had their eyes on Qin Fei. But even with such strict protection, Qin Fei still went missing. Clearly, Zhuilei had specifically instructed them not to leave Lin's residence for the near future, but in the end, she still disappeared. Then how did the other party take Qin Fei away?    


In the main hall of Lin's residence, everyone was staring at each other, not knowing who had done it. Therefore, no one could do anything about it.    


Zhuilei was the same. The other party was well-prepared, but they had still underestimated their strength. It seemed that Wuqing had already prepared for this. They would be caught in her jar once they returned to the country.    


Currently, what Zhuilei was most worried about was Uncle Mong. If Uncle Mong knew about this matter, he didn't know if he would come back in person. If he did, the war in the world would surely fall like a landslide.    


This incident was really strange. There were no signs at all. Qin Fei seemed to have vanished into thin air. Zhuilei had always felt that there was no one in this world who could take away the person he was protecting under his nose.    


But that was just what he thought. Such a thing had still happened. Therefore, everyone began to worry that there was actually someone with such strength. To be able to abduct people in the room without making a sound... This was simply too terrifying a person.    


Of course, Lin Yuelin was still the one who was most worried about. However, he knew that the enemy wanted to see chaos the most at this moment. Therefore, he had to remain calm at this moment.    


Even the calmest Lin Yuelin was, he had already thrown all the things in his home.    


Zhuilei also knew that he should not panic at this time. However, after searching all the places he could find, he really panicked because he really did not know how Qin Fei disappeared.    


The matter suddenly became confusing. This matter was quickly spread to Uncle Mong's ears by people with ulterior motives. Mong Loong was already losing ground, and at this time, he heard the news of Qin Fei's disappearance. He was burning with anxiety.    


Needless to say, it must have been the enemy who kidnapped Qin Fei. Otherwise, he wouldn't have sent the news so quickly. The kidnappers must have taken the initiative to spread the news to him. What he needed to do now was not to be anxious. Instead, he waited slowly. Someone would come to contact him.    


But Mong Loong seemed to have guessed wrong this time. It had been a long time, but the enemy still did not make any moves.    


And during this period of time, there was no news of Qin Fei. Lin Yuelin felt like he was going crazy. He did not know what Qin Fei would encounter during this period of time. Those people killed without blinking their eyes. Lin Yuelin could not imagine what kind of life Qin Fei was living. However, he was really helpless about these things. He felt so helpless that it made him feel like he was breaking down.    


He felt that if he continued to wait like this, he would definitely go crazy.    


The person involved, Qin Fei, naturally did not know that everyone was panicking for her. She was worried because of the effects of some medicine. Every day, she was muddle-headed and did not know that such a long time had passed. She also did not know where she was now.    


This time, it was Wuqing who kidnapped Qin Fei, but Wuqing did not tell that person that he had already gotten Qin Fei.    


If that person knew that Qin Fei was in her hands, he would definitely treat her as a bargaining chip to threaten Mong Loong, but Wuqing was different from that person. Her heart might be even colder and harder than when she killed Qin Fei. She also had an even more malicious move, which was to destroy Qin Fei.    


During this period of time, Qin Fei had always been holding onto a type of medicine. If this medicine was late by a certain amount of time, it would cause people to lose their consciousness. Turning into a puppet. After that, she would let Qin Fei use it for herself and let her personally stab the knife into Mong Loong's chest. Mong Loong should have never thought that he would still die in the hands of his own daughter. When he thought of this, he felt his blood boiling.    


However, this medicine was still in the experimental stage. She did not know how the effect would be.    


It seemed like it would only take a week to completely destroy that person's consciousness. Now, a week had passed. Every day, she poured some wrong information and memories into Qin Fei's mind. As long as they accumulated over time. She would think that these wrong memories were her own memories.    


The heartless thing was to implant some memories into Qin Fei so that others would not be able to see Qin Fei's changes. Only by doing so could her plan be carried out properly.    


No one would have thought that her ruthless trump card was actually Qin Fei herself.    


In order to let Qin Fei have a deep-seated hatred for Mong Loong, Wuqing had made a long story about Qin Fei's late mother.    


After a week, Qin Fei's mind was empty. She received the same story every day.    


Half a month later, when everyone was looking for Qin Fei but to no avail, Qin Fei suddenly appeared at the entrance of Lin's residence.    


