Don't Go Against My Mommy

C580 Du Ning Was Accidentally Injured

C580 Du Ning Was Accidentally Injured

"What the hell are you? What do you want?" Du Ning hugged Qinglan tightly. No matter what happened, she had to protect her.    


"Can't you see that I want you to die." Xin Yi revealed a bloodthirsty smile.    


"But I don't know you at all. Why do you still want to kill me?" Du Ning did not know what happened at all, but what she could do now was to delay as much as possible. As for the use of delaying, she did not know.    


"Your cooperation with Lin Yuelin is hindering my master's matter. Of course, we have to settle you. If that's the case, Lin Yuelin will be isolated and helpless." What he said was what Qin Fei had taught him before.    


"Your master? Who is it? Do I know her? " Du Ning wanted to wait for the car to pass by so she could ask for help, but this place was so remote, there was no such possibility.    


"Du Ning, I hope you don't play tricks on me. Cooperate well with me and you can die faster. Xin Yi looked down at Du Ning from above. The expression on her face was very vivid. She was obviously scared to death, but she still pretended to be calm and collected.    


Du Qinglan slowly stopped being so nervous, so she began to observe the surrounding environment to see how she could help her mother get rid of this woman's predicament.    


Xin Yi's gaze was all on Du Ning and did not pay attention to Qinglan. Qinglan was waiting for the best opportunity. She did not believe that someone would not come over to take a look if they saw the car parked here. At that time, they would be able to ask for help.    


"There are surveillance cameras here. You can't possibly kill me here right? After killing me, you won't be able to escape either." Du Ning threatened.    


"Since I dare to stand here, I will tear down all those surveillance cameras and throw them into the river. You better not worry about me. Worry about yourself. " Xin Yi originally felt that this matter was very boring, but gradually she seemed to find joy in it.    


"I can give you money, as long as you let us go. I can give you a lot of money." Du Ning thought that since it was to help people kill, then it was the other party who gave her a lot of money. If she gave more money, she would probably let her go.    


"You are wrong. I don't need money. I might even be richer than that." This was the way businessmen handled things. No matter what, they could only think of money. What was the use of money? Xin Yi wanted to give her another look of disdain.    


"We don't have any hatred towards you. You helped that person kill us not for money, but for what?" Du Ning's eyes were filled with sadness. She felt that she could not escape today but Qinglan was still so young.    


"Of course I cannot let you guys go. Since I have already taken money from others, I will help to get rid of the disaster." Xin Yi stretched out his hand towards Du Ning as if he was about to make a move.    


Du Ning did not know what kind of ability this woman had. She only felt that she was just a woman. If she resisted, there might still be a chance of survival. So when her hand reached over, she even tried to confine her hand.    


Unexpectedly, Xin Yi easily broke her hand. "I think if I don't show you two hands, you might not know how powerful I am."    


Xin Yi knew that this was just a Gu, so she only broke her bones and went to the hospital to take a look.    


Du Qinglan saw that her mother was injured and her calmness finally broke. When she heard Du Ning crying, she also started to cry.    


"You bad guy, who exactly made you come to kill us? What kind of hatred do we have with you?" Du Qinglan looked straight at this woman as her mind kept recalling this woman's face. She was sure that she had never dated before.    


"You are really pretty. What kind of country do hybrids live in?" When she saw Qinglan's doll-like face, her heart softened. No matter if she lost her memory or not, she would not be able to resist the child.    


Xin reached out her hand to touch her face. Du Qinglan cried out in shock, "Don't touch me. Help, you bad woman."    


Du Ning also shouted.    


"I originally only wanted you to die. Since your daughter is so beautiful, I will keep her. But since you don't know what's good for you, then I will let you two be mother and son in the underworld." Xin Yi said coldly.    


"I know I was wrong. As long as my child can live, I'm willing to do anything you want me to do." Du Ning was a mother. Now that Qinglan was in danger, how could she care about the pain in her hands. She knew that she must let her live well.    


Du Ning knew that she was powerless to resist this woman. From the previous exchange, she could already see it. So if it was hard, then it could only be soft.    


"This time, you have learned your lesson." Xinyi smiled faintly.    


In the blur, Du Ning seemed to have seen her take out a dagger from somewhere. She knew that perhaps in the next second, her life might already be gone.    


Du Qinglan knew that her mother was willing to sacrifice her life for her sake, but her mother loved the daughter, and her daughter also loved her mother. She did not want her mother to die.    


