Don't Go Against My Mommy

C565 The Fight with Death

C565 The Fight with Death

Now the heart is cold to everything and people even though they don't know what their erased memories are, however, she knew that after losing her memories, she wasn't as dejected and sad as before. This could also be considered a blessing in disguise.    


Soong Ze knew what Lin Yuelin said, but he couldn't help but be afraid when he thought of Mei Shuang's dying and bloodied face. If Mei Shuang left him just like that, what would he do?    


He watched Mei Shuang fight against Death in the emergency room, but he could only stay outside and do nothing. He really hoped that Mei Shuang would be safe. He still had so many things that he did not tell him.    


He looked at Soong Ze's face full of pain and anxiety, as if some vague image of the past had appeared in his mind. Had he experienced such a scene before? He stared at a person in pain outside the emergency room.    


She shook her head and did not think about it anymore. She would never forget what had to be remembered. Since she had already forgotten, she did not need to worry about these problems.    


Soon Mei Shuang was pushed out of the room by the doctor. Soong Ze quickly got up from the corner of the wall and ran to the doctor to ask about her surgery.    


What the doctor said was the same as what Soong Ze was worried about. It was that the wound was infected, so even though the bullet was taken out, she was still having a high fever.    


When Soong Ze heard that, he quickly stretched out a hand to check the temperature on her forehead. The doctor angrily said, "What are you doing? Now the patient needs to be sent to sterile chamber. For the time being, you should not have any physical contact."    


Qin Fei also heard these words. She knew that it was serious. But she did not expect to need to be sent to sterile chamber. She hugged Lin Yuelin tightly. She didn't know what to do now. All of this was caused by her. She didn't know what she had to do to make up for the damage caused by this incident to Mei Shuang. She also didn't know how to explain it to her uncle.    


"Fei Fei, don't let the Mei family know about what happened to Mei Shuang this time." Lin Yuelin leaned over and whispered into Qin Fei's ear.    


He heard that Mei Shuang was the favorite granddaughter of the old master of the Mei family. If he knew about this, he would definitely bring his men and kill their way to Zurich. At that time, the situation would be a little chaotic, and Mei Shuang would be the one to block the spear for Soong Ze. Soong Ze's legs would probably be broken by the old master.    


"Alright." Qin Fei knew Lin Yuelin was worried.    




After a while, Qin Fei's emotions had stabilized. Furthermore, she was much calmer than before. She knew that she should not be in such a state of breakdown at this time. After all, this matter was caused by her, so she should bear the responsibility. When it came to taking care of people, men were naturally more careless than women, so she should take the initiative to take care of Mei Shuang. Let her take good care of her injuries.    


Seeing Qin Fei withdraw from his embrace, Lin Yuelin knew that Qin Fei had already returned. As long as Qin Fei did not blindly blame him and fell into a situation where she could not extricate herself. Then everything would become simple.    


There were many things that could not be resolved with tears. As long as you were careful, you could handle it well. It was not that the current situation could not be changed, but whether your chaotic state could be changed.    


"Yuelin, I must give Mei Shuang an explanation for this matter. So I must find out who wanted to kill me behind my back." Qin Fei had always been in a state where she did not want to cause any trouble. However, if she kept dodging, it would only attract more people. In the past, she was fine, but now, she had already hurt the people around her. Then this matter could not be let go just like that.    


"I think so too. I will investigate this matter. My niece isn't that easy to bully." Lin Yuelin's gaze was also very firm.    


When Xin heard the absurd conversation between these two people, she kept ridiculing and ridiculing them in her heart. These two people were really too naive. Even the boss did not find out who was behind this. How could she find out?    


Xin Yi was a proud and arrogant man. Apart from the boss, no one was convinced. So even if the boss wanted her to be Qin Fei's bodyguard, she could not give her enough respect. After all, this person was not worthy of her respect because he was stupid and acted up.    


Xin Yi's memory was erased, and that love that had ended before it even started was extracted from her brain just like that. However, the other memories were still complete. She knew that the person behind this person had the same power and strength as her boss.    


The boss felt that this man was very troublesome, so if Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei investigated him, perhaps they would disrupt her boss's plan, or they would send themselves to the enemy's door. Anyway, no matter what, they were just courting death.    


Qin Fei turned her head and saw the expression on Xin Yi's face. It was clearly contempt. She did not have a good impression of this woman. Although she had indeed saved her life, she still could not give her a good look.    


Furthermore, Qin Fei felt that this woman was not that simple. She said that she was sent by Mong Loong to protect her. She had never seen Mong Loong before. Who knew that this was perhaps just a false excuse she came up with. She had just saved their lives for them to see. In fact, it was only to gain their trust. Then, he would set off a long line to catch the big fish.    