At this moment, the battle between Mong Loong and the enemy had reached the end. Both sides did not hold back at all. The enemy had called Loo Dong and Wuqing back to help him. Mong Loong could not hold back for a while.    


Mong Loong was under a lot of pressure. Loo Dong could not understand Wuqing more and more. In the past, she would never do her best to help, but now, Wuqing seemed to be different.    


Last time, Wukun had gathered them together. He didn't know what had happened, but at that time, Wuqing seemed to have no interest in the war. But this time, he had put in a lot of effort.    


Although Wuqing came a long time later, she put in so much effort that Wukun was very satisfied. She even forgave her late arrival. Originally, Mong Loong was very strong, but because of their hypotheses... Now, the main battlefield had become Wukun's.    


However, Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin didn't know about all of this, including Zhuilei. Mong Loong didn't want them to worry. This time, even if they were to lose, they would have to shoulder the responsibility.    


Zhuilei felt that something must have happened during the half a month that Qin Fei suddenly left and appeared again, but he could not tell what exactly had happened. After all, Qin Fei looked exactly the same as before.    


However, the second day after Qin Fei returned, Zhuilei found that Loo Dong and Wuqing had left the city with their respective forces. After Loo Dong and Wuqing left, the business world started to change again. Of course, these weren't what Wuqing and Loo Dong cared about.    


Zhuilei felt a little uneasy about all of this, so he quickly reported this matter to Mong Loong. In the past, he would receive a reply very quickly. But this time, he didn't. Zhuilei was about to rush to his side to take a look when he suddenly received a message.    


Loo Dong and Wu Qing were here to help Uncle Mong's enemies. Mong Loong didn't say anything else except for this. However, Zhuilei had been following Mong Loong for a long time. He had long felt that he must be struggling to hold on.    


Zhuilei still found out that Mong Loong was deliberately hiding the news. He was losing ground. After he told Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei about this matter, the two of them almost unanimously decided to go to Mong Loong.    


Soong Ze and Mei Shuang also wanted to go with him after knowing about it. The four of them were almost tied up together. Since they had experienced so much danger together, they did not care about one more thing.    


At the moment, Mong Loong was in a small town in Germany.    


This time, Soong Ze did not let Mei Shuang take the risk with him. He wanted to send Mei Shuang back safely. He asked Mei Zhu to lock her up and then meet up with Lin Yuelin.    


Therefore, Zhuilei first brought Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin to Germany. Although they didn't have much power in their hands, they all thought that they couldn't let Mong Loong fight alone. She was his daughter and must be by his side.    


Unfortunately, when they rushed to Germany, Mong Loong had already retreated to England, so it was Soong Ze who rushed to England first.    


Soong Ze had lived in England for a long time, so he was very familiar with England. He was the first to find Mong Loong. The two of them hit it off at first sight.    


Soon, Zhuilei had arrived with Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin. The family finally met.    


When Qin Fei saw Mong Loong, the expression on her face was a little unusual, but in an instant, the surrounding people did not notice anything unusual about Qin Fei.    


Mong Loong was both surprised and surprised by their arrival. He was also somewhat at a loss, especially when he saw Soong Ze. He could not help but think of his brother.    


"Children, why are you all here? It's too dangerous here." Mong Loong had never wanted to involve these young men.    


"It is because of the danger that we want to help you." Lin Yuelin had always known that his father-in-law didn't like him very much. So of course, he still had to perform well.    


"England is my territory, so I will come back sooner or later." Soong Ze smiled faintly.    


Even though Soong Ze did not like Qin Fei anymore, he would not let their matters go. They had experienced so much together and their relationship was already here. They could not be so disloyal.    


"Uncle Mong, why didn't you say anything? You are already an old man. There are many things that you can ask us to help you with. But you want to do it yourself? You are too capricious. " Knowing that Uncle Mong was being pushed back, Zhuilei's heart was burning with anxiety. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to see Uncle Mong if he came back late.    


Since it was already like this, Mong Loong couldn't say anything else. He had never dared to open his eyes to look at Qin Fei, but now he had to look at her. He had always wanted to protect her well, but he never thought that he would put her in danger in the end.    


"The current situation is very unfavorable to me. I don't know how to break through the enemy's encirclement. Mong Loong had been fighting on the battlefield for many years, but this was the first time he was so passive. He did not know what he should do to deal with the ever-changing moves of the enemy.    


" I think Soong Ze might be able to help us a little. After all, we have some understanding of the business world. " Lin Yuelin recommended himself.    


This chapter is over.    


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