"Help, you scoundrel, bastard. Go away, go away. " Qinglan shouted loudly.    


" I never thought that your relationship would be so good. It really touched me. But both of you are very stupid. You are so stupid that I can't wait to kill you." This scene drew a lot of memories from Heart One, as if many, many years ago... She had also encountered such a big fire, and there was also a woman who shouted her name loudly in the fire.    


"You are a devil, your heart is black, you are already rotten to the core." Du Qinglan only hated that she was too weak and that was why she let her mother suffer such a huge injury. She gritted her teeth and looked at Heart One.    


Xin Yi had been acting for a long time and finally heard the police car coming. If it did not come soon, she would have probably broken the law. It was obvious that she had called the police in advance in this police car. It was to give her a reason to retreat earlier.    


"You guys are lucky this time. If you still want to interfere with Lin Yuelin's matter, just wait for me to come next time." Xin Yi finally threatened them.    


After saying those threatening words, Xin Yi immediately left. Du Ning and Du Qinglan knew that they were saved. That scene just now was really too dangerous.    


Very soon, the ambulance also came and Du Ning was directly sent to the hospital. Qinglan had been holding her hand tightly and did not go anywhere.    


When Qin Fei heard this news from Xinyi, she quickly brought Lin Yuelin to the hospital. Cheng Luo had already gone to the hospital.    


Qin Fei was full of guilt. She just wanted to make Du Ning back off, but she did not expect that Xin Yi did not know the severity and actually broke her hand.    


In the hospital, Du Qinglan's eyes were already swollen from crying. Qin Fei looked at it and felt heartache, but all of this was because of her. What position did she have to comfort her?    


Lin Yuelin knew that Qin Fei would definitely blame herself so he knew that Du Ning was injured yesterday but he never told Qin Fei. He did not think that she would know today.    


Lin Yuelin held Qin Fei's hand tightly and held her in his arms to comfort her. "Fei Fei, you did the right thing. If our enemy really came knocking on our door... She might have already lost her life, so you did not do anything wrong. "    


Lin Yuelin would definitely support Qin Fei this time. They had already known about the evil nature of these people in Zurich. Their actions were much heavier than their hearts.    


"Du Ning." Although Lin Yuelin said so, she was still injured because of him. Qin Fei could not possibly not feel guilty.    


"Director Du." Lin Yuelin said with concern.    


"Please come and see me. I'm just a little hurt. There was no need to stay in the hospital, but Qinglan did not agree." Du Ning had been thinking about the woman who suddenly appeared last night. When she left, she said: If she were to take care of the Lin family's matters in the future, she would come looking for them.    


Previously, Du Ning told Lin Yuelin that she would help him. Although she did not know how these people knew about this matter, it was obvious that this time it was against Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei.    


Du Ning remembered what Lin Yuelin said in the study that day. He said that the enemy this time was very dangerous. She did not know how many times more vicious the attack was than Luh Cheng's. She did not believe it before. But now, she had to believe it. That woman looked very weak, but she didn't expect her actions to be so cruel. Even Qinglan was unwilling to let go.    


Cheng Luo had been sitting at the side and did not speak. Before Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei came, he was discussing with Du Ning whether to tell Lin Yuelin about this matter.    


"I asked the police. There will not be a car accident on the road when you are in trouble. Why are you injured? " Since they didn't want to say it openly, let him say it. This matter is related to their health, so we have to stop them from joining us.    


"President, don't talk about this matter anymore. Du Ning has not yet recovered from her fear. Don't mention her grief here." Du Ning had always been restless. Cheng Luo had told her many stories to make her happy. Now that Lin Yuelin mentioned this matter, her face showed fear again.    


"Sorry, it was all my fault." Lin Yuelin bowed to Du Ning. He had said it very directly. They should all understand, so they were going to leave.    


"Lin Yuelin, stop." Du Ning finally calmed down and called Lin Yuelin to stop.    


"This is not your fault." Du Ning was still hesitating whether she should continue to help Lin Yuelin, but at that moment, she made a decision. She did not want to tell Lin Yuelin the truth of this matter. It was all her own free will. So she did not want Lin Yuelin to blame himself.    


If she could be more prepared, she wouldn't let the enemy succeed.    


Lin Yuelin said very seriously, "Don't worry. I will make them pay a hundred times for all the troubles you suffered today."    


Of course, he had to put on a full show.    


This chapter is over.    


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