Don't Go Against My Mommy

C575 Qing Lan Wanted to See Mo Mo

C575 Qing Lan Wanted to See Mo Mo

Du Ning realized that her thoughts seemed to deviate from their original course. What was she thinking? Why did she like a cute shota like Cheng Luo? Lia must have kept repeating this person's name in front of her. She was slightly affected.    


"Hello, Director Du." Lin Yuelin had come down from upstairs and greeted Du Ning warmly.    


He was very grateful to Du Ning for abandoning the darkness and joining the light, which allowed him to find Qin Mo. ...    


Qin Fei was very happy to see Lia. Qin Mo had told her about Lia before. She could feel that her son liked this little girl very much. Naturally, his son liked her. Qin Fei would definitely like this little girl too. This little girl was really too beautiful. She was really compatible with Qin Mo.    


Qin Fei suddenly realized that she seemed to be thinking too much. These two were still children, so how could she be too hasty?    


"Lia. Lia. " Qin Fei called out in a friendly manner.    


"Auntie Qin Fei, Uncle Lin, long time no see." Lia was also very happy to see Qin Mo's parents.    


"Director Lin," Du Ning greeted.    


"I am no longer Director Lin. My company has declared bankruptcy. Director Du clearly knows about it." Lin Yuelin smiled in relief.    


Du Ning was a little shocked. Lin Yuelin did not look like he was pretending. A man who was so high and mighty in the past could actually accept such a huge difference. It was really not simple. Since it was such an extraordinary man, Du Ning absolutely did not believe that he would continue to be ordinary like this.    


"Where's Mo? Did he come back with you guys?" Lia heard Uncle Cheng Luo say that her uncle and aunt would be back soon. She thought that Mo must have come back too, so she followed him to see Mo.    


However, Lia looked around but did not see Mo.    


Qin Fei had seen the disappointment on her face, but she still could not help but tease, "So Lia came to see Mo. I thought she came to see us. It seems that Lia does not miss uncle and aunt at all."    


After Qin Fei said this, she felt that she was as bad as Lin Yuelin.    


After being exposed by Qin Fei's words, her small face immediately turned red.    


"No, I didn't come to see Mo. I only came to Lin's residence because I knew uncle and aunt were coming back." Lia would never admit that she was here specifically to see Mo. This was too unreserved. What if Auntie Qin didn't like this kind of person?    


Of course Du Ning knew what her daughter was thinking, but as Lia's mother. She would rather she liked other boys, the kind that must be happy and sunny. It was not like Qin Mo's invisible personality, which was too gloomy. Sometimes, Du Ning even felt that this boy was even more terrifying than his father when he grew up.    


"Then why did you ask Qin Mo the first question instead of Sheng or Little Dumpling?" Lin Yuelin also joined in the business of teasing his future daughter-in-law. He also liked this girl. She was very calm when she encountered things and could hide her words. She was worthy of his son.    


"You guys better not call me by my English name. My mother and I are staying in China now. I want to use China's name. My name is Du Qinglan. " Lia cleverly changed the topic. She did not want to deal with this couple alone.    


Du Ning knew that her daughter was shy, so she was no longer a bystander. "That's right. Although you guys are used to using English names, since you are in China, you have to abide by China's culture."    


"Qinglan, good name." Qin Fei did not know her Chinese name before and now she knew that Du Ning was really a very intelligent woman.    


Du Ning came to Lin's residence this time, of course, not only to accompany her daughter to see the little boy she liked. She still had a lot of things to discuss with Lin Yuelin.    


Lin Yuelin could tell from Du Ning's expression that she had something to tell him, so he led her to the study room. Qin Fei continued to play with Du Qinglan in the living room.    


Du Qinglan looked at Uncle Lin's back as he left and heaved a big sigh of relief. Just now Uncle Lin was joking with her and she almost said all the things in her heart.    


Qin Fei saw Du Qinglan's expression and asked, Qinglan, are you afraid of Uncle Lin? After all, other than their own children, there should be many children who were afraid of Lin Yuelin.    


"I am not afraid of him." Du Qinglan was a typical girl with different thoughts. She just did not want others to look down on her too much.    


But who was Qin Fei? After all, she had experienced so much wind and rain. Looking at her uneasy expression, one could tell that she was really afraid of Lin Yuelin.    


"Mo is now in another city. He might not be back for a long time. You will not be able to see him for a long time." Although it would be a little cruel to say that to Qinglan, she missed him no less than she did. But they had to bear such a thing.    