Qin Fei had an intuition. This Heart One did not seem to respect her very much. She looked at her with a faintly discernible hatred in her eyes. Of course, the hatred between women was sometimes so unreasonable. It was either that she had a very good man by her side, or that this woman was very good-looking. Qin Fei had these two points, so it was understandable for her to be jealous.    


In any case, Qin Fei did not like her either. Since the two of them could not stand each other, it was understandable. Therefore, they did not need to face each other with fake faces. This way, it would not make the two of them appear too tired.    


"Xinyi, this place is already very safe. I don't need your protection anymore. Now is the time for all of our friends to gather together, so you should leave quickly." Qin Fei said bluntly.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei worriedly. He did not know why she would reject Xinyi so much, but he knew that the enemy was in the dark, so it was best for Xinyi to stay in this place.    


"Sorry, you are not the one who decides where I am going. My task is to protect your safety. I have already told the boss about what happened today. The boss told me to protect you closely. The boss is my only master. So I only listen to him. " Xin Yi looked at Qin Fei proudly. The coldness in her eyes made people look at her.    


"I don't want to listen to your pompous words. If you can't even agree to this condition, then... Then please don't appear in front of me in the future. I said that I don't need any protection from any of you. Since those people want my life, then they can just come and take it. I don't need your protection." Qin Fei's face was cold and her tone was firm.    


Lin Yuelin originally wanted to speak on behalf of her, but he saw Qin Fei glaring at him. Furthermore, her eyes were filled with ruthlessness and determination, so he could only swallow all the words that were about to come out of her mouth. A woman's hatred towards a woman was truly unreasonable. Lin Yuelin had truly broadened his horizons this time. In any case, a man's creed was to not provoke a woman.    


"I'm sorry. I think I have to reiterate my words. My mission is more important than your mood. We are all very busy. Do you think I will protect you if it is not the boss's request? Do you really think that I am very free every day? This is the last time I will explain to you that you shouldn't ask such a stupid question in the future. I won't listen anyway." Xin Yi said indifferently, "But don't worry. When Zhuilei returns, we won't have to meet again. I'm looking forward to Zhuilei's return just like you. "    


She didn't know why, but when she mentioned Zhuilei, she felt a little pain in her heart. This feeling made her feel uncomfortable all over, and she even felt a little panicked in her heart. Could it be that this Zhuilei was someone she had met before, or was he as annoying as Qin Fei? But Xin Yi did not know why he felt that Qin Fei was annoying. She was clearly not a woman with such a big emotional fluctuation. ...    


Could it be that Qin Fei and Zhuilei's memories were erased?    


"Will you never appear in front of me when Zhuilei returns?" Qin Fei's voice was finally filled with a little expectation.    


"Of course, I will not appear in front of you. But I have to protect you in the dark. The boss said that the enemy this time is really too fierce. He was afraid that Zhuilei wouldn't be able to handle it alone. The boss was most worried about your safety. "The corners of Xin Yi's mouth curled up into an evil smile. Occasionally, he even looked a little handsome and handsome.    


Actually, generally speaking, this kind of woman should be the type of person who could win Qin Fei's affection. However, for some reason, Qin Fei just felt that Xin Yi was a little annoying. After all, she had previously said that she was secretly protecting her, but in the end, she still hurt Mei Shuang. Then could Mei Shuang be injured because of her dereliction of duty?    


If such a situation occurred a few more times, Qin Fei's few lives would not be enough to die.    


Qin Fei felt that her heart was deliberately delayed. After all, the last time she came, she did not give her a good look, so this time it was to take revenge on her.    


Her heart looked at Qin Fei, thinking that this woman was really simple. All the worries were written on her face, so she said lightly, "I know what you are thinking in your heart. Do you think that Mei Shuang's injury has something to do with me? Is it because I appeared too late that the enemy had an opportunity to take advantage of me? "    


Qin Fei felt that her words were very direct, so direct that it made her feel a little awkward. So she did not like this kind of woman who did not have the ability to speak. It could also be said that she was a person without EQ.    


"You are right, that's what I think." Qin Fei answered very forcefully.    


Lin Yuelin suddenly realized. He said Qin Fei was a well-educated woman. Why did she have to treat her heart so badly? It turned out that it was because she blamed Mei Shuang's injury on her. However, she really shouldn't have treated her heart this way. If it wasn't for her appearance, at this time, Mei Shuang wasn't the only one who was injured.    


The task of Xin Yi was to protect Qin Fei and her family. Mei Shuang was not within her scope of protection. But Xin Yi liked that woman called Mei Shuang very much, so she was not willing to see her injured. When she saw Mei Shuang, it was as if she was looking at a mirror. There were too many injuries in her eyes that she could not help but love. It was as if her emotions were the same as the feelings that she revealed most of the time. Of course, this was only in the past.    


[This chapter is over]    


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