"Why didn't Mo come back with you and uncle?" Du Qinglan did not understand why Mo went back to the country together with her, but he went to other cities. Did he not want to see her? She suddenly felt sad.    


"You are still young. There are many reasons that I cannot tell you. But you can rest assured that as long as Uncle deals with the matters here, he will bring Mo and the others back as soon as possible. Because Auntie also misses my children. " Although Qin Fei missed them, she did not wish for them to return so soon.    


"How could it be like this? Since Auntie did not say it, then I will not ask." Although Du Qinglan was very disappointed, she thought about it again. Previously, Mo was overseas. Now that they were in the country, the distance between the two of them was clearly not very far.    


"I want to know where Mo and the others are now?" Du Qinglan asked curiously.    


"He City." Qin Fei did not say it in detail. A child's mouth was definitely not reliable, but if she did not tell him any information, she would not be happy. After weighing the pros and cons, she could only give a general description of a city.    


"I also seem to want to go. I really want to see Mo immediately." This was what Du Qinglan was thinking from the bottom of her heart.    


Qin Fei squatted down and was about the same height as her. She touched her seaweed-like hair. The more she looked at this mixed-blood girl, the more beautiful she looked. If it was really possible for her and her son in the future... Then the child they gave birth to would be so beautiful that no one knew what it would be like.    


She really hoped that the relationship between her childhood friend and her would succeed. Of course, the matter between her and Brother Song Ze was no longer possible. She hoped that Mo and Qinglan would have a chance.    


"Aunt Qin Fei, did you meet a very strong bad person again? That's why you separated from Mo and the others, not letting them get hurt?" Although her mother did not tell her anything, she also felt that something must have happened to her mother after she left early and returned late. Perhaps this city really wasn't as peaceful as it seemed on the surface.    


"Qinglan, I'm sorry. Auntie was distracted just now. I don't know what you are talking about. Can you repeat it?" Qin Fei was just thinking about the matter of childhood sweethearts and did not hear what Du Qinglan was saying at all.    


"Auntie Qin, I know that adults will not tell children about what happened. But have you thought that you think that it is a form of protection for us? But you will not let us know about the danger. We can't protect ourselves at all. It'll be even more dangerous. " Du Qinglan felt that Auntie Qin had heard it. She just did not want to tell the truth.    


The adults did not like to tell the truth.    


Qin Fei did not know how to explain it now. It was as if Qinglan had already determined that she was lying to her. However, she still did not know what Qinglan had said before. Thus, she looked at Cheng Luo opposite her and asked him for help.    


However, Cheng Luo was also busy with other things just now, so he did not hear what Qinglan said, so he could not save the situation.    


"Qinglan, what are you talking about? Auntie is getting more and more confused." Qin Fei's expression was a little awkward.    


She really did not know what these children ate to grow up. One or two brains were even more useful than an adult like her.    


"I say, is there something you guys are hiding from us children?" Du Qinglan could only repeat her question again. It was just that it was not as straightforward as at the beginning.    


"What do we have to hide from you?" Qin Fei was really confused and looked confused.    


"Auntie is most reluctant to part with her own child. Why did you and uncle come back this time but did not bring your child back? This means that this city is definitely dangerous. Auntie only left them in another city because she didn't want them to be hurt." Du Qinglan analyzed with a straight face.    


Qin Fei did not expect this little girl to be so smart. From a normal point of view, what she said was completely correct. She could not help but sigh that she could not even compare to a child. It was too tiring to talk to such a smart child. She was afraid that she would not be able to hold back and confess in the next second.    


Qin Fei could only shut her mouth and not say anything.    


Seeing that Auntie Qin did not want to answer her question, Du Qinglan's dissatisfaction was written all over her face. She said seriously, "Auntie Qin, you have to believe that our Du family will definitely do our best to help you."    


Anyone who wanted to hurt Mo was going against her. The Du family would not stand idly by.    


"Child, this is something that adults should worry about. You just need to grow up happily. Leave these matters to your uncles and aunties to worry about." Qin Fei looked at Du Qinglan with some heartache. It was because of how many things she had experienced before that she became so mature and sensible.    


But the term mature and sensible was not a good word for children. It meant that their childhood had been deprived.    


Qin Fei began to not believe the words of the ancient people. The ancient people often said that there was more trouble than good. Their eyes were always after the storm, but they had experienced many hardships together. They did not see any good results. It was as if they had been chosen by the hardships. All kinds of trials and tribulations appeared one after another.    


[This chapter is over]    


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